g2d 进行缩放没有权限怎么回事?
static int g2d_scale_framebuf(int src_width, int src_height, int dst_width, int dst_height) { // 获取帧缓冲长度 int fb_size = dst_width * dst_height * 4; //int fb_fd = fbfd; // 映射帧缓冲到内存 //void* fb_ptr = mmap(NULL, fb_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fb_fd, 0); //if (fb_ptr == MAP_FAILED) { // perror("Failed to mmap frame buffer"); // //close(fb_fd); // return -1; //} void * fb_ptr = malloc(fb_size); if(fb_ptr == NULL) { perror("Failed to allocate memory 1111 for scaled image"); return -1; } // 分配目标空间内存 int dst_size = src_width * src_height * 4; void* dst_ptr = malloc(dst_size); if (dst_ptr == NULL) { perror("Failed to allocate memory for scaled image"); //munmap(fb_ptr, fb_size); //close(fb_fd); return -1; } // memcpy(dst_ptr, fb_ptr, fb_size); memset(dst_ptr, 0x55, dst_size); // 打开 G2D 设备 int g2d_fd = open("/dev/g2d", O_RDWR); if (g2d_fd < 0) { perror("Failed to open G2D device"); munmap(fb_ptr, fb_size); //close(fb_fd); return -1; } g2d_stretchblt str; g2d_image image_front, scn; g2d_rect src_rect, dst_rect; /* 设置源图像参数 */ image_front.addr[0] = dst_ptr; image_front.w = src_width; image_front.h = src_height; image_front.format = G2D_FMT_RGBX8888; image_front.pixel_seq = G2D_SEQ_NORMAL; image_front.addr[1] = dst_ptr + image_front.w *image_front.h; /* 设置目标图像参数 */ scn.addr[0] = fb_ptr; scn.w = dst_width; scn.h = dst_height; scn.format = G2D_FMT_RGBX8888; scn.pixel_seq = G2D_SEQ_NORMAL; /* 设置源和目标矩形区域 */ src_rect.x = 0; src_rect.y = 0; src_rect.w = src_width; src_rect.h = src_height; dst_rect.x = 0; dst_rect.y = 0; dst_rect.w = dst_width; dst_rect.h = dst_height; /* 设置缩放参数 */ str.flag = 0; str.color = 0xffffffff; str.alpha = 0xff; /* 设置源图像和矩形区域 */ str.src_image.addr[0] = image_front.addr[0]; str.src_image.addr[1] = image_front.addr[1]; str.src_image.w = image_front.w; str.src_image.h = image_front.h; str.src_image.format = image_front.format; str.src_image.pixel_seq = image_front.pixel_seq; str.src_rect = src_rect; /* 设置目标图像和矩形区域 */ str.dst_image.addr[0] = scn.addr[0]; str.dst_image.w = scn.w; str.dst_image.h = scn.h; str.dst_image.format = scn.format; str.dst_image.pixel_seq = scn.pixel_seq; str.dst_rect = dst_rect; // 执行 G2D 缩放操作 if (ioctl(g2d_fd, G2D_CMD_STRETCHBLT, &str) < 0) { perror("G2D_CMD_STRETCHBLT failed...."); // munmap(fb_ptr, fb_size); close(g2d_fd); //close(fb_fd); return -1; } // 释放目标空间内存 free(dst_ptr); free(fb_ptr); // 解除帧缓冲内存映射 // munmap(fb_ptr, fb_size); // 关闭 G2D 设备 close(g2d_fd); return 0; } int main() { const char *image_path = "image.bmp"; const char *framebuffer_path = "/dev/fb0"; //write_to_framebuffer(image_path, framebuffer_path); g2d_scale_framebuf(1024,600,800,480); return 0; }
root@TinaLinux:~# /usr/bin/a.out
G2D_CMD_STRETCHBLT failed....: Operation not permitted
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