@tevet 时好时坏的 又不行了 ,dmesg如下
root@TinaLinux:/# dmesg
RTL871X: _rtw_pwr_wakeup call ips_leave....
RTL871X: ==>ips_leave cnts:5
RTL871X: ===> rtw_ips_pwr_up..............
RTL871X: ===> ips_netdrv_open.........
RTL871X: FW does not exist before power on!!
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: bMacPwrCtrlOn=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=2
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: val_mix:0x0000063f, res:0x0000063f
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x100 the result of cmd52 and cmd53 is the same.
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x1B8 test Pass.
RTL871X: Power on ok!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(wlan0) tmp_ps=3
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload fw: FW_NIC, size: 21020
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: fw_ver=4 fw_subver=0000 sig=0x88f1, Month=08, Date=22, Hour=17, Minute=36
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(): Shift for fw header!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload by IO write!
RTL871X: polling_fwdl_chksum: Checksum report OK! (1, 0ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x00050505
RTL871X: _8051Reset8188: Finish
RTL871X: _FWFreeToGo: Polling FW ready OK! (100, 20ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x000505c6
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: DLFW OK !
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload success. write_fw:1, 220ms
RTL871X: <=== rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload()
RTL871X: HalDetectPwrDownMode(): PDN=0
RTL871X: Set RF Chip ID to RF_6052 and RF type to 3.
RTL871X: #### hw_var_set_opmode() -4815 iface_type(0) mode = 2 ####
RTL871X: rtw_rf_get_kfree_tx_gain_offset path:0, ch:6, bb_gain_sel:0, kfree_offset:2
RTL871X: kfree gain_offset 0x55:0x82060
RTL871X: after :0x8a060
RTL871X: <=== rtw_ips_pwr_up.............. in 710ms
RTL871X: nolinked power save leave
RTL871X: ==> ips_leave.....LED(0x01028282)...
RTL871X: survey done event(0) band:0 for wlan0
RTL871X: rtw_indicate_scan_done(wlan0)
RTL871X: ==>rtw_ps_processor .fw_state(8)
RTL871X: ==>ips_enter cnts:6
RTL871X: nolinked power save enter
RTL871X: ===> rtw_ips_pwr_down...................
RTL871X: ====> rtw_ips_dev_unload...
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: bMacPwrCtrlOn=0
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=3
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=0
RTL871X: <=== rtw_ips_pwr_down..................... in 10ms
RTL871X: cfg80211_rtw_scan(wlan0)
RTL871X: _rtw_pwr_wakeup call ips_leave....
RTL871X: ==>ips_leave cnts:6
RTL871X: ===> rtw_ips_pwr_up..............
RTL871X: ===> ips_netdrv_open.........
RTL871X: FW does not exist before power on!!
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: bMacPwrCtrlOn=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=2
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: val_mix:0x0000063f, res:0x0000063f
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x100 the result of cmd52 and cmd53 is the same.
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x1B8 test Pass.
RTL871X: Power on ok!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(wlan0) tmp_ps=3
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload fw: FW_NIC, size: 21020
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: fw_ver=4 fw_subver=0000 sig=0x88f1, Month=08, Date=22, Hour=17, Minute=36
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(): Shift for fw header!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload by IO write!
RTL871X: polling_fwdl_chksum: Checksum report OK! (1, 0ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x00050505
RTL871X: _8051Reset8188: Finish
RTL871X: _FWFreeToGo: Polling FW ready OK! (107, 10ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x000505c6
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: DLFW OK !
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload success. write_fw:1, 220ms
RTL871X: <=== rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload()
RTL871X: HalDetectPwrDownMode(): PDN=0
RTL871X: Set RF Chip ID to RF_6052 and RF type to 3.
RTL871X: #### hw_var_set_opmode() -4815 iface_type(0) mode = 2 ####
RTL871X: rtw_rf_get_kfree_tx_gain_offset path:0, ch:6, bb_gain_sel:0, kfree_offset:2
RTL871X: kfree gain_offset 0x55:0x82060
RTL871X: after :0x8a060
RTL871X: <=== rtw_ips_pwr_up.............. in 760ms
RTL871X: nolinked power save leave
RTL871X: ==> ips_leave.....LED(0x01028282)...
RTL871X: survey done event(0) band:0 for wlan0
RTL871X: rtw_indicate_scan_done(wlan0)
RTL871X: ==>rtw_ps_processor .fw_state(8)
RTL871X: ==>ips_enter cnts:7
RTL871X: nolinked power save enter
RTL871X: ===> rtw_ips_pwr_down...................
RTL871X: ====> rtw_ips_dev_unload...
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: bMacPwrCtrlOn=0
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=3
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=0
RTL871X: <=== rtw_ips_pwr_down..................... in 10ms
RTL871X: cfg80211_rtw_scan(wlan0)
RTL871X: _rtw_pwr_wakeup call ips_leave....
RTL871X: ==>ips_leave cnts:7
RTL871X: ===> rtw_ips_pwr_up..............
RTL871X: ===> ips_netdrv_open.........
RTL871X: FW does not exist before power on!!
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: bMacPwrCtrlOn=1
RTL871X: SetHwReg8188F: hci_sus_state=2
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: val_mix:0x0000063f, res:0x0000063f
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x100 the result of cmd52 and cmd53 is the same.
RTL871X: PowerOnCheck: 0x1B8 test Pass.
RTL871X: Power on ok!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(wlan0) tmp_ps=3
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload fw: FW_NIC, size: 21020
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: fw_ver=4 fw_subver=0000 sig=0x88f1, Month=08, Date=22, Hour=17, Minute=36
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload(): Shift for fw header!
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload by IO write!
RTL871X: polling_fwdl_chksum: Checksum report OK! (1, 0ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x00050505
RTL871X: _8051Reset8188: Finish
RTL871X: _FWFreeToGo: Polling FW ready OK! (100, 20ms), REG_MCUFWDL:0x000505c6
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload: DLFW OK !
RTL871X: rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload success. write_fw:1, 230ms
RTL871X: <=== rtl8188f_FirmwareDownload()
RTL871X: HalDetectPwrDownMode(): PDN=0
RTL871X: Set RF Chip ID to RF_6052 and RF type to 3.
RTL871X: #### hw_var_set_opmode() -4815 iface_type(0) mode = 2 ####
RTL871X: rtw_rf_get_kfree_tx_gain_offset path:0, ch:6, bb_gain_sel:0, kfree_offset:2
RTL871X: kfree gain_offset 0x55:0x82060
RTL871X: after :0x8a060
RTL871X: <=== rtw_ips_pwr_up.............. in 720ms
RTL871X: nolinked power save leave
RTL871X: ==> ips_leave.....LED(0x01028282)...