@uccccc 解决问题没有? 我使用TINA自带 范例 测试也不行
encodertest 0 YUYV 88 144 88 144 100 /mnt/exUDISK/1.yuv /m
[ 4151.530230] VE: enable hw clock
[ 4151.533780] enable_cedar_hw_clk,552
WARNING: cedarc <getSocIdString:1117[ 4151.539203] VE: VE real_freq=576000000
[ 4151.539203]: cannot open /dev/sunxi_soc_info, it maybe ok!
INFO : cedarc VeInitialize:1307: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
WARNING: cedarc getSocIdString:1117: cannot open /dev/sunxi_soc_info, it maybe ok!INFO : cedarc VeInitialize:1307: *** ic_version = 0x1301000010210,
sps_pps_data.nLength: 22
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the sps_pps :4d
the sps_pps :00
the sps_pps :1f
the sps_pps :96
the sps_pps :54
the sps_pps :30
the sps_pps :9b
the sps_pps :2e
the sps_pps :80
the sps_pps :00
the sps_pps :00
the sps_pps :00
the sps_pps :01
the sps_pps :68
the sps_pps :ee
the sps_pps :31
the sps_pps :12
ERROR : cedarc H264EncFrame:2721: h264 encoder wait interrupt overtime
encode frame 0 use time is 1028981us...
Segmentation fault
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