- 芯片:T113-s3
[3493]fes begin commit:5224261 [3495]set pll start [3497]fix vccio detect value:0xc0 [3505]periph0 has been enabled [3508]set pll end [3509][pmu]: bus read error [3512]board init ok [3514]beign to init dram [3516]ZQ value = 0x2e [3518]get_pmu_exist() = -1 [3521]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [3523]mark_id: 0x60 [3525]trefi:7.8ms [3528][AUTO DEBUG] single rank and full DQ! [3532]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [3534]mark_id: 0x60 [3536]trefi:7.8ms [3539][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 row = 13 [3542][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 bank = 8 [3545][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 page size = 2 KB [3549]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V0.32 [3553]DRAM CLK = 792 MHz [3555]DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3) [3558]DRAMC read ODT off. [3561]DRAM ODT value: 0x42. [3564]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [3566]mark_id: 0x60 [3569]DRAM SIZE =128 M [3571]PLL_DDR_CTRL_REG:0xf8004100 [3574]DRAM_CLK_REG:0xc0000000 [3577][TIMING DEBUG] MR2= 0x18 [3581]DRAM simple test OK. [3583]rtc standby flag is 0x0, super standby flag is 0x0 [3589]init dram ok U-Boot 2018.05-g2a24076 (Feb 22 2022 - 02:02:08 +0000) Allwinner Technology [05.186]CPU: Allwinner Family [05.189]Model: sun8iw20 [05.191]DRAM: 128 MiB [05.195]Relocation Offset is: 04ec5000 [05.221]secure enable bit: 0 [05.224]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz MBus=300Mhz [05.230]gic: normal mode [05.232]flash init start [05.235]workmode = 16,storage type = 0 try card 2 set card number 2 get card number 2 [05.242][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2021-09-07 19:43:00 [05.249][mmc]: Is not Boot mode! [05.252][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310 [05.263][mmc]: ************Try SD card 2************ [05.268][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [05.272][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO [05.276][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [05.281][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [05.285][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO [05.288][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [05.293][mmc]: ************Try MMC card 2************ [05.316][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [05.320][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO [05.323][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [05.329][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [05.333][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO [05.336][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [05.352][mmc]: gen_tuning_blk_bus8: total blk 10 [05.356][mmc]: gen_tuning_blk_bus4: total blk 6 [05.360][mmc]: Using 4 bit tuning now [05.364][mmc]: write_tuning_try_freq: write ok [05.369][mmc]: Pattern compare ok [05.372][mmc]: Write tuning pattern ok [05.375][mmc]: ================== HSSDR52_SDR25... [05.380][mmc]: skip freq 400000 [05.383][mmc]: skip freq 25000000 [05.386][mmc]: freq: 2-50000000-64-4 [05.533][mmc]: [0-54|55] [05.536][mmc]: ================== HSDDR52_DDR50... [05.540][mmc]: skip freq 400000 [05.543][mmc]: freq: 1-25000000-64-4 [05.676][mmc]: freq: 2-50000000-64-4 [05.749][mmc]: [0-48|49] [05.751][mmc]: [5-47|43] [05.754][mmc]: DS26/SDR12: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [05.758][mmc]: HSSDR52/SDR25: 0xff1bffff 0xffffffff [05.762][mmc]: HSDDR52/DDR50: 0xff1a18ff 0xffffffff [05.767][mmc]: HS200/SDR104: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [05.771][mmc]: HS400: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [05.775][mmc]: HS400: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [05.779][mmc]: Best spd md: 2-HSDDR52/DDR50, freq: 2-50000000, Bus width: 4 [05.786]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK [05.791]try to burn key [05.793]out of usb burn from boot: not boot mode Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sunxi work mode=0x10 run usb efex buf queue page size = 65536 delay time 2500 weak:otg_phy_config usb init ok set address 0x25 set address 0x25 ok set address 0x26 set address 0x26 ok SUNXI_EFEX_ERASE_TAG erase_flag = 0x1 origin_erase_flag = 0x1 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 the 0 mbr table is ok the 1 mbr table is ok the 2 mbr table is ok the 3 mbr table is ok *************MBR DUMP*************** total mbr part 8 part[0] name :boot-resource part[0] classname :DISK part[0] addrlo :0x8000 part[0] lenlo :0x8686 part[0] user_type :32768 part[0] keydata :0 part[0] ro :0 part[1] name :env part[1] classname :DISK part[1] addrlo :0x10686 part[1] lenlo :0x800 part[1] user_type :32768 part[1] keydata :0 part[1] ro :0 part[2] name :env-redund part[2] classname :DISK part[2] addrlo :0x10e86 part[2] lenlo :0x800 part[2] user_type :32768 part[2] keydata :0 part[2] ro :0 part[3] name :boot part[3] classname :DISK part[3] addrlo :0x11686 part[3] lenlo :0x9c40 part[3] user_type :32768 part[3] keydata :0 part[3] ro :0 part[4] name :rootfs part[4] classname :DISK part[4] addrlo :0x1b2c6 part[4] lenlo :0x200000 part[4] user_type :32768 part[4] keydata :0 part[4] ro :0 part[5] name :dsp0 part[5] classname :DISK part[5] addrlo :0x21b2c6 part[5] lenlo :0x800 part[5] user_type :32768 part[5] keydata :0 part[5] ro :0 part[6] name :private part[6] classname :DISK part[6] addrlo :0x21bac6 part[6] lenlo :0x8000 part[6] user_type :32768 part[6] keydata :0 part[6] ro :0 part[7] name :UDISK part[7] classname :DISK part[7] addrlo :0x223ac6 part[7] lenlo :0x0 part[7] user_type :33024 part[7] keydata :0 part[7] ro :0 total part: 9 mbr 0, 8000, 8000 boot-resource 1, 8686, 8000 env 2, 800, 8000 env-redund 3, 800, 8000 boot 4, 9c40, 8000 rootfs 5, 200000, 8000 dsp0 6, 800, 8000 private 7, 8000, 8000 UDISK 8, 0, 8100 [08.933]erase all part start need erase flash: 1 private part exist GPT:boot-resource: 12000 1a685 GPT:env : 1a686 1ae85 GPT:env-redund : 1ae86 1b685 GPT:boot : 1b686 252c5 GPT:rootfs : 252c6 2252c5 GPT:dsp0 : 2252c6 225ac5 GPT:private : 225ac6 22dac5 GPT:UDISK : 22dac6 e73fde begin to store data part 0 name boot-resource keydata = 0x0 part 1 name env keydata = 0x0 part 2 name env-redund keydata = 0x0 part 3 name boot keydata = 0x0 part 4 name rootfs keydata = 0x0 part 5 name dsp0 keydata = 0x0 part 6 name private keydata = 0x0 find keypart private keypart read start: 0x21bac6, sectors 0x8000 keypart part private read 0x21bac6, sectors 0x8000 part 7 name UDISK keydata = 0x0 begin to erase [09.382]erase all part start card2 erase boot0 erase env part [09.394][mmc]: erase from: 108544, to: 109567, cnt: 1024, erase_group: 1024 [09.402][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x2 ms [09.409][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.414][mmc]: --0: from108166 nr378 [09.418][mmc]: --1: from109568 nr646 erase env-redund part [09.437][mmc]: erase from: 110592, to: 111615, cnt: 1024, erase_group: 1024 [09.445][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x1 ms [09.452][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.457][mmc]: --0: from110214 nr378 [09.461][mmc]: --1: from111616 nr646 erase boot part [09.479][mmc]: erase from: 112640, to: 151551, cnt: 38912, erase_group: 1024 [09.498][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0xc ms [09.504][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.510][mmc]: --0: from112262 nr378 [09.513][mmc]: --1: from151552 nr710 erase rootfs part [09.532][mmc]: erase from: 152576, to: 2248703, cnt: 2096128, erase_group: 1024 [09.623][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x54 ms [09.630][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.635][mmc]: --0: from152262 nr314 [09.639][mmc]: --1: from2248704 nr710 erase dsp0 part [09.658][mmc]: erase from: 2249728, to: 2250751, cnt: 1024, erase_group: 1024 [09.666][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x2 ms [09.673][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.678][mmc]: --0: from2249414 nr314 [09.682][mmc]: --1: from2250752 nr710 erase private part [09.700][mmc]: erase from: 2251776, to: 2283519, cnt: 31744, erase_group: 1024 [09.718][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0xb ms [09.725][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.730][mmc]: --0: from2251462 nr314 [09.734][mmc]: --1: from2283520 nr710 erase UDISK part sunxi_sprite_mmc_phyerase: @nr is 0, erase from @from to end [09.758][mmc]: erase from: 2284544, to: 15154175, cnt: 12869632, erase_group: 1024 [09.784][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x13 ms [09.791][mmc]: mmc_mmc_erase: some sectors in emmc are ignored! [09.796][mmc]: --0: from2284230 nr314 [09.800][mmc]: --1: from15154176 nr1023 card erase all finish erase rewrite write primary GPT success write Backup GPT success [09.883]update partition map keypart write start: 0x21bac6, sectors 0x8000 flash exit SUNXI_EFEX_MBR_TAG mbr size = 0x10000 write primary GPT success write Backup GPT success [10.281]update partition map FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 ******Has init FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x8000, size high 0x0:low 0xdad400 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0xaa6ef260 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x10686, size high 0x0:low 0x20000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0x62389c75 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x10e86, size high 0x0:low 0x20000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0x62389c75 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x11686, size high 0x0:low 0x118a000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0xb7bfb965
- 准备开发板:T113-S3 EVB1,eMMC 型号:FEMDRW008G-88A39
- 1.1GByte 固件一份,
刷写 LOG 如下:
[858]fes begin commit:fccdad5de4-dirty [861]set pll start [867]periph0 has been enabled [870]set pll end [872][pmu]: bus read error [874]board init ok [876]beign to init dram [878]ZQ value = 0x30 [880]get_pmu_exist() = -1 [883]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [885]trefi:7.8ms [888][AUTO DEBUG] single rank and full DQ! [892]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [894]trefi:7.8ms [896][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 row = 13 [899][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 bank = 8 [903][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 page size = 2 KB [907]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V0.34 [910]DRAM CLK = 792 MHz [912]DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3) [915]DRAMC read ODT off. [918]DRAM ODT value: 0x42. [920]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [923]DRAM SIZE = 128 MB [927]DRAM simple test OK. [929]rtc standby flag is 0x0, super standby flag is 0x0 [935]init dram ok U-Boot 2018.07-00006-g65ea3f1459 (Aug 31 2023 - 08:08:04 +0000) Allwinner Technology [03.646]CPU: Allwinner Family [03.649]Model: sun8iw20 [03.651]DRAM: 0 Bytes [03.654]Relocation Offset is: 04eaf000 [03.683]secure enable bit: 0 [03.690]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz MBus=300Mhz [03.697]gic: normal mode [03.700]sunxi flash map init SPI ALL: ready [03.745]line:703 init_clocks [03.765]init_clocks:finish [03.767]flash init start [03.769]workmode = 16,storage type = 0 try card 2 set card number 2 get card number 2 [03.777][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2023-07-4 16:18:00 [03.823][mmc]: Is not Boot mode! [03.826][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310 [03.838][mmc]: ************Try SD card 2************ [03.843][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [03.847][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO [03.851][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [03.856][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [03.860][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO [03.863][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [03.868][mmc]: ************Try MMC card 2************ [03.890][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [03.894][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO [03.898][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [03.903][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100 [03.907][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO [03.910][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset [03.927][mmc]: gen_tuning_blk_bus8: total blk 10 [03.933][mmc]: gen_tuning_blk_bus4: total blk 6 [03.938][mmc]: Using 4 bit tuning now [03.941][mmc]: write_tuning_try_freq: write ok [03.947][mmc]: Pattern compare ok [03.950][mmc]: Write tuning pattern ok [03.954][mmc]: ================== HSSDR52_SDR25... [03.958][mmc]: skip freq 400000 [03.961][mmc]: skip freq 25000000 [03.964][mmc]: freq: 2-50000000-64-4 [05.493][mmc]: [0-63|64] [05.495][mmc]: ================== HSDDR52_DDR50... [05.499][mmc]: skip freq 400000 [05.502][mmc]: freq: 1-25000000-64-4 [06.658][mmc]: freq: 2-50000000-64-4 [07.766][mmc]: [0-48|49] [07.768][mmc]: [0-48|49] [07.771][mmc]: DS26/SDR12: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [07.775][mmc]: HSSDR52/SDR25: 0xff20ffff 0xffffffff [07.780][mmc]: HSDDR52/DDR50: 0xff1818ff 0xffffffff [07.784][mmc]: HS200/SDR104: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [07.789][mmc]: HS400: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [07.793][mmc]: HS400: 0xffffffff 0xffffffff [07.797][mmc]: Best spd md: 2-HSDDR52/DDR50, freq: 2-50000000, Bus width: 4 [07.810]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK [07.821]try to burn key [07.826]out of usb burn from boot: not boot mode Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 sunxi work mode=0x10 run usb efex delay time 2500 weak:otg_phy_config usb init ok set address 0xf set address 0xf ok SUNXI_EFEX_ERASE_TAG erase_flag = 0x12 origin_erase_flag = 0x1 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 the 0 mbr table is ok the 1 mbr table is ok the 2 mbr table is ok the 3 mbr table is ok *************MBR DUMP*************** total mbr part 8 part[0] name :boot-resource part[0] classname :DISK part[0] addrlo :0x1f8 part[0] lenlo :0x1f8 part[0] user_type :32768 part[0] keydata :0 part[0] ro :0 part[1] name :env part[1] classname :DISK part[1] addrlo :0x3f0 part[1] lenlo :0x1f8 part[1] user_type :32768 part[1] keydata :0 part[1] ro :0 part[2] name :env-redund part[2] classname :DISK part[2] addrlo :0x5e8 part[2] lenlo :0x1f8 part[2] user_type :32768 part[2] keydata :0 part[2] ro :0 part[3] name :boot part[3] classname :DISK part[3] addrlo :0x7e0 part[3] lenlo :0x4ec0 part[3] user_type :32768 part[3] keydata :0 part[3] ro :0 part[4] name :rootfs part[4] classname :DISK part[4] addrlo :0x56a0 part[4] lenlo :0x2329a0 part[4] user_type :32768 part[4] keydata :0 part[4] ro :0 part[5] name :private part[5] classname :DISK part[5] addrlo :0x238040 part[5] lenlo :0x2760 part[5] user_type :32768 part[5] keydata :0 part[5] ro :0 part[6] name :recovery part[6] classname :DISK part[6] addrlo :0x23a7a0 part[6] lenlo :0x5a90 part[6] user_type :32768 part[6] keydata :0 part[6] ro :0 part[7] name :UDISK part[7] classname :DISK part[7] addrlo :0x240230 part[7] lenlo :0x0 part[7] user_type :0 part[7] keydata :0 part[7] ro :0 total part: 9 mbr 0, 1f8, 8000 boot-resource 1, 1f8, 8000 env 2, 1f8, 8000 env-redund 3, 1f8, 8000 boot 4, 4ec0, 8000 rootfs 5, 2329a0, 8000 private 6, 2760, 8000 recovery 7, 5a90, 8000 UDISK 8, 0, 0 [10.886]erase all part start need erase flash: 18 [10.893][mmc]: erase from: 0, to: 15269887, cnt: 15269888, erase_group: 1024 [10.971][mmc]: sunxi_mmc_do_send_cmd_common: cmd 38 wait rsp busy 0x46 ms [10.977]read item0 copy0 [11.016]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [11.019]the secure storage item0 copy0 magic is bad [11.060]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [11.063]the secure storage item0 copy1 magic is bad [11.068]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [11.071]the secure storage map is empty [11.147]erase secure storage: 0 ok SUNXI_EFEX_MBR_TAG mbr size = 0x10000 write primary GPT success write Backup GPT success [11.163]update partition map FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 ******Has init FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x1f8, size high 0x0:low 0x14000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0xe6f75b5c FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x3f0, size high 0x0:low 0x20000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0xa367d787 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x5e8, size high 0x0:low 0x20000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0xa367d787 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x7e0, size high 0x0:low 0x429800 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0x97662167 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value, start 0x56a0, size high 0x0:low 0x43460000 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_value 0x3fee63cb bootfile_mode=4 SUNXI_EFEX_BOOT1_TAG boot1 size = 0x15c000, max size = 0x200000 uboot size = 0x15c000 storage type = 2 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 bootfile_mode=4 SUNXI_EFEX_BOOT0_TAG boot0 size = 0xa000 [327.990][mmc]: write mmc 2 info ok dram para[0] = 318 dram para[1] = 3 dram para[2] = 7b7bfb dram para[3] = 0 dram para[4] = 10d2 dram para[5] = 800000 dram para[6] = 1c70 dram para[7] = 42 dram para[8] = 18 dram para[9] = 0 dram para[10] = 4a2195 dram para[11] = 2423190 dram para[12] = 8b061 dram para[13] = b4787896 dram para[14] = 0 dram para[15] = 48484848 dram para[16] = 48 dram para[17] = 1620121e dram para[18] = 0 dram para[19] = 0 dram para[20] = 0 dram para[21] = 340000 dram para[22] = 46 dram para[23] = b4006103 dram para[24] = 0 dram para[25] = 0 dram para[26] = 0 dram para[27] = 0 dram para[28] = 0 dram para[29] = 0 dram para[30] = 0 dram para[31] = 0 storage type = 2 FEX_CMD_fes_verify_status FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0 sunxi_efex_next_action=2 exit usb next work 2 [28]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting! [30]BOOT0 commit : fccdad5de4-dirty [34]set pll start [40]periph0 has been enabled [43]set pll end [44][pmu]: bus read error [47]board init ok [49]enable_jtag [50]ZQ value = 0x2f [52]get_pmu_exist() = -1 [54]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V0.34 [57]DRAM CLK = 792 MHz [60]DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3) [63]DRAMC read ODT off. [65]DRAM ODT value: 0x42. [68]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa [71]DRAM SIZE = 128 MB [77]DRAM simple test OK. [79]rtc standby flag is 0x0, super standby flag is 0x0 [85]dram size =128 [87]card no is 2 [89]sdcard 2 line count 4 [91][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2021-05-21 14:47 [100][mmc]: Wrong media type 0x0, but host sdc2, try mmc first [106][mmc]: ***Try MMC card 2*** [130][mmc]: RMCA OK! [132][mmc]: mmc 2 bias 0 [136][mmc]: MMC 5.1 [138][mmc]: HSSDR52/SDR25 4 bit [141][mmc]: 50000000 Hz [143][mmc]: 7456 MB [145][mmc]: ***SD/MMC 2 init OK!!!*** [243]Loading boot-pkg Succeed(index=0). [247]Entry_name = u-boot [254]Entry_name = optee [258]Entry_name = dtb [261]tunning data addr:0x430003e8 [264]Jump to second Boot. M/TC: OP-TEE version: 8b49ce62-dirty (gcc version 5.3.1 20160412 (Linaro GCC 5.3-2016.05)) #1 Fri Aug 12 08:24:15 UTC 2022 arm U-Boot 2018.07-00006-g65ea3f1459 (Aug 31 2023 - 08:08:04 +0000) Allwinner Technology [00.316]CPU: Allwinner Family [00.319]Model: sun8iw20 [00.321]DRAM: 128 MiB [00.325]Relocation Offset is: ffeaf000 [00.354]secure enable bit: 0 E/TC:0 fdt_getprop_u32:343 prop trace_level not found [00.367]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz MBus=300Mhz [00.374]gic: sec monitor mode SPI ALL: ready [00.379]line:703 init_clocks [00.382]flash init start [00.384]workmode = 0,storage type = 2 [00.387][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2023-07-4 16:18:00 [00.394][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310 [00.418][mmc]: Best spd md: 2-HSDDR52/DDR50, freq: 2-50000000, Bus width: 4 [00.424]sunxi flash init ok [00.427]drv_disp_init partno erro : can't find partition bootloader ** Unable to read file lcd_compatible_index.txt ** [00.447]disp_fat_load for lcd config failed [00.474]boot_hdmi20: [info] hdmi_init start [00.479]boot_hdmi20: [info] hdmi use aw phy! [00.483]boot_hdmi20: [info] hdmi_init finish [00.487]drv_disp_init finish [00.492]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK [00.505]boot_gui_init:start partno erro : can't find partition Reserve0 bad fb1_cfg[w=0,h=0,bpp=32,format=0] [00.520]boot_gui_init:finish partno erro : can't find partition bootloader [00.527]bmp_name=bootlogo.bmp size 38454 [00.536]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [00.539]the secure storage item0 copy0 magic is bad [00.547]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [00.549]the secure storage item0 copy1 magic is bad [00.554]Item0 (Map) magic is bad [00.557]usb burn from boot delay time 0 weak:otg_phy_config [00.568]usb prepare ok [00.698]LCD open finish [00.775]usb sof ok [00.776]usb probe ok [00.778]usb setup ok set address 0x10 set address 0x10 ok try to update [01.183]do_burn_from_boot usb : have no handshake List file under ULI/factory ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** root_partition is rootfs set root to /dev/mmcblk0p5 [01.199]update part info [01.202]update bootcmd [01.205]change working_fdt 0x40e6ee68 to 0x40e4ee68 [01.210][mmc]: can't find node "sunxi-mmc2" try "mmc" [01.215][mmc]: no mmc-hs400-1_8v! [01.218][mmc]: delete mmc-hs200-1_8v from dtb [01.222][mmc]: get max-frequency ok 50000000 Hz [01.227][mmc]: get sunxi-mmc2 string failed [01.231]The storage not support sample function partno erro : can't find partition bootloader ** Unable to read file lcd_compatible_index.txt ** [01.257]disp_fat_load for lcd config failed partno erro : can't find partition bootloader writing lcd_compatible_index.txt 16 bytes written save lcd compatible disp0 index 0 to flash partno erro : can't find partition bootloader [01.281]update dts Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 input addr exceed dram scope [01.385]no vendor_boot partition is found Android's image name: sun8i_arm [01.480]Starting kernel ... [01.483][mmc]: mmc exit start [01.500][mmc]: mmc 2 exit ok [ 0.000000] Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0 [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.4.61 (kunyao@AwExdroid89) (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (Linaro GCC 5.3-2016.05) 5.3.1 20160412, GNU ld (Linaro_Binutils-2016.05) 2.25.0 Linaro 2016_02) #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Sep 6 10:23:35 CST 2023 [ 0.000000] CPU: ARMv7 Processor [410fc075] revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d [ 0.000000] CPU: div instructions available: patching division code [ 0.000000] CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: Machine model: sun8iw20 [ 0.000000] Memory policy: Data cache writealloc [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x42200000, size 0 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node vdev0buffer@42200000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] Reserved memory: created DMA memory pool at 0x42244000, size 0 MiB [ 0.000000] OF: reserved mem: initialized node dsp0_rpbuf@42244000, compatible id shared-dma-pool [ 0.000000] cma: Reserved 4 MiB at 0x47c00000 [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 32420 [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 256 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 0 pages reserved [ 0.000000] Normal zone: 32420 pages, LIFO batch:7 [ 0.000000] psci: probing for conduit method from DT. [ 0.000000] psci: PSCIv1.0 detected in firmware. [ 0.000000] psci: Using standard PSCI v0.2 function IDs [ 0.000000] psci: MIGRATE_INFO_TYPE not supported. [ 0.000000] psci: SMC Calling Convention v1.0 [ 0.000000] percpu: Embedded 15 pages/cpu s30784 r8192 d22464 u61440 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s30784 r8192 d22464 u61440 alloc=15*4096 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 32164 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=0 console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p5 init=/init rdinit=/rdinit partitions=boot-resource@mmcblk0p1:env@mmcblk0p2:env-redund@mmcblk0p3:boot@mmcblk0p4:rootfs@mmcblk0p5:private@mmcblk0p6:recovery@mmcblk0p7:UDISK@mmcblk0p8 cma=4M snum= mac_addr= wifi_mac= bt_mac= specialstr= gpt=1 androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.hardware=sun8iw20p1 boot_type=2 androidboot.boot_type=2 gpt=1 uboot_message=2018.07-00006-g65ea3f1459(08/31/2023-08:08:04) mbr_offset=1032192 disp_reserve=1536000,0x40efb000 androidboot.dramfreq=792 androidboot.dramsize=128 mtdparts=<NULL> [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:off, heap alloc:off, heap free:off [ 0.000000] Memory: 103624K/129680K available (6144K kernel code, 303K rwdata, 2200K rodata, 1024K init, 1166K bss, 21960K reserved, 4096K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] rcu: Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation. [ 0.000000] Tasks RCU enabled. [ 0.000000] rcu: RCU calculated value of scheduler-enlistment delay is 10 jiffies. [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 16, nr_irqs: 16, preallocated irqs: 16 [ 0.000000] random: get_random_bytes called from start_kernel+0x25c/0x3dc with crng_init=0 [ 0.000000] arch_timer: cp15 timer(s) running at 24.00MHz (phys). [ 0.000000] clocksource: arch_sys_counter: mask: 0xffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x588fe9dc0, max_idle_ns: 440795202592 ns [ 0.000006] sched_clock: 56 bits at 24MHz, resolution 41ns, wraps every 4398046511097ns [ 0.000017] Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 41ns [ 0.000190] clocksource: timer: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 79635851949 ns [ 0.000836] Console: colour dummy device 80x30 [ 0.000875] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 48.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=240000) [ 0.000887] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.001015] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear) [ 0.001027] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes, linear) [ 0.001620] CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok [ 0.001944] /cpus/cpu@0 missing clock-frequency property [ 0.001963] /cpus/cpu@1 missing clock-frequency property [ 0.001974] CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000 [ 0.002490] Setting up static identity map for 0x40100000 - 0x40100060 [ 0.002593] rcu: Hierarchical SRCU implementation. [ 0.003017] smp: Bringing up secondary CPUs ... [ 0.004175] CPU1: thread -1, cpu 1, socket 0, mpidr 80000001 [ 0.004303] smp: Brought up 1 node, 2 CPUs [ 0.004317] SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (96.00 BogoMIPS). [ 0.004323] CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode. [ 0.004775] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.016429] VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 2 part 30 variant 7 rev 5 [ 0.017002] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns [ 0.017028] futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes, linear) [ 0.017372] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.018649] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.020217] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations [ 0.058181] rtc_ccu: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.060672] ccu: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.061209] r_ccu: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.092454] sun6i-dma 3002000.dma-controller: sunxi dma probed [ 0.097123] iommu: Default domain type: Translated [ 0.097336] sunxi iommu: irq = 24 [ 0.098409] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.098800] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.098879] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.098996] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.099231] videodev: Linux video capture interface: v2.00 [ 0.101776] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. [ 0.102463] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22 [ 0.102547] NET: Registered protocol family 31 [ 0.102556] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized 下略
- 使用USB HUB进行刷写,影响速率
- 使用的 eMMC 速度较慢
- USB 连接不稳定,出现断连情况
- 供电不足,cpu 在烧写状态下缺电
- eMMC 布局走线不合理
- 选择全盘擦除升级而不是分区擦除升级
@awwwwa 确认了一下8GB EMMC是妙存科技的 ARTMEM AT70B08G3
1.使用了USB HUB和直接插机箱,都是一直卡在那里。
5.emmc布局走线这个也无法确认。您的PhoenixSuit V2.0可以分享一下下载链接吗?
@awwwwa 非常感谢您的解答,经过与板厂和硬件工程师沟通,有很大可能是layout的走线问题导致,板厂这边已经决定给我寄新版本的硬件板子。
@liefyuan 我也遇到类似情况了,您emmc用的sdc2吗?能看看这部分原理图吗和设备树配置吗?不知道是不是我硬件搞得有问题了
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