
Latest posts made by pcmxz
Reply: xr829资料
混杂模式只能抓到MAC层所能搜到的包,你的需求是想要抓取空气中的“自由包”,应该用monitor模式。Monitor mode: Sniffing the packets in the air without connecting (associating) with any access point. Think of it like listening to people's conversations while you walk down the street. Promiscuous mode: Sniffing the packets after connecting to an access point. This is possible because the wireless-enabled devices send the data in the air but only "mark" them to be processed by the intended receiver. They cannot send the packets and make sure they only reach a specific device, unlike with switched LANs. Think of it like joining a group of people in a conversation, but at the same time being able to hear when someone says "Hey, Mike, I have a new laptop". Even though you're not Mike, and that sentence was intended to be heard by Mike, but you're still able to hear it.
Reply: 一条普遍存在于嵌入式实时系统(RTOS)中的嵌套使用互斥量的bug分析
非常好的文章,想请教一下有什么工具或者方法对死锁问题进行debug吗 -
Reply: V833@Melis4.0 开发QuickStart