全志T113-i 或者V85X MIPI DSI 寻求控制器寄存器资料
全志T113-i MIPI DSI 寻求控制器寄存器资料
为了调试MIPI DSI host控制器和DPHY初始化序列,需要MIPI DSI host控制器和DPHY寄存器的资料,类似如下资料,其它类似芯片都有公开的,但全志的网上找不到?没有分析起来真费劲呀
/* * Detail information of registers */ union dsi_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dsi_en:1; u32 res0:31; } bits; }; union dsi_gint0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dsi_irq_en:16; u32 dsi_irq_flag:16; } bits; }; union dsi_gint1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 video_line_int_num:13; u32 res0:19; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 video_mode_burst:1; u32 hsa_hse_dis:1; u32 hbp_dis:1; u32 trail_fill:1; u32 trail_inv:4; u32 res0:8; u32 brdy_set:8; u32 brdy_l_sel:3; u32 res1:5; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_ctl0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 inst_st:1; u32 res0:3; u32 src_sel:2; u32 res1:4; u32 fifo_manual_reset:1; u32 res2:1; u32 fifo_gating:1; u32 res3:3; u32 ecc_en:1; u32 crc_en:1; u32 hs_eotp_en:1; u32 res4:13; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_ctl1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dsi_mode:1; u32 video_frame_start:1; u32 video_precision_mode_align:1; u32 res0:1; u32 video_start_delay:13; u32 res1:15; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_size0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 vsa:12; u32 res0:4; u32 vbp:12; u32 res1:4; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_size1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 vact:12; u32 res0:4; u32 vt:13; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_inst0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lane_den:4; u32 lane_cen:1; u32 res0:11; u32 trans_start_condition:4; u32 trans_packet:4; u32 escape_enrty:4; u32 instru_mode:4; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_inst1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 inst0_sel:4; u32 inst1_sel:4; u32 inst2_sel:4; u32 inst3_sel:4; u32 inst4_sel:4; u32 inst5_sel:4; u32 inst6_sel:4; u32 inst7_sel:4; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_inst2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 loop_n0:12; u32 res0:4; u32 loop_n1:12; u32 res1:4; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_inst3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 inst0_jump:4; u32 inst1_jump:4; u32 inst2_jump:4; u32 inst3_jump:4; u32 inst4_jump:4; u32 inst5_jump:4; u32 inst6_jump:4; u32 inst7_jump:4; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_inst4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 jump_cfg_num:16; u32 jump_cfg_point:4; u32 jump_cfg_to:4; u32 res0:4; u32 jump_cfg_en:1; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 trans_start_set:13; u32 res0:19; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 trans_size:16; u32 res0:12; u32 trans_end_condition:1; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 trans_cycle_set:16; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 trans_blank_set:16; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 hs_zero_reduce_set:16; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dsi_basic_tran5_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 drq_set:10; u32 res0:18; u32 drq_mode:1; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_ctl0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 pixel_format:4; u32 pixel_endian:1; u32 res0:11; u32 pd_plug_dis:1; u32 res1:15; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_ctl1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_ph_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dt:6; u32 vc:2; u32 wc:16; u32 ecc:8; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_pd_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 pd_tran0:8; u32 res0:8; u32 pd_trann:8; u32 res1:8; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_pf0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 crc_force:16; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dsi_pixel_pf1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 crc_init_line0:16; u32 crc_init_linen:16; } bits; }; union dsi_short_pkg_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dt:6; u32 vc:2; u32 d0:8; u32 d1:8; u32 ecc:8; } bits; }; union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 dt:6; u32 vc:2; u32 wc:16; u32 ecc:8; } bits; }; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 pd:8; u32 res0:8; u32 pf:16; } bits; }; union dsi_burst_line_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 line_num:16; u32 line_syncpoint:16; } bits; }; union dsi_burst_drq_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 drq_edge0:16; u32 drq_edge1:16; } bits; }; union dsi_cmd_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 tx_size:8; u32 tx_status:1; u32 tx_flag:1; u32 res0:6; u32 rx_size:5; u32 res1:3; u32 rx_status:1; u32 rx_flag:1; u32 rx_overflow:1; u32 res2:5; } bits; }; union dsi_cmd_data_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 byte0:8; u32 byte1:8; u32 byte2:8; u32 byte3:8; } bits; }; union dsi_debug0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 video_curr_line:13; u32 res0:19; } bits; }; union dsi_debug1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 video_curr_lp2hs:16; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dsi_debug2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 trans_low_flag:1; u32 trans_fast_flag:1; u32 res0:2; u32 curr_loop_num:16; u32 curr_instru_num:3; u32 res1:1; u32 instru_unknown_flag:8; } bits; }; union dsi_debug3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0:16; u32 curr_fifo_num:16; } bits; }; union dsi_debug4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 test_data:24; u32 res0:4; u32 dsi_fifo_bist_en:1; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dsi_reservd_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0; } bits; }; struct __de_dsi_dev_t { /* 0x00 - 0x0c */ union dsi_ctl_reg_t dsi_gctl; union dsi_gint0_reg_t dsi_gint0; union dsi_gint1_reg_t dsi_gint1; union dsi_basic_ctl_reg_t dsi_basic_ctl; /* 0x10 - 0x1c */ union dsi_basic_ctl0_reg_t dsi_basic_ctl0; union dsi_basic_ctl1_reg_t dsi_basic_ctl1; union dsi_basic_size0_reg_t dsi_basic_size0; union dsi_basic_size1_reg_t dsi_basic_size1; /* 0x20 - 0x3c */ union dsi_basic_inst0_reg_t dsi_inst_func[8]; /* 0x40 - 0x5c */ union dsi_basic_inst1_reg_t dsi_inst_loop_sel; union dsi_basic_inst2_reg_t dsi_inst_loop_num; union dsi_basic_inst3_reg_t dsi_inst_jump_sel; union dsi_basic_inst4_reg_t dsi_inst_jump_cfg[2]; union dsi_basic_inst2_reg_t dsi_inst_loop_num2; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg058[2]; /* 0x60 - 0x6c */ union dsi_basic_tran0_reg_t dsi_trans_start; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg064[3]; /* 0x70 - 0x7c */ union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg070[2]; union dsi_basic_tran4_reg_t dsi_trans_zero; union dsi_basic_tran5_reg_t dsi_tcon_drq; /* 0x80 - 0x8c */ union dsi_pixel_ctl0_reg_t dsi_pixel_ctl0; union dsi_pixel_ctl1_reg_t dsi_pixel_ctl1; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg088[2]; /* 0x90 - 0x9c */ union dsi_pixel_ph_reg_t dsi_pixel_ph; union dsi_pixel_pd_reg_t dsi_pixel_pd; union dsi_pixel_pf0_reg_t dsi_pixel_pf0; union dsi_pixel_pf1_reg_t dsi_pixel_pf1; /* 0xa0 - 0xac */ union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg0a0[4]; /* 0xb0 - 0xbc */ union dsi_short_pkg_reg_t dsi_sync_hss; union dsi_short_pkg_reg_t dsi_sync_hse; union dsi_short_pkg_reg_t dsi_sync_vss; union dsi_short_pkg_reg_t dsi_sync_vse; /* 0xc0 - 0xcc */ union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t dsi_blk_hsa0; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t dsi_blk_hsa1; union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t dsi_blk_hbp0; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t dsi_blk_hbp1; /* 0xd0 - 0xdc */ union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t dsi_blk_hfp0; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t dsi_blk_hfp1; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg0d8[2]; /* 0xe0 - 0xec */ union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t dsi_blk_hblk0; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t dsi_blk_hblk1; union dsi_blk_pkg0_reg_t dsi_blk_vblk0; union dsi_blk_pkg1_reg_t dsi_blk_vblk1; /* 0xf0 - 0x1fc */ union dsi_burst_line_reg_t dsi_burst_line; union dsi_burst_drq_reg_t dsi_burst_drq; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg0f0[66]; /* 0x200 - 0x23c */ union dsi_cmd_ctl_reg_t dsi_cmd_ctl; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg204[15]; /* 0x240 - 0x2dc */ union dsi_cmd_data_reg_t dsi_cmd_rx[8]; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg260[32]; /* 0x2e0 - 0x2ec */ union dsi_debug0_reg_t dsi_debug_video0; union dsi_debug1_reg_t dsi_debug_video1; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg2e8[2]; /* 0x2f0 - 0x2fc */ union dsi_debug2_reg_t dsi_debug_inst; union dsi_debug3_reg_t dsi_debug_fifo; union dsi_debug4_reg_t dsi_debug_data; union dsi_reservd_reg_t dsi_reg2fc; /* 0x300 - 0x3fc */ union dsi_cmd_data_reg_t dsi_cmd_tx[64]; }; union dphy_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 module_en:1; u32 res0:3; u32 lane_num:2; u32 res1:26; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 tx_d0_force:1; u32 tx_d1_force:1; u32 tx_d2_force:1; u32 tx_d3_force:1; u32 tx_clk_force:1; u32 res0:3; u32 lptx_endian:1; u32 hstx_endian:1; u32 lptx_8b9b_en:1; u32 hstx_8b9b_en:1; u32 force_lp11:1; u32 res1:3; u32 ulpstx_data0_exit:1; u32 ulpstx_data1_exit:1; u32 ulpstx_data2_exit:1; u32 ulpstx_data3_exit:1; u32 ulpstx_clk_exit:1; u32 res2:3; u32 hstx_data_exit:1; u32 hstx_clk_exit:1; u32 res3:2; u32 hstx_clk_cont:1; u32 ulpstx_enter:1; u32 res4:2; } bits; }; union dphy_rx_ctl_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0:8; u32 lprx_endian:1; u32 hsrx_endian:1; u32 lprx_8b9b_en:1; u32 hsrx_8b9b_en:1; u32 hsrx_sync:1; u32 res1:3; u32 lprx_trnd_mask:4; u32 rx_d0_force:1; u32 rx_d1_force:1; u32 rx_d2_force:1; u32 rx_d3_force:1; u32 rx_clk_force:1; u32 res2:6; u32 dbc_en:1; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_time0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lpx_tm_set:8; u32 dterm_set:8; u32 hs_pre_set:8; u32 hs_trail_set:8; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_time1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 ck_prep_set:8; u32 ck_zero_set:8; u32 ck_pre_set:8; u32 ck_post_set:8; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_time2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 ck_trail_set:8; u32 hs_dly_set:16; u32 res0:4; u32 hs_dly_mode:1; u32 res1:3; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_time3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lptx_ulps_exit_set:20; u32 res0:12; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_time4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 hstx_ana0_set:8; u32 hstx_ana1_set:8; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dphy_rx_time0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lprx_to_en:1; u32 freq_cnt_en:1; u32 res0:2; u32 hsrx_clk_miss_en:1; u32 hsrx_sync_err_to_en:1; u32 res1:2; u32 lprx_to:8; u32 hsrx_clk_miss:8; u32 hsrx_sync_err_to:8; } bits; }; union dphy_rx_time1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lprx_ulps_wp:20; u32 rx_dly:12; } bits; }; union dphy_rx_time2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 hsrx_ana0_set:8; u32 hsrx_ana1_set:8; u32 res0:16; } bits; }; union dphy_rx_time3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 freq_cnt:16; u32 res0:8; u32 lprst_dly:8; } bits; }; union dphy_ana0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 reg_selsck:1; u32 reg_rsd:1; u32 reg_sfb:2; u32 reg_plr:4; u32 reg_den:4; u32 reg_slv:3; u32 reg_sdiv2:1; u32 reg_srxck:4; u32 reg_srxdt:4; u32 reg_dmpd:4; u32 reg_dmpc:1; u32 reg_pwenc:1; u32 reg_pwend:1; u32 reg_pws:1; } bits; }; union dphy_ana1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 reg_stxck:1; u32 res0:3; u32 reg_svdl0:4; u32 reg_svdl1:4; u32 reg_svdl2:4; u32 reg_svdl3:4; u32 reg_svdlc:4; u32 reg_svtt:4; u32 reg_csmps:2; u32 res1:1; u32 reg_vttmode:1; } bits; }; union dphy_ana2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 ana_cpu_en:1; u32 enib:1; u32 enrvs:1; u32 res0:1; u32 enck_cpu:1; u32 entxc_cpu:1; u32 enckq_cpu:1; u32 res1:1; u32 entx_cpu:4; u32 res2:1; u32 entermc_cpu:1; u32 enrxc_cpu:1; u32 res3:1; u32 enterm_cpu:4; u32 enrx_cpu:4; u32 enp2s_cpu:4; u32 res4:4; } bits; }; union dphy_ana3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 enlptx_cpu:4; u32 enlprx_cpu:4; u32 enlpcd_cpu:4; u32 enlprxc_cpu:1; u32 enlptxc_cpu:1; u32 enlpcdc_cpu:1; u32 res0:1; u32 entest:1; u32 enckdbg:1; u32 enldor:1; u32 res1:5; u32 enldod:1; u32 enldoc:1; u32 endiv:1; u32 envttc:1; u32 envttd:4; } bits; }; union dphy_ana4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 reg_txpusd:2; u32 reg_txpusc:2; u32 reg_txdnsd:2; u32 reg_txdnsc:2; u32 reg_tmsd:2; u32 reg_tmsc:2; u32 reg_ckdv:5; u32 reg_vtt_set:3; u32 reg_dmplvd:4; u32 reg_dmplvc:1; u32 reg_ib:2; u32 res4:1; u32 reg_comtest:2; u32 en_comtest:1; u32 en_mipi:1; } bits; }; union dphy_int_en0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 sot_d0_int:1; u32 sot_d1_int:1; u32 sot_d2_int:1; u32 sot_d3_int:1; u32 sot_err_d0_int:1; u32 sot_err_d1_int:1; u32 sot_err_d2_int:1; u32 sot_err_d3_int:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d0_int:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d1_int:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d2_int:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d3_int:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d0_int:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d1_int:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d2_int:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d3_int:1; u32 res0:6; u32 cd_lp0_err_clk_int:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_clk_int:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d0_int:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d0_int:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d1_int:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d1_int:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d2_int:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d2_int:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d3_int:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d3_int:1; } bits; }; union dphy_int_en1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 ulps_d0_int:1; u32 ulps_d1_int:1; u32 ulps_d2_int:1; u32 ulps_d3_int:1; u32 ulps_wp_d0_int:1; u32 ulps_wp_d1_int:1; u32 ulps_wp_d2_int:1; u32 ulps_wp_d3_int:1; u32 ulps_clk_int:1; u32 ulps_wp_clk_int:1; u32 res0:2; u32 lpdt_d0_int:1; u32 rx_trnd_d0_int:1; u32 tx_trnd_err_d0_int:1; u32 undef1_d0_int:1; u32 undef2_d0_int:1; u32 undef3_d0_int:1; u32 undef4_d0_int:1; u32 undef5_d0_int:1; u32 rst_d0_int:1; u32 rst_d1_int:1; u32 rst_d2_int:1; u32 rst_d3_int:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d0_int:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d1_int:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d2_int:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d3_int:1; u32 false_ctl_d0_int:1; u32 false_ctl_d1_int:1; u32 false_ctl_d2_int:1; u32 false_ctl_d3_int:1; } bits; }; union dphy_int_en2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0; } bits; }; union dphy_int_pd0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 sot_d0_pd:1; u32 sot_d1_pd:1; u32 sot_d2_pd:1; u32 sot_d3_pd:1; u32 sot_err_d0_pd:1; u32 sot_err_d1_pd:1; u32 sot_err_d2_pd:1; u32 sot_err_d3_pd:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d0_pd:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d1_pd:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d2_pd:1; u32 sot_sync_err_d3_pd:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d0_pd:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d1_pd:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d2_pd:1; u32 rx_alg_err_d3_pd:1; u32 res0:6; u32 cd_lp0_err_clk_pd:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_clk_pd:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d1_pd:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d1_pd:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d0_pd:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d0_pd:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d2_pd:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d2_pd:1; u32 cd_lp0_err_d3_pd:1; u32 cd_lp1_err_d3_pd:1; } bits; }; union dphy_int_pd1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 ulps_d0_pd:1; u32 ulps_d1_pd:1; u32 ulps_d2_pd:1; u32 ulps_d3_pd:1; u32 ulps_wp_d0_pd:1; u32 ulps_wp_d1_pd:1; u32 ulps_wp_d2_pd:1; u32 ulps_wp_d3_pd:1; u32 ulps_clk_pd:1; u32 ulps_wp_clk_pd:1; u32 res0:2; u32 lpdt_d0_pd:1; u32 rx_trnd_d0_pd:1; u32 tx_trnd_err_d0_pd:1; u32 undef1_d0_pd:1; u32 undef2_d0_pd:1; u32 undef3_d0_pd:1; u32 undef4_d0_pd:1; u32 undef5_d0_pd:1; u32 rst_d0_pd:1; u32 rst_d1_pd:1; u32 rst_d2_pd:1; u32 rst_d3_pd:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d0_pd:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d1_pd:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d2_pd:1; u32 esc_cmd_err_d3_pd:1; u32 false_ctl_d0_pd:1; u32 false_ctl_d1_pd:1; u32 false_ctl_d2_pd:1; u32 false_ctl_d3_pd:1; } bits; }; union dphy_int_pd2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg0_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lptx_sta_d0:3; u32 res0:1; u32 lptx_sta_d1:3; u32 res1:1; u32 lptx_sta_d2:3; u32 res2:1; u32 lptx_sta_d3:3; u32 res3:1; u32 lptx_sta_clk:3; u32 res4:9; u32 direction:1; u32 res5:3; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg1_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lptx_dbg_en:1; u32 hstx_dbg_en:1; u32 res0:2; u32 lptx_set_d0:2; u32 lptx_set_d1:2; u32 lptx_set_d2:2; u32 lptx_set_d3:2; u32 lptx_set_ck:2; u32 res1:18; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg2_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 hstx_data; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg3_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lprx_sta_d0:4; u32 lprx_sta_d1:4; u32 lprx_sta_d2:4; u32 lprx_sta_d3:4; u32 lprx_sta_clk:4; u32 res0:12; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg4_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 lprx_phy_d0:2; u32 lprx_phy_d1:2; u32 lprx_phy_d2:2; u32 lprx_phy_d3:2; u32 lprx_phy_clk:2; u32 res0:6; u32 lpcd_phy_d0:2; u32 lpcd_phy_d1:2; u32 lpcd_phy_d2:2; u32 lpcd_phy_d3:2; u32 lpcd_phy_clk:2; u32 res1:6; } bits; }; union dphy_dbg5_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 hsrx_data; } bits; }; union dphy_reservd_reg_t { u32 dwval; struct { u32 res0; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_skew_reg0_t { __u32 dwavl; struct { __u32 reg_skewcal_sync : 8 ; // default: 0; __u32 reg_skewcal : 8 ; // default: 0; __u32 skewcal_trail_set : 8 ; // default: 0; __u32 skewcal_zero_set : 8 ; // default: 0; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_skew_reg1_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 skewcal_init_set : 16 ; // default: 0; __u32 skewcal_pedic_set : 8 ; // default: 0; __u32 skewcal_sync_set : 8 ; // default: 0; } bits; }; union dphy_tx_skew_reg2_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 skewcal_prepare_lp00 : 8 ; //default: 0; __u32 skewcal_trail_inv : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_skewcal_perdic : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_skewcal_init : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 res0 : 21 ; //default: 0; } bits; }; union dphy_pll_reg0_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 m1 : 4 ; //default: 0x3; __u32 m0 : 2 ; //default: 0; __u32 tdiv : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 ndet : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 n : 8 ; //default: 0x32; __u32 p : 4 ; //default: 0; __u32 pll_en : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 en_lvs : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 ldo_en : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 cp36_en : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 res0 : 8 ; //default: 0; } bits; }; union dphy_pll_reg1_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 test_en : 1 ; //default: 0x1; __u32 atest_sel : 2 ; //default: 0; __u32 icp_sel : 2 ; //default: 0; __u32 lpf_sw : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 vsetd : 3 ; //default: 0x2; __u32 vseta : 3 ; //default: 0x2; __u32 lockdet_en : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 lockmdsel : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 unlock_mdsel : 2 ; //default: 0; __u32 res0 : 16 ; //default: 0; } bits; }; union dphy_pll_reg2_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 frac : 12 ; //default: 0x800; __u32 ss_int : 8 ; //default: 0x32; __u32 ss_frac : 9 ; //default: 0; __u32 ss_en : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 ff_en : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 sdm_en : 1 ; //default: 0x1; } bits; }; union combo_phy_reg0_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 en_cp : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_comboldo : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_lvds : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_mipi : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_test_0p8 : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 en_test_comboldo : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 res0 : 26; //default: 0; } bits; }; union combo_phy_reg1_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 reg_vref0p8 : 3 ; //default: 0; __u32 res0 : 1 ; //default: 0; __u32 reg_vref1p6 : 3 ; //default: 0; __u32 res1 : 25; //default: 0; } bits; }; union combo_phy_reg2_t { __u32 dwval; struct { __u32 hs_stop_dly : 8 ; //default: 0; __u32 res0 : 24; //default: 0; } bits; }; /* dphy register define */ struct __de_dsi_dphy_dev_t { /* 0x00 - 0x0c */ union dphy_ctl_reg_t dphy_gctl; union dphy_tx_ctl_reg_t dphy_tx_ctl; union dphy_rx_ctl_reg_t dphy_rx_ctl; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg00c; /* 0x10 - 0x1c */ union dphy_tx_time0_reg_t dphy_tx_time0; union dphy_tx_time1_reg_t dphy_tx_time1; union dphy_tx_time2_reg_t dphy_tx_time2; union dphy_tx_time3_reg_t dphy_tx_time3; /* 0x20 - 0x2c */ union dphy_tx_time4_reg_t dphy_tx_time4; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg024[3]; /* 0x30 - 0x3c */ union dphy_rx_time0_reg_t dphy_rx_time0; union dphy_rx_time1_reg_t dphy_rx_time1; union dphy_rx_time2_reg_t dphy_rx_time2; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg03c; /* 0x40 - 0x4c */ union dphy_rx_time3_reg_t dphy_rx_time3; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg044[2]; union dphy_ana0_reg_t dphy_ana0; /* 0x50 - 0x5c */ union dphy_ana1_reg_t dphy_ana1; union dphy_ana2_reg_t dphy_ana2; union dphy_ana3_reg_t dphy_ana3; union dphy_ana4_reg_t dphy_ana4; /* 0x60 - 0x6c */ union dphy_int_en0_reg_t dphy_int_en0; union dphy_int_en1_reg_t dphy_int_en1; union dphy_int_en2_reg_t dphy_int_en2; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg06c; /* 0x70 - 0x7c */ union dphy_int_pd0_reg_t dphy_int_pd0; union dphy_int_pd1_reg_t dphy_int_pd1; union dphy_int_pd2_reg_t dphy_int_pd2; union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg07c; /* 0x80 - 0xdc */ union dphy_reservd_reg_t dphy_reg080[24]; /* 0xe0 - 0xec */ union dphy_dbg0_reg_t dphy_dbg0; union dphy_dbg1_reg_t dphy_dbg1; union dphy_dbg2_reg_t dphy_dbg2; union dphy_dbg3_reg_t dphy_dbg3; /* 0xf0 - 0xfc */ union dphy_dbg4_reg_t dphy_dbg4; union dphy_dbg5_reg_t dphy_dbg5; union dphy_tx_skew_reg0_t dphy_tx_skew_reg0; /*0xf8 */ union dphy_tx_skew_reg1_t dphy_tx_skew_reg1; /*0xfc */ union dphy_tx_skew_reg2_t dphy_tx_skew_reg2; /*0x100 */ union dphy_pll_reg0_t dphy_pll_reg0; /*0x104 */ union dphy_pll_reg1_t dphy_pll_reg1; /*0x108 */ union dphy_pll_reg2_t dphy_pll_reg2; /*0x10c */ union combo_phy_reg0_t combo_phy_reg0; /*0x110 */ union combo_phy_reg1_t combo_phy_reg1; /*0x114 */ union combo_phy_reg2_t combo_phy_reg2; /*0x118 */ }; union dsi_ph_t { struct { u32 byte012:24; u32 byte3:8; } bytes; struct { u32 bit00:1; u32 bit01:1; u32 bit02:1; u32 bit03:1; u32 bit04:1; u32 bit05:1; u32 bit06:1; u32 bit07:1; u32 bit08:1; u32 bit09:1; u32 bit10:1; u32 bit11:1; u32 bit12:1; u32 bit13:1; u32 bit14:1; u32 bit15:1; u32 bit16:1; u32 bit17:1; u32 bit18:1; u32 bit19:1; u32 bit20:1; u32 bit21:1; u32 bit22:1; u32 bit23:1; u32 bit24:1; u32 bit25:1; u32 bit26:1; u32 bit27:1; u32 bit28:1; u32 bit29:1; u32 bit30:1; u32 bit31:1; } bits; };
来源:RT-Thread 官方仓库:https://github.com/RT-Thread/rt-thread/blob/master/bsp/allwinner/libraries/sunxi-hal/hal/source/disp2/disp/de/lowlevel_v2x/de_dsi_type.h
@awwwwa 谢谢大佬回复。
研发一个系统需要有严格datasheet, 国外的芯片资料给出明确的寄存器描述和流程,国内的在这方面需要提高,可能跟国内的研发环境有关系,全志在A31 MIPI DPHY还有描述,估计没有人用,大部分搞系统的都是照猫画虎,以求速成,这样整天浪费无用功【客观:系统版本不同,芯片支持很多系列,代码尤其配置文件有很多冗余,经常搞得不知所以然】,而且出来的产品根本不可靠,无语。这个也不是IP的问题,没有人用,更新还费劲,估计就不提供了,我自己瞎猜的。看看人家的资料:
没有公开资料,看全志怎么把老外研发DEV都逼上墙了,通过decipher 咱们的东西 ,一边抱怨,一边解密,最后还是搞成了
@awwwwa 系统定义里面不停更新,比如第一个就已经改变了:
typedef union
u32 dwval;
u32 module_en : 1 ; // default: 0;
u32 res0 : 3 ; // default: ;
u32 lane_num : 2 ; // default: 0;
u32 res1 : 26 ; // default: ;
} bits;
} dphy_ctl_reg_t; -
@awwwwa 理解
先搞国外的,资料齐全,然后用国内的,其实大部分一样,这样可以曲线救自己,哈哈 -
@chrisvista 在 全志T113-i 或者V85X MIPI DSI 寻求控制器寄存器资料 中说:
A64的MIPI DSI是使用的 synopsys 的,T113的不是这个IP,所以有差异
@awwwwa 不会吧,我现在用创龙的核心板,给我的SDK,里面的代码是这样的
union dphy_ctl_reg_t {
u32 dwval;
struct {
u32 module_en:1;
u32 res0:3;
u32 lane_num:2;
u32 res1:26;
} bits;
lowlevel_v2x这个应该是对的,很多开发都点亮MIPI 屏。
@awwwwa 谢谢大佬,我准备和老外一样上墙,看个究竟,目前不能用全志的核心板t113-i DSI 从shutdown 进入AFE,不能进入control mode, DSI 0 一直1.2V高电平。
@chrisvista 不可以用RT-Thread的HAL库吗?
@awwwwa 刚才看错了,你发的没有问题,创龙全志的也没有问题:
我用DPHY和DSI 控制寄存器对比,当然错误,大意了 -
@awwwwa 是用原来的库,我肯定不会写,很复杂的,主要是想我的错在哪里了,哪个地方设置错了
全志一直使用synopsys IP,后面的仅仅DPHY升级V1.2
A31: MIPI DSI v1.01 and MIPI D-PHY v1.00 有公开的DSI资料
MIPI DSI v1.01 and MIPI D-PHY v1.20
V1.2和V1.00 基本原理一样,寄存器差别不大,所有MIPI DSI资料大家参考A31即可,包括基地址DSI Base Address 0x01CA0000都是一样的,欢迎大家指正 -
compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-disp";
reg = <0x0 0x05000000 0x0 0x3fffff>, /* de0 /
<0x0 0x05460000 0x0 0xfff>, /display_if_top/
<0x0 0x05461000 0x0 0xfff>, / tcon-lcd0 /
<0x0 0x05470000 0x0 0xfff>, / tcon-tv /
<0x0 0x05450000 0x0 0x1fff>; / dsi0*/
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