[1059]fes begin commit:977af20-dirty [1062]set pll start [1064]fix vccio detect value:0xc0 [1068]periph0 has been enabled [1071]set pll end [1072][pmu]: bus read error [1075]board init ok [1077]beign to init dram [1079]ZQ value = 0x2e [1081]get_pmu_exist() = -1 [1084]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [1086]trefi:7.8ms [1088][AUTO DEBUG] single rank and full DQ! [1092]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [1095]trefi:7.8ms [1097][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 row = 13 [1100][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 bank = 4 [1103][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 page size = 2 KB [1107]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V0.33 [1110]DRAM CLK = 528 MHz [1113]DRAM Type = 2 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3) [1116]DRAMC read ODT off. [1118]DRAM ODT off. [1120]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [1123]DRAM SIZE =64 M [1125]dram_tpr4:0x0 [1127]PLL_DDR_CTRL_REG:0xf8002b00 [1130]DRAM_CLK_REG:0xc0000000 [1133][TIMING DEBUG] MR2= 0x0 [1137]DRAM simple test OK. [1140]init dram ok U-Boot 2018.05-ga81c5b4-dirty (Jul 19 2022 - 17:00:21 +0800) Allwinner Technology [04.079]DRAM: 64 MiB [04.084]Relocation Offset is: 01ef1000 [04.108]secure enable bit: 0 [04.114]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz MBus=300Mhz [04.120]flash init start [04.122]workmode = 16,storage type = 0 try card 2 set card number 2 get card number 2 [04.130][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2021-11-04 09:52:00 [04.140][mmc]: get sdc_type fail and use default host:tm4. [04.170][mmc]: Is not Boot mode! [04.173][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310 [04.184][mmc]: ************Try SD card 2************ [04.190][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [04.194][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO [04.197][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [04.202][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [04.206][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO [04.210][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [04.214][mmc]: ************Try MMC card 2************ [04.223][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [04.227][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 1, RTO [04.230][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [04.235][mmc]: Card did not respond to voltage select! [04.240][mmc]: ************SD/MMC 2 init error!************ [04.245][mmc]: mmc init product failed MMC init failed try emmc fail [04.261]sunxi-spinand: AW SPINand MTD Layer Version: 1.5 20200407 [04.266]sunxi-spinand-phy: AW SPINand Phy Layer Version: 1.9 20200306 [04.327]sunxi-spinand-phy: request spi0 gpio ok [04.331]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general tx dma channel ok! [04.337]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general rx dma channel ok! [04.342]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 20 Mhz [04.347]sunxi-spinand-phy: init spic0 clk ok sspi->base_addr = 0x4025000, the SPI control register: [VER] 0x4025000 = 0x00010001, [GCR] 0x4025004 = 0x00000083, [TCR] 0x4025008 = 0x00000184 [ICR] 0x4025010 = 0x00000f00, [ISR] 0x4025014 = 0x00000032, [FCR] 0x4025018 = 0x00200020 [FSR] 0x402501c = 0x00000000, [WCR] 0x4025020 = 0x00000000, [CCR] 0x4025024 = 0x00000002 [SDC] 0x4025028 = 0x00002000, [BCR] 0x4025030 = 0x00000000, [TCR] 0x4025034 = 0x00000000 [BCC] 0x4025038 = 0x00000000, [DMA] 0x4025088 = 0x000000e5 [04.392]sunxi-spinand-phy: not detect any munufacture from id table [04.408]sunxi-spinand-phy: get spi-nand Model from fdt fail [04.413]sunxi-spinand-phy: get phy info from fdt fail [04.418]sunxi-spinand-phy: not detect munufacture from fdt [04.423]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect munufacture from id table: Mxic [04.429]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect spinand id: ffff12c2 ffffffff [04.435]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== arch info ========== [04.440]sunxi-spinand-phy: Model: MX35LF1GE4AB [04.445]sunxi-spinand-phy: Munufacture: Mxic [04.450]sunxi-spinand-phy: DieCntPerChip: 1 [04.454]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlkCntPerDie: 1024 [04.459]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageCntPerBlk: 64 [04.463]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectCntPerPage: 4 [04.468]sunxi-spinand-phy: OobSizePerPage: 64 [04.472]sunxi-spinand-phy: BadBlockFlag: 0x1 [04.477]sunxi-spinand-phy: OperationOpt: 0x7 [04.482]sunxi-spinand-phy: MaxEraseTimes: 65000 [04.486]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccFlag: 0x2 [04.491]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccType: 4 [04.495]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccProtectedType: 3 [04.500]sunxi-spinand-phy: ======================================== [04.506]sunxi-spinand-phy: [04.508]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== physical info ========== [04.514]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize: 128 M [04.518]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize: 512 B [04.522]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize: 2 K [04.526]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize: 128 K [04.530]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize: 64 B [04.534]sunxi-spinand-phy: ======================================== [04.540]sunxi-spinand-phy: [04.543]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== logical info ========== [04.548]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize: 128 M [04.552]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize: 512 B [04.557]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize: 4 K [04.561]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize: 256 K [04.565]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize: 128 B [04.569]sunxi-spinand-phy: ======================================== [04.584]sunxi-spinand-phy: MX35LF1GE4AB reset rx bit width to 1 [04.590]sunxi-spinand-phy: MX35LF1GE4AB reset tx bit width to 1 [04.596]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 100 Mhz [04.600]sunxi-spinand-phy: block lock register: 0x00 [04.605]sunxi-spinand-phy: feature register: 0x11 [04.609]sunxi-spinand-phy: sunxi physic nand init end [04.619]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK [04.632]try to burn key [04.636]out of usb burn from boot: not need burn key [04.640]Net: [04.642]No ethernet found. Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sunxi work mode=0x10 run usb efex delay time 2500 weak:otg_phy_config usb init ok set address 0x8 set address 0x8 ok set address 0x9 set address 0x9 ok the 0 mbr table is ok the 1 mbr table is ok the 2 mbr table is ok the 3 mbr table is ok *************MBR DUMP*************** total mbr part 8 part[0] name :boot-resource part[0] classname :DISK part[0] addrlo :0x800 part[0] lenlo :0x1f8 part[0] user_type :32768 part[0] keydata :0 part[0] ro :0 part[1] name :env part[1] classname :DISK part[1] addrlo :0x9f8 part[1] lenlo :0x1f8 part[1] user_type :32768 part[1] keydata :0 part[1] ro :0 part[2] name :env-redund part[2] classname :DISK part[2] addrlo :0xbf0 part[2] lenlo :0x1f8 part[2] user_type :32768 part[2] keydata :0 part[2] ro :0 part[3] name :boot part[3] classname :DISK part[3] addrlo :0xde8 part[3] lenlo :0x5000 part[3] user_type :32768 part[3] keydata :0 part[3] ro :0 part[4] name :rootfs part[4] classname :DISK part[4] addrlo :0x5de8 part[4] lenlo :0xe600 part[4] user_type :32768 part[4] keydata :0 part[4] ro :0 part[5] name :recovery part[5] classname :DISK part[5] addrlo :0x143e8 part[5] lenlo :0x5780 part[5] user_type :32768 part[5] keydata :0 part[5] ro :0 part[6] name :rootfs_data part[6] classname :DISK part[6] addrlo :0x19b68 part[6] lenlo :0x2800 part[6] user_type :32768 part[6] keydata :0 part[6] ro :0 part[7] name :UDISK part[7] classname :DISK part[7] addrlo :0x1c368 part[7] lenlo :0x0 part[7] user_type :0 part[7] keydata :0 part[7] ro :0 common1(partition3) need it, here is a weak func total part: 9 mbr 0, 800, 8000 boot-resource 1, 1f8, 8000 env 2, 1f8, 8000 env-redund 3, 1f8, 8000 boot 4, 5000, 8000 rootfs 5, e600, 8000 recovery 6, 5780, 8000 rootfs_data 7, 2800, 8000 UDISK 8, 0, 0 [07.873]erase blk 0 to blk 32