hacker_eXkc 发布的最新帖子
回复: 选型需求有款设备,需要音频,1000m以太网,usb,要linux操作系统。 现在全志满足这些要求的,哪款芯片最便宜?
allwiner based second hand Tv box
回复: D1H支持MIPI触摸屏吗
@allwinner_account use a a display driver board that support touch screen screen. Those board will give a usb for the touch screen.
回复: 请问,有人在D1s成功运行过主线Linux系统么?
btw i run mainline kernal n u boot on d1h based sbc
Mainline uboot for d1 h https://github.com/smaeul/u-boot/tree/d1-wip
Mainline kernel for d1h https://github.com/smaeul/linux/tree/riscv/d1-wip
回复: 有没有大佬在D1上跑过QT
qbittorent work on mango pi mq-pro
btw dolphin ( kde (A Qt desktop environment) file manager) and qterminal was crashed.
回复: 自己做的F1C200s板子开机几分钟就挂了,但是widora的板子正常
your linux kernel crashed . maybe it is device tree issue idk.