How to increase bootlogo.bmp size (to 800x480)
Hi there
I can change the bootlogo.bmp with same size bmp picture,
But if I want to increase size to 5" lcd (800x480) its not works,What should I do to increase its size?
when I changed this bootlogo.bmp file from 200x120 to 800x480,
pack command not pack the img file and the output was as;
test@test-virtual-machine:~/LC/Tina-Linux$ pack --==========-- PACK_CHIP sun20iw1p1 PACK_PLATFORM tina PACK_BOARD f133-mq_r PACK_KERN PACK_DEBUG uart0 PACK_SIG none PACK_SECURE none PACK_MODE normal PACK_FUNC android PACK_PROGRAMMER none PACK_TAR_IMAGE none PACK_TOPDIR /home/test/LC/Tina-Linux --==========-- No kernel param, parse it from f133 copying tools file copying configs file storage_type value is 1 rm /home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sys_partition_nor.fex rm /home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/image_nor.cfg copying boot resource copying boot file make user resource for : /home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sys_partition.fex handle partition user-res no user resource partitions APP_PART_DOWNLOAD_FILE = /home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/app.fex Need size of filesystem no data resource partitions don't build dtbo ... update_chip sboot file Path=/home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sboot.bin script file Path=/home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sys_config.bin update:unable to open sboot file script update sboot ok pack boot package GetPrivateProfileSection read to end content_count=3 LICHEE_REDUNDANT_ENV_SIZE config in --mkenvimage create redundant env data!-- ---redundant env data size 0x20000--- packing for tina linux normal mbr count = 4 partitation file Path=/home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sys_partition.bin mbr_name file Path=/home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/sunxi_mbr.fex download_name file Path=/home/test/LC/Tina-Linux/out/f133-mq_r/image/dlinfo.fex mbr size = 16384 mbr magic softw411 disk name=boot-resource ERROR: dl file boot-resource.fex size too large ERROR: filename = boot-resource.fex ERROR: dl_file_size = 2336 sector ERROR: part_size = 504 sector update_for_part_info -1 ERROR: update mbr file fail ERROR: update_mbr failed
I changed size from 504 to 11504 in the file,
then it pack the img file,~/LC/Tina-Linux/device/config/chips/f133/configs/mq_r/sys_partition.fex
[partition] name = boot-resource size = 11504 downloadfile = "boot-resource.fex" user_type = 0x8000
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