给MediaPlayer设置setLooping(true)之后,自动循环播放时i/O异常,错误信息不明,有办法处理么 ?
03-19 17:15:08.436 1899 8844 D awplayer: <QueueBufferToShow:1263>: video pts(21.000)
03-19 17:15:08.524 1899 8825 D awplayer: <XPlayerThread:2042>: process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_START.
03-19 17:15:08.525 1899 8825 D awplayer: <XPlayerThread:2117>: seekTo 0.00 secs
03-19 17:15:08.525 1899 8825 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video render receive cmd: pause
03-19 17:15:08.525 1899 8825 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video decoder receive cmd: pause
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <CdxMovSeek:281>: =============mov seek to: 0 ms, totaltime = 21042 ms
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <MovSeekSample:1883>: ############## sfrmidx = [0]
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <MovSeekSample:1889>: --- key frame = 0
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <movSeekKeySample:1281>: --- +++++video_time:0 audio_time:-6205062206004711220
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <CdxMovSeek:333>: ---- seek end
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <callbackProcess:3134>: DEMUX_NOTIFY_SEEK_FINISH
03-19 17:15:08.537 1899 8840 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video decoder receive cmd: reset
03-19 17:15:08.538 1899 8840 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video render receive cmd: reset
03-19 17:15:08.538 1899 8840 D awplayer: <PlayerStart:731>: player start
03-19 17:15:08.538 1899 8840 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video decoder receive cmd: start
03-19 17:15:08.539 1899 8840 D awplayer: <BaseCompPostAndWait:61>: video render receive cmd: start
03-19 17:15:08.606 1899 8824 D awplayer: <StreamCacheGetBufferFullness:329>: c->nPassedDataSize 0M, c->nDataSize 2M, c->nMaxBufferSize 20M
03-19 17:15:08.606 1899 8840 W CdxMovParser: <__CdxMovParserRead:676>: read error
03-19 17:15:08.606 1899 8840 W demuxComponent: <CacheThread:3620>: read data from parser return fail.
03-19 17:15:08.619 1899 8844 I awplayer: <callbackProcess:3224>: xxxxxxxxxx video size : width = 1280, height = 720
03-19 17:15:08.619 1899 8844 D awplayer: <callbackProcess:2038>: === set videosize (1280, 720)
03-19 17:15:08.620 1899 8844 D awplayer: <CallbackProcess:2778>: first video pts = 83333
03-19 17:15:08.620 1899 8844 D awplayer: <CallbackProcess:2795>: no audio, set time to 83333 and start timer.
03-19 17:15:08.622 1899 8844 D awplayer: <QueueBufferToShow:1263>: video pts(0.083)
03-19 17:15:08.643 22871 23816 W MediaPlayer: info/warning (3, 0)
03-19 17:15:08.655 1899 5332 I awplayer: <XPlayerIsPlaying:967>: isPlaying
03-19 17:15:08.667 1899 8824 I demuxComponent: <DemuxThread:2745>: detect io error, notify IOERROR.
03-19 17:15:08.667 1899 8824 E awplayer: <callbackProcess:2975>: [40;31mio error...[0m
03-19 17:15:08.670 22871 23848 E MediaPlayer: error (1, 0)
03-19 17:15:08.675 22871 26688 E MediaPlayer: Error (1,0)
03-19 17:15:08.675 22871 26688 D VideoRender: onError what = 1,extra = 0, mp=SafelyMediaPlayer@d7a9ecf
03-19 17:15:08.675 22871 26688 D VideoRender: MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN