买的V853的开发板 使用官方的sdk编译可以正常下载。但是如何可以烧写到v853s芯片,使用同一个SDK是否可以? 需要做哪些改动 谢谢。
@hzhy1234 SDK不通用,V853的不支持烧写到V853s
@whycanservice 您好,能提供一个V853S的SDK么。
我修改了vim device/config/chips/v853/configs/vision/sys_config.fex
;dram_tpr11 = 0x00420000
;dram_tpr12 = 0x00000048
;dram_tpr13 = 0x34010100;hzhy add v853s perf1
dram_tpr11 = 0x00220000
dram_tpr12 = 0x00000057
dram_tpr13 = 0x34050100修改后,V853s可以烧写进入 但是串口打印显示初始化dram失败,打印结果如下:
[198]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[200]BOOT0 commit : 2a3ec52022
[203]set pll start
[205]periph0 has been enabled
[208]set pll end
[211]PMU: AXP21
[214]board init ok
[216]DRAM use external ZQ!!
[218]bootinfo error 3
[220]ic cant match axp, please check...
[224]init dram fail
@hzhy1234 V853 的 CHIPID 与 V853S的不同,当然烧录不进去,就算绕过BOOT0的检测OPTEE也会报错无法启动
@whycanservice 请问 这个该如何解决,谢谢
@hzhy1234 需要获取 V853s 使用的 SDK,带有
类似的方案即可适配。 -
@whycanservice 我使用过这个SDK包,1)source build/envsetup.sh; 2)lunch 选择v853s_perf1-tina; 3)mp 程序卡住,停留如下:
arning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/nand0@04011000 has a unit name, but no reg property
Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/spi@4025000/spi_board0 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name
Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/lcd0@05461000 has a unit name, but no reg property
Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/clk_test@0x12345 has a unit name, but no reg property
Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /aliases@45100000 has a unit name, but no reg property
Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /gpu@0x01800000 has a unit name, but no reg property
Conver script to dts ok.
don't build dtbo ...
mv: cannot stat 'u-boot-spinor-crash.fex': No such file or directory
pack boot package
GetPrivateProfileSection read to end
content_count=3请问 这个该如何修改一下
@hzhy1234 这里仅仅可以看到错误是
mv: cannot stat 'u-boot-spinor-crash.fex': No such file or directory
[partition_start] [partition] name = boot-resource size = 6016 downloadfile = "boot-resource.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = env size = 1008 downloadfile = "env.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = boot ;size = 4096 size = 25200 downloadfile = "boot.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = rootfs size = 25200 downloadfile = "rootfs.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = rootfs_data size = 10080 user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = recovery size = 20160 ;downloadfile = "recovery.fex" user_type = 0x8000 ; ;[partition] ; name = misc ; size = 512 ; user_type = 0x8000 ; ;[partition] ; name = private ; size = 512 ; user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = UDISK user_type = 0x8100
@whycanservice 实际使用介质是emmc的
vim device/config/chips/v853s/configs/perf1/linux/sys_partition.fex[partition_start] [partition] name = boot-resource size = 6016 downloadfile = "boot-resource.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = env size = 1008 downloadfile = "env.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = boot ;size = 4096 size = 25200 downloadfile = "boot.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = rootfs size = 25200 downloadfile = "rootfs.fex" user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = rootfs_data size = 10080 user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = recovery size = 20160 ;downloadfile = "recovery.fex" user_type = 0x8000 ; ;[partition] ; name = misc ; size = 512 ; user_type = 0x8000 ; ;[partition] ; name = private ; size = 512 ; user_type = 0x8000 [partition] name = UDISK user_type = 0x8100
vim device/config/chips/v853s/configs/perf1/sys_config.fex
[product] version = "100" machine = "evb" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; system configuration ; ? ;dcdc1_vol ---set dcdc1 voltage,mV,1600-3400,100mV/step ;dcdc2_vol ---set dcdc2 voltage,mV,600-1540,20mV/step ;dcdc3_vol ---set dcdc3 voltage,mV,600-1860,20mV/step ;dcdc4_vol ---set dcdc4 voltage,mV,600-1540,20mV/step ;dcdc5_vol ---set dcdc5 voltage,mV,1000-2550,50mV/step ;aldo2_vol ---set aldo2 voltage,mV,700-3300,100mV/step ;aldo3_vol ---set aldo3 voltage,mV,700-3300,100mV/step ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [power_sply] dcdc1_vol = 3000 dcdc2_vol = 1200 dcdc3_vol = 1200 dcdc4_vol = 1200 dcdc5_vol = 1500 aldo2_vol = 1800 aldo3_vol = 3000 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; 7-6 bit 5-0 bit ;power_mode = grain_size|vol 设置系统电压,=0则不设置,范围900~1200mV ;grain_size = 电压粒度 0:10mV 1:20mV 2:50mV 3:100mV ;vol = 电压系数 =0则不设置 ;grain_size=0电压公式:sys_vol = 500mV + vol * 10mV ;grain_size=1电压公式:sys_vol = 500mV + vol * 20mV ;grain_size=2电压公式:sys_vol = 500mV + vol * 50mV ;grain_size=3电压公式:sys_vol = 500mV + vol * 100mV ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [target] storage_type = 3 nand_use_ubi = 1 power_mode = 0 [card_boot] logical_start = 40960 sprite_gpio0 = [card0_boot_para] card_ctrl = 0 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 4 sdc_d1 = port:PF0<2><1><default><default> sdc_d0 = port:PF1<2><1><default><default> sdc_clk = port:PF2<2><1><default><default> sdc_cmd = port:PF3<2><1><default><default> sdc_d3 = port:PF4<2><1><default><default> sdc_d2 = port:PF5<2><1><default><default> [card2_boot_para] card_ctrl = 2 card_high_speed = 1 card_line = 8 sdc_clk = port:PC0<3><1><3><default> sdc_cmd = port:PC1<3><1><3><default> sdc_d0 = port:PC2<3><1><3><default> sdc_d1 = port:PC3<3><1><3><default> sdc_d2 = port:PC4<3><1><3><default> sdc_d3 = port:PC5<3><1><3><default> sdc_d4 = port:PC6<3><1><3><default> sdc_d5 = port:PC7<3><1><3><default> sdc_d6 = port:PC8<3><1><3><default> sdc_d7 = port:PC9<3><1><3><default> sdc_emmc_rst = port:PC11<3><1><3><default> sdc_ds = port:PC10<3><2><3><default> [spinor_para] ;read_mode =4 ;flash_size =16 ;delay_cycle =1 ;frequency =100000000 spi_sclk = port:PC00<4><0><2><default> spi_cs = port:PC01<4><1><2><default> spi0_mosi = port:PC02<4><0><2><default> spi0_miso = port:PC03<4><0><2><default> spi0_wp = port:PC04<4><0><2><default> spi0_hold = port:PC05<4><0><2><default> [twi_para] twi_used = 1 twi_port = 4 twi_scl = port:PI01<6><1><default><default> twi_sda = port:PI02<6><1><default><default> [uart_para] uart_debug_port = 0 uart_debug_tx = port:PH09<5><1><default><default> uart_debug_rx = port:PH10<5><1><default><default> [jtag_para] jtag_enable = 0 jtag_ms = port:PH11<2><default><default><default> jtag_ck = port:PH12<2><default><default><default> jtag_do = port:PH13<2><default><default><default> jtag_di = port:PH14<2><default><default><default> ;***************************************************************************** ;sdram configuration ; ;***************************************************************************** [dram_para] dram_clk = 936 dram_type = 3 dram_zq = 0x7b7bfb dram_odt_en = 0x1 dram_para1 = 0x0010f2 dram_para2 = 0x0 dram_mr0 = 0x1c70 dram_mr1 = 0x42 dram_mr2 = 0x18 dram_mr3 = 0x0 dram_tpr0 = 0x004A2195 dram_tpr1 = 0x02423190 dram_tpr2 = 0x0008B061 dram_tpr3 = 0xB4787896 dram_tpr4 = 0x0 dram_tpr5 = 0x48484848 dram_tpr6 = 0x48 dram_tpr7 = 0x1621121e dram_tpr8 = 0x0 dram_tpr9 = 0x0 dram_tpr10 = 0x0 dram_tpr11 = 0x00220000 dram_tpr12 = 0x00000057 dram_tpr13 = 0x34050100
其他附件都源于路径 device/config/chips/v853s/configs/perf1下。uboot-board.dts sys_config.fex board.dts sys_partition_nor.fex sys_partition.fex env-4.9.cfg config-4.9 bootlogo.fex
@hzhy1234 请提供打包时的 LOG,类似下列内容
--==========-- PACK_CHIP sun8iw21p1 PACK_PLATFORM tina PACK_BOARD v853s-perf1 PACK_KERN PACK_DEBUG uart0 PACK_SIG none PACK_SECURE none PACK_MODE normal PACK_FUNC android PACK_PROGRAMMER none PACK_TAR_IMAGE none PACK_TOPDIR /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851 --==========-- No kernel param, parse it from v853s copying tools file copying configs file storage_type value is 3 storage type is nor image_nor.cfg is exist mv image_nor.cfg image.cfg copying boot resource copying boot file make user resource for : /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/sys_partition_nor.fex handle partition user-res no user resource partitions APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE = /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/app.fex Need size of filesystem no data resource partitions Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/test_pins@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipia@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipia@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib_4lane@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib_4lane@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi_pa@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi_pa@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dsi4lane@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dsi4lane@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wlan@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart3@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart3@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi3@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi3@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi4@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi4@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dmic@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dmic_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio0_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio1_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm4@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm4@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm9@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm9@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wiegand@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wiegand@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/gmac0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/gmac0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/isp_boot0_gpio@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl-test@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/rt-media@01c0e000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/spi@04025000/spi_board0 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit nameWarning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02502800/goodix has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02502c00/da380 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/charger@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/powerkey@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/regulators@0 has a unit name, but no reg propertyWarning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/axp_gpio@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/lcd0@05461000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/usbc0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/isp@4 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/actuator@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/flash@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/sensor@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/sensor@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/e907_standby@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/wlan@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/gpio_charger@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /reserved-memory/optee_reserve has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /reserved-memory/riscv_memserve has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1104000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1104000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_sys_user@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_cma@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /interrupt-controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /sram_ctrl has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/cpu_crit@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_sample@0 has a unit name, but no reg property p=soc c=product state=0 p=soc c=power_sply state=0 p=soc c=target state=0 p=soc c=card_boot state=0 p=soc c=card0_boot_para state=0 p=soc c=card2_boot_para state=0 p=soc c=spinor_para state=0 p=soc c=twi_para state=0 p=soc c=uart_para state=0 p=soc c=jtag_para state=0 p=soc c=dram state=0 p=soc c=partitions state=0 p=partitions c=boot-resource state=0 p=partitions c=boot state=0 p=partitions c=rootfs state=0 p=partitions c=extend state=0 p=partitions c=rootfs_data state=0 p=partitions c=env state=0 p=partitions c=UDISK state=0 Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/test_pins@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/sdc2@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipia@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipia@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib_4lane@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/mipib_4lane@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/csi_mclk2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi_pa@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/ncsi_pa@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dsi4lane@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dsi4lane@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wlan@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart3@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart3@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spi1@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spif0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi3@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi3@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi4@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/twi4@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dmic@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/dmic_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio0_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/daudio1_sleep@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm4@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm4@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm9@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/pwm9@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wiegand@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/wiegand@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/gmac0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/gmac0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/card0_boot_para@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/card2_boot_para@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/card2_boot_para@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spinor_para@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/spinor_para@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart_para@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/jtag_para@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/isp_boot0_gpio@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl-test@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/rt-media@01c0e000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/spi@04025000/spi_board0 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit nameWarning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02502800/goodix has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02502c00/da380 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/charger@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/powerkey@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/regulators@0 has a unit name, but no reg propertyWarning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/twi@0x02503000/pmu@0/axp_gpio@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/lcd0@05461000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/usbc0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/isp@4 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/actuator@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/flash@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/sensor@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/vind@0/sensor@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/e907_standby@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/wlan@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/gpio_charger@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /reserved-memory/optee_reserve has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /reserved-memory/riscv_memserve has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@408000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@600000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@720000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-92 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@900000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-96 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1008000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1104000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1104000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_sys_user@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_cma@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /interrupt-controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /sram_ctrl has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/cpu_crit@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_sample@0 has a unit name, but no reg property mv: 'temp_fdt.dtb' and '/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/temp_fdt.dtb' are the same file mv: 'temp_ubootnodtb.bin' and '/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/temp_ubootnodtb.bin' are the same file Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/power_sply@4500000c has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/power_delay@4500024 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/platform@45000004 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/target@45000008 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/charger0@45000010 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/card_boot@45000014 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/gpio_bias@45000018 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/sunxi_flashmap@45000018 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/fastboot_key@4500001c has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/recovery_key@45000020 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pinctrl@07022000 has a unit name, but no reg propertyWarning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pinctrl@07022000/s_twi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pinctrl@07022000/s_twi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc2@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/nand0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/nand0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/nand0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi0@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi1@0x02502400 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi4@0x02503000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi4@0x02503000/pmu@34 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi4@0x02503000/pmu@34/regulators@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/dsi4lane@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/dsi4lane@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/rgb18@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/rgb18@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/spi1@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi1@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi2@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi2@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi3@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi3@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi4@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/twi4@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/sdc1@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pwm8@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pwm8@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pwm9@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/pwm9@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/standby@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/standby@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/rgb24@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/pinctrl@0300b000/rgb24@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/card0_boot_para@2 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/card2_boot_para@3 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/nand0@04011000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/spi@4025000/spi_board0 has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/lcd0@05461000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/clk_test@0x12345 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /aliases@45100000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /gpu@0x01800000 has a unit name, but no reg property Conver script to dts ok. don't build dtbo ... pack fastboot boot package GetPrivateProfileSection read to end content_count=2 'boot_package.fex' -> 'fastbootpkg_cardproduct.fex' update_chip mv: cannot stat 'u-boot-spinor-crash.fex': No such file or directory pack boot package GetPrivateProfileSection read to end content_count=3 pack boot package GetPrivateProfileSection read to end content_count=3 packing for tina linux normal commit : e5c90179e9 temp = 2016 mbr count = 1 total_sectors = 63519 logic_offset = 0 media = 1 partitation file Path=/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/sys_partition_nor.bin mbr_name file Path=/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/sunxi_mbr_nor.fex download_name file Path=/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/dlinfo.fex mbr size = 16 mbr magic softw411 disk name=boot-resource disk name=boot disk name=rootfs disk name=extend disk name=rootfs_data disk name=env this is not a partition key update_for_part_info 0 crc 0 = 7ae80725 MBR addr = 0x20,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:boot-resource: 20 179f MBR addr = 0x17a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:boot : 17a0 359f MBR addr = 0x35a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:rootfs : 35a0 639f MBR addr = 0x63a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:extend : 63a0 c19f MBR addr = 0xc1a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:rootfs_data : c1a0 c59f MBR addr = 0xc5a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:env : c5a0 c79f MBR addr = 0xc7a0,logic_offset = 0x0 GPT:UDISK : c7a0 f81e gpt_head->header_crc32 = 0x4a863d40 GPT----part num 7--- gpt_entry: 128 gpt_header: 92 GPT:boot-resource: 20 179f GPT:boot : 17a0 359f GPT:rootfs : 35a0 639f GPT:extend : 63a0 c19f GPT:rootfs_data : c1a0 c59f GPT:env : c5a0 c79f GPT:UDISK : c7a0 f81e update gpt file ok update mbr file ok arg1:sunxi_mbr_nor.fex,arg2:env_nor.fex used mbr [0], count = 7 name:boot-resource size:6016 ro:0 ----------------- name:boot size:7680 ro:0 ----------------- name:rootfs size:11776 ro:0 ----------------- name:extend size:24064 ro:0 ----------------- name:rootfs_data size:1024 ro:0 ----------------- name:env size:512 ro:0 ----------------- name:UDISK size:0 ro:0 ----------------- mtd:mtdparts=spi0.0:3008K(boot-resource),3840K(boot),5888K(rootfs),12032K(extend),512K(rootfs_data),256K(env),0K(UDISK) the crc :69ec5205 load file: boot0_spinor.fex ok load file: boot_package_nor.fex ok load file: sunxi_gpt.fex ok load file: sys_partition_nor.bin ok load file: boot-resource.fex ok load file: boot.fex ok load file: rootfs.fex ok load file: usr.fex ok load file: env_nor.fex ok this is not a partition key merge_package ok ==================================== show "sys_partition_for_dragon.fex" message ------------------------------------ [mbr] mbr_size : 16 Kbyte ------------------------------------ partition_name : boot-resource partition_size : 6016 downloadfile : boot-resource.fex boot-resource.fex size : 80K byte ------------------------------------ partition_name : boot partition_size : 7680 downloadfile : boot.fex boot.fex -> /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/boot.img boot.img size : 3.8M byte ------------------------------------ partition_name : rootfs partition_size : 11776 downloadfile : rootfs.fex rootfs.fex -> /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/rootfs.img rootfs.img size : 4.9M byte ------------------------------------ partition_name : extend partition_size : 24064 downloadfile : usr.fex usr.fex -> /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/usr.img usr.img size : 7.5M byte ------------------------------------ partition_name : rootfs_data partition_size : 1024 ------------------------------------ partition_name : env partition_size : 512 downloadfile : env_nor.fex env_nor.fex size : 128K byte ------------------------------------ /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/host/bin/ /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image Begin Parse sys_partion.fex Add partion boot-resource.fex BOOT-RESOURCE_FEX Add partion very boot-resource.fex BOOT-RESOURCE_FEX FilePath: boot-resource.fex FileLength=14000Add partion boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000 Add partion very boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000 FilePath: boot.fex FileLength=3b9800Add partion rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000 Add partion very rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000 FilePath: rootfs.fex FileLength=4e0000Add partion usr.fex USR_FEX000000000 Add partion very usr.fex USR_FEX000000000 FilePath: usr.fex FileLength=780000Add partion env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000 Add partion very env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000 FilePath: env_nor.fex FileLength=20000BuildImg 0 Dragon execute image.cfg SUCCESS ! ----------image is for nor---------- ----------image is at---------- /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/tina_v853s-perf1_uart0_nor.img pack finish /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851 cp: cannot stat '/home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/../compile_dir/target/viplite-driver/algo_aw/*.h': No such file or directory ----------partitions image is at---------- /home/yuzuki/WorkSpcae/tina-v851/out/v853s-perf1/image/../aw_pack_src
ZhaoBinBin@R740:/WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release$ pack --==========-- PACK_CHIP sun8iw21p1 PACK_PLATFORM tina PACK_BOARD v853s-perf1 PACK_KERN PACK_DEBUG uart0 PACK_SIG none PACK_SECURE none PACK_MODE normal PACK_FUNC android PACK_PROGRAMMER none PACK_TAR_IMAGE none PACK_TOPDIR /WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release --==========-- No kernel param, parse it from v853s copying tools file copying configs file storage_type value is 3 storage type is nor image_nor.cfg is exist mv image_nor.cfg image.cfg copying boot resource copying boot file make user resource for : /WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release/out/v853s-perf1/image/sys_partition_nor.fex handle partition user-res no user resource partitions APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE = /WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release/out/v853s-perf1/image/app.fex Need size of filesystem no data resource partitions Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property ...... Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /e907_rproc@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_sample@0 has a unit name, but no reg property p=soc c=product state=0 p=soc c=power_sply state=0 p=soc c=target state=0 p=soc c=card_boot state=0 p=soc c=card0_boot_para state=0 p=soc c=card2_boot_para state=0 p=soc c=spinor_para state=0 p=soc c=twi_para state=0 p=soc c=uart_para state=0 p=soc c=jtag_para state=0 p=soc c=dram state=0 p=soc c=partitions state=0 p=partitions c=boot-resource state=0 p=partitions c=boot state=0 p=partitions c=rootfs state=0 p=partitions c=extend state=0 p=partitions c=rootfs_data state=0 p=partitions c=env state=0 p=partitions c=UDISK state=0 Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@03000000/pinctrl@02000000/uart0@1 has a unit name, but no reg property ...... Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-100 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /opp_l_table0/opp@1200000000-105 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_sys_user@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /ion/heap_cma@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /interrupt-controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /sram_ctrl has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/trip-point@1 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /thermal-zones/cpu_thermal_zone/trips/cpu_crit@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /e907_rproc@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_controller@0 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /rpbuf_sample@0 has a unit name, but no reg property mv: 'temp_fdt.dtb' and '/WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release/out/v853s-perf1/image/temp_fdt.dtb' are the same file mv: 'temp_ubootnodtb.bin' and '/WorkDisk/ZhaoBinBinWorkDisk/01_project/04_quanzhi/01_V853/08_env_v851s/tina-v851/tina-v851-release/out/v853s-perf1/image/temp_ubootnodtb.bin' are the same file Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /clocks has a reg or ranges property, but no unit name Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/power_sply@4500000c has a unit name, but no reg property ...... Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /soc@29000000/clk_test@0x12345 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /aliases@45100000 has a unit name, but no reg property Warning (unit_address_vs_reg): Node /gpu@0x01800000 has a unit name, but no reg property Conver script to dts ok. don't build dtbo ... update_chip mv: cannot stat 'u-boot-spinor-crash.fex': No such file or directory pack boot package GetPrivateProfileSection read to end content_count=3
卡住了考虑由于fbuild 是32位程序,目前多数linux不默认包括32位运行时,系统安装这些包试一试
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install gcc-multilib
sudo apt install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 -
@whycanservice 实际使用介质是emmc,那就只需要修改
vim device/config/chips/v853s/configs/perf1/sys_config.fex文件内容,将默认3修改成2就可以了吧?[target]
;storage_type = 3
storage_type = 2 -
@hzhy1234 这个无所谓,只区分nor方案和非nor方案
@whycanservice SDK没做任何修改,可以编译过去 但是没烧写进入。
storage_type = 3
nand_use_ubi = 1
power_mode = 0烧写失败日志如下:
00005474 13235.43554688 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005475 13236.77441406 [23824] IN 1 00005476 13236.86132813 [23824] ********* before Fel2Fes ********* 00005477 13236.86132813 [23824] ********* pFel2FesParam->extend = 0xefe8da00 ********* 00005478 13236.86230469 [23824] *************************************** 00005479 13236.86230469 [23824] ********ToolEntry_fel************ 00005480 13236.86230469 [23824] *************************************** 00005481 13236.86230469 [23824] PANIC : enter fel choose mode 00005482 13236.86230469 [23824] fel other=0x5a3a0 00005483 13236.86230469 [23824] OS SourceCodePage = 936 00005484 13236.86328125 [23824] WRN: fail in LoadPluginCenter, f(IniLanPlg)L45 00005485 13236.86328125 [23824] WRN: f(exist_multiple_lang_tips)L94, Fail to init plg of iniLan, "Please update LiveSuit" 00005486 13236.86718750 [23824] user choose not to erase 00005487 13236.86718750 [23824] OO, User cancel to update! 00005488 13236.87500000 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005489 13236.87500000 [23824] Img_OpenItem[FES ][FES_1-0000000000] 00005490 13236.87500000 [23824] down file length = 4de0. 00005491 13236.87792969 [23824] magic eGON.BT0崿]鬣M, it is fes1 00005492 13236.87792969 [23824] down and run fes1 at addr 0x28000 00005493 13236.87890625 [23824] Clear dram log OK. 00005494 13236.91796875 [23824] DOWN FES1_dram OK 00005495 13237.42285156 [23824] dram paras[0]: 0x3a8 00005496 13237.42285156 [23824] dram paras[1]: 0x3 00005497 13237.42382813 [23824] dram paras[2]: 0x7b7bfb 00005498 13237.42480469 [23824] dram paras[3]: 0x1 00005499 13237.42480469 [23824] dram paras[4]: 0x10d2 00005500 13237.42578125 [23824] dram paras[5]: 0x800000 00005501 13237.42578125 [23824] dram paras[6]: 0x1e14 00005502 13237.42675781 [23824] dram paras[7]: 0x42 00005503 13237.42675781 [23824] dram paras[8]: 0x20 00005504 13237.42675781 [23824] dram paras[9]: 0x0 00005505 13237.42773438 [23824] dram paras[10]: 0x4899d7 00005506 13237.42773438 [23824] dram paras[11]: 0x1c241d0 00005507 13237.42773438 [23824] dram paras[12]: 0xa4073 00005508 13237.42773438 [23824] dram paras[13]: 0xb4787896 00005509 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[14]: 0x0 00005510 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[15]: 0x48484848 00005511 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[16]: 0x48 00005512 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[17]: 0x1621121e 00005513 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[18]: 0x0 00005514 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[19]: 0x0 00005515 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[20]: 0x0 00005516 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[21]: 0x220000 00005517 13237.42871094 [23824] dram paras[22]: 0x57 00005518 13237.42968750 [23824] dram paras[23]: 0x34056103 00005519 13237.42968750 [23824] dram paras[24]: 0x0 00005520 13237.42968750 [23824] dram paras[25]: 0x0 00005521 13237.43066406 [23824] dram paras[26]: 0x0 00005522 13237.43066406 [23824] dram paras[27]: 0x0 00005523 13237.43164063 [23824] dram paras[28]: 0x0 00005524 13237.43164063 [23824] dram paras[29]: 0x0 00005525 13237.43164063 [23824] dram paras[30]: 0x0 00005526 13237.43164063 [23824] dram paras[31]: 0x0 00005527 13237.43164063 [23824] RUN fes1 OK. 00005528 13237.43261719 [23824] INFO: try to down and run fes2 00005529 13237.43261719 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005530 13237.43261719 [23824] Img_OpenItem[12345678][UBOOT_0000000000] 00005531 13237.43359375 [23824] fes2 size 0xe0000 00005532 13237.44140625 [23824] uboot down and run addr 0x43000000 00005533 13237.44140625 [23824] dtb_syscfg_base 0x43200000 00005534 13238.23632813 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005535 13238.24804688 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005536 13238.26562500 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005537 13238.28710938 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005538 13238.30664063 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005539 13238.33105469 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005540 13239.19238281 [23824] INFO: try to down dtb at 0x43200000 00005541 13239.19238281 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005542 13239.19238281 [23824] Img_OpenItem[COMMON ][DTB_CONFIG000000] 00005543 13239.19238281 [23824] down_dtb_syscfg size 0x1c000 00005544 13239.42382813 [23824] INFO: try to down soc cfg at 0x43300000 00005545 13239.42382813 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005546 13239.42382813 [23824] Img_OpenItem[COMMON ][SYS_CONFIG_BIN00] 00005547 13239.42382813 [23824] down_dtb_syscfg size 0x1800 00005548 13239.43847656 [23824] INFO: try to down board cfg at 0x43380000 00005549 13239.43847656 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005550 13239.43847656 [23824] Img_OpenItem[COMMON ][BOARD_CONFIG_BIN] 00005551 13239.43847656 [23824] Img_OpenItem: cannot find item COMMON BOARD_CONFIG_BIN 00005552 13239.43847656 [23824] PANIC : down_dtb_syscfg() : can not open fes2 item 00005553 13239.43847656 [23824] board config item empty,do not need to down! 00005554 13239.43847656 [23824] INFO: down dtb syscfg OK 00005555 13239.43847656 [23824] INFO: down fes2 ok 00005556 13239.43945313 [23824] INFO: run fes2 ok 00005557 13239.43945313 [23824] Closing image now! 00005558 13239.43945313 [23824] CloseImage OK 00005559 13239.43945313 [23824] *********** after Fel2Fes ********* 00005560 13239.68261719 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005561 13239.68261719 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005562 13239.68261719 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005563 13239.68261719 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005564 13239.68359375 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005565 13239.68457031 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005566 13240.57031250 [23824] OUT 1 00005567 13241.50097656 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005568 13241.50195313 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005569 13241.50195313 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005570 13241.50195313 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005571 13241.50292969 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005572 13241.50292969 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again 00005573 13243.61425781 [23824] IN 1 00005574 13243.62500000 [23824] Wait for fes device in time 00005575 13243.62500000 [23824] Open D:\01_hzhy\01_work\03_ZYNQ\07_aimedAt_S3\03_FTP\Tools\PhoenixSuit1.18\image_dl.para failed 00005576 13243.62597656 [23824] priv_info = 0x74f2ee8 00005577 13243.62597656 [23824] erase flash flag 0 00005578 13243.63378906 [23824] 剩余 1 分 24 秒 00005579 13243.63378906 [23824] 00005580 13243.63476563 [23824] set erase flag 0 00005581 13243.64550781 [23824] fes_check_crc.media_crc=0 00005582 13243.64550781 [23824] ID=5, fes_thread() : get download map 00005583 13243.64550781 [23824] 剩余 1 分 22 秒 00005584 13243.64550781 [23824] 00005585 13243.64746094 [23824] fes_thread, get download map 00005586 13243.64843750 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005587 13243.64843750 [23824] Img_OpenItem[12345678][1234567890DLINFO] 00005588 13243.65039063 [23824] *************DOWNLOAD MAP DUMP************ 00005589 13243.65039063 [23824] total download part 5 00005590 13243.65039063 [23824] 00005591 13243.65039063 [23824] download part[0] name :boot-resource 00005592 13243.65039063 [23824] download part[0] download file:BOOT-RESOURCE_FE 00005593 13243.65039063 [23824] download part[0] verify file :VBOOT-RESOURCE_F 00005594 13243.65039063 [23824] download part[0] lenlo :0x1780 00005595 13243.65039063 [23824] download part[0] addrlo :0x20 00005596 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[0] encrypt :0 00005597 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[0] verify :1 00005598 13243.65136719 [23824] 00005599 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] name :boot 00005600 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] download file:BOOT_FEX00000000 00005601 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] verify file :VBOOT_FEX0000000 00005602 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] lenlo :0x1e00 00005603 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] addrlo :0x17a0 00005604 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] encrypt :0 00005605 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[1] verify :1 00005606 13243.65136719 [23824] 00005607 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[2] name :rootfs 00005608 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[2] download file:ROOTFS_FEX000000 00005609 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[2] verify file :VROOTFS_FEX00000 00005610 13243.65136719 [23824] download part[2] lenlo :0x2e00 00005611 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[2] addrlo :0x35a0 00005612 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[2] encrypt :0 00005613 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[2] verify :1 00005614 13243.65234375 [23824] 00005615 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] name :extend 00005616 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] download file:USR_FEX000000000 00005617 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] verify file :VUSR_FEX00000000 00005618 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] lenlo :0x5e00 00005619 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] addrlo :0x63a0 00005620 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] encrypt :0 00005621 13243.65234375 [23824] download part[3] verify :1 00005622 13243.65234375 [23824] 00005623 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] name :env 00005624 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] download file:ENV_NOR_FEX00000 00005625 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] verify file :VENV_NOR_FEX0000 00005626 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] lenlo :0x200 00005627 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] addrlo :0xc5a0 00005628 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] encrypt :0 00005629 13243.65332031 [23824] download part[4] verify :1 00005630 13243.65332031 [23824] 00005631 13243.65332031 [23824] ID=5, fes_thread() : --167-- 00005632 13243.65332031 [23824] unknown Tools command. 00005633 13243.65332031 [23824] 剩余 1 分 19 秒 00005634 13243.65332031 [23824] 00005635 13243.65429688 [23824] dlbitmap = 0 00005636 13243.65429688 [23824] dlbitmap = 0x0,according the dlinfo to download....... 00005637 13243.65429688 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005638 13243.65429688 [23824] Img_OpenItem[12345678][1234567890___MBR] 00005639 13243.65625000 [23824] value =0 00005640 13243.65625000 [23824] ubifs: checking part -- boot-resource 00005641 13243.65625000 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005642 13243.65625000 [23824] Img_OpenItem[RFSFAT16][BOOT-RESOURCE_FEVBOOT-RESOURCE_F] 00005643 13243.65625000 [23824] id[5]:part_name = boot-resource, packet_len_high = 0x0, packet_len_low = 0x14000, pkt_name = BOOT-RESOURCE_FEVBOOT-RESOURCE_F, verify_file = VBOOT-RESOURCE_F, encrypt = 1 00005644 13243.65820313 [23824] value =0 00005645 13243.65820313 [23824] ubifs: checking part -- boot 00005646 13243.65820313 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005647 13243.65820313 [23824] Img_OpenItem[RFSFAT16][BOOT_FEX00000000VBOOT_FEX0000000] 00005648 13243.65820313 [23824] id[5]:part_name = boot, packet_len_high = 0x0, packet_len_low = 0x3B7000, pkt_name = BOOT_FEX00000000VBOOT_FEX0000000, verify_file = VBOOT_FEX0000000, encrypt = 1 00005649 13243.66015625 [23824] value =0 00005650 13243.66015625 [23824] ubifs: checking part -- rootfs 00005651 13243.66015625 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005652 13243.66015625 [23824] Img_OpenItem[RFSFAT16][ROOTFS_FEX000000VROOTFS_FEX00000] 00005653 13243.66015625 [23824] id[5]:part_name = rootfs, packet_len_high = 0x0, packet_len_low = 0x5C0000, pkt_name = ROOTFS_FEX000000VROOTFS_FEX00000, verify_file = VROOTFS_FEX00000, encrypt = 1 00005654 13243.66210938 [23824] value =0 00005655 13243.66210938 [23824] ubifs: checking part -- extend 00005656 13243.66210938 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005657 13243.66210938 [23824] Img_OpenItem[RFSFAT16][USR_FEX000000000VUSR_FEX00000000] 00005658 13243.66210938 [23824] id[5]:part_name = extend, packet_len_high = 0x0, packet_len_low = 0x9C0000, pkt_name = USR_FEX000000000VUSR_FEX00000000, verify_file = VUSR_FEX00000000, encrypt = 1 00005659 13243.66406250 [23824] value =0 00005660 13243.66406250 [23824] ubifs: checking part -- env 00005661 13243.66406250 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005662 13243.66406250 [23824] Img_OpenItem[RFSFAT16][ENV_NOR_FEX00000VENV_NOR_FEX0000] 00005663 13243.66406250 [23824] id[5]:part_name = env, packet_len_high = 0x0, packet_len_low = 0x20000, pkt_name = ENV_NOR_FEX00000VENV_NOR_FEX0000, verify_file = VENV_NOR_FEX0000, encrypt = 1 00005664 13243.66601563 [23824] ubifs: Tryt to find ubifs partition, but none is found, use ext4 interface in default. 00005665 13243.66601563 [23824] Img_OpenItem now! 00005666 13243.66601563 [23824] Img_OpenItem[12345678][1234567890___MBR] 00005667 13243.66601563 [23824] *************MBR DUMP*************** 00005668 13243.66601563 [23824] total mbr part 7 00005669 13243.66601563 [23824] 00005670 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] name :boot-resource 00005671 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] classname :DISK 00005672 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] addrlo :0x20 00005673 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] lenlo :0x1780 00005674 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] user_type :32768 00005675 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] keydata :0 00005676 13243.66601563 [23824] part[0] ro :0 00005677 13243.66601563 [23824] 00005678 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] name :boot 00005679 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] classname :DISK 00005680 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] addrlo :0x17a0 00005681 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] lenlo :0x1e00 00005682 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] user_type :32768 00005683 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] keydata :0 00005684 13243.66601563 [23824] part[1] ro :0 00005685 13243.66601563 [23824] 00005686 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] name :rootfs 00005687 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] classname :DISK 00005688 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] addrlo :0x35a0 00005689 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] lenlo :0x2e00 00005690 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] user_type :32768 00005691 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] keydata :0 00005692 13243.66601563 [23824] part[2] ro :0 00005693 13243.66699219 [23824] 00005694 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] name :extend 00005695 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] classname :DISK 00005696 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] addrlo :0x63a0 00005697 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] lenlo :0x5e00 00005698 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] user_type :32768 00005699 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] keydata :0 00005700 13243.66699219 [23824] part[3] ro :0 00005701 13243.66699219 [23824] 00005702 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] name :rootfs_data 00005703 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] classname :DISK 00005704 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] addrlo :0xc1a0 00005705 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] lenlo :0x400 00005706 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] user_type :32768 00005707 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] keydata :0 00005708 13243.66699219 [23824] part[4] ro :0 00005709 13243.66699219 [23824] 00005710 13243.66699219 [23824] part[5] name :env 00005711 13243.66699219 [23824] part[5] classname :DISK 00005712 13243.66796875 [23824] part[5] addrlo :0xc5a0 00005713 13243.66796875 [23824] part[5] lenlo :0x200 00005714 13243.66796875 [23824] part[5] user_type :32768 00005715 13243.66796875 [23824] part[5] keydata :0 00005716 13243.66796875 [23824] part[5] ro :0 00005717 13243.66796875 [23824] 00005718 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] name :UDISK 00005719 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] classname :DISK 00005720 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] addrlo :0xc7a0 00005721 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] lenlo :0x0 00005722 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] user_type :0 00005723 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] keydata :0 00005724 13243.66796875 [23824] part[6] ro :0 00005725 13243.66796875 [23824] 00005726 13243.67285156 [23824] Get CSW Error 00005727 13243.67285156 [23824] PANIC : cmd_fes_down() : run fail 00005728 13243.67285156 [23824] ERR : download_mbr() : run cmd_fes_down cmd ,fail 00005729 13243.67285156 [23824] ERR : ID=5, fes_thread() : step 167 ,fail 00005730 13243.67285156 [23824] 00005731 13243.67285156 [23824] INFO: ID=5, update failed 00005732 13243.67285156 [23824] 00005733 13243.67285156 [23824] trans log buf 00005734 13243.67285156 [23824] ************************* 00005735 13243.67285156 [23824] **cmd_common_get_cmd_set_vers** 00005736 13243.67285156 [23824] ************************* 00005737 13243.67382813 [23824] cur version:2.0 00005738 13243.67480469 [23824] log_info.buf_start:0x0, log_info.buf_size:0x0 00005739 13243.67480469 [23824] PANIC : cmd_fes_up() : data len == 0 00005740 13245.87402344 [23824] trans log buf 00005741 13245.87402344 [23824] PANIC : cmd_common_get_cmd_set_vers() : priv_info == NULL 00005742 13245.87402344 [23824] cur version:0.0 00005743 13245.87500000 [23824] PANIC : dev_manager_open_fel_dev() : priv_info == NULL 00005744 13245.87500000 [23824] ERR : ID=5, fes_thread() : close fes ,fail 00005745 13245.87500000 [23824] 00005746 13245.87500000 [23824] INFO: ID=5, update failed 00005747 13245.87500000 [23824] 00005748 13245.87500000 [23824] Closing image now! 00005749 13245.87500000 [23824] CloseImage OK 00005750 13247.59863281 [6580] [kwpsshellext]DllCanUnloadNow, module=C:\Users\86150\AppData\Local\Kingsoft\WPS Office\\office6\kwpsshellext64.dll 00005751 13249.79199219 [12568] [magic cube] loading file : c:\program files (x86)\mydrivers\drivergenius\data\raw_record.dat 00005752 13249.79296875 [12568] [magic cube] file not modify, no need to load again
storage_type = 2编译打包的镜像可以烧写进入了 谢谢!
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