@null037 排查了一下发现可能是ISP配置出现的问题,但目前无法知道问题点在那里
root@TinaLinux:~# ./sample_smartPreview_demo -path ./sample_smartPreview_demo.co
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0102 07:40:27.395318 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:639] <main> sample_smartPreview_demo running!
I0102 07:40:27.395606 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:50] <ParseCmdLine> sample_virvi2vo path:[./sample_smartPreview_demo], arg number is [3]
I0102 07:40:27.396445 1665 confparser.c:60] <createConfParser> load conf file ./sample_smartPreview_demo.conf ok!
I0102 07:40:27.396689 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:215] <loadSampleConfig> vipp[0]: captureSize[360x640][ 8035.399861] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:, displayArea[0,0,480x800]
[ 8035.406568] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
2 07:40:27.396777 1665 sample_s[ 8035.415074] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:martPreview_demo.c:215]
<loadSampleConfig> vipp[1]: ca[ 8035.422524] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
ptureSize[1920x1080], displayAre[ 8035.434033] [DISP] lcd_clk_config,line:702:a[0,0,480x800]
I0102 07:40:27.3
96842 1665 sample_smartPreview_[ 8035.441209] disp 0, clk: pll(150000000),clk(150000000),dclk(25000000) dsi_rate(25000000)
[ 8035.441209] clk real:pll(288000000),clk(288000000),dclk(72000000) dsi_rate(150000000)
demo.c:217] <loadSampl[ 8035.465520] lcd_open_flow
eConfig> dispSync[1], dispType[6[ 8035.471085] lcd_power_on
4], frameRate[20], testDuration[[ 8035.477249] [DISP] disp_sys_gpio_set_value,line:416:0]
I0102 07:40:27.396989 1665
mpi_sys.c:842] <AW_MPI[ 8035.484965] OSAL_GPIO_DevWRITE_ONEPIN_DATA, hdl is NULL
_SYS_SetConf> kfctmpdir is [/tmp]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Media Process Platform<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
modName : MPP-Platform
tag : V1.0 Release
branch: v5-dev
commit: 4eed413532ad87725895a8cb1ba75e22fc328233
date : 20170725
author: jenkins
iniparser: cannot open /etc/cedarx.conf
iniparser: cannot open /vendor/etc/cedarx.conf
I0102 07:40:27.399916 1665 mpi_sys.c:1455] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init
[ISP]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ISP VERSION INFO <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
branch: libisp-dev
commit: c3bfa4e23fb037123e65a04eaaa39f7876cfe1a6
date : Mon Apr 10 10:37:15 2023 +0800
author: <zhenghanjie@allwinnertech.com>
--------------------------------------[ 8035.555261] [DISP] disp_sys_gpio_set_value,line:416:------------------
I0102 07:4
0:27.400496 1665 mpi_sys.c:1457[ 8035.563079] OSAL_GPIO_DevWRITE_ONEPIN_DATA, hdl is NULL
] <AW_MPI_SYS_Init> ISP init done
I0102 07:40:27.400827 1665 hwdisplay.c:84] <hw_display_init>
I0102 07:[ 8035.585194] [DISP] disp_sys_gpio_set_value,line:416:40:27.400958 1665 hwdisplay.c:9
[ 8035.591127] OSAL_GPIO_DevWRITE_ONEPIN_DATA, hdl is NULL
93] <hwd_init> (hwd_init 993)
I0102 07:40:27.401121 1665 hwdisplay.c:1048] <hwd_init> ret[0][2,0]ch[2]lyl[0] init: enable[0], screenwin[0,0, 0x0], zorder[0], alpha[mode:0, value:0]
I0102 07:40:27.420312 1665 audio_hw.c:228] <MakeAllMixerElemsAvailable> pcm open and close, all MixerElems maybe exist.
I0102 07:40:27.420507 1665 alsa_interface.c:707] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:0
I0102 07:40:27.421910 1665 alsa_interface.c:762] <alsaOpenMixer> set playback vol_val to value: 27
I0102 07:40:27.422063 1665 alsa_interface.c:707] <alsaOpenMixer> open mixer:hw:1
I0102 07:40:27.422809 1665 hwdisplay.c:1248] <hwd_get_disp_type> Current the disp_type:0x0 tv_mode:0x0
I0102 07:40:27.423085 1666 mpi_sys.c:1073] <MonitorEnvVarThread> detect user environment:
I0102 07:40:27.423255 1666 mpi_sys.c:1074] <MonitorEnvVarThread> /tmp/mpp_log_level
I0102 07:40:27.423341 1666 mpi_sys.c:1075] <MonitorEnvVarThread> /tmp/mpp_venc_sei_config_param
I0102 07:40:27.443140 1665 mpi_vo.c:837] <AW_MPI_VO_SetPubAttr> vo interface changed, [0x0, 0x1]->[0x40, 0x1]
I0102 07:40:27.443285 1665 hwdisplay.c:1486] <hwd_switch_vo_device> Current the disp_type:0x0 tv_mode:0x0
[ 8035.725209] lcd_panel_init
[ 8036.295196] lcd_bl_open
[ 8036.298271] [DISP] disp_device_attached_and_enable,line:234:
[ 8036.304439] attached ok, mgr0<-->dev0
[ 8036.308864] [DISP] disp_device_attached_and_enable,line:247:
[ 8036.315013] type:1,mode:0,fmt:rgb,bits:8bits,eotf:4,cs:0 dvi_hdmi:2, range:2 scan:0 ratio:8
I0102 07:40:28.398537 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:303] <CreateVIPP2VOLink> Vipp dev[0] vir_chn[0]
[ISP]video device name is vin_video0
[ISP]open video device[0], detect isp0 success!
[ISP]video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align yuv_align_en = 1, lbc_align_en = 0
[ISP_ERR]video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align, line: 1039,video0 video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align failed!!!
[ISP_ERR]video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align, line: 1040,video_set_isp_bk_buffer_align yuv_align_en = 1, lbc_align_en = 0
I0102 07:40:28.399546 1665 videoInputHw.c:956] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> vipp[0] yuv format, width 360 is not 16 aligned, set bk width stride en 1
[ISP]video_set_isp_bk_width_stride stride_en = 1
[ISP_ERR]video_set_isp_bk_width_stride, line: 1054,video0 video_set_isp_bk_width_stride failed!!!
[ISP]video0 fd[9] ve_online_en=0[ 8036.608020] [VIN]ve_online close
, dma_buf_num=0
[ISP]open isp device[0] success!
[ISP_ERR]isp_sensor_get_configs, line: 825,gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22).
[ISP_WARN]open /mnt/extsd/isp0_0_0_0_0_ctx_saved.bin failed, err:No such file or directory.
[ISP]prefer isp config: [gc2053_mipi], 0x0, 0, 0, 0
[ISP_WARN]cannot find gc2053_mipi_0_0_0_0_0 isp config, use gc2053_mipi_1920_1088_20_0_0 -> [gc2053_mipi_isp600_20220511_164617_vlc4_day]
[ISP_ERR]isp_ctx_conf[ 8036.653535] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:ig_init, line: 2368,sensor attri
bute is not init.
[ISP]create i[ 8036.660072] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
sp0 server thread!
I0102 07:40:28.665171 1665 mpi_vi.c:1209] <AW_MPI_VI_CreateVirChn> we allow to create virChn[0] in disable status of vipp[0]
[ISP_ERR]isp_sensor_get_configs, line: 825,gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22).
W0102 07:40:28.665654 1665 videoInputHw.c:1193] <videoInputHw_ChnEnable> fatal error! Get isp[0] sensor information failed! must be called AW_MPI_ISP_Run before AW_MPI_VI_EnableVipp.
I0102 07:40:28.696958 1665 hwdisplay.c:1121] <hwd_layer_request_hlay> hlay:0, zorde[ 8036.718063] npu[681][681] vipcore, device init..
r=0, cnt:2
I0102 07:40:28.70356[ 8036.723623] set_vip_power_clk ON
4 1669 videoInputHw.c:5637] [6[ 8036.732157] enter aw vip mem alloc size 3887457
0D <VideoInputHw_CapThread> [ 8036.738326] aw_vip_mem_alloc vir 0xe2c00000, phy 0x48d00000
loop VideoInputHw_CapThread vipp[ 8036.746933] npu[681][681] gckvip_drv_init kernel logical phy address=0x48d00000 virtual =0xe2c00000
_id = 0, buf_num=5.
I0102 07:40:28.715012 1665 mpi_vo.c:1038] <AW_MPI_VO_SetVideoLayerAttr> ch[0]lyl[0]:dispRect changed, [0, 0, 320x240]->[0, 0, 480x800]
I0102 07:40:28.715140 1665 hwdisplay.c:409] <hwd_layer_set_rect> ch[0]lyl[0]: screen_win[0,0, 480x800]
I0102 07:40:28.715488 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:398] <CreateVIPP2VOLink> create vo channel[0] success!
I0102 07:40:28.715746 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:303] <CreateVIPP2VOLink> Vipp dev[1] vir_chn[0]
[ISP]video device name is vin_video1
[ISP_ERR]video_init, line: 110,can not get entity by name vin_video1
[ISP_ERR]isp_video_open, line: 477,error: unable to initialize video device.
[ISP_ERR]isp_video_open, line: 496,unable to open video device[1]!
E0102 07:40:28.716028 1665 videoInputHw.c:638] <videoInputHw_ChnInit> error: isp video can not open, chn[1]!
E0102 07:40:28.716126 1665 mpi_vi.c:170] <AW_MPI_VI_CreateVipp> initialize video input hardware failed!!
E0102 07:40:28.716226 1665 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:307] <CreateVIPP2VOLink> fatal error! AW_MPI_VI CreateVipp:1 failed
I0102 07:40:28.760831 1665 aiservice_detect.c:647] <aw_service_start> face nbinfo d��� 5c4c99417ae14442a223eb20170cc04d 480 480 3887457 0.000000
I0102 07:40:28.760988 1665 aiservice_detect.c:654] <aw_service_start> human src_width:0, src_height:0, face src_width:480, src_height:270
I0102 07:40:28.761092 1665 aiservice_detect.c:575] <get_debug_env> ai_det_fps_print:0
I0102 07:40:28.761159 1665 aiservice_detect.c:588] <get_debug_env> ai_det_result_print:0
I0102 07:40:28.761222 1665 aiservice_detect.c:601] <get_debug_env> ai_det_runtime_print:0
Version: AWNN_LIB_1.0.3
[ 8036.918672] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:1
VIPLite driver version=0x000108
[ 8036.925675] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
I0102 07:40:28.805987 1665 aiservice_detect.c:698] <aw_service_start> awnn_init cost 44ms
I0102 07:40:28.806128 1665 aiservice_detect.c:699] <aw_service_start> total mem_size=3887457, human model=(null), face model=face.nb
[ISP]video device name is vin_video8
[ISP]open video device[8], detect isp0 success!
I0102 07:40:28.806445 1665 videoInputHw.c:1050] <videoInputHw_SetChnAttr> ViCh[8], user set disable Encpp
[ISP_ERR]isp_stat_process_buffer, line: 271,AEWB: stats error, skipping buffer.
[ISP_ERR]isp_sensor_get_configs, line: 825,gc2053_mipi get config failed: Invalid argument (22).
I0102 07:40:28.961393 1670 video_render_linux.cpp:224] <vr4l_init> mDisplayFormat[0x11], new CedarXNativeRenderer
W0102 07:40:28.961546 1670 CedarXNativeRenderer.cpp:157] <CedarXNativeRenderer> bufWidth[368]!=display_width[360]
I0102 07:40:28.961631 1670 CedarXNativeRenderer.cpp:176] <CedarXNativeRenderer> hwc disp fmt[0x63], color space:260
I0102 07:40:28.961725 1670 hwdisplay.c:240] <hwd_layer_set_src> x: 0, y: 0, width: 0x168, height: 0x280
I0102 07:40:28.961795 1670 hwdisplay.c:247] <hwd_layer_set_src> width: 0x16800000000, height: 0x28000000000
I0102 07:40:28.961864 1670 hwdisplay.c:367] <hwd_layer_set_src> set fb.format 99 77, color_space 260 end, size0[368x640], size1[184x320]
I0102 07:40:28.961962 1670 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:254] <MPPCallbackWrapper> VO callback: VO Layer[0] chn[0] event:257
I0102 07:40:28.962034 1670 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:266] <MPPCallbackWrapper> vo layer[0] report video display size[360x640]
I0102 07:40:28.962111 1670 VideoRender_Component.c:2318] <VideoRender_ComponentThread> init video_render, param: displayRect[0,0][360x640], bufSize[368x640], vdecColorFormat[0x5]
I0102 07:40:28.962174 1670 mpi_vo.c:508] <VideoRenderEventHandler> KeyFrameDecoded, pts[8036772204]us
I0102 07:40:28.977872 1670 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:254] <MPPCallbackWrapper> VO callback: VO Layer[0] chn[0] event:258
I0102 07:40:28.978004 1670 sample_smartPreview_demo.c:271] <MPPCallbackWrapper> vo layer[0] report rendering start
[ 8037.141055] npu[681][683] gckvip_drv_exit, aw_vip_mem_free
[ 8037.147284] aw_vip_mem_free vir 0xe2c00000, phy 0x48d00000
[ 8037.153500] aw_vip_mem_free dma_unmap_sg_atrs
[ 8037.158496] aw_vip_mem_free ion_unmap_kernel
[ 8037.163506] aw_vip_mem_free ion_free
[ 8037.167782] aw_vip_mem_free ion_client_destroy
[ 8037.172812] npu[681][683] vipcore, device un-init..
[ 8037.197621] [DISP] disp_mgr_set_layer_config,line:1504:
[ 8037.203396] NULL hdl!
[ 8037.235199] lcd_close_flow
[ 8037.238332] lcd_bl_close
[ 8037.241449] lcd_panel_exit
[ 8037.405193] lcd_power_off
[ 8037.408276] [DISP] disp_sys_gpio_set_value,line:416:
[ 8037.413640] OSAL_GPIO_DevWRITE_ONEPIN_DATA, hdl is NULL
[ 8037.575612] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:
[ 8037.580205] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
[ 8037.586335] [DISP] de_fcm_set_para,line:491:
[ 8037.590925] fcm lut 0 not find, auto retry after init
Arithmetic exception (core dumped)