编译下 D1s 的 Melis
git clone https://github.com/Tina-Linux/d1s-melis.git
文件夹里。source melis-env.sh lunch make -j655350 pack
@yuzukitsuru 升级不了,卡住了是怎么回事
make -j655350
make -j 可以再多点吗?
@mhcsoft 升级下PhonixSuit试试
@yuzukitsuru 找到问题了, 主板贴的 spi nand ,全志melis 不支持,得用Tina系统
@mhcsoft 在 编译下 D1s 的 Melis 中说:
@yuzukitsuru 找到问题了, 主板贴的 spi nand ,全志melis 不支持,得用Tina系统
没错 目前melis不支持nand,因为nand里面涉及一些坏块处理等算法,melis上没有实现
在docker(ubuntu:20.04)中编译时, facebuildercmd出现段错误;
换成了一台Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS(Linux tao 5.15.0-58 x86_64 GNU/Linux)物理机编译成功;
原因待查 -
[34]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting! [37]BOOT0 commit : 889f614 sbi2ekernel =============================================================================================================== | /'\_/`\ (_ ) _ ( )( ) /' _`\ /' _`\ | | | __ | | (_) ___ ______ _ _ | || | | ( ) | | ( ) | | | (_) | /'__`\ | | | |/',__)(______)( ) ( )| || |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | |( ___/ | | | |\__, \ | \_/ |(__ ,__) _ | (_) | _ | (_) | | (_) (_)`\____)(___)(_)(____/ `\___/' (_) (_)`\___/'(_)`\___/' |version : V3.9.0 | |commitid: a850c7b6b408b36ea58bcce024f7c788688ca5ab | |sunxiver: 40000 | |timever : Mon, 04 Sep 2023 06:29:12 -0700 | |compiler: gcc version 8.4.0 (T-HEAD RISCV Tools V1.10.2 B20201104) | |optimal : -Os -g -gdwarf-2 -gstrict-dwarf | |linker : GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.32 | |newlibc : 3.0.0 | |author : user | =============================================================================================================== [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DMS [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=dms01 [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: dmsPart: "DMS\dms010" is linked to symbel "B". [ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err [ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err [ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err [ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err mount errno: -19! [DBG]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0333]: melis_devfs,mount on B. [DBG]: [kservice_maintask:0845]: partition [B] plug in.. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DISK [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=RAMDISK [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: rawpart: "DISK\RAMDISK0" is linked to symbel "C". [ERR]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0314]: identify the filesystem failure. [ERR]: [__mount_parts:0541]: mount C failure. dfs already init. flash : 1 sip : 0 hal_spi_hw_config()2025 [spi0] clock_frequency = 50000000HZ hal_spi_init()2215 [spi0] DMA xfer enable nor_scan flash : 1 sip : 0 hal_spi_hw_config()2025 [spi0] clock_frequency = 50000000HZ hal_spi_init()2215 [spi0] DMA xfer enable nor_factory_init nor flash init ok scheduler startup [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DISK [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=ROOTFS [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: rawpart: "DISK\ROOTFS0" is linked to symbel "D". [DBG]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0333]: minfs,mount on D. [DBG]: [kservice_maintask:0845]: partition [D] plug in.. [DBG]: [melis_udisk_part_check:0557]: melis_udisk_part_check 557 copy udisk_buff [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DISK [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=UDISK [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun. [DBG]: [check_msdos_partition:0640]: [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1. [DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: rawpart: "DISK\UDISK0" is linked to symbel "E". [DBG]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0333]: fat,mount on E. [DBG]: [kservice_maintask:0845]: partition [E] plug in.. SDC:hal_sdc_create host:0x402065d8 id:0 host debug mask 3c[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 0,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 [ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 1,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 [ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 2,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 [ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 3,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 [ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 4,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 [ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 5,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1 SDC:Not implement __mci_restore_io,819 SDC:Not imp hal_sdc_init,2236 SDC:hal_sdc_init,2269 no imp SDC:hal_sdc_init,2278 no imp SDC:SDC Host Capability:0x3820f Ocr avail:0x3f0000 SDC:Not implement __mci_hold_io,804 SDC:SDC cd_mode:2 present_val:0 SDC:SDC id:0 dma_use:1 present:0 driver version SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v0.29 2022-09-01 16:50) init ok. host_id =0! [ERR]: [hal_ths_init:0094]: 0x2009404, 0x2009400, 0x2009430, 0x2009408 key name:thermal_sensor key size:64 key offset:20 thermal_sensor: ef 00 7b 89 0d b0 e9 01 ERR ekernel/drivers/hal/source/usb/manager/usb_manager.c 276 usb_script_parse :script_parser_fetch usbc0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio fail port_info->port.port_type:2 [ERR]: [gpio_conf_set:0468]: gpio_desc is not inited [ERR]: [hal_gpio_pinmux_set_function:0701]: set pin mux error! the cir_master_init success Warning: clk pll-audio0 should not be changed, please recheck whether the operation is correct [SND_ERR][sunxi_daudio_gpio_init:1012][daudio1] sys_config has no GPIO [ehci-usb1] insmod host driver! phy_vbase : 0x4200800, usbc_no : 1, efuse : 0x1e9b00d [ohci-usb1] insmod host driver! phy_vbase : 0x4200800, usbc_no : 1, efuse : 0x1e9b00d [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\mod\slib.mod. [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\mod\display.mod. [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\mod\mixture.mod. [ERR]: [hal_pwm_pinctrl_init:0269]: [pwm7] not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_pinctrl_init:0269]: [pwm7] not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config [DBG]: [layer_request:0691]: layer_request MOD_DISP_LAYER_WORK_MODE_SCALER [DBG]: [layer_request:0739]: requested: ch:0, id:0 disp_mgr[0].req_layer_cnt = 1 [ERR]: [hal_pwm_pinctrl_init:0269]: [pwm7] not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\mod\charset.mod. msh />enter app_entry Execute startup script begin.............. install mod para num [2]: insmod d:\mod\orange.mod [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\mod\orange.mod. Mod:d:\mod\orange.mod Installed!, mod id=120 install mod para num [2]: insmod d:\apps\desktop.mod [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\apps\desktop.mod. [DBG]: [DESKTOP_MOpen:0091]: DESKTOP_MOpen. [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\apps\init.axf. Mod:d:\apps\desktop.mod Installed!, mod id=127 ...............Execute startup script end [DBG]: [msg_srv_init_key_channel:0163]: emit_ctr.h_keyGraber=0x40dfb180 [DBG]: [msg_srv_init_key_channel:0174]: LdevID=0 [DBG]: [application_init_process:0856]: & application_init_process enter! & [DBG]: [application_init_process:0874]: application_init_process 874 before live_init [DBG]: [live_init:0054]: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~before dsk_set_isn_charset~~~~~~~~~~~ [DBG]: [alsa_open_pcm:0316]: alsa open pcm! card:[audiocodec], pcmFlag:[1](0-cap;1-play) [DBG]: [dsk_display_set_lcd_brightness:0300]: setting lcd_bright=176 [ERR]: [hal_pwm_pinctrl_init:0269]: [pwm7] not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config [DBG]: [application_init_process:0882]: application_init_process 882 before gscene_bgd_init [DBG]: [gscene_bgd_is_file_exist:0633]: file is exist:d:\apps\bg_default0.bgd [DBG]: [gscene_bgd_init:0143]: bgd_com->screen_size.width = 480 bgd_com->screen_size.height = 272 ftype = 1 [DBG]: [application_init_process:0903]: .start device monitor ....................................... [DBG]: [application_init_process:0911]: application_init_process 911 before init_mainwin_create [DBG]: [dsk_display_set_lcd_brightness:0300]: setting lcd_bright=192 [ERR]: [hal_pwm_pinctrl_init:0269]: [pwm7] not support in sys_config [ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config [DBG]: [__hbar_layer_create:0107]: hbar fb 480 24 gui_dir=0 [DBG]: [__hbar_layer_create:0108]: hbar src 0 0 480 24 [DBG]: [__hbar_layer_create:0109]: hbar scn 0 0 480 24 [DBG]: [reset_headbar_data:0287]: xxxxxx para->data.volume = 30 [DBG]: [reset_headbar_data:0291]: xxxxxx bright = 11 [DBG]: [init_mainwin_cb:2445]: .start device monitor ....................................... [DBG]: [application_init_process:0917]: application_init_process 917 before _process_init [DBG]: [applet_info_manager_load_dir:0320]: find dir file d:\apps\desktop\app_root.desktop! [DBG]: [applet_info_manager_load_file:0280]: filename = d:\apps\desktop\app_root.desktop len=124 [DBG]: [__activity_load_common:0408]: load application application://app_root. [DBG]: [LDR_LoadFile:0261]: filepath = d:\apps\app_root.axf. [DBG]: [app_home_create:0688]: ******** enter multi screen home application ************** [DBG]: [gscene_bgd_is_file_exist:0633]: file is exist:d:\apps\bg_defaul[usb0] insmod device driver! adbd version:AW-V1.1.0, compiled on: Aug 26 2023 21:12:52 phy_vbase : 0x4100400, usbc_no : 0, efuse : 0x1e9b00d adbd service init successful t0.bgd [DBG]: [get_fb_from_file:0423]: filename=d:\apps\bg_default0.bgd [DBG]: [get_fb_from_file:0465]: bg pic is compress... [DBG]: [get_fb_from_file:0468]: compress_buf=41310000 ===================================================================================================== EXC_LOAD_PAGE_FAULT ===================================================================================================== thread: initprocess, entry: 0x00000000e1701c0a, stack_base: 0x0000000040fb7000,stack_size: 0x00010000. x0:0x0000000000000000 ra:0x00000000e17099a0 sp:0x0000000040fc6430 gp:0x0000000040130bbc tp:0x0000000040230240 t0:0x0000000000000001 t1:0x00000000400bf46a t2:0x000000004142a644 s0:0x8181818181818000 s1:0x00081818181416b4 a0:0x8181818181818181 a1:0x0000000000000466 a2:0x0000000000000001 a3:0x0000000000000008 a4:0x0000000000000001 a5:0x0000000000000000 a6:0x0000000000000320 a7:0x0000000010000201 s2:0x0000000040143af0 s3:0x00000000413cb854 s5:0x0000000040143ae0 s5:0x8181818181818181 s6:0x0000000040164000 s7:0x0000000041182740 s8:0x0000000000000000 s9:0x0000000041310000 s10:0x0000000000000001 s11:0x000000000005dc00 t3:0x0000000000119454 t4:0x0000000000000004 t5:0x0000000000000008 t6:0x000000000000001f other: sepc :0x000000004003049c scause :0x000000000000000d stval :0x00000060a0669ad0 sstatus :0x0000000200004120 sscratch:0x0000000000000000 -------backtrace----------- backtrace : 0X4003049C backtrace : 0XE170999C backtrace : 0XE1707F58 backtrace : 0XE1706BF2 backtrace : 0XE1706CA0 backtrace : 0X4003118E backtrace : 0XE92024AC backtrace : 0X400B34EC backtrace : 0XE1825368 backtrace : 0XE1813624 backtrace : 0XE1817D76 backtrace : 0XE9203B16 backtrace : 0XE9200A30 backtrace : 0XE9241D74 backtrace : 0XE1F0DBBA backtrace : 0XE1F0938A backtrace : 0XE1F07FF0 backtrace : 0XE1F08184 backtrace : 0XE17018B8 backtrace : 0XE1701E36 backtrace : 0X40028E9E backtrace : 0X40028E3E --------------------------- -----------------------------------------------TSK Usage Report---------------------------------------------------------- name errno entry stat prio tcb slice stacksize stkfree lt si so stack_range adbd-output 0 0x400addc0 suspend 20 0x40230d38 5 8192 7616 05 0000 0000 [0x412cc000-0x412ce000] adbd-input 0 0x400addc0 suspend 20 0x40230b58 5 8192 7600 05 0000 0000 [0x412ca000-0x412cc000] initbkhdle -2 0xe1704ba8 running 24 0x40230978 15 2048 1592 15 0000 0000 [0x40e87000-0x40e87800] headbar_fresh 0 0xe1703eae suspend 24 0x40230798 15 8192 7608 15 0000 0000 [0x4121e000-0x41220000] 0xE1F0B02A 0 0xe1f0b02a suspend 24 0x402305b8 15 16384 15552 15 0000 0000 [0x40fc7000-0x40fcb000] appmsg2emitq 0 0xe1f0c81e suspend 9 0x402303d8 20 4096 3480 20 0000 0000 [0x40fac000-0x40fad000] initprocess 0 0xe1701c0a running 24 0x402301f8 15 65536 59392 07 0000 0000 [0x40fb7000-0x40fc7000] emitq2orange -2 0xe1f0d41e running 24 0x40230018 15 4096 3008 13 0000 0000 [0x40fab000-0x40fac000] OrangTmr 0 0xe18123c2 suspend 9 0x4022fe38 20 4096 3544 20 0000 0000 [0x40f6d000-0x40f6e000] tshell 0 0x400aa1ee suspend 20 0x4022fc58 10 16384 13008 01 0000 0000 [0x40edb000-0x40edf000] kb_input 0 0x400b1c18 suspend 3 0x4022fa78 10 4096 2752 10 0000 0000 [0x40ed9000-0x40eda000] hub_tt 0 0x4002f9b8 suspend 3 0x4022f898 10 8192 7872 10 0000 0000 [0x40e73000-0x40e75000] hub-status-thread 0 0x4006ac2a suspend 3 0x4022f6b8 10 8192 7712 10 0000 0000 [0x40e71000-0x40e73000] giveback_workqueue 0 0x4002f9b8 suspend 3 0x4022f4d8 10 1024 704 10 0000 0000 [0x402a2c00-0x402a3000] hub_tt 0 0x4002f9b8 suspend 3 0x4022f2f8 10 8192 7872 10 0000 0000 [0x40e67000-0x40e69000] hub-status-thread 0 0x4006ac2a suspend 3 0x4022f118 10 8192 7712 10 0000 0000 [0x40e65000-0x40e67000] giveback_workqueue 0 0x4002f9b8 suspend 3 0x4022ef38 10 1024 704 10 0000 0000 [0x402a2800-0x402a2c00] 0x40038A2E 0 0x40038a2e suspend 24 0x4022eb78 15 4096 3600 15 0000 0000 [0x4028b000-0x4028c000] usb-hardware-scan 0 0x4007a872 suspend 3 0x4022e998 10 8192 5040 09 0000 0000 [0x40db7000-0x40db9000] disp2 0 0x4002f9b8 suspend 15 0x4022e7b8 10 8192 5736 09 0000 0000 [0x40d62000-0x40d64000] hub-main-thread 0 0x4006c9e6 suspend 3 0x4022e5d8 10 8192 6928 10 0000 0000 [0x402fe000-0x40300000] kmsg2appq 0 0x400b6154 suspend 6 0x4022e3f8 10 4096 3376 07 0000 0000 [0x4028a000-0x4028b000] mnt_task 0 0x400df94e suspend 7 0x4022e218 10 16384 15936 10 0000 0000 [0x4023a000-0x4023e000] tidle 0 0x4002bac2 running 31 0x4013d030 32 8192 7488 21 0000 0000 [0x4013d228-0x4013f228] timer 0 0x4002f834 suspend 8 0x4013f900 10 16384 16016 10 0000 0000 [0x4013fad8-0x40143ad8] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- memory info: Total 0x03e9c000 Used 0x010ec3f8 Max 0x010f17f8 ------------------------------------------------memory information------------------------------------------------------- dump stack memory: 0x0000000040fc6430: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x41310000 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6440: 0x00000010 0x00000000 0x000000ff 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6450: 0xe170b5d8 0x00000000 0x413cb854 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6460: 0x40274260 0x00000000 0x00119454 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6470: 0x0005dc00 0x00000000 0xe17099a0 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6480: 0x40274260 0x00000000 0xe1707f5c 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6490: 0x41310000 0x00000000 0xe170b5d8 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc64a0: 0x40230240 0x00000000 0x412cf000 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc64b0: 0x411827a4 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc64c0: 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc64d0: 0x00000320 0x00000000 0x000001e0 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc64e0: 0x00001000 0x00000000 0x00000320 0x000001e0 0x0000000040fc64f0: 0x41310054 0x00000000 0x4136dc54 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6500: 0x413cb854 0x00000000 0x00000001 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6510: 0x00ff0110 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6520: 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000002 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6530: 0xe170f178 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6540: 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6550: 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6560: 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6570: 0xe1800000 0x00000000 0x403143f8 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6580: 0x40fc67b0 0x00000000 0x41182738 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6590: 0xe170f178 0x00000000 0xe1706bf6 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65a0: 0x40314530 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65b0: 0xe1800000 0x00000000 0x00e1f000 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65c0: 0x0000000a 0x00000000 0xe1706ca4 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65d0: 0xe1700000 0x00000000 0xe9228efc 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65e0: 0xe9250338 0x00000000 0x40f6f8f8 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc65f0: 0x403143f8 0x00000000 0x40031192 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6600: 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0xdeadbeef 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6610: 0x0000ff5b 0x00074402 0x403143f8 0x00000000 0x0000000040fc6620: 0x40f6f8f8 0x00000000 0x40f6f738 0x00000000 dump epc memory: 0x000000004003049c: 0x449b478b 0x8b8d4709 0x04e79463 0xa0df80ef 0x00000000400304ac: 0x449b478b 0x00113717 0x66070713 0x7c27b58b 0x00000000400304bc: 0x578b8b8d 0x631c449b 0x00c59693 0x8f95e42e 0x00000000400304cc: 0x80efe31c 0x65a29edf 0x64068556 0x74e260a6 0x00000000400304dc: 0x79a27942 0x6ae27a02 0x61616b42 0xf2cff06f 0x00000000400304ec: 0x18078b63 0x9c5f80ef 0x478b89aa 0xb78b449b 0x00000000400304fc: 0x979b7c27 0x8c1d00c7 0x57b74018 0x879351ab 0x000000004003050c: 0x0e631ab7 0x061300f7 0x85975a90 0x8593000b 0x000000004003051c: 0x85170625 0x0513000b 0xd0ef1e25 0x781cd41f 0x000000004003052c: 0x00113717 0x5e470713 0x00fab023 0x5054631c 0x000000004003053c: 0x03543823 0xe31c8f95 0x871b405c 0xc0580017 0x000000004003054c: 0x5418eb99 0x00113797 0x5c878793 0x66e7c68b 0x000000004003055c: 0xd40be814 0x404c66e7 0x5a634450 0x505402b6 0x000000004003056c: 0x85178756 0x0513000b 0xd0ef01a5 0x2423bbbf 0x000000004003057c: 0x445c0004 0x6406c05c 0x74e260a6 0x7a027942 0x000000004003058c: 0x6b426ae2 0x79a2854e 0x806f6161 0x441c925f 0x000000004003059c: 0xc41c37fd 0x8e639fad 0x061300c7 0x85975f30 0x00000000400305ac: 0x8593000b 0x8517fce5 0x0513000b 0xd0ef03e5 0x00000000400305bc: 0x4058cadf 0x10e3445c 0x681cfcf7 0x00113497 0x00000000400305cc: 0x55048493 0x541ce791 0x66f4c78b 0xfa8785e3 0x00000000400305dc: 0xcf89441c 0x5ff00613 0x000b8597 0xf9458593 0x00000000400305ec: 0x000b8517 0xfd450513 0xc73fd0ef 0x970b541c 0x00000000400305fc: 0xc78b06f4 0x986366f4 0x681c0687 0xe31c4589 0x000000004003060c: 0xc01c57fd 0x00113797 0x75078793 0x00113717 0x000000004003061c: 0x74070713 0x63104394 0x851be300 0xe8100016 0x000000004003062c: 0xdae3c388 0xc394f4a5 0x000a3783 0x3703e310 0x000000004003063c: 0x07b30009 0x83b140f4 0x04f7178b 0x00113717 0x000000004003064c: 0x72070713 0x47014314 0x02d74363 0x80ef854e 0x000000004003065c: 0x3797861f 0x87930011 0x438c70e7 0x85226785 0x000000004003066c: 0x02f5c5bb 0x8713b59d 0x6b9c0107 0xd00bb769 0x000000004003067c: 0x070544e7 0x60a6bfd1 0x74e26406 0x79a27942 0x000000004003068c: 0x6ae27a02 0x61616b42 0x80828082 0x3797cd09 msh />
@liu11372650 可以将所有的 ”backtrack : xxx “ 拷贝到source下的一个文本文件(如ba.txt)中,然后确保source 了环境变量后,执行 callstack xxxx (xxxx就是你的文本文件名字,如 callstack ba.txt),就会将死机前的栈进行回溯,得到死机前的函数调用流程。 从这里看,你这个应该是init模块装载orange时出问题了,或者orange初始化流程出问题了,可以检查一下。
我的运行不起来,NOR FLASH问题吗??
[141]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting!
[144]BOOT0 commit : 889f614
sbi2ekernel| /'_/
\ (_ ) _ ( )( ) /' _
\ /'\ | | | __ | | (_) ___ ______ _ _ | || | | ( ) | | ( ) | | | (_) | /'__
\ | | | |/',)()( ) ( )| || | | | | | | | | |
| | | | |( / | | | |_, \ | _/ |( ,) _ | () | _ | () |
| () ()\____)(___)(_)(____/
_/' () ()\___/'(_)
|version : V3.9.0|
|commitid: a850c7b6b408b36ea58bcce024f7c788688ca5ab|
|sunxiver: 40000|
|timever : Fri, 10 May 2024 02:41:39 -0700|
|compiler: gcc version 8.4.0 (T-HEAD RISCV Tools V1.10.2 B20201104)|
|optimal : -Os -g -gdwarf-2 -gstrict-dwarf|
|linker : GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.32|
|newlibc : 3.0.0|
|author : root|[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DMS
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=dms01
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun.
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1.
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: dmsPart: "DMS\dms010" is linked to symbel "B".
[ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err
[ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err
[ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err
[ERR]: [esFSYS_pread:0331]: fs fatal err
mount errno: -19!
[DBG]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0333]: melis_devfs,mount on B.
[DBG]: [kservice_maintask:0845]: partition [B] plug in..
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0299]: classname=DISK
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0300]: devname=RAMDISK
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0327]: find last lun.
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0357]: nPart = 1.
[DBG]: [__mount_parts:0486]: rawpart: "DISK\RAMDISK0" is linked to symbel "C".
[ERR]: [esFSYS_mntfs:0314]: identify the filesystem failure.
[ERR]: [__mount_parts:0541]: mount C failure.
dfs already init.
flash : 1
sip : 0
hal_spi_hw_config()2025 [spi0] clock_frequency = 50000000HZ
hal_spi_init()2215 [spi0] DMA xfer enable
[ERR]: [nor_mxic_quad_mode:0079]: spinor: set mxic QE failed (0x0)[ERR]: [nor_scan:0537]: spinor: enable quad mode failed
[ERR]: [nor_scan:0544]: spinor: scan nor flash failed
[ERR]: [nor_init:0636]: spinor: init nor flash failed
init nor flash failed
[ERR]: [nor_read:0950]: spinor: read address 0xc000 with len 16384 failed[ERR]: [register_blk_device:0851]: get gpt from nor flash failed - -5
SDC:hal_sdc_create host:0x402065d8 id:0
host debug mask 3c[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 0,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 1,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 2,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 3,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 4,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
[ERR] SDC:name ???,port 6,port_num 5,mul_sel 2, pull 1, drv_level 1
SDC:Not implement __mci_restore_io,819
SDC:Not imp hal_sdc_init,2236
SDC:hal_sdc_init,2269 no imp
SDC:hal_sdc_init,2278 no imp
SDC:SDC Host Capability:0x3820f Ocr avail:0x3f0000
SDC:Not implement __mci_hold_io,804
SDC:SDC cd_mode:2 present_val:0
SDC:SDC id:0 dma_use:1 present:0
driver version SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v0.29 2022-09-01 16:50) init ok.
host_id =0!
[ERR]: [hal_ths_init:0094]: 0x2009404, 0x2009400, 0x2009430, 0x2009408key name:thermal_sensor key size:64 key offset:20
02 c1 73 79 0f 30 e9 01
ERR ekernel/drivers/hal/source/usb/manager/usb_manager.c 276 usb_script_parse :script_parser_fetch usbc0 usb_drv_vbus_gpio fail
the cir_master_init success
Warning: clk pll-audio0 should not be changed, please recheck whether the operation is correct[ehci-usb1] insmod host driver!
phy_vbase : 0x4200800, usbc_no : 1, efuse : 0x1e9300f
scheduler startup[ohci-usb1] insmod host driver!
phy_vbase : 0x4200800, usbc_no : 1, efuse : 0x1e9300f
[ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config[ERR]: [hal_pwm_control:0580]: [pwm7] clk_osc24m not support in sys_config
d: partition open failed, please check board storage device!card_detect removed sdmmc_test->card_id=0
[WRN] SD:mmc_card_open card not exit! id:0
card open fail
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