D1s调试rtp,触控屏,电阻屏出现open consoledevice: No such file or directory
在使用TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_test,提示“open consoledevice: No such file or directory”和“KDSETMODE: Bad file descriptor”,求大神提点一下,问题出现在哪里了。root@TinaLinux:/# getevent add device 1: /dev/input/event2 name: "sunxi-gpadc0" add device 2: /dev/input/event1 name: "audiocodec sunxi Audio Jack" add device 3: /dev/input/event0 name: "2009c00.rtp" poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0000 00000511 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0001 00000837 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0001 014a 00000001 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0000 00000523 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0000 00000512 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0001 00000838 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0001 014a 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0000 000009c9 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0003 0001 0000091c poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0001 014a 00000001 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0001 014a 00000000 poll 4, returned 1 /dev/input/event0: 0000 0000 00000000 ^Z[2]+ Stopped getevent root@TinaLinux:/# root@TinaLinux:/# TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_test open consoledevice: No such file or directory KDSETMODE: Bad file descriptor
cat /proc/interrupts看下中断的增加速度
root@TinaLinux:/# cat /proc/interrupts CPU0 2: 10 SiFive PLIC 78 sun4i-ts 4: 0 SiFive PLIC 80 2010000.iommu 6: 0 SiFive PLIC 82 cedar_dev 8: 0 SiFive PLIC 160 7090000.rtc 21: 134 SiFive PLIC 21 uart3 29: 0 SiFive PLIC 105 5410000.g2d 30: 57816 SiFive PLIC 106 dispaly 31: 17714 SiFive PLIC 31 spi0 36: 6 SiFive PLIC 36 ledcirq 41: 0 SiFive PLIC 41 audio jack irq 45: 103 SiFive PLIC 45 sunxi_usb_udc 49: 0 SiFive PLIC 49 ehci_hcd:usb1 50: 0 SiFive PLIC 50 ohci_hcd:usb2 56: 0 SiFive PLIC 56 mmc0 62: 0 SiFive PLIC 62 4500000.eth 66: 4117 SiFive PLIC 66 3002000.dma-controller 73: 0 SiFive PLIC 73 sunxi-gpadc 75: 0 SiFive PLIC 75 timer@2050000 177: 1 sunxi_pio_edge 134 4020000.sdmmc cd
@whycan 这个错误提示是哪里出问题了
root@TinaLinux:/# TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_test open consoledevice: No such file or directory KDSETMODE: Bad file descriptor
TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate
参考这个: Linux 执行 ts_test ts_calibrate 都提示 No such file or directory, 求教
@whycan 还是相同的提示,是不是配置哪里少了?
root@TinaLinux:/# TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate open consoledevice: No such file or directory KDSETMODE: Bad file descriptor
TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=/dev/tty1 TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate
@whycan 增加完成以后又提示“Couldnt load module input” 和“No raw modules loaded”。
root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/event0 root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/lib/ts/ root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=/dev/ttyS3 root@TinaLinux:/# export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 root@TinaLinux:/# TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=/dev/ttyS3 TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 TSLIB_T SDEVICE=/dev/input/event0 ts_calibrate Couldnt load module input No raw modules loaded. ts_config: Success ts_setup: Success
# Uncomment if you wish to use the one-wire linux input layer S70/A70... # module_raw one_wire_ts_input # Uncomment if you wish to use the linux input layer event interface module_raw input # Uncomment if you're using a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500/SL-5000d # module_raw collie # Uncomment if you're using a Sharp Zaurus SL-C700/C750/C760/C860 # module_raw corgi # Uncomment if you're using a device with a UCB1200/1300/1400 TS interface # module_raw ucb1x00 # Uncomment if you're using an HP iPaq h3600 or similar # module_raw h3600 # Uncomment if you're using a Hitachi Webpad # module_raw mk712 # Uncomment if you're using an IBM Arctic II # module_raw arctic2 module pthres pmin=1 module variance delta=30 module dejitter delta=100 module linear
@lingeasy 在 D1s调试rtp,触控屏,电阻屏出现open consoledevice: No such file or directory 中说:
@whycan 是路径不对
#! /bin/sh export TSLIB_CALIBFILE=/etc/pointercal export TSLIB_CONFFILE=/etc/ts.conf export TSLIB_PLUGINDIR=/usr/lib/ts export TSLIB_CONSOLEDEVICE=none export TSLIB_FBDEVICE=/dev/fb0 export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/input/event0
@whycan 使用ts_test的时候,非常不跟手,需要配置哪些呀
芯片自带的RTP吗? -
@whycan 用的是d1s哪吒开发板上的rtp功能。
@whycan 已经解决了,看到在别一个帖子里面的说明
【原内容】writel(ADC_CLK_SEL(0) | ADC_CLK_DIV(2) | FS_DIV(7) | T_ACQ(63), ts->base + TP_CTRL0); if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "allwinner,sun8i-ts")) writel(ADC_FIRST_DLY(0x1) | ADC_FIRST_DLY_MODE(0x1) | ADC_CLK_DIV(0x2) | FS_DIV(2) | T_ACQ(5), ts->base + TP_CTRL0);
writel(ADC_CLK_SEL(0) | ADC_CLK_DIV(2) | FS_DIV(7) | T_ACQ(63), ts->base + TP_CTRL0); if (of_device_is_compatible(np, "allwinner,sun8i-ts")) writel(ADC_FIRST_DLY(0xf) | ADC_FIRST_DLY_MODE(0x1) | ADC_CLK_DIV(0x2) | FS_DIV(6) | T_ACQ(63), ts->base + TP_CTRL0);
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