会出现找不到__NR_renameat2的值. -
官方文档提供的ubu20.04虚拟机在win11上运行可能存在问题, 输入密码登陆后无显示并卡死. win7实测正常.
UIMAGE arch/arm/boot/uImage "mkimage" command not found - U-Boot images will not be built make[1]: *** [arch/arm/boot/Makefile:93: arch/arm/boot/uImage] Error 1 make: *** [arch/arm/Makefile:331: uImage] Error 2
可以find . -name "mkimage" |xargs ls -lh,
然后选一个可以执行的,export PATH=$PWD/brandy/brandy-2.0/u-boot-2018/tools:$PATH
- 找不到/编不出mconf
find一下, 进入相应目录, make clean, 然后再重新make
官方文档提供的ubu20.04虚拟机(后称, 官方虚拟机)执行pack出现
fsbuild: No such file or directory
这是全志的闭源打包工具, 位于: tina-v853-open/tools/pack/pctools/linux/fsbuild200目录下, readelf -h可见
$ readelf -h fsbuild ELF Header: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Class: ELF32 Data: 2's complement, little endian Version: 1 (current) OS/ABI: UNIX - System V ABI Version: 0 Type: EXEC (Executable file) Machine: Intel 80386 Version: 0x1 Entry point address: 0x8048870 Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file) Start of section headers: 33856 (bytes into file) Flags: 0x0 Size of this header: 52 (bytes) Size of program headers: 32 (bytes) Number of program headers: 8 Size of section headers: 40 (bytes) Number of section headers: 38 Section header string table index: 35
居然是个32位程序, 遂参考Ubuntu-64位系统运行32位程序的方法:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386 zlib1g:i386 sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Tina 终(
Begin Parse sys_partion.fex
Add partion boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
Add partion very boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
FilePath: boot.fex
FileLength=375800Add partion rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000
Add partion very rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000
FilePath: rootfs.fex
FileLength=3a0000Add partion usr.fex USR_FEX000000000
Add partion very usr.fex USR_FEX000000000
FilePath: usr.fex
FileLength=1a0000Add partion env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000
Add partion very env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000
FilePath: env_nor.fex
FileLength=20000Add partion bootlogo.fex BOOTLOGO_FEX0000
Add partion very bootlogo.fex BOOTLOGO_FEX0000
FilePath: bootlogo.fex
FileLength=4b036The file config.fex length = 0
BuildImg 400
Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! ArgCnt = 3, 400
pack finish请问Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! 这里是什么错误?用的ubuntu18.04
@yelong98 在 【V853开发板试用】V853编译烧录疑难杂症汇总篇 中说:
Begin Parse sys_partion.fex
Add partion boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
Add partion very boot.fex BOOT_FEX00000000
FilePath: boot.fex
FileLength=375800Add partion rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000
Add partion very rootfs.fex ROOTFS_FEX000000
FilePath: rootfs.fex
FileLength=3a0000Add partion usr.fex USR_FEX000000000
Add partion very usr.fex USR_FEX000000000
FilePath: usr.fex
FileLength=1a0000Add partion env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000
Add partion very env_nor.fex ENV_NOR_FEX00000
FilePath: env_nor.fex
FileLength=20000Add partion bootlogo.fex BOOTLOGO_FEX0000
Add partion very bootlogo.fex BOOTLOGO_FEX0000
FilePath: bootlogo.fex
FileLength=4b036The file config.fex length = 0
BuildImg 400
Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! ArgCnt = 3, 400
pack finish请问Dragon execute image.cfg Failed ! 这里是什么错误?用的ubuntu18.04
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