代码如下/* * Cedarx media decoder test demo. * * Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Leng Xujun <lengxujun2007@126.com>. * * Cedarx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed "as is" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any * kind, whether express or implied; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <errno.h> #include "vdecoder.h" //#define VIDEO_WIDTH 1280//1920 //#define VIDEO_HEIGHT 720//1080 #define VIDEO_IN_FMT VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H264//VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_MPEG2//VIDEO_CODEC_FORMAT_H264 #define VIDEO_OUT_FMT PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_PLANER_420//PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV_PLANER_422 //#define DECODE_IN_FILE "720p.jpg" //"1080p.jpg" //#define DECODE_OUT_FILE "1080p.yuv" #define TimeDiff(t2, t1) \ ((long long)( ((long long)((t2).tv_sec - (t1).tv_sec)) * 1000000000LL + (t2).tv_nsec - (t1).tv_nsec )) static char *ReadFile(char *path, int *pLen); static int WriteFile(const char *fileName, const char *data, int size); typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned int u32; static u8 *YUV_MB32_420_To_YUV420(u32 Width, u32 Height, u8 *ySrc, u8 *cSrc, u8 **pY, u8 **pU, u8 **pV); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char picFileName[256 + 1], *p; int picWidth = 1280, picHeight = 720; int useNeon = 1, i; AddVDPlugin(); memset(picFileName, 0, sizeof(picFileName)); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (strncmp(argv[i], "--size", 6) == 0) { picWidth = atoi(argv[i] + 7); p = strchr(argv[i], 'x'); if (p != NULL) picHeight = atoi(p + 1); if (picWidth < 0 || picHeight < 0) { picWidth = 1280; picHeight = 720; } } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--neon", 6) == 0) { p = strchr(argv[i], '='); if (p != NULL) useNeon = atoi(p + 1); if (useNeon < 0) useNeon = 1; } else if (strncmp(argv[i], "--", 2) == 0) { printf("unknow option %s", argv[i]); } else { strcpy(picFileName, argv[i]); } } if (!picFileName[0]) { printf("file name missed"); printf("./VDecodeTest [--size=wxh] [--neon={0,1}] file-name"); return -1; } printf("convert %s(%dx%d) to yuv %s NEON...", picFileName, picWidth, picHeight, useNeon ? "with" : "without"); /* * Create video decoder. */ VideoDecoder *pVideoDecoder = NULL; pVideoDecoder = CreateVideoDecoder(); if (NULL == pVideoDecoder) { printf("create video decode failed\n"); return -1; } /* * Init video decoder depends on video stream information & config. */ VideoStreamInfo videoStreamInfo; VConfig videoConfig; memset(&videoStreamInfo, 0, sizeof(videoStreamInfo)); videoStreamInfo.eCodecFormat = VIDEO_IN_FMT; videoStreamInfo.nWidth = picWidth; videoStreamInfo.nHeight = picHeight; memset(&videoConfig, 0, sizeof(videoConfig)); printf("VIDEO_OUT_FMT:%d\n",VIDEO_OUT_FMT); videoConfig.eOutputPixelFormat = VIDEO_OUT_FMT; // videoConfig.nFrameBufferNum = 10; // videoConfig.nDecodeSmoothFrameBufferNum = 3; // videoConfig.nDeInterlaceHoldingFrameBufferNum = 3; // videoConfig.nDisplayHoldingFrameBufferNum = 3; if (InitializeVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder, &videoStreamInfo, &videoConfig) < 0) { printf("init video decoder failed"); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } struct timespec t1, t2; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t1); /* * Request video stream buffer from decoder. */ int nRequireSize = picWidth * picHeight * 3 / 2; char *pBuf; int bufSize; char *pRingBuf; int ringBufSize; if (RequestVideoStreamBuffer(pVideoDecoder, nRequireSize, &pBuf, &bufSize, &pRingBuf, &ringBufSize, 0) < 0) { printf("request video stream buffer failed"); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } /* * Sumbit video stream data to be decode to decoder. */ char *inFileData = NULL; int inDataSize = 0; inFileData = ReadFile(picFileName, &inDataSize); if (NULL == inFileData || inDataSize <= 0) { printf("read file %s failed", picFileName); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } printf("read file %d\n", inDataSize); if (bufSize >= inDataSize) { memcpy(pBuf, inFileData, inDataSize); } else { memcpy(pBuf, inFileData, bufSize); //memcpy(pRingBuf, inFileData + bufSize, inDataSize - bufSize); } VideoStreamDataInfo videoStreamDataInfo; memset(&videoStreamDataInfo, 0, sizeof(videoStreamDataInfo)); videoStreamDataInfo.pData = pBuf; videoStreamDataInfo.nLength = inDataSize; videoStreamDataInfo.bIsFirstPart = 1; videoStreamDataInfo.bIsLastPart = 1; if (SubmitVideoStreamData(pVideoDecoder, &videoStreamDataInfo, 0) < 0) { printf("submit video stream to decoder failed"); free(inFileData); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } /* * Start decoding. */ int frame_num = VideoStreamFrameNum(pVideoDecoder, 0); printf("frame: %d\n", frame_num); frame_num = ValidPictureNum(pVideoDecoder, 0); printf("frame: %d\n", frame_num); int decodeResult = DecodeVideoStream(pVideoDecoder, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (ValidPictureNum(pVideoDecoder, 0) < 0) { } if (!(decodeResult == VDECODE_RESULT_OK || decodeResult == VDECODE_RESULT_FRAME_DECODED || decodeResult == VDECODE_RESULT_KEYFRAME_DECODED)) { printf("decode failed, decode result: %d\n", decodeResult); free(inFileData); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } /* * Toggles the decoded stream object of decoder to obtain data. */ VideoPicture *pVideoPic = NULL; pVideoPic = RequestPicture(pVideoDecoder, 0); if (NULL == pVideoPic) { printf("decode failed"); free(inFileData); DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return -1; } printf("Decoded data statistics:"); printf("pixel format: %d", pVideoPic->ePixelFormat); printf("width: %d", pVideoPic->nWidth); printf("height: %d", pVideoPic->nHeight); printf("line stride: %d", pVideoPic->nLineStride); printf("left offset: %d", pVideoPic->nLeftOffset); printf("top offset: %d", pVideoPic->nTopOffset); printf("right offset: %d", pVideoPic->nRightOffset); printf("bottom offset: %d", pVideoPic->nBottomOffset); printf("progressive: %s", pVideoPic->bIsProgressive ? "y" : "n"); /* * Returns the toggled decoded stream object back to decoder. */ ReturnPicture(pVideoDecoder, pVideoPic); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t2); char outputFile[256 + 1]; strcpy(outputFile, picFileName); strcat(outputFile, ".yuv"); // if (useNeon) { // extern void ConvertMb32420ToNv21Y(char* pSrc,char* pDst,int nWidth, int nHeight); // char *Y = malloc(pVideoPic->nRightOffset * pVideoPic->nBottomOffset); // ConvertMb32420ToNv21Y(pVideoPic->pData0, Y, pVideoPic->nRightOffset, pVideoPic->nBottomOffset); // WriteFile(outputFile, Y, pVideoPic->nRightOffset * pVideoPic->nBottomOffset); // free(Y); // } else { // u8 *Y, *U, *V; // u8 *y_uv = YUV_MB32_420_To_YUV420(pVideoPic->nRightOffset, pVideoPic->nBottomOffset, // pVideoPic->pData0, pVideoPic->pData1, &Y, &U, &V); WriteFile(outputFile, pVideoPic->pData0, pVideoPic->nRightOffset * pVideoPic->nBottomOffset); // free(y_uv); // } //clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t2); long long diff = TimeDiff(t2, t1); printf("time spent for decoding: %lldms / %lldus/ %lldns", diff / 1000000, diff / 1000, diff); /* * Clean up & Destroy video decoder. */ free(inFileData); inFileData = NULL; //DestroyVideoDecoder(pVideoDecoder); return 0; } static char *ReadFile(char *path, int *pLen) { FILE *fp = NULL; int ret = 0; char *data = NULL; fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("read jpeg file error, errno(%d)", errno); return NULL; } fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); *pLen = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); data = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (*pLen)); if(data == NULL) { printf("malloc memory fail"); fclose(fp); return NULL; } ret = fread (data, 1, *pLen, fp); if (ret != *pLen) { printf("read file fail"); fclose(fp); free(data); return NULL; } if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp); return data; } static int WriteFile(const char *fileName, const char *data, int size) { FILE *fp; fp = fopen(fileName, "wb"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("create file %s failed", fileName); return -1; } fwrite(data, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); return 0; } static void WriteBack_Y(u32 Width, u32 Height, u8 *src, u8 *dst) { u32 i, j; u32 x, y; u8 *srcT, *dstT; srcT = src; dstT = dst; for (y = 0; y < Height; y += 32) { dstT = dst + Width * y; srcT = src + Width * y; for (x = 0; x < Width; x += 32) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) dstT[i*Width + j] = srcT[i*32 + j]; } dstT += 32; srcT += 32 * 32; } } } static void WriteBack_UV(u32 width, u32 height, u8 *srcChrom, u8 *dstU, u8 *dstV) { u32 i, j; u32 x, y; u8 *C, *U, *V; C = srcChrom; for (y = 0; y < height / 2; y += 32) { U = dstU + width / 2 * y; V = dstV + width / 2 * y; C = srcChrom + width * y; for (x = 0; x < width; x += 32) { for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if ((y + i) < (height / 2)) { U[i*width / 2 + j] = C[i*32 + 2*j]; V[i*width / 2 + j] = C[i*32 + 2*j + 1]; } } } U += 16; V += 16; C += 32*32; } } } static u8 *YUV_MB32_420_To_YUV420(u32 Width, u32 Height, u8 *ySrc, u8 *cSrc, u8 **pY, u8 **pU, u8 **pV) { u8 *yuv_plane; u32 ysize; u32 csize; u32 width16; u32 height16; u32 width32, height32; u32 height64; u8 *Y, *U, *V; width16 = (Width + 15) & ~15; height16 = (Height + 15) & ~15; width32 = (Width + 31) & ~31; height32 = (Height + 31) & ~31; height64 = (Height + 63) & ~63; ysize = width32 * height32; csize = width32 * height64 / 2; yuv_plane = (u8 *)malloc(ysize + csize); if (yuv_plane == NULL) return NULL; Y = yuv_plane; WriteBack_Y(width32, height32, ySrc, Y); U = Y + width32 * height32; V = U + (width32 * height64 / 4); //WriteBack_UV(width32, height64, cSrc, U, V); *pY = Y; *pU = U; *pV = V; return yuv_plane; }
但是demo上的解码器如指导文档所说,解码出图滞后。所以解单帧h264时,demo不会出图。建议参照demo里的stopAndGetLeftFrame函数做修改,把滞后的图像取出。测试可行。int stopAndGetLeftFrame() { int nRet; int leftFrame = VideoStreamFrameNum(pVideoDec, 0); ALOGD("VideoStreamFrameNum:%d", leftFrame); if (leftFrame > 0) { int waitLoop = 0; while (leftFrame > 0) { nRet = DecodeVideoStream(pVideoDec, 1 /*eos*/, 0/*key frame only*/, 0/*drop b frame*/, 0/*current time*/); ALOGD("DecodeVideoStream:%d", nRet); if ((nRet == VDECODE_RESULT_NO_FRAME_BUFFER) || (nRet == VDECODE_RESULT_NO_BITSTREAM)) { break; } usleep(200); waitLoop++; leftFrame--; if (waitLoop > 50) { ALOGW("decode eos time out > 10 ms!"); break; } } } else { ALOGD("There is no left fream to decode!"); } int nValidPicNum = ValidPictureNum(pVideoDec, 0); ALOGD("ValidPictureNum:%d", nValidPicNum); if (nValidPicNum <= 0) { nRet = -2; ALOGW("nValidPicNum:%d, no pic left.", nValidPicNum); return nRet; } while(nValidPicNum > 0) { pPicture = RequestPicture(pVideoDec, 0/*the major stream*/); //VdecH264:step6 if (pPicture != NULL) { AVPacket outPacket; outPacket.id = pPicture->nID; outPacket.pts = pPicture->nPts; outPacket.pAddrPhy0 = (unsigned char*)pPicture->phyYBufAddr; outPacket.pAddrVir0 = (unsigned char*)pPicture->pData0; outPacket.dataLen0 = pPicture->nWidth * pPicture->nHeight; outPacket.pAddrPhy1 = (unsigned char*)pPicture->phyCBufAddr; outPacket.pAddrVir1 = (unsigned char*)pPicture->pData1; outPacket.dataLen1 = outPacket.dataLen0 / 2; if (NULL != mDataCbk) { mDataCbk->decoderDataReady(&outPacket); } ReturnPicture(pVideoDec, pPicture); nValidPicNum--; } else { ALOGW("pPicture == NULL."); return -2; } } return nRet; }
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