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t113-s3 tplayerdemo 播放视频爆红错误
tplayerdemo 播放视频爆红求助下,已排除音频问题?
root@TinaLinux:/# tplayerdemo /mnt/UDISK/1.mp4 WARNING: awplayer <cdx_log_set_level:30>: cdx Set log level to 6 [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register h264 decoder success! [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:84>: register mjpeg decoder success! [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:86>: register mpeg2 decoder success! [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:92>: register mpeg4dx decoder success! [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:79>: register mpeg4H263 decoder success! [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:90>: register mpeg4Normal decoder success! ERROR : awplayer <DlOpenPlugin:105>: dlopen 'libawwmv3.so' fail: libawwmv3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <CedarPluginVDInit:85>: register h265 decoder success! ****************************************************************************************** * This program implements a simple player, you can type commands to control the player. * To show what commands supported, type 'help'. ****************************************************************************************** dd: error writing '/dev/fb0': No space left on device 16001+0 records in 16000+0 records out [ 1009.870266] [SNDCODEC][sunxi_card_hw_params][620]:stream_flag: 0 argc = 2 argv[0] = tplayerdemo argv[1] = /mnt/UDISK/1.mp4 may be is one file:cut down suffix is:.mp4 find the matched type:.mp4 create player:0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tina_multimedia <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : tina3.5 branch: tina-dev date : Mon Jul 15 19:04:59 2019 +0800 Change-Id: I5f6c8a88d7b387a312b77a0d5f8ab07ee7a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_AUDIOSINK.[ 1009.998032] VE: enable hw clock xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SURFACE. xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SUBCTRL. xplayer:process me[ 1010.002873] enable_cedar_hw_clk,552 ssage XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_DI. create player[0]:0x1bf96d8 screen width:800,screen height:1280 1:playVideo:0 before TPlayerSet[ 1010.017990] VE: VE real_freq=576000000 [ 1010.017990] DataSource,155680:/mnt/UDISK/1.mp4 xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_SET_SOURCE. xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_PREPARE. warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. [1970-01-01 08:16:52] INFO : cedarc <log_set_level:43>: Set log level to 5 from /vendor/etc/cedarc.conf [1970-01-01 08:16:52] ERROR : cedarc <DebugCheckConfig:302>: now cedarc log level:5 setDataSource end xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_PREPARE. *****tplayer:video width = 800,height = 480 warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. TPLAYER_NOTIFY_PREPARED,has prepared. TPlayerPrepare end xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_START. (Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(971) : Create Decoder!!===== (Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(603) : AudioDec_Installaudiolib ok (Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(606) : audio decoder init start ... (AllwinnerAlibs),line(50) : >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Audio <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< tag : audiocodec-v1.2 branch: new commit: 3ba65962c01cbf1280ddda19d9b6ef8ce85 date : Tue Jan 8 16:25:27 2019 +0800 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- (AllwinnerAlibs),line(700) : ----Loading so success! (AllwinnerAlibs),line(902) : *************pAudioStreamInfo start****************** (AllwinnerAlibs),line(903) : eCodecFormat :id(4), name(aac low-complexy) (AllwinnerAlibs),line(904) : eSubCodecFormat :0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(905) : nChannelNum :2 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(906) : nBitsPerSample :16 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(907) : nSampleRate :48000 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(908) : nAvgBitrate :2276 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(909) : nMaxBitRate :2276 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(910) : nFileSize :0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(911) : eAudioBitstreamSource:0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(912) : eDataEncodeType :0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(913) : nCodecSpecificDataLen:5 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(914) : pCodecSpecificData :0xb4f650b8 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(915) : nFlags :0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(916) : nBlockAlign :0 (AllwinnerAlibs),line(917) : *************pAudioStreamInfo end ****************** (AAC Decoder),line(36) : init successs... (Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(614) : AUDIO DECODE INIT OK...0 started. ****player(0x1bfa9c0): first audio pts = 0***** warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. ERROR : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:934>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer ERROR : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:934>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer *****tplayer:video decoded width = 800,height = 480 *****tplayerdemo:video decoded width = 800,height = 480real set to display rect:w = 800,h = 480 warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. *****tplayer:video width = 1600,height = 960 warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. ****player(0x1bfa9c0): first video pts = 83333***** ****player(0x1bfa9c0): first audio pts = 39999***** ERROR : awplayer <__LayerQueueBuffer:934>: *** picNode is full when queue buffer warning: unknown callback from Tinaplayer. [1970-01-01 08:16:53] ERROR : fbm.c <FbmReturnPicture:1043>: invalid frame status, a picture being returned, but bUsedByRender=0, bInValidPictureQueue=1, bAlreadyDisplayed=0. [1970-01-01 08:16:53] ERROR : fbm.c <FbmReturnPicture:1044>: **picture[0xb5001790],id[8] [1970-01-01 08:16:53] WARNING: cedarc <ReturnPicture:1700>: FbmReturnPicture return fail, it means the picture being returned it not one of this FBM. ^CGot signal 2, exiting ... xplayer:process message XPLAYER_COMMAND_RESET. (AAC Decoder),line(44) : exit successs... (AllwinnerAlibs),line(750) : ----dlclose so success! (Allwinner Audio Middle Layer),line(920) : destroy_ResampleInfo!! (Allwinner Audio Resample),line(68) : Destroy_ResampleInfo... [ 1013.481410] VE: disable hw clock [ 1013.485116] disable_cedar_hw_clk,592 TPlayerDestroy(0) successfully destroy tplayer tplaydemo exit
回复: 求F133或者T113支持的SPI NAND FLASH的清单
之前我见到过大佬回答过,tina_d1_open_v2_for_whycanpi\lichee\brandy-2.0\u-boot-2018\drivers\mtd\awnand\spinand\physic\id.c 这个路径里,我用的是华邦的W25N01GVZEIG 里面详细列举了可以用哪些
回复: d1s sdk 镜像报 'gt9xxnew_ts' is already registered, aborting.这个错误
@fanhuacloud 大佬我这个错误是什么原因,是驱动没加载吗
d1s sdk 镜像报 'gt9xxnew_ts' is already registered, aborting.这个错误
我在设备树里已经屏蔽这个选项了,还是报错 -
flash我使用的是(W25N01GVZEIG NAND FLASH,烧录的镜像使用的是(6.0寸显示屏固件)tina_d1s-whycanpic_uart3.img 不知道NAND FLASH 和NOR FLASH 是否可以通用)
请佬们指导下不胜感激。 -
回复: D1s芯片 PhoenixSuit 烧写失败请求指导
@whycan 大佬我换了原装usb线也不行,我wifi芯片还没有焊接,是否有关系,另外串口调试我电脑看不到com6口什么原因
D1s芯片 PhoenixSuit 烧写失败请求指导
在没有烧写的时候电脑能识别到usb设备,烧写的过程中设备突然丢失,然后显示烧写识别附上2张图 ,开始后马上usb设备丢失了
回复: 自己打的D1s板子,连接不上usb 并且d1s芯片严重发热
@whycanservice2 大佬我最近打完板子了,焊接完成后可以识别到usb了,我想玩这个的d1s 能给个学习路线吗,现在没头绪
回复: 自己打的D1s板子,连接不上usb 并且d1s芯片严重发热
@whycanservice2 pe-vcc 我飞线解决 reset引脚下添加0.01-0.1uf的对地RC时间常数去耦电容,这个怎么解决可以说下吗
回复: 自己打的D1s板子,连接不上usb 并且d1s芯片严重发热
@whycan 没有,2根线都测试了没有声音,插入其他usb设备有声音,还有个奇葩现象刚才经过大佬指导我拿掉了3个电容,上电后有时候热有时候不热
回复: 自己打的D1s板子,连接不上usb 并且d1s芯片严重发热
@whycan 大佬我看到你之前的一个帖子,我也是根据你的帖子打的板子,里面有这句话1. 不接入屏幕而开启屏幕背光可能会导致背光驱动异常发热
屏幕背光二极管选型错误,使用屏幕时要接屏,悬空开启背光会导致二极管异常发热,可以通过更换二极管型号解决(SOD123封装,耐压40V以上的,例如SS14,SS24,SS16等) ,我的是芯片热有没有这种可能,买的显示屏还没有到
回复: 自己打的D1s板子,连接不上usb 并且d1s芯片严重发热
@whycan 量了各个标记的电压,发现XR829的晶振电压有点根自己想的不一样,请大佬给看看是否正确 脚4电压3.3v 脚1电压3v 这个正常吗,是焊接错误吗