v851使用sample_rtsp 报错,vlc无法播放图像
用sdk编译的sample_rtsp demo,运行报错,详细log如下:
root@TinaLinux:/mnt/extsd/new_sample_rtsp# ./sample_rtsp -path sample_rtsp.conf WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0101 00:22:44.416707 1040 dup2SeldomUsedFd.c:20] <dup2SeldomUsedFdInit> gFdLock init I0101 00:22:44.442590 1040 sample_rtsp.c:95] <ParseCmdLine> sample virvi2venc path:[./sample_rtsp], arg number is [3] I0101 00:22:44.444461 1040 confparser.c:60] <createConfParser> load conf file sample_rtsp.conf ok! I0101 00:22:44.444929 1040 sample_rtsp.c:292] <loadSampleConfig> IspAndVeLinkage config: Enable=1, StreamChn=0 Committed_AS: 4092 kB I0101 00:22:44.455333 [ 130.264208] VE: before freq=300000000 1040 mpi_sys.c:840] <A[ 130.269931] VE: real freq=300000000 W_MPI_SYS_SetConf> kfctmpdir is [/tmp] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Media Process Platform<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< modName : MPP-Platform tag : V1.0 Release branch: v5-dev commit: 4eed413532ad87725895a8cb1ba75e22fc328233 date : 20170725 author: jenkins iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarx.conf iniparser: cannot open /vendor/etc/cedarx.conf I0101 00:22:44.476222 1040 mpi_sys.c:1280] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init [ISP]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ISP VERSION INFO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IPCORE: ISP600 branch: libisp-dev commit: 14df8348718d093707641fea73eba7db962885f5 date : Thu Jul 14 15:40:38 2022 +0800 author: <mayifei@allwinnertech.com> -------------------------------------------------------- I0101 00:22:44.477028 1040 mpi_sys.c:1282] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init done INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1185>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, I0101 00:22:44.496470 1040 hwdisplay.c:84] <hw_display_init> I0101 00:22:44.496731 1040 hwdisplay.c:993] <hwd_init> (hwd_init 993) I0101 00:22:44.496967 1040 hwdisplay.c:1048] <hwd_init> ret[0][2,0]ch[0]lyl[0] init: enable[0], screenwin[0,0, 0x0], zorder[0], alpha[mode:0, value:0] I0101 00:22:44.501072 1040 alsa_interface.c:701] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:0 I0101 00:22:44.584973 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:ADC1 ADC2 swap I0101 00:22:44.585186 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:ADC1 volume I0101 00:22:44.585290 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:ADC2 volume I0101 00:22:44.585372 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:ADCDRC I0101 00:22:44.585448 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:ADCHPF I0101 00:22:44.585522 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:DAC volume I0101 00:22:44.585595 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:DACDRC I0101 00:22:44.585666 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:DACHPF I0101 00:22:44.585738 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEIN I0101 00:22:44.585814 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEINL gain volume I0101 00:22:44.585910 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEINR gain volume I0101 00:22:44.586000 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEOUT I0101 00:22:44.586277 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEOUT Output Select I0101 00:22:44.586551 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:LINEOUT volume I0101 00:22:44.586735 1040 alsa_interface.c:756] <alsaOpenMixer> set playback vol_val to value: 27 I0101 00:22:44.586845 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC1 I0101 00:22:44.587089 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC1 Input Select I0101 00:22:44.587205 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC1 gain volume I0101 00:22:44.587293 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC2 I0101 00:22:44.587372 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC2 Input Select I0101 00:22:44.587447 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:MIC2 gain volume I0101 00:22:44.587526 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:SPK I0101 00:22:44.587725 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:digital volume I0101 00:22:44.587831 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:rx sync mode I0101 00:22:44.587939 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:tx hub mode E0101 00:22:44.588040 1040 alsa_interface.c:970] <alsaMixerSetAudioCodecHubMode> aec_elem_audio_codec_hub_mode:tx hub mode-1 E0101 00:22:44.588169 1040 alsa_interface.c:853] <alsaMixerSetCapPlaySyncMode> aec_elem_sync_mode_switch:rx sync mode-1 I0101 00:22:44.588293 1040 alsa_interface.c:701] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:1 I0101 00:22:44.589164 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:loopback debug I0101 00:22:44.589348 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:rx sync mode I0101 00:22:44.589471 1040 alsa_interface.c:736] <alsaOpenMixer> alsa_elem:tx hub mode E0101 00:22:44.589579 1040 alsa_interface.c:993] <alsaMixerSetDAudio0HubMode> aec_elem_daudio0_hub_mode:tx hub mode-1 E0101 00:22:44.589708 1040 alsa_interface.c:1016] <alsaMixerSetDAudio0LoopBackEn> aec_elem_daudio0_loopback_en:loopback debug-1 E0101 00:22:44.589840 1040 alsa_interface.c:853] <alsaMixerSetCapPlaySyncMode> aec_elem_sync_mode_switch:rx sync mode-1 I0101 00:22:44.589995 1040 sample_rtsp.c:490] <configMainStream> main vipp0 ve_online_en:1, dma_buf_num:2, venc ch0 OnlineEnable:1, OnlineShareBufNum:2 I0101 00:22:44.590091 1040 sample_rtsp.c:517] <configMainStream> main EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 100% I0101 00:22:44.590173 1040 sample_rtsp.c:527] <configMainStream> main vbvThreshSize: 147450, vbvBufSize: 933882 [ISP]video device name is vin_video0 [ISP]open video device[0], detect isp0 success! I0101 00:22:44.922567 1040 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:44.922957 1040 videoInputHw.c:942] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[0] update width:1920(1920), height:1080(1088) I0101 00:22:44.923135 1040 videoInputHw.c:957] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[0] LBC pix:0x3132434c, line_tar_bits[0]:9216, line_tar_bits[1]:13824 I0101 00:22:44.924095 1040 videoInputHw.c:977] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> bs_len:61440, frm_bit:11520 [ISP]video0 fd[10] ve_online_en=[ 130.963110] [VIN]ve_online open, buffer_num is 2 1, dma_buf_num=2 open /dev/sunxi_soc_info failed![ISP]open isp device[0] success! [ISP_WARN]sdcard is not mounted!!! [ISP]prefer isp config: [gc2053_mipi], 1920x1088, 20, 0, 0 [ISP]find gc2053_mipi_1920_1088_20_0 [gc2053_mipi_isp600_20220511_164617_vlc4_day] isp config [ISP]create isp0[ 131.016765] [VIN]video0:buffer count is invalid, set to 2 server thread! 131.065767] VE: before freq=300000000Component.c:1160] 60C<VideoViComponentInit> VideoV[ 131.072873] VE: real freq=300000000 irvi component Init! thread_id[0xb6825d50] I0101 00:22:45.276949 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:704[ 131.085770] VE: before freq=300000000 2] <VideoEncComponentI[ 131.091948] VE: real freq=300000000 nit> create VideoEnc threadId:0xb6802d50 I0101 00:22:45.277255 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:2663] <VideoEncSetChnAttr> vencChn[0] enable online! I0101 00:22:45.277401 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5422] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[0] Comp StateIdle I0101 00:22:45.277595 1045 videoInputHw.c:4787] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> loop VideoInputHw_CapThread vipp_id = 0, buf_num=2. I0101 00:22:45.277805 1047 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:45.278041 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:1110] <CedarvEncInit> VencChn[0] Create VeType=265 iniparser: cannot open /tmp/libcedarc_dynamic_log_level INFO : cedarc <cdc_log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 5 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf WARNING: cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: ee230a47e5a2392ec315795121c2d112492fac1c date : Fri Jul 22 10:37:50 2022 +0800 author: wuguanjian change-id : I28fe0c31c718f097d61ad6bdbcb4cb5df0bd3575 release_author : lichaopdc patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I0101 00:22:45.317399 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:3961] <VideoEncSetFrameRate> vencChn[0] set new framerate:20 I0101 00:22:45.317638 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1244] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[0] enable and set 2DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.317765 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1257] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[0] enable and set 3DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.317860 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1275] <setVencSuperFrameCfg> VencChn[0] SuperFrm Mode:0, IfrmSize:1638400 bits, PfrmSize:546133 bits I0101 00:22:45.317972 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:6284] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE I0101 00:22:45.318076 1040 sample_rtsp.c:638] <configSubStream> vipp[4] crop en:1 X:0 Y:0 W:1888 H:1072 I0101 00:22:45.318194 1040 sample_rtsp.c:651] <configSubStream> sub EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 33% I0101 00:22:45.318286 1040 sample_rtsp.c:661] <configSubStream> sub vbvThreshSize: 24000, vbvBufSize: 152000 [ISP]video device name is vin_video4 [ISP]open video device[4], detect isp0 success! I0101 00:22:45.318667 1040 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:45.318916 1040 videoInputHw.c:942] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[4] update width:640(640), height:360(368) I0101 00:22:45.319029 1040 videoInputHw.c:957] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[4] LBC pix:0x3132434c, line_tar_bits[0]:3072, line_tar_bits[1]:4608 I0101 00:22:45.319446 1040 videoInputHw.c:977] [ 131.333167] VE: before freq=300000000 <videoInputHw_SetChnAt[ 131.338496] VE: real freq=300000000 tr> bs_len:20480, frm_bit:3840 [ISP_ERR]isp_stat_process_buffer, line: 268,AEWB: stats error, skipping buffer. I0101 00:22:45.[ 131.355381] VE: before freq=300000000 540872 1040 videoInputHw.c:1254[ 131.360537] VE: real freq=300000000 ] <videoInputHw_SetCrop> vipp[4] set crop X:0, Y:0, Width:1888, Height:1072 I0101 00:22:45.544077 1040 VideoVirVi_Component.c:1160] <VideoViComponentInit> VideoVirvi component Init! thread_id[0xb6738d50] I0101 00:22:45.545034 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:7042] <VideoEncComponentInit> create VideoEnc threadId:0xb6715d50 I0101 00:22:45.545282 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5422] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[1] Comp StateIdle I0101 00:22:45.545499 1048 videoInputHw.c:4787] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> loop VideoInputHw_CapThread vipp_id = 4, buf_num=3. I0101 00:22:45.545709 1050 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:45.545948 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:1110] <CedarvEncInit> VencChn[1] Create VeType=96 iniparser: cannot open /tmp/libcedarc_dynamic_log_level open /dev/sunxi_soc_info failed!WARNING: cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: ee230a47e5a2392ec315795121c2d112492fac1c date : Fri Jul 22 10:37:50 2022 +0800 author: wuguanjian change-id : I28fe0c31c718f097d61ad6bdbcb4cb5df0bd3575 release_author : lichaopdc patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I0101 00:22:45.565295 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:3961] <VideoEncSetFrameRate> vencChn[1] set new framerate:20 I0101 00:22:45.565528 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1244] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[1] enable and set 2DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.565650 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1257] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[1] enable and set 3DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.565749 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1275] <setVencSuperFrameCfg> VencChn[1] SuperFrm Mode:0, IfrmSize:266666 bits, PfrmSize:88888 bits I0101 00:22:45.565863 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:6284] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE I0101 00:22:45.565967 1040 sample_rtsp.c:772] <configSubLapseStream> subLapse EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 33% I0101 00:22:45.566077 1040 sample_rtsp.c:782] <configSubLapseStream> SubLapse vbvThreshSize: 24000, vbvBufSize: 152000 I0101 00:22:45.566521 1040 VideoVirVi_Component.c:1160] <VideoViComponentInit> VideoVirvi component Init! thread_id[0xb66f2d50] I0101 00:22:45.567498 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:7042] <VideoEncComponentInit> create VideoEnc threadId:0xb66cfd50 I0101 00:22:45.567720 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5422] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[2] Comp StateIdle I0101 00:22:45.567925 1052 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:45.568158 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:1110] <CedarvEncInit> VencChn[2] Create VeType=96 iniparser: cannot open /tmp/libcedarc_dynamic_log_level WARNING: cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: ee230a47e5a2392ec315795121c2d112492fac1c date : Fri Jul 22 10:37:50 2022 +0800 author: wuguanjian change-id : I28fe0c31c718f097d61ad6bdbcb4cb5df0bd3575 release_author : lichaopdc patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I0101 00:22:45.580668 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:3961] <VideoEncSetFrameRate> vencChn[2] set new framerate:20 I0101 00:22:45.580872 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1464] <main> Lapse set TimeLapse 1000000 us I0101 00:22:45.581081 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:4036] <VideoEncSetTimeLapse> SetTimeLapse: captureIntervalUs=1000000.000000, dstFrameIntervalUs=50000.000000, recType=1 I0101 00:22:45.581216 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1244] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[2] enable and set 2DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.581338 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1257] <setVenc2Dnr3Dnr> VencChn[2] enable and set 3DFilter param I0101 00:22:45.581432 1040 sample_rtsp.c:1275] <setVencSuperFrameCfg> VencChn[2] SuperFrm Mode:0, IfrmSize:266666 bits, PfrmSize:88888 bits I0101 00:22:45.581543 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:6284] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE [ISP_WARN]gc2053_mipi get senso[ 131.733103] VEncComp_0: r_temp failed: Invalid argument page allocation failure: order:10(22). I0101 00:22:45.915144 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5418] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[0] Comp StateExecuting I0101 00:22:45.915471 1047 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FI, mode:0x24280c2(GFP_HIGHUSER|__GFP_ZERO) LE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:45.9[ 131.768322] CPU: 0 PID: 1047 Comm: VEncComp_0 Not tainted 4.9.191 #1 15745 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:788] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set stream buffer size[933882]bytes I0101 00:22:45.915892 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:[ 131.791706] Hardware name: sun8iw21 798] <setVbvBufferConf[ 131.796041] [<c010d5a0>] (unwind_backtrace) from [<c010a694>] (show_stack+0x10/0x14) ig> user set threshSize[147450]b[ 131.807584] [<c010a694>] (show_stack) from [<c017ad40>] (warn_alloc+0xe0/0x110) ytes I0101 00:22:45.915992 104[ 131.818684] [<c017ad40>] (warn_alloc) from [<c017b55c>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask+0x770/0x954) 7 VideoEnc_Component.c:825] 131.832497] [<c017b55c>] (__alloc_pages_nodemask) from [<c010e6d4>] (__dma_alloc_buffer+0x30/0x88) D <setVbvBufferConfig> bit r[ 131.844294] [<c010e6d4>] (__dma_alloc_buffer) from [<c01108e8>] (remap_allocator_alloc+0x2c/0x7c) ate is 1536Kb, set encode vbv size 933888, frame length threshol[ 131.859049] [<c01108e8>] (remap_allocator_alloc) from [<c010e934>] (__dma_alloc+0x1a4/0x2ac) d 147450 I0101 00:22:45.916103 [ 131.871685] [<c010e934>] (__dma_alloc) from [<c010eaa4>] (arm_dma_alloc+0x34/0x40) 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:1930][ 131.883912] [<c010eaa4>] (arm_dma_alloc) from [<c04f825c>] (ion_cma_allocate+0x8c/0x1e4) <CedarvVideoEncInit> [ 131.896228] [<c04f825c>] (ion_cma_allocate) from [<c04f52ec>] (__ion_alloc+0xc4/0x3d8) veChn[0], EncppEnable=1 I0101 0[ 131.906837] [<c04f52ec>] (__ion_alloc) from [<c04f5d38>] (ion_ioctl+0x1dc/0x510) 0:22:45.916193 1047 VideoEnc_Co[ 131.917588] [<c04f5d38>] (ion_ioctl) from [<c01c5b48>] (vfs_ioctl+0x18/0x3c) mponent.c:1936] <Cedar[ 131.928596] [<c01c5b48>] (vfs_ioctl) from [<c01c6434>] (do_vfs_ioctl+0x794/0x8e8) vVideoEncInit> DropFrameNum: 0 [ 131.939684] [<c01c6434>] (do_vfs_ioctl) from [<c01c65bc>] (SyS_ioctl+0x34/0x5c) I0101 00:22:45.916271 1047 Vide[ 131.950899] [<c01c65bc>] (SyS_ioctl) from [<c0106d20>] (ret_fast_syscall+0x0/0x54) 131.962031] Mem-Info: C<CedarvVideoEncInit> GDC enable[ 131.967041] active_anon:574 inactive_anon:0 isolated_anon:0 [ 131.967041] active_file:616 inactive_file:497 isolated_file:0 [ 131.967041] unevictable:0 dirty:0 writeback:0 unstable:0 [ 131.967041] slab_reclaimable:285 slab_unreclaimable:1266 [ 131.967041] mapped:910 shmem:0 pagetables:31 bounce:0 [ 131.967041] free:4668 free_pcp:4 free_cma:0 : 0 I0101 00:22:45.916356 1047[ 132.005894] Node 0 active_anon:2296kB inactive_anon:0kB active_file:2464kB inactive_file:1988kB unevictable:0kB isolated(anon):0kB isolated(file):0kB mapped:3640kB dirty:0kB writeback:0kB shmem:0kB writeback_tmp:0kB unstable:0kB pages_scanned:0 all_unreclaimable? no VideoEnc_Component.c:2011] 132.034845] Normal free:18672kB min:880kB low:1100kB high:1320kB active_anon:2296kB inactive_anon:0kB active_file:2464kB inactive_file:1988kB unevictable:0kB writepending:0kB present:60928kB managed:51188kB mlocked:0kB slab_reclaimable:1140kB slab_unreclaimable:5064kB kernel_stack:608kB pagetables:124kB bounce:0kB free_pcp:16kB local_pcp:16kB free_cma:0kB D <CedarvVideoEncInit> Onlin[ 132.072488] lowmem_reserve[]:e Mode=1, Channel=1, ShareBufNum 0=2, OnlineEnableFlag=1 I0101 00 0:22:45.916453 1047 VideoEnc_Com 0ponent.c:2038] <Cedarv VideoEncInit> rec_lbc_mode=1 [I[ 132.090281] Normal: SP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line56*4kB : 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO er(UE) ror! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_in76*8kB fo, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET(UME) _INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_77*16kB debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN(UME) _ISP_GET_INFO error! 53*32kB (UME) 27*64kB (UME) 15*128kB (UME) 6*256kB (ME) 5*512kB (UME) 3*1024kB (ME) 2*2048kB (UM) 0*4096kB = 18672kB [ 132.133154] 1113 total pagecache pages [ 132.137608] 0 pages in swap cache [ 132.141632] Swap cache stats: add 0, delete 0, find 0/0 [ 132.147677] Free swap = 0kB [ 132.151171] Total swap = 0kB [ 132.160738] 15232 pages RAM [ 132.170527] 0 pages HighMem/MovableOnly [ 132.181111] 2435 pages reserved [ 132.190943] 0 pages cma reserved [ 132.200300] platform cma: Fail to allocate buffer ERROR : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_palloc_base:349>: ION_IOC_ALLOC error , size = 3064768 ERROR : cedarc <h265InitMemRecRefE230:4002>: palloc failed for recRefBufLbcVir, size = 3064768 ERROR : cedarc <h265InitMemory:4171>: EncAdapterMemPalloc for rec/ref fail ERROR : cedarc <VencInit:744>: venc_init_fail [ISP]video device name is vin_video12 [ISP]open video device[12], detect isp0 success! I0101 00:22:46.495634 1048 videoInputHw.c:4882] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> vipp[4] drop 10 frames done! E0101 00:22:46.500696 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:2043] <CedarvVideoEncInit> fatal error vencInit fail:6 E0101 00:22:46.504844 1047 VideoEnc_Component.c:8025] <ComponentThread> fatal error! vdeclib init fail[0xa008800c] E0101 00:22:46.505057 1047 mpi_venc.c:327] <VideoEncEventHandler> fatal error! venc state transition incorrect:a008800c. wlan0 ip: ********************************************************************************************************* * AW RTSP LIB VERSION: * * BUILD BY WHO: * * BUILD TIME: * ********************************************************************************************************* ============================================================ rtsp:// ============================================================ I0101 00:22:46.506906 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5418] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[1] Comp StateExecuting I0101 00:22:46.507215 1050 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:46.507765 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:788] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set stream buffer size[152000]bytes I0101 00:22:46.507938 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:798] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set threshSize[24000]bytes I0101 00:22:46.508045 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:825] <setVbvBufferConfig> bit rate is 250Kb, set encode vbv size 152576, frame length threshold 24000 I0101 00:22:46.508170 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:1930] <CedarvVideoEncInit> veChn[1], EncppEnable=1 I0101 00:22:46.508280 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:1936] <CedarvVideoEncInit> DropFrameNum: 0 I0101 00:22:46.508366 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:1946] <CedarvVideoEncInit> GDC enable: 0 I0101 00:22:46.508454 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2011] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Online Mode=1, Channel=0, ShareBufNum=0, OnlineEnableFlag=0 I0101 00:22:46.508536 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2038] <CedarvVideoEncInit> rec_lbc_mode=1 I0101 00:22:46.513611 1056 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:46.514085 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:788] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set stream buffer size[933882]bytes I0101 00:22:46.514314 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:798] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set threshSize[147450]bytes I0101 00:22:46.514449 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:825] <setVbvBufferConfig> bit rate is 1536Kb, set encode vbv size 933888, frame length threshold 147450 I0101 00:22:46.514586 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:1930] <CedarvVideoEncInit> veChn[0], EncppEnable=1 I0101 00:22:46.514713 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:1936] <CedarvVideoEncInit> DropFrameNum: 0 I0101 00:22:46.514801 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:1946] <CedarvVideoEncInit> GDC enable: 0 I0101 00:22:46.514891 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:2011] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Online Mode=1, Channel=1, ShareBufNum=2, OnlineEnableFlag=1 I0101 00:22:46.514969 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:2038] <CedarvVideoEncInit> rec_lbc_mode=1 WARNING: cedarc <VencInit:692>: the state[1] is not idle when call init E0101 00:22:46.515077 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:2043] <CedarvVideoEncInit> fatal error vencInit fail:ffffffff I0101 00:22:46.515233 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:2121] <CedarvVideoEncInit> set Color2Grey [0], in Venchn[0] I0101 00:22:46.515345 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:2128] <CedarvVideoEncInit> vencChn[0] had init! E0101 00:22:46.515437 1056 VideoEnc_Component.c:4276] <VideoEncExtraData> fatal error! vdeclib init fail[0xffffffff] E0101 00:22:46.515523 1056 sample_rtsp.c:1018] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! get spspps fail[0xffffffff]! I0101 00:22:46.521388 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2059] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Venc Init success I0101 00:22:46.521621 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2068] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Venc SetCallbacks success I0101 00:22:46.531410 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2078] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Venc Start success I0101 00:22:46.531741 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2121] <CedarvVideoEncInit> set Color2Grey [0], in Venchn[1] I0101 00:22:46.864108 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:2128] <CedarvVideoEncInit> vencChn[1] had init! I0101 00:22:46.864440 1050 VideoEnc_Component.c:8042] <ComponentThread> VencChn[1]: idle/pause[0x2]->executing ... open /dev/sunxi_soc_info failed![ISP]--------- LDCI Video12 Init OK --------- W0101 00:22:46.547002 1048 videoInputHw.c:4870] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> vi_v_frm_pts_invalid:vipp4--132323665-131929315=394350(us) wlan0 ip: ********************************************************************************************************* * AW RTSP LIB VERSION: * * BUILD BY WHO: * * BUILD TIME: * ********************************************************************************************************* ============================================================ rtsp:// ============================================================ I0101 00:22:46.866980 1049 VideoEnc_Component.c:6383] <VideoEncEmptyThisBuffer> VencChn[1]: first video frame pts[132323665]us,tm1[132643694]us, vSize[640x368], frmId[2,20] I0101 00:22:46.867381 1040 VideoEnc_Component.c:5418] <VideoEncSendCommand> set VencChn[2] Comp StateExecuting I0101 00:22:46.867719 1052 media_debug.c:45] <getDictByConfPath> MPP_DEDIA_DEBUG_FILE_PATH=(null) I0101 00:22:46.868043 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:788] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set stream buffer size[152000]bytes I0101 00:22:46.868174 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:798] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set threshSize[24000]bytes I0101 00:22:46.868273 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:825] <setVbvBufferConfig> bit rate is 250Kb, set encode vbv size 152576, frame length threshold 24000 I0101 00:22:46.868379 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:1930] <CedarvVideoEncInit> veChn[2], EncppEnable=1 I0101 00:22:46.868465 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:1936] <CedarvVideoEncInit> DropFrameNum: 0 I0101 00:22:46.868553 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:1946] <CedarvVideoEncInit> GDC enable: 0 I0101 00:22:46.868643 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:2011] <CedarvVideoEncInit> Online Mode=1, Channel=0, ShareBufNum=0, OnlineEnableFlag=0 I0101 00:22:46.868725 1052 VideoEnc_Component.c:2038] <CedarvVideoEncInit> rec_lbc_mode=1 [ISP]--------- LDCI Video12 Streamon OK --------- [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! W0101 00:22:47.521364 1056 sample_rtsp.c:1216] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! vencChn[0] get frame failed! check code! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! W0101 00:22:47.874405 1058 sample_rtsp.c:1216] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! vencChn[1] get frame failed! check code! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! W0101 00:22:48.521768 1056 sample_rtsp.c:1216] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! vencChn[0] get frame failed! check code! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! I0101 00:22:48.867471 1049 VideoVirVi_Component.c:1354] <Vi_ComponentThread> virvi[4-0] has no frame input? I0101 00:22:48.867778 1051 VideoVirVi_Component.c:1354] <Vi_ComponentThread> virvi[4-1] has no frame input? [ISP_ERR]video_wait_buffer, line: 488,video4 select timeout! W0101 00:22:48.868022 1048 videoInputHw.c:4945] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> vipp[4] get frame fail! frameBufId[2] is not release W0101 00:22:48.868171 1048 videoInputHw.c:4949] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> vipp[4] get frame fail! [1]frames are not release W0101 00:22:48.874793 1058 sample_rtsp.c:1216] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! vencChn[1] get frame failed! check code! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! [ISP_ERR]isp_sync_debug_info, line: 747,VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! W0101 00:22:49.522156 1056 sample_rtsp.c:1216] <getVencStreamThread> fatal error! vencChn[0] get frame failed! check code!
@pointzero36 sample_rtsp.conf 配置信息如下:
########### paramter (ref to tulip_cedarx.conf)############
[parameter]main_isp = 0
main_vipp = 0
main_src_width = 1920
main_src_height = 1080
main_pixel_format = "aw_lbc_2_0x" #nv21,nv12,yu12,yv12;aw_lbc_2_5x,aw_lbc_2_0x,aw_lbc_1_5x,aw_lbc_1_0x
main_wdr_enable = 0
main_vi_buf_num = 3
main_src_frame_rate = 20 #fps
main_viChn = 0 #-1:disale main stream
main_venc_chn = 0 #-1:disale main stream
main_encode_type = "H.265"
main_encode_width = 2304 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2304x1296->3M, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k
main_encode_height = 1296
main_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps
main_encode_bitrate = 1572864 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1.5M:1572864, 1M:1048576
main_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/mainStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved.
main_online_en = 1
main_online_share_buf_num = 2
main_encpp_enable = 1sub_isp = 0
sub_vipp = 4
sub_src_width = 640
sub_src_height = 360
sub_pixel_format = "aw_lbc_2_0x" #nv21,nv12,yu12,yv12;aw_lbc_2_5x,aw_lbc_2_0x,aw_lbc_1_5x,aw_lbc_1_0x
sub_wdr_enable = 0
sub_vi_buf_num = 3
sub_src_frame_rate = 20 #fpssub_vipp_crop_en = 1
sub_vipp_crop_rect_x = 0
sub_vipp_crop_rect_y = 0
sub_vipp_crop_rect_w = 1888
sub_vipp_crop_rect_h = 1072sub_viChn = 0 #-1:disale sub stream
sub_venc_chn = 1 #-1:disale sub stream
sub_encode_type = "H.264"
sub_encode_width = 640 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k
sub_encode_height = 360
sub_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps
sub_encode_bitrate = 256000 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1M:1048576, 0.5M:512000
sub_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/subStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved.
sub_encpp_enable = 1sub_lapse_viChn = 1 #-1:disale sub lapse stream
sub_lapse_venc_chn = 2 #-1:disale sub lapse stream
sub_lapse_encode_type = "H.264"
sub_lapse_encode_width = 640 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k
sub_lapse_encode_height = 360
sub_lapse_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps
sub_lapse_encode_bitrate = 256000 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1M:1048576, 0.5M:512000
sub_lapse_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/subLapseStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved.
sub_lapse_time = 1000000 #unit:us
sub_lapse_encpp_enable = 1isp_ve_linkage_enable = 1
isp_ve_linkage_stream_channel = 0 #0:main stream, 1:sub stream, 2:sub lapse streamwb_yuv_enable = 0
wb_yuv_buf_num = 20
wb_yuv_start_index = 0
wb_yuv_total_cnt = 100
wb_yuv_stream_channel = 0 #0:main stream, 1:sub stream, 2:sub lapse stream
wb_yuv_file_path = "/mnt/extsd/wb_yuv.yuv"rtsp_net_type = 3 #RTSP Network type, 0: "lo", 1: "eth0", 2: "br0", 3: "wlan0"
test_duration = 0 #unit:s, 0:Infinite duration.
您看下配置文件,基本上使用默认的配置。有没可能内核固件版本不对,您这边能用vlc出图像吗? -
THIS IS MY .CONF FILE ########### paramter (ref to tulip_cedarx.conf)############ [parameter] rtsp_net_type = 1 #RTSP Network type, 0: "lo", 1: "eth0", 2: "br0", 3: "wlan0" stream_buf_size = 0 #0:default 1/10*yuv420, unit:bytes test_duration = 0 #unit:s, 0:Infinite duration. main_isp = 0 main_vipp = 0 main_src_width = 1920 main_src_height = 1080 main_pixel_format = "aw_lbc_2_0x" #nv21,nv12,yu12,yv12;aw_lbc_2_5x,aw_lbc_2_0x,aw_lbc_1_5x,aw_lbc_1_0x main_wdr_enable = 0 main_vi_buf_num = 3 main_src_frame_rate = 20 #fps main_viChn = 0 #-1:disale main stream main_venc_chn = 0 #-1:disale main stream main_encode_type = "H.265" main_encode_width = 2304 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2304x1296->3M, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k main_encode_height = 1296 main_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps main_encode_bitrate = 1572864 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1.5M:1572864, 1M:1048576 main_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/mainStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved. main_online_en = 0 main_online_share_buf_num = 2 main_encpp_enable = 1 sub_isp = 0 sub_vipp = 4 sub_src_width = 640 sub_src_height = 360 sub_pixel_format = "aw_lbc_2_0x" #nv21,nv12,yu12,yv12;aw_lbc_2_5x,aw_lbc_2_0x,aw_lbc_1_5x,aw_lbc_1_0x sub_wdr_enable = 0 sub_vi_buf_num = 3 sub_src_frame_rate = 20 #fps sub_vipp_crop_en = 1 sub_vipp_crop_rect_x = 0 sub_vipp_crop_rect_y = 0 sub_vipp_crop_rect_w = 1888 sub_vipp_crop_rect_h = 1072 sub_viChn = 0 #-1:disale sub stream sub_venc_chn = 1 #-1:disale sub stream sub_encode_type = "H.264" sub_encode_width = 640 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k sub_encode_height = 360 sub_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps sub_encode_bitrate = 256000 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1M:1048576, 0.5M:512000 sub_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/subStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved. sub_encpp_enable = 1 sub_lapse_viChn = 1 #-1:disale sub lapse stream sub_lapse_venc_chn = 2 #-1:disale sub lapse stream sub_lapse_encode_type = "H.264" sub_lapse_encode_width = 640 #1280x720->720p, 1920x1080->1080p, 2560×1440->2k, 3840x2160->4k, 7680x4320->8k sub_lapse_encode_height = 360 sub_lapse_encode_frame_rate = 20 #fps sub_lapse_encode_bitrate = 256000 #5M:5242880, 2M:2097152, 1M:1048576, 0.5M:512000 sub_lapse_file_path = #"/mnt/extsd/subLapseStream.raw" #if no path is specified, it will not be saved. sub_lapse_time = 1000000 #unit:us sub_lapse_encpp_enable = 1 isp_ve_linkage_enable = 1 camera_adaptive_moving_and_static_enable = 0 ve_lens_moving_max_qp = 40 wb_yuv_enable = 0 wb_yuv_buf_num = 1 wb_yuv_start_index = 0 wb_yuv_total_cnt = 10 wb_yuv_stream_channel = 0 #0:main stream, 1:sub stream, 2:sub lapse stream wb_yuv_file_path = "/mnt/extsd/wb_yuv.yuv" AND THIS ERROR OUT : root@TinaLinux:/mnt/extsd# /mnt/extsd/sample_rtsp -path /mnt/extsd/sample_rtsp.c onf WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR I0101 03:24:53.447822 1281 sample_rtsp.c:92] <ParseCmdLine> sample virvi2venc path:[/mnt/extsd/sample_rtsp], arg number is [3] I0101 03:24:53.450302 1281 confparser.c:60] <createConfParser> load conf file /mnt/extsd/sample_rtsp.conf ok! I0101 03:24:53.451141 1281 sample_rtsp.c:291] <loadSampleConfig> IspAndVeLinkageEn:1, AdaptEn:0, LensMoveMaxQp:40 Committed_AS: 5532 kB I0101 03:24:53.459729 1281 mpi_sys.c:842] <AW_MPI_SYS_SetConf> kfctmpdir is [/tmp] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Media Process Platform<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< modName : MPP-Platform tag : V1.0 Release branch: v5-dev commit: 4eed413532ad87725895a8cb1ba75e22fc328233 date : 20170725 author: jenkins iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarx.conf iniparser: cannot open /vendor/etc/cedarx.conf I0101 03:24:53.463345 1281 mpi_sys.c:1455] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init I0101 03:24:53.464116 1281 isp_version.h:39] <isp_version_info> [ISP]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ISP VERSION INFO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IPCORE: ISP600 branch: libisp-dev commit: 5b30d9b8f8190196d863bc91576af5356022b433 date : Thu Jan 25 17:23:23 2024 +0800 author: <mayifei@allwinnertech.com> -------------------------------------------------------- I0101 03:24:53.464788 1281 mpi_sys.c:1457] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init done I0101 03:24:53.465759 1281 hwdisplay.c:84] <hw_display_init> I0101 03:24:53.466227 1281 hwdisplay.c:993] <hwd_init> (hwd_init 993) I0101 03:24:53.466883 1281 hwdisplay.c:1048] <hwd_init> ret[0][2,0]ch[0]lyl[0] init: enable[0], screenwin[0,0, 0x0], zorder[0], alpha[mode:0, value:0] I0101 03:24:53.490072 1281 audio_hw.c:189] <MakeAllMixerElemsAvailable> pcm open and close, all MixerElems maybe exist. I0101 03:24:53.490593 1281 alsa_interface.c:712] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:0 I0101 03:24:53.492970 1281 alsa_interface.c:767] <alsaOpenMixer> set playback vol_val to value: 27 I0101 03:24:53.493490 1281 alsa_interface.c:712] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:1 I0101 03:24:53.494908 1281 sample_rtsp.c:422] <configMainStream> main vipp0 ve_online_en:0, dma_buf_num:0, venc ch0 OnlineEnable:0, OnlineShareBufNum:0 I0101 03:24:53.495407 1281 sample_rtsp.c:449] <configMainStream> main EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 100% I0101 03:24:53.495558 1281 sample_rtsp.c:463] <configMainStream> main vbvThreshSize: 147450, vbvBufSize: 933882 I0101 03:24:53.496132 1281 video.c:107] <video_init> [ISP]video device name is vin_video0 I0101 03:24:53.496365 1281 isp_dev.c:566] <isp_video_open> [ISP]open video device[0], detect isp0 success! I0101 03:24:53.497176 1281 video.c:1063] <video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align> [ISP]video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align yuv_align_en = 0, lbc_align_en = 1 E0101 03:24:53.497363 1281 video.c:1065] <video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align> [ISP_ERR]video0 video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align failed!!! I0101 03:24:53.497919 1281 videoInputHw.c:1104] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[0] LBC pix:0x3132434c, line_tar_bits[0]:9216, line_tar_bits[1]:13824 I0101 03:24:53.499319 1281 videoInputHw.c:1124] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> bs_len:61440, frm_bit:11520 I0101 03:24:53.499939 1286 mpi_sys.c:1073] <MonitorEnvVarThread> detect user environment: I0101 03:24:53.501282 1286 mpi_sys.c:1074] <MonitorEnvVarThread> /tmp/mpp_log_level I0101 03:24:53.501455 1286 mpi_sys.c:1075] <MonitorEnvVarThread> /tmp/mpp_venc_sei_config_param I0101 03:24:53.749066 1281 video.c:172] <video_set_fmt> [ISP]video0 fd[9] ve_online_en=0, dma_buf_num=0 I0101 03:24:53.756470 1281 isp_dev.c:390] <isp_tdm_open> [ISP]tdm_rx device name is sunxi_tdm_rx.0 I0101 03:24:53.757127 1281 isp_dev.c:460] <isp_dev_open> [ISP]open isp device[0] success! E0101 03:24:53.757316 1281 isp_dev.c:956] <isp_sensor_get_configs> [ISP_ERR]gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22). W0101 03:24:53.758671 1281 isp_helper.c:106] <isp_ctx_save_init> [ISP_WARN]open /mnt/extsd/isp0_0_0_0_0_gc2053_mipi_ctx_saved.bin failed, err:No such file or directory. I0101 03:24:53.758980 1281 isp_ini_parse.c:1650] <parser_ini_info> [ISP]prefer isp config: [gc2053_mipi], 0x0, 0, 0, 0 W0101 03:24:53.759608 1281 isp_ini_parse.c:1669] <parser_ini_info> [ISP_WARN]cannot find gc2053_mipi_0_0_0_0_0 isp config, use gc2053_mipi_1920_1088_20_0_0 -> [gc2053_mipi_isp600_20220511_164617_vlc4_day] E0101 03:24:53.762955 1281 isp_manage.c:2575] <isp_ctx_config_init> [ISP_ERR]sensor attribute is not init. I0101 03:24:53.763580 1281 isp.c:1235] <isp_run> [ISP]create isp0 server thread! E0101 03:24:53.765018 1285 isp_dev.c:956] <isp_sensor_get_configs> [ISP_ERR]gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22). W0101 03:24:53.765190 1285 videoInputHw.c:6258] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> fatal error! Get isp[0] sensor information failed! must be called AW_MPI_ISP_Run before AW_MPI_VI_EnableVipp. I0101 03:24:53.767622 1285 videoInputHw.c:6297] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> EnableVipp[0]: vfmt.bufs:3, online:0 E0101 03:24:53.770593 1287 isp_dev.c:718] <isp_dev_start> [ISP_ERR]unable to subscribe to tdm event: Not a tty (25). I0101 03:24:53.798774 1281 videoInputHw.c:1316] <videoInputHw_ChnEnable> receive enable vipp[0] reply: 0x0! iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf INFO : cedarc <cdc_log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 3 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: 3975729c81dab9f05e2722e09e64d018b4b03c44 date : Sat Jan 27 15:33:52 2024 +0800 author: chenyibin change-id : I1798fdb3cfa479b7f3eabb212078a906cbe503eb release_author : ericwang patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1022>: 1117 register 2:h264 DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1032>: register codec: '2:h264' success. INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h264:13347>: register h264 encoder success! DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1022>: 1117 register 3:h265 DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1032>: register codec: '3:h265' success. INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h265:14107>: register h265 encoder success! DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1022>: 1117 register 1:jpeg DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1032>: register codec: '1:jpeg' success. INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_jpeg:3199>: register jpeg encoder success! DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1138>: shutdown power up ve INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1172>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1186>: bUseProcessLock = 0, eVeHwLockType = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1226>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1734>: *** set ve freq to 400 Mhz *** DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1281>: ve init ok DEBUG : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:965>: *** get __GetIonMemOpsS *** DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:140>: begin ion_alloc_open DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:173>: get offset by ve INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1172>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1186>: bUseProcessLock = 0, eVeHwLockType = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1226>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1734>: *** set ve freq to 400 Mhz *** DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1281>: ve init ok DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:182>: ** phy offset = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeRelease:1334>: ve release ok DEBUG : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>: nMessageSize = 20 DEBUG : cedarc <H265SetParameter:13635>: VENC_IndexParamProductCase: 0 I0101 03:24:53.827952 1281 VideoEnc_Component.c:7350] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE I0101 03:24:53.828115 1281 sample_rtsp.c:583] <configSubStream> vipp[4] crop en:1 X:0 Y:0 W:1888 H:1072 I0101 03:24:53.828195 1281 sample_rtsp.c:596] <configSubStream> sub EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 33% I0101 03:24:53.828260 1281 sample_rtsp.c:610] <configSubStream> sub vbvThreshSize: 24000, vbvBufSize: 152000 I0101 03:24:53.828396 1281 video.c:107] <video_init> [ISP]video device name is vin_video4 I0101 03:24:53.828618 1281 isp_dev.c:566] <isp_video_open> [ISP]open video device[4], detect isp0 success! I0101 03:24:53.828803 1281 video.c:1063] <video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align> [ISP]video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align yuv_align_en = 0, lbc_align_en = 1 E0101 03:24:53.828895 1281 video.c:1065] <video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align> [ISP_ERR]video4 video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align failed!!! I0101 03:24:53.828974 1281 videoInputHw.c:1104] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[4] LBC pix:0x3132434c, line_tar_bits[0]:3072, line_tar_bits[1]:4608 I0101 03:24:53.829261 1281 videoInputHw.c:1124] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> bs_len:20480, frm_bit:3840 I0101 03:24:54.049307 1281 videoInputHw.c:1390] <videoInputHw_SetCrop> vipp[4] set crop X:0, Y:0, Width:1888, Height:1072 E0101 03:24:54.060158 1287 isp_dev.c:274] <isp_stat_process_buffer> [ISP_ERR]AEWB: stats error, skipping buffer. E0101 03:24:54.063049 1285 videoInputHw.c:5931] <videoInputHw_GetData> fatal error! LBC wrong data len or buf size, offset_dst:1555200 + data_len:11520 > size:1556224 E0101 03:24:54.063196 1285 videoInputHw.c:6607] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> fatal error! videoInpuHw get data fail[0xa0108009], check code! E0101 03:24:54.063301 1285 isp_dev.c:956] <isp_sensor_get_configs> [ISP_ERR]gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22). W0101 03:24:54.063377 1285 videoInputHw.c:6258] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> fatal error! Get isp[0] sensor information failed! must be called AW_MPI_ISP_Run before AW_MPI_VI_EnableVipp. I0101 03:24:54.064129 1285 videoInputHw.c:6297] <VideoInputHw_CapThread> EnableVipp[4]: vfmt.bufs:3, online:0 I0101 03:24:54.065692 1281 videoInputHw.c:1316] <videoInputHw_ChnEnable> receive enable vipp[4] reply: 0x0! iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VencCreate:555>: now cedarc log level:3 INFO : cedarc <cdc_log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 3 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: 3975729c81dab9f05e2722e09e64d018b4b03c44 date : Sat Jan 27 15:33:52 2024 +0800 author: chenyibin change-id : I1798fdb3cfa479b7f3eabb212078a906cbe503eb release_author : ericwang patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '2:h264' fail! '2:h264' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h264:13351>: h264 encoder had already register! DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '3:h265' fail! '3:h265' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h265:14111>: h265 encoder had alread register DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '1:jpeg' fail! '1:jpeg' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_jpeg:3203>: jpeg encoder had already register INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1172>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1186>: bUseProcessLock = 0, eVeHwLockType = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1226>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1734>: *** set ve freq to 400 Mhz *** DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1281>: ve init ok DEBUG : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:965>: *** get __GetIonMemOpsS *** DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:140>: begin ion_alloc_open DEBUG : cedarc <H264EncOpenVer2:10490>: icverion = 0x23010, bIsRegVerE230 = 1 DEBUG : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>: nMessageSize = 20 DEBUG : cedarc <H264SetParameterVer2:12870>: VENC_IndexParamProductCase: 0 I0101 03:24:54.080081 1281 VideoEnc_Component.c:7350] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE I0101 03:24:54.080267 1281 sample_rtsp.c:730] <configSubLapseStream> subLapse EncppSharpAttenCoefPer: 33% I0101 03:24:54.080351 1281 sample_rtsp.c:744] <configSubLapseStream> SubLapse vbvThreshSize: 24000, vbvBufSize: 152000 iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VencCreate:555>: now cedarc log level:3 INFO : cedarc <cdc_log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 3 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <LogVersionInfo:44>: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cedar Codec <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : branch: tina-v853-dev commit: 3975729c81dab9f05e2722e09e64d018b4b03c44 date : Sat Jan 27 15:33:52 2024 +0800 author: chenyibin change-id : I1798fdb3cfa479b7f3eabb212078a906cbe503eb release_author : ericwang patch : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '2:h264' fail! '2:h264' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h264:13351>: h264 encoder had already register! DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '3:h265' fail! '3:h265' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_h265:14111>: h265 encoder had alread register DEBUG : cedarc <VEncoderRegister:1018>: Add '1:jpeg' fail! '1:jpeg' already register! DEBUG : cedarc <CedarPluginVENCInit_jpeg:3203>: jpeg encoder had already register INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1172>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1186>: bUseProcessLock = 0, eVeHwLockType = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1226>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1734>: *** set ve freq to 400 Mhz *** DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1281>: ve init ok DEBUG : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:965>: *** get __GetIonMemOpsS *** DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:140>: begin ion_alloc_open DEBUG : cedarc <H264EncOpenVer2:10490>: icverion = 0x23010, bIsRegVerE230 = 1 DEBUG : cedarc <CdcMessageQueueCreate:47>: nMessageSize = 20 DEBUG : cedarc <H264SetParameterVer2:12870>: VENC_IndexParamProductCase: 0 I0101 03:24:54.094630 1281 sample_rtsp.c:1431] <main> Lapse set TimeLapse 1000000 us I0101 03:24:54.095239 1281 VideoEnc_Component.c:4345] <VideoEncSetTimeLapse> SetTimeLapse: captureIntervalUs=1000000.000000, dstFrameIntervalUs=50000.000000, recType=1 I0101 03:24:54.095392 1281 VideoEnc_Component.c:7350] <VideoEncComponentTunnelRequest> set inputPortTunnelFlag = TRUE WARNING: cedarc <CheckSetParamInt:1039>: Notice: sVbrParam.nQuality is 10, but its suggested value is 1 ! DEBUG : cedarc <H265SetParameter:13487>: VENC_IndexParamPFrameIntraEn: use_intra_in_p_flag:1 I0101 03:24:54.096084 1289 VideoEnc_Component.c:823] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set stream buffer size[933882]bytes I0101 03:24:54.096235 1289 VideoEnc_Component.c:833] <setVbvBufferConfig> user set threshSize[147450]bytes I0101 03:24:54.096324 1289 VideoEnc_Component.c:860] <setVbvBufferConfig> bit rate is 1536Kb, set encode vbv size 933888, frame length threshold 147450 DEBUG : cedarc <H265SetParameter:13036>: set rot angle: p_enc->rot_angle = 0... DEBUG : cedarc <H265SetParameter:13627>: VENC_IndexParamIsNightCaseFlag: is_night_case = 0 I0101 03:24:54.096453 1289 VideoEnc_Component.c:2122] <CedarvVideoEncInit> DropFrameNum: 0 I0101 03:24:54.096525 1289 VideoEnc_Component.c:2138] <CedarvVideoEncInit> VeRecRefBufReduceEnable: 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VencInit:803>: func = VencInit, line = 803 DEBUG : cedarc <VencInit:816>: bOnlineMode = 1, bOnlineChannel = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VencInit:819>: lbc2.5 = 0, 2.0 = 1, 1.5 = 0, format = 19 DEBUG : cedarc <H265Init:11191>: share buf num = 1 DEBUG : cedarc <BitStreamCreate:129>: BitStreamCreate OK DEBUG : cedarc <h265InitMemRecRefE230:4296>: recRefQsubDataBufSize = 190976, recRefQsubInfoBufSize = 8608, lbcBusSize = 3067904, lbcMode = 1 DEBUG : ionAlloc <__GetIonMemOpsS:965>: *** get __GetIonMemOpsS *** DEBUG : ionAlloc <ion_alloc_open:140>: begin ion_alloc_open INFO : cedarc <VeInitialize:1172>: *** ic_version = 0x1302000023010, iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <CdcIniParserInit:36>: cannot parse file: /etc/cedarc.conf DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1186>: bUseProcessLock = 0, eVeHwLockType = 0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1226>: *** nPhyOffset = 0x0 DEBUG : cedarc <VeSetSpeed:1734>: *** set ve freq to 400 Mhz *** DEBUG : cedarc <VeInitialize:1281>: ve init ok E0101 03:24:54.110896 1287 isp_dev.c:859] <isp_sync_debug_info> [ISP_ERR]VIDIOC_VIN_ISP_GET_INFO error! W0101 03:24:54.111092 1287 isp.c:450] <isp_ctx_get_sensor_info> [ISP_WARN]isp debugfs node not support!!!
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