【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像!
- buildroot gitee仓库地址 https://gitee.com/weidongshan/neza-d1-buildroot.git
- buildroot github仓库地址 https://github.com/100askTeam/neza-d1-buildroot.git
- opensbi gitee仓库地址 https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-opensbi.git
- u-boot gitee仓库地址 https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-u-boot-2018.git
- Linuxkernel gitee仓库地址 https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-linuxkernel.git
- 我们编译使用的是ubuntu 18.04 系统,在进行如下编译之前需要先配置基本编译环境,参考下述命令来安装必须的软件包。
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ sudo apt-get install -y which sed make binutils build-essential gcc g++ bash patch gzip bzip2 perl tar cpio unzip rsync file bc wget python ncurses5 bazaar cvs git mercurial rsync scp subversion android-tools-mkbootimg
- 使用git命令clone源码
book@virtual-machine:~$ mkdir -p ~/Neza-D1/ && cd ~/Neza-D1/ book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1$ git clone https://gitee.com/weidongshan/neza-d1-buildroot.git buildroot-2021
- 编译完整系统镜像
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make neza-d1_defconfig //加载配置文件 book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make all //完整编译系统
- 编译生成的系统镜像在output/image目录下,其中sdcard.img为完整的系统镜像。
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/images$ ls board.dtb boot.img boot_package.fex boot.vfat env.cfg fw_dynamic.bin fw_jump.bin Image rootfs.cpio rootfs.ext2 rootfs.tar sunxi.fex uImage boot0_sdcard.fex boot_package.cfg boot.scr dragonsecboot env.fex fw_dynamic.elf fw_jump.elf ramdisk.img rootfs.cpio.gz rootfs.ext4 sdcard.img u-boot-sun20iw1p1.bin book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/images$
- 单独编译 opensbi阶段
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make opensbi-rebuild V=1
- 单独编译 uboot阶段
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make uboot-rebuild V=1
- 单独编译 kernel阶段
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make kernel-rebuild V=1
- 单独编译文件系统
- 指定完成工具链 系统配置 需要安装的包 以及所需的格式 执行如下命令,最后生成的镜像在 output/image目录下。
book@virtual-machine:~/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021$ make all //完整编译系统
windows下使用wind32diskimage工具烧写,Linux下直接使用dd 命令完整写入
![image-20210701105748748] -
烧写成功后把卡插入开发板 开发板上电 即可自动从sd卡启动进入系统
- 支持平头哥 rv64d外部工具链。
- 支持buildroot构建 Tina sdk 内 Thead c910 opensbi 。
- 支持buildroot 构建Tina sdk 内 u-boot 2018
- 支持buildroot构建Linux kernel 5.4自动生成Image并后续打包为boot.img
- 自动构建并打包生成SD卡 busybox udev最小系统启动。
未实现 计划实现
- 支持qt python mqtt gst等常用软件包。
- 支持systemD init服务。
- 支持板载wifi 模块。
Buildroot Git仓库最新支持如下图所示更丰富的常用软件包和lib库 方便大家学习与调试。
(就是吾儿哪吒的吒 是翘舌音的 Nezha -
编译成功, 感谢楼主!
突然感觉 tina 不香了.
韦老师, 我一直在上你的高级驱动课!
不过好像原生系统的NFS没有启用? 也没有现成的ftp服务器程序,
老师有什么开发调试的建议呢? -
@aldfaaa 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
可以在编译的时候开启 nfs
-LogPI 的文章 -
@bedrock 非常感谢, 马上去实践
@aldfaaa 有人移了系统,有人做了docker,有人写了文档,感觉没我们全志什么事了
@xiaowenge 把哪吒寄去清华,他们期末要写OS……期待用RUST写的OS
@aldfaaa 有清华的同学在搞了 不知道是不是你说的那波
老师 请问仓库中 board/Neza/d1/Allwinner-tools/env.fex
env.fex 这个文件是如何生产的呢?看配置文件是从 env.cfg 出来的,
我用全志 SDK 生成出来的命令工具 :
~/tina-d1-open/out/host/bin/u_boot_env_gen执行 u_boot_env_gen env.cfg env.fex
大小和原来的都一样,但是最后 make all 生成出来的sdcard.img 无法引导,还原成仓库默认的就可以。想请问下这是为什么呢? 这样才能自定义配置来生成env.fex 文件呢?
此回复已被删除! -
使用uboot内的mkenvimage 执行如下命令。
mkenvimage -r -p 0x00 -s 0x20000 -o env.fex env.cfg -
@allwinnertech 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
mkenvimage -r -p 0x00 -s 0x20000 -o env.fex env.cfg
太棒了,我亲爱的韦老师。 -
此回复已被删除! -
Buildroot Git仓库最新支持如下图所示更丰富的常用软件包和lib库 方便大家学习与调试。
@allwinnertech 请问韦老师,这个镜像做出来可以不烧到SD卡而是直接烧录在板子上吗?
@haoxuan-cui 理论上没有问题, 照着韦老师的思路, 小修改一下
@haoxuan-cui 默认没这么大, 我的166M
$ ls output/images/*.img -l -rw-r--r-- 1 cube cube 166986240 Aug 14 17:11 output/images/sdcard.img
@ubuntu 好吧,但是我还是想试试看这个镜像能不能用,所以在flash里有tina的情况下怎么从sd卡启动呢?我刚把卡插进开发板还是只能启动tina
@haoxuan-cui 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
@ubuntu 好吧,但是我还是想试试看这个镜像能不能用,所以在flash里有tina的情况下怎么从sd卡启动呢?我刚把卡插进开发板还是只能启动tina
@kirin 好的谢谢!那用这个镜像怎么进uboot呢?没进入系统前我随便按个空格或者s啥的就会直接卡死了
@allwinnertech 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
make neza-d1_defconfig
按照文档编译make all后出错,编译环境是ubuntu18.4.请问是哪里出问题了呢? -
@haoxuan-cui 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
@kirin 好的谢谢!那用这个镜像怎么进uboot呢?没进入系统前我随便按个空格或者s啥的就会直接卡死了
@spring 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
@allwinnertech 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
make neza-d1_defconfig
按照文档编译make all后出错,编译环境是ubuntu18.4.请问是哪里出问题了呢?不按按键正常吗?
@tigger 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
这个我是编译源码久出错。环境也配置了,然后make all
没有通过编译,不按按键? -
@spring 这是前置工具没有下载全,apt install很多软件的时候如果中间有几个软件定位不到可能也会跳过后面的下载,你把那几个没有找到的包在安装命令里去掉再安装一遍就好了,这个命令来源于android-tools-mkbootimg
多谢提醒,确实是这个问题。重新安装后编译通过了 -
此回复已被删除! -
请问下如何开启vsftp文件传输服务呢,我在make menuconfig配置打开了vsftp,如何配置的读写权限,用filezilla连接失败。是不是这个和NFS服务有冲突
@spring 连接失败和NFS关系不大,检查端口有没有打开,进程有没有运行,网络是否正常。
配置文件也修改了很多次网上说的问题都试过了还是不行 -
@spring 你的 vsftpd 配置文件是怎样的呢?客户端连接错误是什么呢?
你在本机用telnet localhost 端口号 看下该端口有没有打开。
@cube_work 配置文件如下
# cat /etc/vsftpd.conf # Example config file /etc/vsftpd.conf # # The default compiled in settings are fairly paranoid. This sample file # loosens things up a bit, to make the ftp daemon more usable. # Please see vsftpd.conf.5 for all compiled in defaults. # # READ THIS: This example file is NOT an exhaustive list of vsftpd options. # Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's # capabilities. # # Allow anonymous FTP? (Beware - allowed by default if you comment this out). anonymous_enable=NO # # Uncomment this to allow local users to log in. local_enable=YES # # Uncomment this to enable any form of FTP write command. write_enable=YES # # Default umask for local users is 077. You may wish to change this to 022, # if your users expect that (022 is used by most other ftpd's) #local_umask=022 # # Uncomment this to allow the anonymous FTP user to upload files. This only # has an effect if the above global write enable is activated. Also, you will # obviously need to create a directory writable by the FTP user. #anon_upload_enable=YES # # Uncomment this if you want the anonymous FTP user to be able to create # new directories. #anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES # # Activate directory messages - messages given to remote users when they # go into a certain directory. dirmessage_enable=YES # # Activate logging of uploads/downloads. xferlog_enable=YES # # Make sure PORT transfer connections originate from port 20 (ftp-data). connect_from_port_20=YES # # If you want, you can arrange for uploaded anonymous files to be owned by # a different user. Note! Using "root" for uploaded files is not # recommended! #chown_uploads=YES #chown_username=whoever # # You may override where the log file goes if you like. The default is shown # below. #xferlog_file=/var/log/vsftpd.log # # If you want, you can have your log file in standard ftpd xferlog format. # Note that the default log file location is /var/log/xferlog in this case. #xferlog_std_format=YES # # You may change the default value for timing out an idle session. #idle_session_timeout=600 # # You may change the default value for timing out a data connection. #data_connection_timeout=120 # # It is recommended that you define on your system a unique user which the # ftp server can use as a totally isolated and unprivileged user. #nopriv_user=ftpsecure # # Enable this and the server will recognise asynchronous ABOR requests. Not # recommended for security (the code is non-trivial). Not enabling it, # however, may confuse older FTP clients. #async_abor_enable=YES # # By default the server will pretend to allow ASCII mode but in fact ignore # the request. Turn on the below options to have the server actually do ASCII # mangling on files when in ASCII mode. # Beware that on some FTP servers, ASCII support allows a denial of service # attack (DoS) via the command "SIZE /big/file" in ASCII mode. vsftpd # predicted this attack and has always been safe, reporting the size of the # raw file. # ASCII mangling is a horrible feature of the protocol. #ascii_upload_enable=YES #ascii_download_enable=YES # # You may fully customise the login banner string: #ftpd_banner=Welcome to blah FTP service. # # You may specify a file of disallowed anonymous e-mail addresses. Apparently # useful for combatting certain DoS attacks. #deny_email_enable=YES # (default follows) #banned_email_file=/etc/vsftpd.banned_emails # # You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home # directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of # users to NOT chroot(). # (Warning! chroot'ing can be very dangerous. If using chroot, make sure that # the user does not have write access to the top level directory within the # chroot) #chroot_local_user=YES #chroot_list_enable=YES # (default follows) #chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list # # You may activate the "-R" option to the builtin ls. This is disabled by # default to avoid remote users being able to cause excessive I/O on large # sites. However, some broken FTP clients such as "ncftp" and "mirror" assume # the presence of the "-R" option, so there is a strong case for enabling it. #ls_recurse_enable=YES # # When "listen" directive is enabled, vsftpd runs in standalone mode and # listens on IPv4 sockets. This directive cannot be used in conjunction # with the listen_ipv6 directive. listen=YES # # This directive enables listening on IPv6 sockets. To listen on IPv4 and IPv6 # sockets, you must run two copies of vsftpd with two configuration files. # Make sure, that one of the listen options is commented !! #listen_ipv6=YES
telnet localhost 21 Connected to localhost 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)
@cube_work 是的可以这样说。
@spring 这样的话,也可以选择dropbear, ssh & sftp都可以用。
@spring 还是NFS方便,挂载上都不用传输了,直接使用
@haoxuan-cui 我的编译出来也是这么大 系统可以正常使用 可能是编译了qt进去了才比较大
大佬 板载wifi xr829支持了吗
#du -sh output/target 108M output/target
① make menuconfig 禁用Qt5
② 删除所有已安装标识文件
find output/build/ -name \.stamp_target_installed |xargs rm -rf
③ make
④ 一顿骚操作之后小一半了:
$ du -sh output/target 54M output/target
把稍肥的 EUDEV 也干掉
.config 文件:
# # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Buildroot -g51c4355-dirty Configuration # BR2_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y # # Target options # BR2_ARCH_IS_64=y BR2_ARCH_HAS_MMU_MANDATORY=y # BR2_arcle is not set # BR2_arceb is not set # BR2_arm is not set # BR2_armeb is not set # BR2_aarch64 is not set # BR2_aarch64_be is not set # BR2_csky is not set # BR2_i386 is not set # BR2_m68k is not set # BR2_microblazeel is not set # BR2_microblazebe is not set # BR2_mips is not set # BR2_mipsel is not set # BR2_mips64 is not set # BR2_mips64el is not set # BR2_nds32 is not set # BR2_nios2 is not set # BR2_or1k is not set # BR2_powerpc is not set # BR2_powerpc64 is not set # BR2_powerpc64le is not set BR2_riscv=y # BR2_s390x is not set # BR2_sh is not set # BR2_sparc is not set # BR2_sparc64 is not set # BR2_x86_64 is not set # BR2_xtensa is not set BR2_ARCH_HAS_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y BR2_ARCH="riscv64" BR2_ENDIAN="LITTLE" BR2_GCC_TARGET_ABI="lp64d" BR2_BINFMT_SUPPORTS_SHARED=y BR2_READELF_ARCH_NAME="RISC-V" BR2_BINFMT_ELF=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVI=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVM=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVA=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVF=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVD=y BR2_riscv_g=y # BR2_riscv_custom is not set # BR2_RISCV_32 is not set BR2_RISCV_64=y # BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64 is not set # BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64F is not set BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64D=y # # Build options # # # Commands # BR2_WGET="wget --passive-ftp -nd -t 3" BR2_SVN="svn --non-interactive" BR2_BZR="bzr" BR2_GIT="git" BR2_CVS="cvs" BR2_LOCALFILES="cp" BR2_SCP="scp" BR2_HG="hg" BR2_ZCAT="gzip -d -c" BR2_BZCAT="bzcat" BR2_XZCAT="xzcat" BR2_LZCAT="lzip -d -c" BR2_TAR_OPTIONS="" BR2_DEFCONFIG="/home/book/Buildroot/guanfang/buildroot-2021.02.1/configs/hifive_unleashed_defconfig" BR2_DL_DIR="$(TOPDIR)/dl" BR2_HOST_DIR="$(BASE_DIR)/host" # # Mirrors and Download locations # BR2_PRIMARY_SITE="" BR2_BACKUP_SITE="http://sources.buildroot.net" BR2_KERNEL_MIRROR="https://cdn.kernel.org/pub" BR2_GNU_MIRROR="http://ftpmirror.gnu.org" BR2_LUAROCKS_MIRROR="http://rocks.moonscript.org" BR2_CPAN_MIRROR="http://cpan.metacpan.org" BR2_JLEVEL=0 # BR2_CCACHE is not set # BR2_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set BR2_STRIP_strip=y BR2_STRIP_EXCLUDE_FILES="" BR2_STRIP_EXCLUDE_DIRS="" # BR2_OPTIMIZE_0 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_1 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_2 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_3 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_G is not set BR2_OPTIMIZE_S=y # BR2_OPTIMIZE_FAST is not set # BR2_STATIC_LIBS is not set BR2_SHARED_LIBS=y # BR2_SHARED_STATIC_LIBS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_OVERRIDE_FILE="$(CONFIG_DIR)/local.mk" BR2_GLOBAL_PATCH_DIR="" # # Advanced # BR2_COMPILER_PARANOID_UNSAFE_PATH=y # BR2_FORCE_HOST_BUILD is not set # BR2_REPRODUCIBLE is not set # BR2_PER_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES is not set # # Security Hardening Options # # BR2_PIC_PIE is not set BR2_SSP_NONE=y # BR2_SSP_REGULAR is not set # BR2_SSP_STRONG is not set # BR2_SSP_ALL is not set BR2_RELRO_NONE=y # BR2_RELRO_PARTIAL is not set # BR2_RELRO_FULL is not set BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_NONE=y # BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_1 is not set # BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_2 is not set # # Toolchain # BR2_TOOLCHAIN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_USES_GLIBC=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL=y # # Toolchain External Options # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_PREINSTALLED is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GLIBC=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL="toolchain-external-custom" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_PREFIX="$(ARCH)-unknown-linux-gnu" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_URL="https://weidongshan.coding.net/p/Tina-D1/d/Toolchain/git/raw/master/riscv64-glibc-gcc-thead_20200702.tar.xz" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_REL_BIN_PATH="bin" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_PREFIX="$(ARCH)-unknown-linux-gnu" # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_9 is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_8=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_OLD is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_5 is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_4=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_20 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_19 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_18 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_17 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_16 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_15 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_13 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_12 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_11 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_19 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_18 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_17 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_16 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_15 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_13 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_12 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_11 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_REALLY_OLD is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_UCLIBC is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_GLIBC=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_MUSL is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HAS_SSP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HAS_SSP_STRONG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_INET_RPC=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CXX=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_DLANG is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_FORTRAN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_OPENMP=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GDB_SERVER_COPY is not set # # Toolchain Generic Options # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_ALWAYS_LOCKFREE_ATOMIC_INTS=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_VARIADIC_MI_THUNK=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_NATIVE_RPC=y BR2_USE_WCHAR=y BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE=y BR2_INSTALL_LIBSTDCPP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FORTRAN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_DEBUG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_NPTL=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SSP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SSP_STRONG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_UCONTEXT=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_OPENMP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_PIE=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GLIBC_GCONV_LIBS_COPY is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTRA_LIBS="lib64xthead lib64vxthead" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FULL_GETTEXT=y BR2_USE_MMU=y BR2_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-Os -pipe -mcmodel=medany -mabi=lp64d -march=rv64gcxthead" BR2_TARGET_LDFLAGS="" # BR2_ECLIPSE_REGISTER is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_10=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_11=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_12=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_13=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_14=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_15=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_16=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_17=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_18=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_19=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_10=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_11=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_12=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_13=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_14=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_15=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_16=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_17=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_18=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_19=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_20=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST="5.4" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST="8" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_MNAN_OPTION=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_LIBATOMIC=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_ATOMIC=y # # System configuration # BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_DEFAULT=y # BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_HOSTNAME="buildroot" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_ISSUE="Welcome to Buildroot" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_SHA256=y # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_SHA512 is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_METHOD="sha-256" BR2_INIT_BUSYBOX=y # BR2_INIT_SYSV is not set # BR2_INIT_OPENRC is not set # BR2_INIT_SYSTEMD is not set # BR2_INIT_NONE is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_STATIC is not set BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_DEVTMPFS=y # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_MDEV is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_EUDEV is not set BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE="system/device_table.txt" # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE_SUPPORTS_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_MERGED_USR is not set BR2_TARGET_ENABLE_ROOT_LOGIN=y BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_ROOT_PASSWD="" BR2_SYSTEM_BIN_SH_BUSYBOX=y # # bash, dash, mksh, zsh need BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS # # BR2_SYSTEM_BIN_SH_NONE is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY=y BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_PORT="ttyS0" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_KEEP=y # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_9600 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_19200 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_38400 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_57600 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_115200 is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE="0" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_TERM="vt100" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_OPTIONS="" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_REMOUNT_ROOTFS_RW=y BR2_SYSTEM_DHCP="eth0" BR2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE_PURGE=y BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE_WHITELIST="C en_US" BR2_GENERATE_LOCALE="" # BR2_SYSTEM_ENABLE_NLS is not set # BR2_TARGET_TZ_INFO is not set BR2_ROOTFS_USERS_TABLES="" BR2_ROOTFS_OVERLAY="" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_BUILD_SCRIPT="board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_FAKEROOT_SCRIPT="" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT="support/scripts/genimage.sh" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT_ARGS="-c board/Neza/d1/genimage.cfg" # # Kernel # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_CIP_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_CIP_RT_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_TARBALL is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_GIT=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_HG is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_SVN is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_REPO_URL="https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-linuxkernel.git" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_REPO_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_PATCH="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_DEFCONFIG=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_ARCH_DEFAULT_CONFIG is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG="sun20iw1p1_d1" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_LOGO_PATH="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGEGZ is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_VMLINUX is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_CUSTOM is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_GZIP=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZMA is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZO is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_XZ is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_ZSTD is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTS_SUPPORT=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_IS_SELF_BUILT is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_INTREE_DTS_NAME="board" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_DTS_PATH="" # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_KEEP_DIRNAME is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_OVERLAY_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_INSTALL_TARGET is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_NEEDS_HOST_OPENSSL=y BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_NEEDS_HOST_LIBELF=y # # Linux Kernel Extensions # # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_RTAI is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_EV3DEV_LINUX_DRIVERS is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_FBTFT is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_AUFS is not set # # Linux Kernel Tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_CPUPOWER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_GPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_IIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_PCI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_PERF is not set # # selftests needs BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS and a toolchain w/ dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_TMON is not set # # Target packages # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX=y BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_CONFIG="package/busybox/busybox.config" BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_INDIVIDUAL_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_WATCHDOG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_SKELETON=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_SKELETON="skeleton-init-sysv" BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON_INIT_COMMON=y BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON_INIT_SYSV=y # # Audio and video applications # # BR2_PACKAGE_ALSA_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUMIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ_ALSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVBLAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVDAUTHOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVDRW_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ESPEAK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FAAD2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLAC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLUIDSYNTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMRENDER_RESURRECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSTREAMER1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JACK1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JACK2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # # kodi needs python w/ .py modules, a uClibc or glibc toolchain w/ C++, threads, wchar, dynamic library, gcc >= 4.8 # # # kodi needs an OpenGL EGL backend with OpenGL support # # BR2_PACKAGE_LAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MADPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MIMIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIMODEM is not set # # miraclecast needs systemd and a glibc toolchain w/ threads and wchar # # BR2_PACKAGE_MJPEGTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MODPLUGTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOTION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD_MPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPG123 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MULTICAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MUSEPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NCMPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUS_TOOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PULSEAUDIO_HAS_ATOMIC=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PULSEAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUEEZELITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TSTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TWOLAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDPXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UPMPDCLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_V4L2GRAB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_V4L2LOOPBACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VLC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VORBIS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAVPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAVTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YMPD is not set # # Compressors and decompressors # # BR2_PACKAGE_BROTLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P7ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIGZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNRAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZSTD is not set # # Debugging, profiling and benchmark # # BR2_PACKAGE_BABELTRACE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLKTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BONNIE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CACHE_CALIBRATOR is not set # # clinfo needs an OpenCL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_COREMARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COREMARK_PRO is not set # # dacapo needs OpenJDK # # BR2_PACKAGE_DHRYSTONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIEHARDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DMALLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DROPWATCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUMA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FIO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_GDB_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_GDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IOZONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KTAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KYUA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LATENCYTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LMBENCH is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LTP_TESTSUITE_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LTP_TESTSUITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_BABELTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_MODULES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSNIFF_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAX_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAMSMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAMSPEED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDEV_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRESS_NG is not set # # sysdig needs a glibc or uclibc toolchain w/ C++, threads, gcc >= 4.8, dynamic library, a Linux kernel, and luajit or lua 5.1 to be built # # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYMEMBENCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRACE_CMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UCLIBC_NG_TEST is not set BR2_PACKAGE_VALGRIND_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_VALGRIND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VMTOUCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WHETSTONE is not set # # Development tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_BINUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BITWISE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BSDIFF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHECK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUKINIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CVS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CXXTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GETTEXT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_GETTEXT="host-gettext-tiny" # BR2_PACKAGE_GIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GIT_CRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MAKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PKGCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUBVERSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TREE is not set # # Filesystem and flash utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_ABOOTIMG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUFS_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUTOFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BTRFS_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CIFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURLFTPFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAVFS2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOSFSTOOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_DEBUGFS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_E2IMAGE=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_E4DEFRAG=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FSCK=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FUSE2FS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_RESIZE2FS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_E2TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ECRYPTFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EROFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFAT_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFATPROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_F2FS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHBENCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FSCRYPTCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FUSE_OVERLAYFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FWUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENEXT2FS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENPART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENROMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_USB_LOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MMC_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NILFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NTFS_3G is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SP_OOPS_EXTRACT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUASHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDFTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNIONFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XFSPROGS is not set # # Fonts, cursors, icons, sounds and themes # # # Cursors # # BR2_PACKAGE_COMIX_CURSORS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OBSIDIAN_CURSORS is not set # # Fonts # # BR2_PACKAGE_BITSTREAM_VERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CANTARELL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEJAVU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FONT_AWESOME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INCONSOLATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBERATION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WQY_ZENHEI is not set # # Icons # # BR2_PACKAGE_GOOGLE_MATERIAL_DESIGN_ICONS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HICOLOR_ICON_THEME is not set # # Sounds # # BR2_PACKAGE_SOUND_THEME_BOREALIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOUND_THEME_FREEDESKTOP is not set # # Themes # # # Games # # BR2_PACKAGE_ASCII_INVADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHOCOLATE_DOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLARE_ENGINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FROTZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUCHESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LBREAKOUT2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTRIS is not set # # minetest needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENTYRIAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PRBOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SL is not set # # solarus needs OpenGL and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.9, NPTL, dynamic library, and luajit or lua 5.1 # # BR2_PACKAGE_STELLA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XORCURSES is not set # # Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) # # # Graphic applications # # # cage needs udev, mesa3d w/ EGL and GLES support # # # cog needs wpewebkit and a toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_FSWEBCAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GHOSTSCRIPT is not set # # glmark2 needs an OpenGL or an openGL ES and EGL backend # # # glslsandbox-player needs a toolchain w/ threads and an openGL ES and EGL driver # # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPLOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JHEAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVA_UTILS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_NETSURF_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSURF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PNGQUANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RRDTOOL is not set # # stellarium needs Qt5 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_TESSERACT_OCR is not set # # Graphic libraries # # BR2_PACKAGE_CEGUI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FB_TEST_APP=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FBDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBGRAB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBTERM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GRAPHICSMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMAGEMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FUSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OCRAD is not set # # ogre needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_PSPLASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL2 is not set # # Other GUIs # # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TEKUI is not set # # weston needs udev and a toolchain w/ locale, threads, dynamic library, headers >= 3.0 # # BR2_PACKAGE_XORG7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APITRACE is not set # # vte needs an OpenGL or an OpenGL-EGL/wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_XKEYBOARD_CONFIG is not set # # Hardware handling # # # Firmware # # BR2_PACKAGE_ARMBIAN_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_B43_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MURATA_CYW_FW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROIDC2_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QCOM_DB410C_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RCW_SMARC_SAL28 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UX500_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WILC1000_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WILINK_BT_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZD1211_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_18XX_TI_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPICA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPITOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AER_INJECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALTERA_STAPL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APCUPSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVRDUDE is not set # # bcache-tools needs udev /dev management # # # brickd needs udev /dev management, a toolchain w/ threads, wchar # # BR2_PACKAGE_BRLTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CC_TOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CDRKIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRYPTSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CWIID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAHDI_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAHDI_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DFU_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DMRAID is not set # # dt-utils needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_DTV_SCAN_TABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUMP1090 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVB_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVBSNOOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EDID_DECODE is not set # # edid-decode needs a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.7 # # # eudev needs eudev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_EVEMU is not set BR2_PACKAGE_EVTEST=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FAN_CTRL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FCONFIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHROM_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHROM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FMTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FXLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPTFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GVFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HWDATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HWLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_EVENT_DAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IOSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPMITOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRDA_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KBD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCDPROC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIEC61850 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUBOOTENV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_BACKPORTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_SERIAL_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUXCONSOLETOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIRC_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LM_SENSORS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSHW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSSCSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUKSMETA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LVM2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBPFAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MDADM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MDEVD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMTESTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINICOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANOCOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_MODPROBE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OFONO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN2300 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENFPGALOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENIPMI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PARTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCIUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PDBG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PICOCOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POWERTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RASPI_GPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_READ_EDID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RNG_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RS485CONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTC_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8188EU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8189FS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8723BS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8723BU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8821AU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SANE_BACKENDS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDPARM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SETSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SG3_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SIGROK_CLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SISPMCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMARTMONTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMSTOOLS3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPI_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SREDIRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STATSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STM32FLASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSSTAT is not set # # targetcli-fb depends on Python # # # ti-sgx-um needs the ti-sgx-km driver # # # ti-sgx-um needs udev and a glibc toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_UIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRIGGERHAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBOOT_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UCCP420WLAN is not set # # udisks needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_UHUBCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UMTPRD is not set # # upower needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_USB_MODESWITCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USB_MODESWITCH_DATA is not set # # usbmount requires udev to be enabled # # # usbutils needs udev /dev management and toolchain w/ threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_W_SCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XORRISO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XR819_XRADIO is not set # # Interpreter languages and scripting # # BR2_PACKAGE_4TH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENSCRIPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ERLANG_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_EXECLINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FICL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HASERL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JIMTCL is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_LUAINTERPRETER="lua" # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_3 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_4=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_32BITS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_EDITING_NONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_READLINE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LINENOISE=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LUAINTERPRETER=y BR2_PACKAGE_LUAINTERPRETER_ABI_VERSION="5.4" BR2_PACKAGE_LUAINTERPRETER_ABI_VERSION_5_4=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_LUAINTERPRETER="host-lua" # # Lua libraries/modules # # BR2_PACKAGE_ARGPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGILUA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COPAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COXPCALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DADO is not set # # easydbus needs a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LBASE64 is not set # # ljlinenoise needs LuaJIT # # # ljsyscall needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LPTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRANDOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BASEXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BINARYHEAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BIT32 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_COAT is not set # # lua-coatpersistent needs lsqlite3 or luasql-sqlite3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CODEGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CQUEUES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CSNAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_DATAFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_EV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_FIFO is not set # # lua-flu needs a toolchain w/ threads, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_GD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_HTTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_ICONV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LIVR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LIVR_EXTRA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LPEG_PATTERNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LUNITX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LYAML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_MARKDOWN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_MESSAGEPACK is not set # # lua-msgpack-native needs Lua 5.1 or LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_PERIPHERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_RESTY_HTTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_ROTAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_SAILOR is not set # # lua-sdl2 needs a toolchain w/ dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_SILVA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STD_DEBUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STD_NORMALIZE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STDLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_TESTMORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_UTF8 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_VALUA is not set # # luabitop needs Lua 5.1 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUADBI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUADBI_SQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAEXPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAEXPATUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAFILESYSTEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAJSON is not set # # lualdap needs a toolchain w/ wchar, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUALOGGING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAOSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAPOSIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASOCKET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASQL_SQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASYSLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUTOK is not set # # luv needs a toolchain w/ NPTL, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # # luvi needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LZLIB is not set # # orbit needs a Lua 5.1 interpreter # # BR2_PACKAGE_RINGS is not set # # turbolua needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI_FCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI_XAVANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAVANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MICROPYTHON is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MONO_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPENJDK_BIN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUICKJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RUBY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCL is not set # # Libraries # # # Audio/Sound # # BR2_PACKAGE_ALSA_LIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUBIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCG729 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASPLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBROADVOICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDIO_PARANOIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCODEC2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCUEFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEBUR128 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBG7221 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGSM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBID3TAG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBILBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODPLUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPDCLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBREPLAYGAIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSAMPLERATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIDPLAY2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSILK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSNDFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOUNDTOUCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOXR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVORBIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MP4V2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_OPENAL_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCORE_AMR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUSFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PORTAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPANDSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPEEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPEEXDSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TAGLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYALSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TREMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VO_AACENC is not set # # Compression and decompression # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARCHIVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMSPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSQUISH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZ4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SZIP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_ZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_LIBZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_ZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_ZLIB="libzlib" BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_ZLIB="host-libzlib" # BR2_PACKAGE_ZZIPLIB is not set # # Crypto # # BR2_PACKAGE_BEARSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BEECRYPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_BOTAN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_BOTAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CA_CERTIFICATES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRYPTODEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GCR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARGON2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASSUAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGCRYPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR_SYSCFG="riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu" # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPGME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKCAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKSBA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBP11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSECRET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHA1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSODIUM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSSH2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOMCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUECC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBEDTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETTLE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPENSSL_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSSL is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_OPENSSL="host-libopenssl" # BR2_PACKAGE_PKCS11_HELPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYDTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_PKCS11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TROUSERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USTREAM_SSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WOLFSSL is not set # # Database # # BR2_PACKAGE_BERKELEYDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GDBM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HIREDIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KOMPEXSQLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEVELDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGIT2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMDBX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBODB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MYSQL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POSTGRESQL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REDIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ROCKSDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLCIPHER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNIXODBC is not set # # Filesystem # # BR2_PACKAGE_GAMIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCONFIG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCONFUSE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFUSE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFUSE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOCKFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSYSFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOCKDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHYSFS is not set # # Graphics # # BR2_PACKAGE_ASSIMP is not set # # at-spi2-atk depends on X.org # # # at-spi2-core depends on X.org # # BR2_PACKAGE_ATK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATKMM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BULLET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAIRO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAIROMM is not set # # chipmunk needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_EXEMPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXIV2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FONTCONFIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FREETYPE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_GD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GDK_PIXBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GIFLIB is not set # # granite needs libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_GRAPHITE2 is not set # # gtkmm3 needs libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_HARFBUZZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMLIB2 is not set # # irrlicht needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_JASPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JBIG2DEC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_JPEG=y BR2_PACKAGE_LIBJPEG=y # BR2_PACKAGE_JPEG_TURBO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_JPEG=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_JPEG="libjpeg" # BR2_PACKAGE_KMSXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCMS2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LENSFUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEPTONICA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDMTX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDRM is not set # # libepoxy needs an OpenGL and/or OpenGL EGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEXIF is not set # # libfm needs X.org and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, C++, gcc >= 4.8 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFM_EXTRA is not set # # libfreeglut depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFREEIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEOTIFF is not set # # libglew depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # # libglfw depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # # libglu needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTA is not set # # libgtk3 needs an OpenGL or an OpenGL-EGL/wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMEDIAART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMNG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPNG=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBQRENCODE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRAW is not set # # libsoil needs an OpenGL backend and a toolchain w/ dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVG_CAIRO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVGTINY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVIPS is not set # # libwpe needs a toolchain w/ C++, dynamic library and an OpenEGL-capable backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_MENU_CACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENJPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PANGO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PANGOMM is not set # # pipewire needs udev and a toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXMAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPLER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIFF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAYLAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBP is not set # # wlroots needs udev, mesa3d w/ EGL and GLES support # # BR2_PACKAGE_WOFF2 is not set # # wpebackend-fdo needs a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads, dynamic library and an OpenEGL-capable Wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_ZBAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZXING_CPP is not set # # Hardware handling # # BR2_PACKAGE_ACSCCID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_PERIPHERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DTC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HACKRF is not set # # hidapi needs udev /dev management and a toolchain w/ NPTL, threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_JITTERENTROPY_LIBRARY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCDAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LET_ME_CREATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAIO is not set # # libatasmart requires udev to be enabled # # # libblockdev needs udev /dev management and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFREEFARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFTDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFTDI1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPHOTO2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPIOD is not set # # libgudev needs udev /dev handling and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIIO is not set # # libinput needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIQRF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLLCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMBIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPCIACCESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPHIDGET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPRI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBQMI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRAW1394 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRTLSDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSERIALPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGROK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGROKDECODE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSS7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUSB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUSBGX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBV4L is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXKBCOMMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEARDAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OWFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCSC_LITE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_TSLIB=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UHD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_URG is not set # # Javascript # # BR2_PACKAGE_ANGULARJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOTSTRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHARTJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DATATABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUKTAPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPLORERCANVAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSMIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_JAVASCRIPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENLAYERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPERJS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDERMONKEY_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDERMONKEY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VUEJS is not set # # JSON/XML # # BR2_PACKAGE_BENEJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANSSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSMN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_FOR_MODERN_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_GLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSONCPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFASTJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBROXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUCL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXML2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXMLPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXMLRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXSLT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYAML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PUGIXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPIDJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPIDXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPTOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYXML2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VALIJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XERCES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAJL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAML_CPP is not set # # Logging # # BR2_PACKAGE_GLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOG4C_LOCALTIME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOGGING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENTRACING_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPDLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZLOG is not set # # Multimedia # # BR2_PACKAGE_BITSTREAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAV1D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KVAZAAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAACS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBDPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBLURAY is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDCADEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBCSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBPSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDCSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDNAV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDREAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEBML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHDHOMERUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMATROSKA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPEG2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOGG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPUSENC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTHEORA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUDFREAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVPX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIVE555 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIASTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_X264 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_X265 is not set # # Networking # # BR2_PACKAGE_AGENTPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AZURE_IOT_SDK_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BATMAN_ADV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELLE_SIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_ARES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURLPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAVICI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FILEMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLICKCURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERADIUS_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENSIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GEOIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLIB_NETWORKING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSSDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP_AV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP_DLNA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRCOMMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGICC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCOAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCPPRESTSDK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEXOSIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGSASL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTTPPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTTPSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIDN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIDN2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBISCSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKRB5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLDNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMAXMINDDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMEMCACHED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMICROHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMINIUPNPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODSECURITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNATPMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETCONF2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_ACCT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CONNTRACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CTHELPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CTTIMEOUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_LOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_QUEUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFNETLINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFTNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNIDS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNPUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOAUTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOSIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPAGEKITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPCAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPJSIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRELP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRSYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHAIRPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHOUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOCKETCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSRTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSTROPHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTELNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTIRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTORRENT_RASTERBAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURIPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUWSC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVNCSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBWEBSOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBWEBSOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYANG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LKSCTP_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBUFFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONGOOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANOMSG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETOPEER2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGHTTP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NORM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NSS_MYHOSTNAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NSS_PAM_LDAPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OMNIORB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN62541 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENLDAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENMPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPGM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENZWAVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ORTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAHO_MQTT_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAHO_MQTT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PISTACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QDECODER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPID_PROTON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RABBITMQ_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESIPROCATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESTCLIENT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTMPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SLIRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNMPPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOFIA_SIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSREPO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_THRIFT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USBREDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAMPCC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBSOCKETPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZEROMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZMQPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZYRE is not set # # Other # # BR2_PACKAGE_APR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APR_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARMADILLO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVRO_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCTOOLBOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_CAPNPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAPNPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCTZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CEREAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLAPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CMOCKA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPCMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRACKLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAWGDIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DING_LIBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EIGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELFUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLANN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLATBUFFERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLATCC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GFLAGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLIBMM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # # gobject-introspection needs python3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GTEST is not set BR2_PACKAGE_JEMALLOC_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_JEMALLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LAPACK is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBABSEIL_CPP_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBABSEIL_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARGTABLE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAVL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBB64 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBACKTRACE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBYTESIZE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAP_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGROUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCORRECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCROSSGUID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCSV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFFI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEOS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLIB2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLOB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBICAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLINEAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOKI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNPTH is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSPR_ARCH_SUPPORT=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSPR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPFM4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLIST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPTHREAD_STUBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPTHSEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPWQUALITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGSEGV_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGSEGV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSPATIALINDEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTASN1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOMMATH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTPL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUBOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUCI is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURCU_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURCU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIGHTNING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_PAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIQUID_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_LIBUST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MATIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPDECIMAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPFR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MSGPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ORC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P11_KIT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_POCO_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_POCO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QHULL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QLIBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RIEMANN_C_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHAPELIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SKALIBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPHINXBASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYCBOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UVW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAPIAN is not set # # Security # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAPPARMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSELINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSEPOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAFECLIB is not set # # Text and terminal handling # # BR2_PACKAGE_AUGEAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENCHANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FMT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FSTRCMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ICU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INIH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBENCA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBESTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFRIBIDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUNISTRING is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LINENOISE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_NCURSES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEWT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ONIGURUMA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2=y BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2_16=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2_32 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_READLINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SLANG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCLAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTF8PROC is not set # # Mail # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FETCHMAIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HEIRLOOM_MAILX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBESMTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MSMTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MUTT is not set # # Miscellaneous # # BR2_PACKAGE_AESPIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_BITCOIN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_BITCOIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLAMAV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTL is not set # # domoticz needs lua 5.3 and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.8, NPTL, wchar, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_EMPTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNURADIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GOOGLEFONTDIRECTORY is not set # # gqrx needs a toolchain w/ C++, threads, wchar, dynamic library # # # gqrx needs qt5 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GSETTINGS_DESKTOP_SCHEMAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HAVEGED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_SYSCALL_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOBILE_BROADBAND_PROVIDER_INFO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETDATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROJ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPDF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHARED_MIME_INFO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNWAIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TASKD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XUTIL_UTIL_MACROS is not set # # Networking applications # # BR2_PACKAGE_AIRCRACK_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AOETOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARGUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARP_SCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARPTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ASTERISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVAHI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AXEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BABELD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BANDWIDTHD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BATCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCUSDK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BIND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BIRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOINC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BRCM_PATCHRAM_PLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BRIDGE_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BWM_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_ICAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAN_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CANNELLONI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CASYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHRONY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CIVETWEB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CONNMAN is not set # # connman-gtk needs libgtk3 and a glibc or uClibc toolchain w/ wchar, threads, resolver, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_CONNTRACK_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CORKSCREW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRDA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DARKHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEHYDRATED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DHCPCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DHCPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DNSMASQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DRBD_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DROPBEAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EASYFRAMES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EBTABLES is not set # # ejabberd needs erlang, toolchain w/ C++ # # BR2_PACKAGE_ETHTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FAIFA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FASTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FCGIWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREESWITCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FRR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GERBERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GESFTPSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLOOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLORYTUN is not set # # gupnp-tools needs libgtk3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_HANS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HAPROXY_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HAPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HIAWATHA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOSTAPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTPDATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTTPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_I2PD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTN_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IFMETRIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IFTOP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_IFUPDOWN_SCRIPTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_IGD2_FOR_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IGH_ETHERCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IGMPPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INADYN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IODINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPERF3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPROUTE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPTRAF_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRSSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IWD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KEEPALIVED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KNOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEAFNODE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LFT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIGHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINKNX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINKS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINPHONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_ZIGBEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUXPTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LLDPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRZSZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LYNX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MACCHANGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMCACHED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MII_DIAG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINI_SNMPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIDLNA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINISSDPD is not set BR2_PACKAGE_MJPG_STREAMER=y # BR2_PACKAGE_MODEM_MANAGER is not set BR2_PACKAGE_MONGREL2_LIBC_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_MONGREL2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONKEY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOSQUITTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MROUTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NBD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NCFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NDISC6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETATALK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETCALC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETPLUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSNMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSTAT_NAT is not set # # NetworkManager needs udev /dev management and a glibc toolchain w/ headers >= 3.2, dynamic library, wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_NFACCT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NFTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGINX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGIRCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGREP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NMAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NOIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NUTTCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODHCP6C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODHCPLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OLSR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN_LLDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN_PLC_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENNTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENRESOLV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSWAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVPN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P910ND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PARPROUTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHIDGETWEBSERVICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHYTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXIEWPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POUND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPTP_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PRIVOXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROFTPD is not set # # prosody needs a Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PROXYCHAINS_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PTPD2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PURE_FTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PUTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUAGGA is not set # # rabbitmq-server needs erlang # # BR2_PACKAGE_RADVD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REAVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RP_PPPOE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RPCBIND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RSH_REDONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RSYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTPTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RYGEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_DNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_NETWORKING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAMBA4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCONESERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SER2NET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHADOWSOCKS_LIBEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHAIRPORT_SYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHELLINABOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMCROUTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNGREP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOCKETCAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOFTETHER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPAWN_FCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_PROTOCOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSDP_RESPONDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHGUARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHPASS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSLH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRONGSWAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STUNNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPREPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_THTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRACEROUTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRANSMISSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TUNCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TVHEADEND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UACME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDPCAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ULOGD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNBOUND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UREDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USHARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USSP_PUSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VDE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VNSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VPNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VSFTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VTUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAVEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD_LINUX_COMPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRELESS_REGDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRELESS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRESHARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPAN_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XINETD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XL2TP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XTABLES_ADDONS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZNC is not set # # Package managers # # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # # Please note: # # # - Buildroot does *not* generate binary packages, # # # - Buildroot does *not* install any package database. # # # * # # # It is up to you to provide those by yourself if you # # # want to use any of those package managers. # # # * # # # See the manual: # # # http://buildroot.org/manual.html#faq-no-binary-packages # # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPKG is not set # # Real-Time # # BR2_PACKAGE_XENOMAI is not set # # Security # # BR2_PACKAGE_APPARMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHECKPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMA_EVM_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPTEE_BENCHMARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPTEE_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAXTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REFPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESTORECOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SELINUX_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SEMODULE_UTILS is not set # # setools needs python3 # BR2_PACKAGE_URANDOM_SCRIPTS=y # # Shell and utilities # # # Shells # # BR2_PACKAGE_MKSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZSH is not set # # Utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_AT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIALOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DTACH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EASY_RSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INOTIFY_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOCKFILE_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOGROTATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOGSURFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PDMENU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PINENTRY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPRINT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RANGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCREEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUDO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TMUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TTYD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XMLSTARLET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XXHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YTREE is not set # # System tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_ACL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ANDROID_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUBBLEWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGROUPFS_MOUNT is not set # # circus needs Python 3 and a toolchain w/ C++, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_CPULOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DC3DD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DDRESCUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOCKER_COMPOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EARLYOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EMLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GETENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GKRELLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBM_SW_TPM2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_INITSCRIPTS=y # # iotop depends on python or python3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_IPRUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRQBALANCE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KEYUTILS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_KMOD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOSTREE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LXC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MFOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONIT is not set # # multipath-tools needs udev and a uClibc or glibc toolchain w/ threads, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_NCDU is not set # # netifrc needs openrc as init system # # BR2_PACKAGE_NUT is not set # # pamtester depends on linux-pam # # BR2_PACKAGE_POLKIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROCRANK_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PWGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUOTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUOTATOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAUC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_LINUX_INIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_LINUX_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_PORTABLE_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_RC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCRUB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCRYPT is not set # # sdbusplus needs systemd and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 7 # # BR2_PACKAGE_SMACK is not set # # supervisor needs a python interpreter # # BR2_PACKAGE_SWUPDATE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_ABRMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TOTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNSCD is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX=y BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBBLKID=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBMOUNT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBSMARTCOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBUUID=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_AGETTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_BFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CHFN_CHSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CHMEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_EJECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FALLOCATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FDFORMAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FSCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_HARDLINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_HWCLOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_IPCRM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_IPCS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_KILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LSLOGINS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LSMEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MESG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MINIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MOUNT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MOUNTPOINT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NEWGRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NOLOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NSENTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PARTX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PIVOT_ROOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RAW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RENAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RFKILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RUNUSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SCHEDUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SETPRIV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SETTERM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SULOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SWITCH_ROOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_TUNELP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UNSHARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UTMPDUMP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UUIDD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_VIPW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WIPEFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WDCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WRITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_ZRAMCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WATCHDOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XDG_DBUS_PROXY is not set # # Text editors and viewers # # BR2_PACKAGE_ED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JOE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UEMACS is not set # # Filesystem images # # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_AXFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_BTRFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CLOOP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EROFS is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_2r0 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_2r1 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_3 is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_4=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_GEN=4 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_REV=1 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LABEL="rootfs" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_SIZE="130M" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_INODES=0 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_RESBLKS=5 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_MKFS_OPTIONS="-O ^64bit" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_NONE=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_GZIP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZ4 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZMA is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_XZ is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_F2FS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_JFFS2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_ROMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_SQUASHFS is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_NONE=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_GZIP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZ4 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZMA is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_XZ is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_OPTIONS="" # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_UBI is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_UBIFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_YAFFS2 is not set # # Bootloaders # # BR2_TARGET_BAREBOX is not set BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI=y BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI_PLAT="thead/c910" # BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI_LINUX_PAYLOAD is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BUILD_SYSTEM_KCONFIG=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BUILD_SYSTEM_LEGACY is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_LATEST_VERSION is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_VERSION is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_TARBALL is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_GIT=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_HG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_SVN is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_REPO_URL="https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-u-boot-2018.git" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_REPO_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_PATCH="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_USE_DEFCONFIG=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BOARD_DEFCONFIG="sun20iw1p1" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_DTC=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON2 is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON3=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYLIBFDT=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYELFTOOLS is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_OPENSSL=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_LZOP is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_OPENSBI=y # # U-Boot binary format # # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_AIS is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_NAND_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_ELF is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_IMG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_IMG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_IMX is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_IMX is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_ITB is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_CUSTOM=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_CUSTOM_NAME="u-boot-sun20iw1p1.bin" # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_SPL is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_DTS_PATH="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_MAKEOPTS="" # # Host utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ABOOTIMG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_AESPIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ANDROID_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ASN1C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_BABELTRACE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_BTRFS_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CHECKPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CHECKSEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CMAKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CRYPTSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DBUS_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DFU_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOS2UNIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOSFSTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOXYGEN is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DTC=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_E2FSPROGS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_E2TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_EROFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_EXFATPROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_F2FS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FAKETIME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FATCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FWUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENEXT2FS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENIMAGE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENPART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GNUPG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_HOST_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_BOOTSTRAP_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GOOGLE_BREAKPAD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GPTFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_IMAGEMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_IMX_MKIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_JQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_JSMIN is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD_GZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD_XZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LIBP11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LPC3250LOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LTTNG_BABELTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MENDER_ARTIFACT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MESON_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MKPASSWD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ODB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPENOCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPKG_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PARTED is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PATCHELF=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PIGZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PKGCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PWGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_CYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_LXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_SIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_XLRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON3 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_SYSTEM_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_USER_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QORIQ_RCW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RAUC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC_ARCH="riscv64" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_RUSTC="host-rust-bin" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SAM_BA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SDBUSPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SENTRY_CLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SQUASHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SWIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_FIT_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_ENVIMAGE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_BOOT_SCRIPT=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE="board/sifive/hifive-unleashed/boot.cmd" BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UTIL_LINUX=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UTP_COM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_VBOOT_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_XORRISO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ZSTD is not set # # Legacy config options # # # Legacy options removed in 2021.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD_AUDIOFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUDIOFILE is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_33_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNP18 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE_IMX_SDMA is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RCW is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_9 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_8 is not set # BR2_powerpc_601 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_LIBGBM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_TOOLS is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCROCO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELLAGIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BOOT_SCRIPT is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_ENVIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET_DRONE is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_7_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_VALIDATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_YADIF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GQVIEW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WESTON_IMX is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XSERVER_XORG_SERVER_AIGLX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AMD_CATALYST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_1 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.08 # # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_AMD64 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_6 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_5 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_31_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PERIPHERAL_STEAMCONTROLLER is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRINGPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYCRYPTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTDEV2TUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EZXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTD_LVM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYASN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYASN_MODULES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE_ATHEROS_10K_QCA6174 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5CANVAS3D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_LIBTHEORA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CEGUI06 is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_5_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_JAMVM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLASSPATH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5_VERSION_5_6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23_BINARIES_GSTREAMER_PLUGINS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23_BINARIES_NV_SAMPLE_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERDP_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3_WITH_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV_WITH_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLAYER is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_OR1K is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GADGETFS_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FIS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_REFPOLICY_POLICY_VERSION="" # BR2_PACKAGE_CELT051 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_NET_PING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_MIME_BASE64 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_DIGEST_MD5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ERLANG_P1_ICONV is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_SCAPY3K is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_30_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_USERLAND_START_VCFILED is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVMTOOLS_PROCPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_CONTROLPANEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_NOTIFICATION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_ONBOARDING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_TCL_BASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_TCL is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_LIBS="" # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYSNMP_APPS is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_RISCV_PK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE_STAT3 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEVMEM2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_SCREENSAVER_PLANESTATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_VISUALISATION_WAVEFORHUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_AUDIODECODER_OPUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_OSMESA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOSTAPD_DRIVER_RTW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DBUS_NEW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DBUS_OLD is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.08 # # BR2_TARGET_TS4800_MBRBOOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAMCODEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROID_SCRIPTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROID_MALI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PLATFORM_AML is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_6_X is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_9_X is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_12 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAPP_MKFONTDIR is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_20 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_0 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.05 # # BR2_CSKY_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_COMPOSITOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_IQA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_OPENCV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_STEREO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_VCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG_FFSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNXI_MALI is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_29_X is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_28_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_APEXSINK is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QTUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PINENTRY_QT4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPLER_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3_WITH_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV_WITH_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AMD_CATALYST_CCCLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL_QTOPIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYQT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUACRYPTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TN5250 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST_SIGNALS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_SINGLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_DOUBLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_LONG_DOUBLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_MD5 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.11 # # BR2_TARGET_XLOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIDSP_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DSP_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOTUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPEDITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_OPENGL_TEXTURE_FLOAT is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_10 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_11 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_12 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_13 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_15 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_17 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFTNL_XML is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_2 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_1 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_16 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_18 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOCKER_ENGINE_STATIC_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_APPLEWMPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_BIGREQSPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_COMPOSITEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DAMAGEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DMXPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DRI2PROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DRI3PROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FIXESPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FONTCACHEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FONTSPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_GLPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_INPUTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_KBPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_PRESENTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RANDRPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RECORDPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RENDERPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RESOURCEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_SCRNSAVERPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_VIDEOPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_WINDOWSWMPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XCMISCPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XEXTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86BIGFONTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86DGAPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86DRIPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86VIDMODEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XINERAMAPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XPROXYMANAGEMENTPROTOCOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_OPENGL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_GLES2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_GLX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_EGL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_X11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_WAYLAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_DISPMANX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_AUDIOMIXER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_LAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_MPG123 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_11 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_10 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIAART_BACKEND_NONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIAART_BACKEND_GDK_PIXBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM335X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM437X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM4430 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM5430 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_AUDIO_BRIDGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_ECHO_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_RECORDPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_SIP_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_STREAMING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_TEXT_ROOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_VIDEO_CALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_VIDEO_ROOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_MQTT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_RABBITMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_REST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_UNIX_SOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_WEBSOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_DISABLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_ENABLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_KERNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTFDI_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_BLACK_TIE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_BLITZER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_CUPERTINO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_DARK_HIVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_DOT_LUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_EGGPLANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_EXCITE_BIKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_FLICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_HOT_SNEAKS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_HUMANITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_LE_FROG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_MINT_CHOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_OVERCAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_PEPPER_GRINDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_REDMOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SMOOTHNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SOUTH_STREET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_START is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SUNNY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SWANKY_PURSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_TRONTASTIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_UI_DARKNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_UI_LIGHTNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_VADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_HEALTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_MIDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_NFC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_SAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_SIXAXIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRANSMISSION_REMOTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKCAPI_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER_MENCODER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLAYER_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IQVLINUX is not set # BR2_BINFMT_FLAT_SEP_DATA is not set # BR2_bfin is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADSP_BASIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADSP_FREESURROUND is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.02 # # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_4 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_10 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_12 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_27_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EEPROG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG2_GPGV2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_GPU_VIV_APITRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_GPU_VIV_G2D is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_RFKILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RESET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLICYCOREUTILS_AUDIT2ALLOW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLICYCOREUTILS_RESTORECOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SEPOLGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_BLUEZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_LIBUSB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_SYSLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_DUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AICCU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGIN_UTILS is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.08 # # BR2_TARGET_GRUB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SIMICSFS is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_26_X is not set BR2_XTENSA_OVERLAY_DIR="" BR2_XTENSA_CUSTOM_NAME="" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MKE2IMG is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_BLOCKS=0 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_EXTRA_INODES=0 # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_CDXAPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_DATAURISRC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_DCCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_HDVPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_MVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_NUVDEMUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_PATCHDETECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_SDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_TTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_VIDEOMEASURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_APEXSINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_SDL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_MAD is not set # BR2_STRIP_none is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BEECRYPT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_GUI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_TUNNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_INPUTATTACH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_JSCAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_JSTEST is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_SH is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_X86 is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNXI_MALI_R2P4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_MODULES_COFFEESCRIPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_MODULES_EXPRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_UTILS_GATTTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOCD_FT2XXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_RTMPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_VISUALISATION_FOUNTAIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PORTMAP is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_25_X is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_INET_RPC is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_EXTRA_BLOCKS=0 # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_KDBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLARSSL is not set # BR2_NBD_CLIENT is not set # BR2_NBD_SERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMOCK is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_8 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_18 is not set # BR2_GLIBC_VERSION_2_22 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_DB_FILE is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_7 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_6 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_5 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_MUSL_CROSS is not set # BR2_UCLIBC_INSTALL_TEST_SUITE is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_BLACKFIN_UCLINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MAKEDEVS is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_ARAGO_ARMV7A is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_ARAGO_ARMV5TE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNOWBALL_HDMISERVICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNOWBALL_INIT is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_9 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP_SAPI_CLI_CGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP_SAPI_CLI_FPM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WVSTREAMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WVDIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBKITGTK24 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TORSMO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSTRIP is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_3 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADDON_XVDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPKG is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_7_X is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_24_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WESTON_RPI is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_CPUPOWER is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_PERF is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_SELFTESTS is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_ARC is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_19 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVAS_GENERIC_LOADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELEMENTARY is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_LOCAL is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_EFL_JP2K is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_COMPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_LIVEADDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLVPUWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLCODEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBOOT_TOOLS_MKIMAGE_FIT_SIGNATURE_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PTHREADS_OLD is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_23_X is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_EGLIBC is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_8 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVPN_CRYPTO_POLARSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGINX_HTTP_SPDY_MODULE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_RTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_MPG123 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_POWERPC is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_POWERPC_E500V2 is not set # BR2_x86_i386 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5QUICK1 is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_PATCH_DIR="" # BR2_PACKAGE_XDRIVER_XF86_INPUT_VOID is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_17 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FOOMATIC_FILTERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAMBA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_WAVPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_RSXS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_GOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_ALL_EXTRAS is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_5_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE_READLINE is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT_ZLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FINDFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_DEBUG_LEVEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_KERNEL_MODULE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_LIBPCAP is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_SAME_AS_HEADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUPS_PDFTOPS is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_16 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYXML is not set # BR2_ENABLE_SSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_CLE266 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_UNICHROME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBELEMENTARY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEINA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBECORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEFREET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEMBRYO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDJE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBETHUMB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INFOZIP is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_0_10_X is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_0_12_X is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_4_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2015.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_REAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIA_CTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCHIFRA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZXING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLACKBOX is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_11 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_13 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_15 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_ANDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_BLTLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_CPULOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DATABUFFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DIOLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DOK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DRIVERTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FIRE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FLIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FONTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_INPUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_JOYSTICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_KNUCKLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_LAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_MATRIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_MATRIX_WATER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_NEO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_NETLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PALETTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PARTICLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PORTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_STRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_TEXTURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_VIDEO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_VIDEO_PARTICLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_WINDOW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KOBS_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAWMAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIVINE is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2015.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PVR_ADDONS is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_23_2 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_24 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_25 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERF is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_22 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPU_VIV_BIN_MX6Q is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NETWORK is not set
$ du -sh output/target 12M output/target
用dd或者win32diskimager烧录到TF卡,然后插卡到哪吒开发板启动: nezha_d1_sdcard.7z
有开机画面,支持树莓派显示屏,有LVGL8 测试程序,鼠标设备是 /dev/input/event3
韦老师您好,如果只想更新设备树,是不是修改完dts只运行make uboot-rebuild V=1或make kernel-rebuild V=1就行了?但是只运行这两步没有更新boot.img啊,是不是后面还要跟什么打包指令?
重新编译uboot: rm output/build/uboot-origin_master/.stamp_built;make
重新编译Linux: rm output/build/linux-origin_master/.stamp_built;make -
@whycan 多谢指导!
难道boot.img是board.dtb和Image的组合?uboot只加载boot.img吗? -
$ grep boot.img -r board/Neza/ board/Neza/d1/genimage.cfg: "boot.img", board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh:echo "boot.img ....." board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh:mkbootimg --kernel Image --ramdisk ramdisk.img --board d1-nezha_min --base 0x40200000 --kernel_offset 0x0 --ramdisk_offset 0x01000000 -o boot.img board/Neza/d1/Allwinner-tools/env.cfg:#set kernel cmdline if boot.img or recovery.img has no cmdline we will use this board/Neza/d1/Allwinner-tools/env.cfg:kernel=boot.img
您看下上面, boot.img 是用 mkbootimg 命令生成的,uboot的环境变量(env.cfg)在这里加载 boot.img & dtb,都加载到指定地址再起飞的。
有没有自行的把卡先分好区,把rootfs、boot.img,.fex等文件分批拷进去的方法呢? -
没有问题的,你是想做IAP升级吗? -
ext文件系统扩展: resize2fs。 开机自动给ext文件系统扩容。
你可以试着把 board/Neza/d1/genimage.cfg 的文件目录用自己的命令行打包成 sdcard.img,这个帖子适合你:
分享全志主线u-boot/linux 打包 TF/SD/SDNAND 镜像脚本
https://whycan.com/t_4008.html -
你咋啥都会,你是谁,你在哪(高就)? -
住awol,路过路过 -
你好韦老师,我看在neza-d1-buildroot\configs下有一个配置文件,我添加了配置文件只后,我make all,会把源码拉去下来,到dl目录下,我没有找到拉取部分的脚本。我想做的事情是,找到内核,uboot,opensbi的源码,单独,提取出来,以后我只修改内核,就只单独处理内核。我要怎么找到拉去源码的位置,或者我内核源码的位置。
拉取源码部分? 在 package/对应软件包/ 目录下面 -
@allwinnertech 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
烧写成功后把卡插入开发板 开发板上电 即可自动从sd卡启动进入系统
因为我看到分区里面没有关于dsp的分区。 -
手动下载,拷贝到dl目录。 -
这个该如何配置呢?初学玩家求指导,谢谢啦 -
@amturing 阿里的源也支持RISC-V吗?
请大佬帮我看看,cmdline是这样的[ 0.000000] Kernel command line: earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=0 console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 init=/sbin/init partitions=ext4 cma=8M gpt=1 androidboot.hardware=sun20iw1p1 boot_type=1 androidboot.boot_type=1 gpt=1 uboot_message=2018.05(07/06/2021-07:40:44) mbr_offset=1556480 disp_reserve=4096000,0x000000007eb1b280 androidboot.dramsize=1024
[ 2.634362] sunxi-ehci: EHCI SUNXI driver [ 2.639388] get ehci1-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 2.645337] sunxi ehci1-controller don't init wakeup source [ 2.651578] [sunxi-ehci1]: probe, pdev->name: 4200000.ehci1-controller, sunxi_ehci: 0xffffffe0009f4b40, 0x:ffffffd004079000, irq_no:31 [ 2.665102] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: 4200000.ehci1-controller supply drvvbus not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.677610] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: EHCI Host Controller [ 2.684863] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 2.694689] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: irq 49, io mem 0x04200000 [ 2.715971] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00 [ 2.723763] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: ehci_irq: highspeed device connect [ 2.733369] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 2.737636] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 2.742822] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver [ 2.749781] sunxi-ohci: OHCI SUNXI driver [ 2.754796] get ohci1-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 2.760757] sunxi ohci1-controller don't init wakeup source [ 2.766997] [sunxi-ohci1]: probe, pdev->name: 4200400.ohci1-controller, sunxi_ohci: 0xffffffe0009f5680 [ 2.777419] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: 4200400.ohci1-controller supply drvvbus not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.789915] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: OHCI Host Controller [ 2.797168] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 2.806969] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: irq 50, io mem 0x04200400 [ 2.876947] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 2.881216] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 2.886655] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas [ 2.892742] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 2.899532] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda [ 2.906234] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress [ 2.913031] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab [ 2.919817] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums_eneub6250 [ 2.926797] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom [ 2.933587] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200 [ 2.940279] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot [ 2.947166] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma [ 2.953809] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch [ 2.960721] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-realtek [ 2.967515] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09 [ 2.974218] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55 [ 2.980918] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat [ 2.987539] sunxi_gpadc_init,1968, success [ 2.992843] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: errata__fix_alarm_day_reg_default_value(): ALARM0_DAY_REG=0, set it to 1 [ 3.005305] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: registered as rtc0 [ 3.011072] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: setting system clock to 1970-01-01T00:00:04 UTC (4) [ 3.019931] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: sunxi rtc probed [ 3.025764] i2c /dev entries driver [ 3.029765] IR NEC protocol handler initialized [ 3.034839] IR RC5(x/sz) protocol handler initialized [ 3.042222] sunxi-wdt 6011000.watchdog: Watchdog enabled (timeout=16 sec, nowayout=0) [ 3.054225] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pc not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.065464] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v4.19 2021-03-24 19:50) [ 3.075427] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: ***ctl-spec-caps*** 308 [ 3.081822] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vmmc regulator found [ 3.088155] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vqmmc regulator found [ 3.094579] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vdmmc regulator found [ 3.101002] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vd33sw regulator found [ 3.107522] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vd18sw regulator found [ 3.114041] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vq33sw regulator found [ 3.120561] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vq18sw regulator found [ 3.127099] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'card-pwr-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.138772] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: Cann't get pin bias hs pinstate,check if needed [ 3.147814] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer wp [ 3.154555] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.161874] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.172970] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.183970] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 3.191460] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No GPIO consumer wp found [ 3.198487] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm UP vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.209624] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using sunxi-ehci [ 3.227983] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.251984] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: detmode:alway in(non removable) [ 3.260755] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v4.19 2021-03-24 19:50) [ 3.270704] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: ***ctl-spec-caps*** 8 [ 3.276898] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vmmc regulator found [ 3.283230] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vqmmc regulator found [ 3.289660] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vdmmc regulator found [ 3.296086] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vd33sw regulator found [ 3.302604] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vd18sw regulator found [ 3.309126] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vq33sw regulator found [ 3.315644] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vq18sw regulator found [ 3.322189] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'card-pwr-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.333964] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.345914] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer cd [ 3.352656] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.360001] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'cd-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' - status (0) [ 3.371891] gpio gpiochip0: Persistence not supported for GPIO 166 [ 3.378825] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: Got CD GPIO [ 3.384005] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer wp [ 3.390717] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.398028] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.409121] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.420107] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 3.427595] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No GPIO consumer wp found [ 3.434681] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: set cd-gpios as 24M fail [ 3.441388] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm UP vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.452566] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: no vqmmc,Check if there is regulator [ 3.460195] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.471862] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.483534] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm OD pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.495553] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: detmode:gpio irq [ 3.502142] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm OFF vdd 0 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.514350] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.518985] hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 3.532797] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [ 3.539061] usbhid: USB HID core driver [ 3.547832] sunxi-daudio 2034000.daudio: regulator missing or invalid [ 3.556081] [AUDIOCODEC][sunxi_codec_parse_params][2094]:digital_vol:0, lineout_vol:26, mic1gain:19, mic2gain:19 pa_msleep:120, pa_level:1, pa_pwr_level:1 [ 3.556081]
@andy89926 可以设置SDC0 先启动,你这边sdc2 的mmc 功能分别修改了那些文件,和修改了什么内容?
@liangjian 感谢您的热心回复,在下不才,只在设备树里把sdc1关了,sdc2开了,就再也开不了机了,改回来也开不了,不知道为什么。请帮我看下
/* * Allwinner Technology CO., Ltd. sun20iw1p1 fpga. * * fpga support. */ /dts-v1/; #include "sun20iw1p1.dtsi" /{ compatible = "allwinner,d1", "arm,sun20iw1p1", "allwinner,sun20iw1p1"; aliases { dsp0 = &dsp0; dsp0_gpio_int= &dsp0_gpio_int; }; dsp0: dsp0 { compatible = "allwinner,sun20iw1-dsp"; status = "okay"; }; dsp0_gpio_int: dsp0_gpio_int { compatible = "allwinner,sun20iw1-dsp-gpio-int"; pin-group = "PB", "PC", "PD", "PE"; status = "disabled"; }; reg_vdd_cpu: vdd-cpu { compatible = "sunxi-pwm-regulator"; pwms = <&pwm 0 5000 0>; regulator-name = "vdd_cpu"; regulator-min-microvolt = <810000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1160000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <25>; regulator-always-on; regulator-boot-on; status = "okay"; }; reg_usb1_vbus: usb1-vbus { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "usb1-vbus"; regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; gpio = <&pio PD 19 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; }; }; &CPU0 { cpu-supply = <®_vdd_cpu>; }; &pio { sdc0_pins_a: sdc0@0 { allwinner,pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF2", "PF3", "PF4", "PF5"; allwinner,function = "sdc0"; allwinner,muxsel = <2>; allwinner,drive = <3>; allwinner,pull = <1>; pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF2", "PF3", "PF4", "PF5"; function = "sdc0"; drive-strength = <30>; bias-pull-up; power-source = <3300>; }; sdc0_pins_b: sdc0@1 { pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF2", "PF3", "PF4", "PF5"; function = "sdc0"; drive-strength = <30>; bias-pull-up; power-source = <1800>; }; sdc0_pins_c: sdc0@2 { pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF2", "PF3", "PF4", "PF5"; function = "gpio_in"; }; /* TODO: add jtag pin */ sdc0_pins_d: sdc0@3 { pins = "PF2", "PF4"; function = "uart0"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; sdc0_pins_e: sdc0@4 { pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF3", "PF5"; function = "jtag"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; sdc1_pins_a: sdc1@0 { pins = "PG0", "PG1", "PG2", "PG3", "PG4", "PG5"; function = "sdc1"; drive-strength = <30>; bias-pull-up; }; sdc1_pins_b: sdc1@1 { pins = "PG0", "PG1", "PG2", "PG3", "PG4", "PG5"; function = "gpio_in"; }; sdc2_pins_a: sdc2@0 { allwinner,pins = "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7"; allwinner,function = "sdc2"; allwinner,muxsel = <3>; allwinner,drive = <3>; allwinner,pull = <1>; pins = "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7"; function = "sdc2"; drive-strength = <30>; bias-pull-up; }; sdc2_pins_b: sdc2@1 { pins = "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7"; function = "gpio_in"; }; wlan_pins_a:wlan@0 { pins = "PG11"; function = "clk_fanout1"; }; uart0_pins_a: uart0_pins@0 { /* For nezha board */ pins = "PB8", "PB9"; function = "uart0"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart0_pins_b: uart0_pins@1 { /* For nezha board */ pins = "PB8", "PB9"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart1_pins_a: uart1_pins@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG6", "PG7", "PG8", "PG9"; function = "uart1"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart1_pins_b: uart1_pins { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG6", "PG7", "PG8", "PG9"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart2_pins_a: uart2_pins@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG17", "PG18"; function = "uart2"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart2_pins_b: uart2_pins@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG17", "PG18"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart3_pins_a: uart3_pins@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB6", "PB7"; function = "uart3"; /*muxsel = <5>;*/ drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart3_pins_b: uart3_pins@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB6", "PB7"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart4_pins_a: uart4_pins@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB2", "PB3"; function = "uart4"; /*muxsel = <5>;*/ drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart4_pins_b: uart4_pins@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB2", "PB3"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart5_pins_a: uart5_pins@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB4", "PB5"; function = "uart5"; /*muxsel = <5>;*/ drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; uart5_pins_b: uart5_pins@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PB4", "PB5"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi0_pins_a: twi0@0 { pins = "PB10", "PB11"; /*sck sda*/ function = "twi0"; drive-strength = <10>; }; twi0_pins_b: twi0@1 { pins = "PB10", "PB11"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi1_pins_a: twi1@0 { pins = "PB4", "PB5"; function = "twi1"; drive-strength = <10>; }; twi1_pins_b: twi1@1 { pins = "PB4", "PB5"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi2_pins_a: twi2@0 { pins = "PB0", "PB1"; function = "twi2"; drive-strength = <10>; }; twi2_pins_b: twi2@1 { pins = "PB0", "PB1"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi3_pins_a: twi3@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG10", "PG11"; function = "twi3"; drive-strength = <10>; }; twi3_pins_b: twi3@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PG10", "PG11"; function = "gpio_in"; }; gmac_pins_a: gmac@0 { pins = "PE0", "PE1", "PE2", "PE3", "PE4", "PE5", "PE6", "PE7", "PE8", "PE9", "PE10", "PE11", "PE12", "PE13", "PE14", "PE15"; function = "gmac0"; drive-strength = <10>; }; gmac_pins_b: gmac@1 { pins = "PE0", "PE1", "PE2", "PE3", "PE4", "PE5", "PE6", "PE7", "PE8", "PE9", "PE10", "PE11", "PE12", "PE13", "PE14", "PE15"; function = "gpio_in"; }; dmic_pins_a: dmic@0 { /* DMIC_PIN: CLK, DATA0, DATA1, DATA2 */ pins = "PE17", "PB11", "PB10", "PD17"; function = "dmic"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; dmic_pins_b: dmic@1 { pins = "PE17", "PB11", "PB10", "PD17"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio0_pins_a: daudio0@0 { pins = "PE17", "PE16", "PE15", "PE14", "PE13"; function = "i2s0"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio0_pins_b: daudio0_sleep@0 { pins = "PE17", "PE16", "PE15", "PE14", "PE13"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio1_pins_a: daudio1@0 { pins = "PG11", "PG12", "PG13", "PG14", "PG15"; function = "i2s1"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio1_pins_b: daudio1_sleep@0 { pins = "PG11", "PG12", "PG13", "PG14", "PG15"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio2_pins_a: daudio2@0 { /* I2S_PIN: MCLK, BCLK, LRCK */ pins = "PB7", "PB5", "PB6"; function = "i2s2"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio2_pins_b: daudio2@1 { /* I2S_PIN: DOUT0 */ pins = "PB4"; function = "i2s2_dout"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio2_pins_c: daudio2@2 { /* I2S_PIN: DIN0 */ pins = "PB3"; function = "i2s2_din"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; daudio2_pins_d: daudio2_sleep@0 { pins = "PB7", "PB5", "PB6", "PB4", "PB3"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; spdif_pins_a: spdif@0 { /* SPDIF_PIN: SPDIF_OUT */ pins = "PB0"; function = "spdif"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; spdif_pins_b: spdif_sleep@0 { pins = "PB0"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; spi0_pins_a: spi0@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PC2", "PC4", "PC5","PC7", "PC6"; /*clk mosi miso hold wp*/ function = "spi0"; muxsel = <2>; drive-strength = <10>; }; spi0_pins_b: spi0@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PC3", "PC7", "PC6"; function = "spi0"; muxsel = <2>; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; /* only CS should be pulled up */ }; spi0_pins_c: spi0@2 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5","PC6", "PC7"; function = "gpio_in"; muxsel = <0>; drive-strength = <10>; }; spi1_pins_a: spi1@0 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PD11", "PD12", "PD13","PD14", "PD15"; /*clk mosi miso hold wp*/ function = "spi1"; muxsel = <4>; drive-strength = <10>; }; spi1_pins_b: spi1@1 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PD10"; function = "spi1"; muxsel = <4>; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; // only CS should be pulled up }; spi1_pins_c: spi1@2 { /* For modify board */ pins = "PD10", "PD11", "PD12", "PD13","PD14", "PD15"; function = "gpio_in"; muxsel = <4>; drive-strength = <10>; }; ledc_pins_a: ledc@0 { pins = "PC0"; function = "ledc"; drive-strength = <10>; }; ledc_pins_b: ledc@1 { pins = "PC0"; function = "gpio_in"; }; pwm0_pin_a: pwm0@0 { pins = "PD16"; function = "pwm0"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; pwm0_pin_b: pwm0@1 { pins = "PD16"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-disable; }; pwm2_pin_a: pwm2@0 { pins = "PD18"; function = "pwm2"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; pwm2_pin_b: pwm2@1 { pins = "PD18"; function = "gpio_in"; }; /* pwm7_pin_a: pwm7@0 { pins = "PD22"; function = "pwm7"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; pwm7_pin_b: pwm7@1 { pins = "PD22"; function = "gpio_in"; }; */ s_cir0_pins_a: s_cir@0 { pins = "PB12"; function = "ir"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; s_cir0_pins_b: s_cir@1 { pins = "PB12"; function = "gpio_in"; }; ir1_pins_a: ir1@0 { pins = "PB0"; function = "ir"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; ir1_pins_b: ir1@1 { pins = "PB0"; function = "gpio_in"; }; }; &uart0 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart0_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; &uart1 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart1_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; &uart2 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart2_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; &uart3 { /*compatible = "allwinner,sun20iw1-dsp-uart";*/ pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart3_pins_a>; status = "okay"; }; &uart4 { /*compatible = "allwinner,sun20iw1-dsp-uart";*/ pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart4_pins_a>; status = "okay"; }; &uart5 { /*compatible = "allwinner,sun20iw1-dsp-uart";*/ pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart5_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart5_pins_a>; status = "okay"; }; &soc { card0_boot_para@2 { /* * Avoid dtc compiling warnings. * @TODO: Developer should modify this to the actual value */ reg = <0x0 0x2 0x0 0x0>; device_type = "card0_boot_para"; card_ctrl = <0x0>; card_high_speed = <0x1>; card_line = <0x4>; pinctrl-0 = <&sdc0_pins_a>; }; card2_boot_para@3 { /* * Avoid dtc compiling warnings. * @TODO: Developer should modify this to the actual value */ reg = <0x0 0x3 0x0 0x0>; device_type = "card2_boot_para"; card_ctrl = <0x2>; card_high_speed = <0x1>; card_line = <0x4>; pinctrl-0 = <&sdc2_pins_a>; /*pinctrl-0 = <&sdc0_pins_a>;*/ /*sdc_ex_dly_used = <0x2>;*/ sdc_io_1v8 = <0x1>; /* modify board*/ /*sdc_type = "tm4";*/ sdc_tm4_hs200_max_freq = <150>; sdc_tm4_hs400_max_freq = <100>; sdc_ex_dly_used = <2>; /*sdc_tm4_win_th = <8>;*/ /*sdc_dis_host_caps = <0x180>;*/ }; rfkill: rfkill@0 { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-rfkill"; chip_en; power_en; status = "disabled"; wlan: wlan@0 { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-wlan"; pinctrl-0 = <&wlan_pins_a>; pinctrl-names = "default"; clock-names = "32k-fanout1"; clocks = <&ccu CLK_FANOUT1_OUT>; wlan_busnum = <0x1>; wlan_regon = <&pio PG 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; wlan_hostwake = <&pio PG 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /*wlan_power = "VCC-3V3";*/ /*wlan_power_vol = <3300000>;*/ /*interrupt-parent = <&pio>; interrupts = < PG 10 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;*/ wakeup-source; status = "disabled"; }; bt: bt@0 { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-bt"; pinctrl-0 = <&wlan_pins_a>; pinctrl-names = "default"; clock-names = "32k-fanout1"; clocks = <&ccu CLK_FANOUT1_OUT>; /*bt_power_num = <0x01>;*/ /*bt_power = "axp803-dldo1";*/ /*bt_io_regulator = "axp803-dldo1";*/ /*bt_io_vol = <3300000>;*/ /*bt_power_vol = <330000>;*/ bt_rst_n = <&pio PG 18 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; status = "disabled"; }; }; btlpm: btlpm@0 { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-btlpm"; uart_index = <0x1>; bt_wake = <&pio PG 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; bt_hostwake = <&pio PG 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; status = "okay"; }; addr_mgt: addr_mgt@0 { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-addr_mgt"; type_addr_wifi = <0x0>; type_addr_bt = <0x0>; type_addr_eth = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; }; &sdc2 { non-removable; bus-width = <4>; mmc-ddr-1_8v; mmc-hs200-1_8v; no-sdio; no-sd; ctl-spec-caps = <0x308>; cap-mmc-highspeed; sunxi-power-save-mode; sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw; mmc-bootpart-noacc; max-frequency = <150000000>; /*vmmc-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ /*emmc io vol 3.3v*/ /*vqmmc-supply = <®_aldo1>;*/ /*emmc io vol 1.8v*/ /*vqmmc-supply = <®_eldo1>;*/ status = "okay"; }; &sdc0 { bus-width = <4>; cd-gpios = <&pio PF 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>; /*non-removable;*/ /*broken-cd;*/ cd-inverted; /*data3-detect;*/ /*card-pwr-gpios = <&pio PH 14 1 1 2 0xffffffff>;*/ cd-used-24M; cap-sd-highspeed; /*sd-uhs-sdr50;*/ /*sd-uhs-ddr50;*/ /*sd-uhs-sdr104;*/ no-sdio; no-mmc; sunxi-power-save-mode; /*sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw;*/ max-frequency = <150000000>; ctl-spec-caps = <0x8>; /*vmmc-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ /*vqmmc33sw-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ /*vdmmc33sw-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ /*vqmmc18sw-supply = <®_eldo1>;*/ /*vdmmc18sw-supply = <®_eldo1>;*/ status = "okay"; }; &sdc1 { bus-width = <4>; no-mmc; no-sd; cap-sd-highspeed; /*sd-uhs-sdr12*/ /*sd-uhs-sdr25;*/ /*sd-uhs-sdr50;*/ /*sd-uhs-ddr50;*/ /*sd-uhs-sdr104;*/ /*sunxi-power-save-mode;*/ /*sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw;*/ cap-sdio-irq; keep-power-in-suspend; ignore-pm-notify; max-frequency = <150000000>; ctl-spec-caps = <0x8>; status = "disabled"; }; /* tvd configuration used (create device, 0: do not create device, 1: create device) agc_auto_enable (0: agc manual mode,agc_manual_value is valid; 1: agc auto mode) agc_manual_value (agc manual value, default value is 64) cagc_enable (cagc 0: disable, 1: enable) fliter_used (3d fliter 0: disable, 1: enable) support two PMU power (tvd_power0, tvd_power1) support two GPIO power (tvd_gpio0, tvd_gpio1) NOTICE: If tvd need pmu power or gpio power,params need be configured under [tvd] tvd_sw (the switch of all tvd driver.) tvd_interface (0: cvbs, 1: ypbpr,) tvd_format (0:TVD_PL_YUV420 , 1: MB_YUV420, 2: TVD_PL_YUV422) tvd_system (0:ntsc, 1:pal) tvd_row (total row number in multi channel mode 1-2) tvd_column (total column number in multi channel mode 1-2) tvd_channelx_en (0:disable, 1~4:position in multi channel mode,In single channel mode,mean enable) tvd_row*tvd_column is the total tvd channel number to be used in multichannel mode +--------------------+--------------------+ | | | | | | | 1 | 2 | | | | | | | +--------------------+--------------------+ | | | | | | | 3 | 4 | | | | | | | +--------------------+--------------------+ */ &tvd { tvd_sw = <1>; tvd_interface = <0>; tvd_format = <0>; tvd_system = <1>; tvd_row = <1>; tvd_column = <1>; tvd_channel0_en = <1>; tvd_channel1_en = <0>; tvd_channel2_en = <0>; tvd_channel3_en = <0>; /*tvd_gpio0 = <&pio PD 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;*/ /*tvd_gpio1 = <&pio PD 23 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;*/ /*tvd_gpio2 = <&pio PD 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;*/ /* dc1sw-supply = <®_dc1sw>;*/ /* eldo3-supply = <®_eldo3>;*/ /*tvd_power0 = "dc1sw"*/ /*tvd_power1 = "eldo3"*/ }; &tvd0 { used = <1>; agc_auto_enable = <1>; agc_manual_value = <64>; cagc_enable = <1>; fliter_used = <1>; }; /* Audio Driver modules */ &sunxi_rpaf_dsp0 { status = "okay"; }; /* if audiocodec is used, sdc0 and uart0 should be closed to enable PA. */ &codec { /* MIC and headphone gain setting */ mic1gain = <0x13>; mic2gain = <0x13>; mic3gain = <0x13>; /* ADC/DAC DRC/HPF func enabled */ /* 0x1:DAP_HP_EN; 0x2:DAP_SPK_EN; 0x3:DAP_HPSPK_EN */ adcdrc_cfg = <0x0>; adchpf_cfg = <0x1>; dacdrc_cfg = <0x0>; dachpf_cfg = <0x0>; /* Volume about */ digital_vol = <0x00>; lineout_vol = <0x1a>; headphonegain = <0x03>; /* Pa enabled about */ pa_level = <0x01>; pa_pwr_level = <0x01>; pa_msleep_time = <0x78>; /* gpio-spk = <&pio PF 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; */ /* gpio-spk-pwr = <&pio PF 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; */ /* regulator about */ /* avcc-supply = <®_aldo1>; */ /* hpvcc-supply = <®_eldo1>; */ status = "okay"; }; &sndcodec { hp_detect_case = <0x01>; jack_enable = <0x01>; status = "okay"; }; &dummy_cpudai { /* CMA config about */ playback_cma = <128>; capture_cma = <256>; status = "okay"; }; &dmic { pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&dmic_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&dmic_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; &sounddmic { status = "okay"; }; &dmic_codec { status = "okay"; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pcm_lrck_period 16/32/64/128/256 * (set 0x20 for HDMI audio out) * slot_width_select 16bits/20bits/24bits/32bits * (set 0x20 for HDMI audio out) * frametype 0 --> short frame = 1 clock width; * 1 --> long frame = 2 clock width; * tdm_config 0 --> pcm * 1 --> i2s * (set 0x01 for HDMI audio out) * mclk_div 0 --> not output * 1/2/4/6/8/12/16/24/32/48/64/96/128/176/192 * (set mclk as external codec clk source, freq is pll_audio/mclk_div) * pinctrl_used 0 --> I2S/PCM use for internal (e.g. HDMI) * 1 --> I2S/PCM use for external audio * daudio_type: 0 --> external audio type * 1 --> HDMI audio type *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ &daudio0 { mclk_div = <0x01>; frametype = <0x00>; tdm_config = <0x01>; sign_extend = <0x00>; msb_lsb_first = <0x00>; pcm_lrck_period = <0x80>; slot_width_select = <0x20>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&daudio0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&daudio0_pins_b>; pinctrl_used = <0x0>; status = "disabled"; }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * simple-audio-card,name name of sound card, e.g. * "snddaudio0" --> use for external audio * "sndhdmi" --> use for HDMI audio * sound-dai "snd-soc-dummy" --> use for I2S * "hdmiaudio" --> use for HDMI audio * "ac108" --> use for external audio of ac108 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ &sounddaudio0 { /* simple-audio-card,format = "i2s"; */ /* simple-audio-card,frame-master = <&daudio0_master>; */ /* simple-audio-card,bitclock-master = <&daudio0_master>; */ /* simple-audio-card,bitclock-inversion; */ /* simple-audio-card,frame-inversion; */ status = "disabled"; daudio0_master: simple-audio-card,codec { /* sound-dai = <&ac108>; */ }; }; &daudio1 { mclk_div = <0x01>; frametype = <0x00>; tdm_config = <0x01>; sign_extend = <0x00>; msb_lsb_first = <0x00>; pcm_lrck_period = <0x80>; slot_width_select = <0x20>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&daudio1_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&daudio1_pins_b>; pinctrl_used = <0x0>; status = "disabled"; }; &sounddaudio1 { status = "disabled"; daudio1_master: simple-audio-card,codec { /* sound-dai = <&ac108>; */ }; }; &daudio2 { mclk_div = <0x00>; frametype = <0x00>; tdm_config = <0x01>; sign_extend = <0x00>; tx_data_mode = <0x00>; rx_data_mode = <0x00>; msb_lsb_first = <0x00>; pcm_lrck_period = <0x20>; slot_width_select = <0x20>; asrc_function_en = <0x00>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /*pinctrl-0 = <&daudio2_pins_a &daudio2_pins_b &daudio2_pins_c>;*/ /*pinctrl-1 = <&daudio2_pins_d>;*/ /* HDMI audio, no need pin */ pinctrl-0; pinctrl-1; pinctrl_used = <0x0>; daudio_type = <0x1>; status = "okay"; }; /* if HDMI audio is used, daudio2 should be enable. */ &hdmiaudio { status = "okay"; }; &sounddaudio2 { status = "okay"; simple-audio-card,name = "sndhdmi"; daudio2_master: simple-audio-card,codec { sound-dai = <&hdmiaudio>; }; }; &spdif { pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&spdif_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&spdif_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &soundspdif { status = "disabled"; }; /* *usb_port_type: usb mode. 0-device, 1-host, 2-otg. *usb_detect_type: usb hotplug detect mode. 0-none, 1-vbus/id detect, 2-id/dpdm detect. *usb_detect_mode: 0-thread scan, 1-id gpio interrupt. *usb_id_gpio: gpio for id detect. *usb_det_vbus_gpio: gpio for id detect. gpio or "axp_ctrl"; *usb_wakeup_suspend:0-SUPER_STANDBY, 1-USB_STANDBY. */ &usbc0 { device_type = "usbc0"; usb_port_type = <0x2>; usb_detect_type = <0x1>; usb_detect_mode = <0>; usb_id_gpio = <&pio PD 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; usb_det_vbus_gpio = <&pio PD 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; usb_wakeup_suspend = <0>; usb_serial_unique = <0>; usb_serial_number = "20080411"; rndis_wceis = <1>; status = "okay"; }; &ehci0 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb1_vbus>; }; &ohci0 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb1_vbus>; }; &usbc1 { device_type = "usbc1"; usb_regulator_io = "nocare"; usb_wakeup_suspend = <0>; status = "okay"; }; &ehci1 { status = "okay"; }; &ohci1 { status = "okay"; }; &twi0 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi0_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; status = "okay"; eeprom@50 { compatible = "atmel,24c16"; reg = <0x50>; status = "disabled"; }; }; &twi1 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi1_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi1_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; status = "disabled"; }; &twi2 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi2_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi2_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; dmas = <&dma 45>, <&dma 45>; dma-names = "tx", "rx"; status = "okay"; /* pcf8574-usage: * only use gpio0~7, 0 means PP0. * pin set: * gpios = <&pcf8574 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; * interrupt set: * interrupt-parent = <&pcf8574>; * interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; */ pcf8574: gpio@38 { compatible = "nxp,pcf8574"; reg = <0x38>; gpio_base = <2020>; gpio-controller; #gpio-cells = <2>; interrupt-controller; #interrupt-cells = <2>; interrupt-parent = <&pio>; interrupts = <PB 2 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; status = "okay"; }; ctp@14 { compatible = "allwinner,goodix"; device_type = "ctp"; reg = <0x14>; status = "disabled"; ctp_name = "gt9xxnew_ts"; ctp_twi_id = <0x2>; ctp_twi_addr = <0x14>; ctp_screen_max_x = <0x320>; ctp_screen_max_y = <0x500>; ctp_revert_x_flag = <0x0>; ctp_revert_y_flag = <0x0>; ctp_exchange_x_y_flag = <0x0>; ctp_int_port = <&pio PG 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; ctp_wakeup = <&pio PG 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; }; }; &twi3 { /* modify*/ clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi3_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi3_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; status = "okay"; }; &gmac0 { phy-mode = "rgmii"; use_ephy25m = <1>; pinctrl-0 = <&gmac_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&gmac_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; phy-rst = <&pio PE 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; tx-delay = <3>; /*2~4*/ rx-delay = <0>; status = "okay"; }; &spi0 { /* modify*/ clock-frequency = <100000000>; pinctrl-0 = <&spi0_pins_a &spi0_pins_b>; pinctrl-1 = <&spi0_pins_c>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /*spi-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ spi_slave_mode = <0>; spi0_cs_number = <1>; spi0_cs_bitmap = <1>; status = "disabled"; /* modify*/ spi-nand@0 { compatible = "spi-nand"; spi-max-frequency=<0x5F5E100>; reg = <0x0>; spi-rx-bus-width=<0x04>; spi-tx-bus-width=<0x04>; status="disabled"; }; }; &spi1 { /* modify*/ clock-frequency = <100000000>; pinctrl-0 = <&spi1_pins_a &spi1_pins_b>; pinctrl-1 = <&spi1_pins_c>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; spi_slave_mode = <0>; status = "okay"; spidev@0 { /* device_type = "spi_board1"; */ compatible = "rohm,dh2228fv"; spi-max-frequency = <0x5f5e100>; reg = <0x0>; spi-rx-bus-width = <0x4>; spi-tx-bus-width = <0x4>; status = "okay"; }; }; &ledc { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&ledc_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&ledc_pins_b>; led_count = <12>; output_mode = "GRB"; reset_ns = <84>; t1h_ns = <800>; t1l_ns = <320>; t0h_ns = <300>; t0l_ns = <800>; wait_time0_ns = <84>; wait_time1_ns = <84>; wait_data_time_ns = <600000>; status = "okay"; }; &keyboard0 { key0 = <210 0x160>; wakeup-source; status = "okay"; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disp init configuration disp_mode (0:screen0<screen0,fb0>) screenx_output_type (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 3:hdmi;5:vdpo) screenx_output_mode (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50) (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60) screenx_output_format (for hdmi, 0:RGB 1:yuv444 2:yuv422 3:yuv420) screenx_output_bits (for hdmi, 0:8bit 1:10bit 2:12bit 2:16bit) screenx_output_eotf (for hdmi, 0:reserve 4:SDR 16:HDR10 18:HLG) screenx_output_cs (for hdmi, 0:undefined 257:BT709 260:BT601 263:BT2020) screenx_output_dvi_hdmi (for hdmi, 0:undefined 1:dvi mode 2:hdmi mode) screen0_output_range (for hdmi, 0:default 1:full 2:limited) screen0_output_scan (for hdmi, 0:no data 1:overscan 2:underscan) screen0_output_aspect_ratio (for hdmi, 8-same as original picture 9-4:3 10-16:9 11-14:9) fbx format (4:RGB655 5:RGB565 6:RGB556 7:ARGB1555 8:RGBA5551 9:RGB888 10:ARGB8888 12:ARGB4444) fbx pixel sequence (0:ARGB 1:BGRA 2:ABGR 3:RGBA) fb0_scaler_mode_enable(scaler mode enable, used FE) fbx_width,fbx_height (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0) lcdx_backlight (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197 lcdx_yy (lcd init screen bright/contrast/saturation/hue, value:0~100, default:50/50/57/50) lcd0_contrast (LCD contrast, 0~100) lcd0_saturation (LCD saturation, 0~100) lcd0_hue (LCD hue, 0~100) framebuffer software rotation setting: disp_rotation_used: (0:disable; 1:enable,you must set fbX_width to lcd_y, set fbX_height to lcd_x) degreeX: (X:screen index; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) degreeX_Y: (X:screen index; Y:layer index 0~15; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) devX_output_type : config output type in bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018. (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi;) devX_output_mode : config output resolution(see include/video/sunxi_display2.h) of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_screen_id : config display index of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_do_hpd : whether do hpd detectation or not in UBOOT-2018 chn_cfg_mode : Hardware DE channel allocation config. 0:single display with 6 channel, 1:dual display with 4 channel in main display and 2 channel in second display, 2:dual display with 3 channel in main display and 3 channel in second in display. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ &disp { disp_init_enable = <1>; disp_mode = <0>; screen0_output_type = <1>; screen0_output_mode = <4>; screen1_output_type = <3>; screen1_output_mode = <10>; screen1_output_format = <0>; screen1_output_bits = <0>; screen1_output_eotf = <4>; screen1_output_cs = <257>; screen1_output_dvi_hdmi = <2>; screen1_output_range = <2>; screen1_output_scan = <0>; screen1_output_aspect_ratio = <8>; dev0_output_type = <1>; dev0_output_mode = <4>; dev0_screen_id = <0>; dev0_do_hpd = <0>; dev1_output_type = <4>; dev1_output_mode = <10>; dev1_screen_id = <1>; dev1_do_hpd = <1>; def_output_dev = <0>; hdmi_mode_check = <1>; fb0_format = <0>; fb0_width = <0>; fb0_height = <0>; fb1_format = <0>; fb1_width = <0>; fb1_height = <0>; chn_cfg_mode = <1>; disp_para_zone = <1>; /*VCC-LCD*/ /* dc1sw-supply = <®_dc1sw>;*/ /*VCC-DSI*/ /* eldo3-supply = <®_eldo3>;*/ /*VCC-PD*/ /* dcdc1-supply = <®_dcdc1>;*/ }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;lcd0 configuration ;lcd_if: 0:hv(sync+de); 1:8080; 2:ttl; 3:lvds; 4:dsi; 5:edp; 6:extend dsi ;lcd_hv_if 0:Parallel RGB; 8:Serial RGB; 10:Dummy RGB; 11: RGB Dummy;12:CCIR656 ;lcd_hv_clk_phase 0:0 degree;1:90 degree;2:180 degree;3:270 degree ;lcd_hv_sync_polarity 0:vs low,hs low; 1:vs high,hslow; 2:vs low,hs high; 3:vs high,hs high ;lcd_hv_syuv_seq 0:YUYV; 1:YVYU; 2:UYVY; 3:VYUY ;lcd_cpu_if 0:18bit/1 cycle parallel(RGB666); 4:16bit/1cycle parallel (RGB565) ; 6:18bit/3 cycle parallel(RGB666); 7:16bit/2cycle parallel (RGB565) ;lcd_cpu_te 0:frame auto trigger; 1:frame triggered by te rising edge; 2:frame triggered by te falling edge; ;lcd_dsi_if 0:video mode; 1: Command mode; 2:video burst mode ;lcd_dsi_te 0:frame auto trigger; 1:frame triggered by te rising edge; 2:frame triggered by te falling edge; ;lcd_x: lcd horizontal resolution ;lcd_y: lcd vertical resolution ;lcd_width: width of lcd in mm ;lcd_height: height of lcd in mm ;lcd_dclk_freq: in MHZ unit ;lcd_pwm_freq: in HZ unit ;lcd_pwm_pol: lcd backlight PWM polarity ;lcd_pwm_max_limit lcd backlight PWM max limit(<=255) ;lcd_hbp: hsync back porch(pixel) + hsync plus width(pixel); ;lcd_ht: hsync total cycle(pixel) ;lcd_vbp: vsync back porch(line) + vysnc plus width(line) ;lcd_vt: vysnc total cycle(line) ;lcd_hspw: hsync plus width(pixel) ;lcd_vspw: vysnc plus width(pixel) ;lcd_lvds_if: 0:single link; 1:dual link ;lcd_lvds_colordepth: 0:8bit; 1:6bit ;lcd_lvds_mode: 0:NS mode; 1:JEIDA mode ;lcd_frm: 0:disable; 1:enable rgb666 dither; 2:enable rgb656 dither ;lcd_io_phase: 0:noraml; 1:intert phase(0~3bit: vsync phase; 4~7bit:hsync phase; ; 8~11bit:dclk phase; 12~15bit:de phase) ;lcd_gamma_en lcd gamma correction enable ;lcd_bright_curve_en lcd bright curve correction enable ;lcd_cmap_en lcd color map function enable ;deu_mode 0:smoll lcd screen; 1:large lcd screen(larger than 10inch) ;lcdgamma4iep: Smart Backlight parameter, lcd gamma vale * 10; ; decrease it while lcd is not bright enough; increase while lcd is too bright ;smart_color 90:normal lcd screen 65:retina lcd screen(9.7inch) ;Pin setting for special function ie.LVDS, RGB data or vsync ; name(donot care) = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level> ;Pin setting for gpio: ; lcd_gpio_X = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level> ;Pin setting for backlight enable pin ; lcd_bl_en = port:PD12<pin function><pull up or pull down><drive ability><output level> ;fsync setting, pulse to csi ;lcd_fsync_en (0:disable fsync,1:enable) ;lcd_fsync_act_time (active time of fsync, unit:pixel) ;lcd_fsync_dis_time (disactive time of fsync, unit:pixel) ;lcd_fsync_pol (0:positive;1:negative) ;gpio config: <&pio for cpu or &r_pio for cpus, port, port num, pio function, pull up or pull down(default 0), driver level(default 1), data> ;For dual link lvds: use lvds2link_pins_a and lvds2link_pins_b instead ;For rgb24: use rgb24_pins_a and rgb24_pins_b instead ;For lvds1: use lvds1_pins_a and lvds1_pins_b instead ;For lvds0: use lvds0_pins_a and lvds0_pins_b instead ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ &lcd0 { lcd_used = <1>; lcd_driver_name = "tft08006"; lcd_backlight = <100>; lcd_if = <4>; lcd_x = <800>; lcd_y = <1280>; lcd_width = <52>; lcd_height = <52>; lcd_dclk_freq = <70>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <2>; lcd_pwm_freq = <1000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_pwm_max_limit = <255>; lcd_hbp = <32>; lcd_ht = <868>; lcd_hspw = <4>; lcd_vbp = <12>; lcd_vt = <1311>; lcd_vspw = <4>; lcd_dsi_if = <0>; lcd_dsi_lane = <4>; lcd_lvds_if = <0>; lcd_lvds_colordepth = <0>; lcd_lvds_mode = <0>; lcd_frm = <0>; lcd_hv_clk_phase = <0>; lcd_hv_sync_polarity= <0>; lcd_io_phase = <0x0000>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_act_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_dis_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_pol = <0>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; lcd_gpio_0 = <&pio PG 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pinctrl-0 = <&dsi4lane_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&dsi4lane_pins_b>; }; &hdmi { hdmi_used = <1>; hdmi_power_cnt = <0>; hdmi_cts_compatibility = <1>; hdmi_hdcp_enable = <1>; hdmi_hdcp22_enable = <0>; hdmi_cec_support = <1>; hdmi_cec_super_standby = <0>; ddc_en_io_ctrl = <0>; power_io_ctrl = <0>; }; &pwm0 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_pin_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_pin_b>; status = "okay"; }; &pwm2 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm2_pin_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm2_pin_b>; status = "okay"; }; /* &pwm7 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm7_pin_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm7_pin_b>; status = "okay"; }; */ &rtp { allwinner,tp-sensitive-adjust = <0xf>; allwinner,filter-type = <0x1>; allwinner,ts-attached; status = "disabled"; }; &gpadc { channel_num = <2>; channel_select = <3>; channel_data_select = <3>; channel_compare_select = <3>; channel_cld_select = <3>; channel_chd_select = <3>; channel0_compare_lowdata = <1700000>; channel0_compare_higdata = <1200000>; channel1_compare_lowdata = <460000>; channel1_compare_higdata = <1200000>; status = "disabled"; }; &s_cir0 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&s_cir0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&s_cir0_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &ir1 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&ir1_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&ir1_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; };
▒▒~▒[158]HELLO! BOOT0 is starting! [161]BOOT0 commit : 27369ab [163]set pll start [165]periph0 has been enabled [168]set pll end [170][pmu]: bus read error [172]board init ok [174]DRAM only have internal ZQ!! [177]get_pmu_exist() = -1 [180]ddr_efuse_type: 0x0 [183][AUTO DEBUG] single rank and full DQ! [187]ddr_efuse_type: 0x0 [190][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 row = 16 [193][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 bank = 8 [196][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 page size = 2 KB [200]DRAM BOOT DRIVE INFO: V0.24 [203]DRAM CLK = 792 MHz [206]DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3) [209]DRAMC ZQ value: 0x7b7bfb [212]DRAM ODT value: 0x42. [214]ddr_efuse_type: 0x0 [217]DRAM SIZE =1024 M [221]DRAM simple test OK. [223]dram size =1024 [225]card no is 0 [227]sdcard 0 line count 4 [229][mmc]: mmc driver ver 2021-04-2 16:45 [239][mmc]: Wrong media type 0x0 [242][mmc]: ***Try SD card 0*** [261][mmc]: HSSDR52/SDR25 4 bit [264][mmc]: 50000000 Hz [266][mmc]: 30436 MB [268][mmc]: ***SD/MMC 0 init OK!!!*** [318]Loading boot-pkg Succeed(index=0). [322]Entry_name = opensbi [325]Entry_name = u-boot [329]Entry_name = dtb [331]mmc not para [333]Jump to second Boot. OpenSBI v0.6 ____ _____ ____ _____ / __ \ / ____| _ \_ _| | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ | (___ | |_) || | | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \ \___ \| _ < | | | |__| | |_) | __/ | | |____) | |_) || |_ \____/| .__/ \___|_| |_|_____/|____/_____| | | |_| Platform Name : T-HEAD Xuantie Platform Platform HART Features : RV64ACDFIMSUVX Platform Max HARTs : 1 Current Hart : 0 Firmware Base : 0x40000400 Firmware Size : 75 KB Runtime SBI Version : 0.2 MIDELEG : 0x0000000000000222 MEDELEG : 0x000000000000b1ff PMP0 : 0x0000000040000000-0x000000004001ffff (A) PMP1 : 0x0000000040000000-0x000000007fffffff (A,R,W,X) PMP2 : 0x0000000080000000-0x00000000bfffffff (A,R,W,X) PMP3 : 0x0000000000020000-0x0000000000027fff (A,▒[00.410][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2021-04-16 14:23:00-1 [00.415][mmc]: get sdc_type fail and use default host:tm1. [00.421][mmc]: can't find node "mmc0",will add new node [00.426][mmc]: fdt err returned <no error> [00.430][mmc]: Using default timing para [00.434][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310 [00.460][mmc]: card_caps:0x3000000a [00.463][mmc]: host_caps:0x3000003f [00.481]set disp.dev2_output_type fail. using defval=0 [00.513]Get bootloader and boot-resource partition number fail! [00.557]out of usb burn from boot: not need burn key [02.481] Starting kernel ... [02.484][mmc]: MMC Device 2 not found [02.488][mmc]: mmc 2 not find, so not exit [ 0.000000] OF: fdt: Ignoring memory range 0x40000000 - 0x40200000 [ 0.000000] Linux version 5.4.61 (andy@ubuntu) (riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (C-SKY RISCV Tools V1.8.4 B20200702) 8.1.0, GNU ld (GNU Binutils) 2.32) #66 Sun May 8 07:00:42 PDT 2022 [ 0.000000] cma: Reserved 8 MiB at 0x000000007f800000 [ 0.000000] Zone ranges: [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x0000000040200000-0x000000007fffffff] [ 0.000000] Normal empty [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x0000000040200000-0x000000007fffffff] [ 0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000040200000-0x000000007fffffff] [ 0.000000] On node 0 totalpages: 261632 [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 3577 pages used for memmap [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 0 pages reserved [ 0.000000] DMA32 zone: 261632 pages, LIFO batch:63 [ 0.000000] elf_hwcap is 0x20112d [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: s0 r0 d32768 u32768 alloc=1*32768 [ 0.000000] pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 258055 [ 0.000000] Kernel command line: earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=0 console=ttyS0,115200 loglevel=8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 init=/sbin/init partitions=ext4 cma=8M gpt=1 androidboot.hardware=sun20iw1p1 boot_type=1 androidboot.boot_type=1 gpt=1 uboot_message=2018.05(07/06/2021-07:40:44) mbr_offset=1556480 disp_reserve=4096000,0x000000007eb1b280 androidboot.dramsize=1024 [ 0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes, linear) [ 0.000000] Sorting __ex_table... [ 0.000000] mem auto-init: stack:off, heap alloc:off, heap free:off [ 0.000000] Memory: 1006860K/1046528K available (6726K kernel code, 707K rwdata, 2230K rodata, 196K init, 411K bss, 31476K reserved, 8192K cma-reserved) [ 0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1 [ 0.000000] NR_IRQS: 0, nr_irqs: 0, preallocated irqs: 0 [ 0.000000] plic: mapped 200 interrupts with 1 handlers for 2 contexts. [ 0.000000] riscv_timer_init_dt: Registering clocksource cpuid [0] hartid [0] [ 0.000000] clocksource: riscv_clocksource: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x588fe9dc0, max_idle_ns: 440795202592 ns [ 0.000007] sched_clock: 64 bits at 24MHz, resolution 41ns, wraps every 4398046511097ns [ 0.000022] riscv_timer_clockevent depends on broadcast, but no broadcast function available [ 0.000357] Console: colour dummy device 80x25 [ 0.000392] Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 48.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=96000) [ 0.000406] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301 [ 0.000537] LSM: Security Framework initializing [ 0.000583] SELinux: Initializing. [ 0.000749] Mount-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear) [ 0.000770] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear) [ 0.002425] ASID allocator initialised with 65536 entries [ 0.003158] devtmpfs: initialized [ 0.015452] random: get_random_u32 called from bucket_table_alloc.isra.31+0x4e/0x15e with crng_init=0 [ 0.016385] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns [ 0.016408] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 6144 bytes, linear) [ 0.016787] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem [ 0.018062] NET: Registered protocol family 16 [ 0.019645] DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic allocations [ 0.019681] audit: initializing netlink subsys (disabled) [ 0.067112] rtc_ccu: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.075287] clock: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.076095] clock: sunxi ccu init OK [ 0.085526] audit: type=2000 audit(0.016:1): state=initialized audit_enabled=0 res=1 [ 0.103968] reg-fixed-voltage pio-18: GPIO lookup for consumer (null) [ 0.103983] reg-fixed-voltage pio-18: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 0.104007] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpios' property of node '/pio-18[0]' [ 0.104026] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpio' property of node '/pio-18[0]' [ 0.104042] reg-fixed-voltage pio-18: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 0.104054] reg-fixed-voltage pio-18: No GPIO consumer (null) found [ 0.104460] reg-fixed-voltage pio-33: GPIO lookup for consumer (null) [ 0.104475] reg-fixed-voltage pio-33: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 0.104499] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpios' property of node '/pio-33[0]' [ 0.104517] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpio' property of node '/pio-33[0]' [ 0.104533] reg-fixed-voltage pio-33: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 0.104545] reg-fixed-voltage pio-33: No GPIO consumer (null) found [ 0.105244] reg-fixed-voltage usb1-vbus: GPIO lookup for consumer (null) [ 0.105260] reg-fixed-voltage usb1-vbus: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 0.105285] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpios' property of node '/usb1-vbus[0]' [ 0.105315] reg-fixed-voltage usb1-vbus: No GPIO consumer (null) found [ 0.105435] iommu: Default domain type: Translated [ 0.105595] sunxi iommu: irq = 80 [ 0.106651] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 0.106964] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 0.107036] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 0.107112] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 0.108154] Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized. [ 0.108826] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22 [ 0.108903] NET: Registered protocol family 31 [ 0.108911] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized [ 0.108930] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized [ 0.108945] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized [ 0.108980] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized [ 0.109022] nfc: nfc_init: NFC Core ver 0.1 [ 0.109117] NET: Registered protocol family 39 [ 0.109126] pwm module init! [ 0.110680] input: sunxi-keyboard as /devices/virtual/input/input0 [ 0.111960] clocksource: Switched to clocksource riscv_clocksource [ 0.114740] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): added GPIO chardev (254:0) [ 0.114874] gpiochip_setup_dev: registered GPIOs 0 to 223 on device: gpiochip0 (2000000.pinctrl) [ 0.114898] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 32->32 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 32->32 [ 0.114915] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 33->33 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 33->33 [ 0.114940] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 34->34 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 34->34 [ 0.114956] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 35->35 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 35->35 [ 0.114973] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 36->36 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 36->36 [ 0.114989] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 37->37 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 37->37 [ 0.115005] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 38->38 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 38->38 [ 0.115022] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 39->39 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 39->39 [ 0.115038] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 40->40 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 40->40 [ 0.115054] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 41->41 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 41->41 [ 0.115071] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 42->42 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 42->42 [ 0.115086] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 43->43 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 43->43 [ 0.115103] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 44->44 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 44->44 [ 0.115119] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 64->64 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 64->64 [ 0.115135] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 65->65 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 65->65 [ 0.115152] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 66->66 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 66->66 [ 0.115168] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 67->67 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 67->67 [ 0.115184] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 68->68 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 68->68 [ 0.115200] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 69->69 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 69->69 [ 0.115216] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 70->70 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 70->70 [ 0.115233] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 71->71 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 71->71 [ 0.115249] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 96->96 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 96->96 [ 0.115265] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 97->97 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 97->97 [ 0.115281] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 98->98 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 98->98 [ 0.115297] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 99->99 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 99->99 [ 0.115314] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 100->100 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 100->100 [ 0.115330] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 101->101 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 101->101 [ 0.115346] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 102->102 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 102->102 [ 0.115362] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 103->103 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 103->103 [ 0.115379] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 104->104 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 104->104 [ 0.115395] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 105->105 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 105->105 [ 0.115412] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 106->106 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 106->106 [ 0.115429] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 107->107 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 107->107 [ 0.115445] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 108->108 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 108->108 [ 0.115468] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 109->109 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 109->109 [ 0.115485] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 110->110 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 110->110 [ 0.115501] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 111->111 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 111->111 [ 0.115518] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 112->112 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 112->112 [ 0.115535] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 113->113 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 113->113 [ 0.115551] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 114->114 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 114->114 [ 0.115568] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 115->115 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 115->115 [ 0.115584] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 116->116 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 116->116 [ 0.115601] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 117->117 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 117->117 [ 0.115617] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 118->118 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 118->118 [ 0.115634] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 128->128 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 128->128 [ 0.115651] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 129->129 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 129->129 [ 0.115668] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 130->130 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 130->130 [ 0.115684] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 131->131 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 131->131 [ 0.115701] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 132->132 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 132->132 [ 0.115717] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 133->133 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 133->133 [ 0.115735] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 134->134 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 134->134 [ 0.115751] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 135->135 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 135->135 [ 0.115768] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 136->136 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 136->136 [ 0.115785] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 137->137 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 137->137 [ 0.115802] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 138->138 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 138->138 [ 0.115819] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 139->139 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 139->139 [ 0.115836] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 140->140 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 140->140 [ 0.115853] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 141->141 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 141->141 [ 0.115870] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 142->142 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 142->142 [ 0.115886] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 143->143 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 143->143 [ 0.115904] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 144->144 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 144->144 [ 0.115920] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 145->145 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 145->145 [ 0.115937] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 160->160 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 160->160 [ 0.115954] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 161->161 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 161->161 [ 0.115971] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 162->162 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 162->162 [ 0.115987] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 163->163 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 163->163 [ 0.116009] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 164->164 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 164->164 [ 0.116026] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 165->165 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 165->165 [ 0.116043] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 166->166 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 166->166 [ 0.116059] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 192->192 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 192->192 [ 0.116076] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 193->193 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 193->193 [ 0.116093] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 194->194 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 194->194 [ 0.116109] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 195->195 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 195->195 [ 0.116126] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 196->196 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 196->196 [ 0.116143] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 197->197 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 197->197 [ 0.116159] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 198->198 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 198->198 [ 0.116176] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 199->199 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 199->199 [ 0.116193] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 200->200 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 200->200 [ 0.116210] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 201->201 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 201->201 [ 0.116226] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 202->202 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 202->202 [ 0.116243] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 203->203 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 203->203 [ 0.116260] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 204->204 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 204->204 [ 0.116277] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 205->205 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 205->205 [ 0.116293] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 206->206 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 206->206 [ 0.116310] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 207->207 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 207->207 [ 0.116327] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 208->208 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 208->208 [ 0.116344] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 209->209 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 209->209 [ 0.116360] gpio gpiochip0: (2000000.pinctrl): created GPIO range 210->210 ==> 2000000.pinctrl PIN 210->210 [ 0.125967] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: initialized sunXi PIO driver [ 0.142897] thermal_sys: Registered thermal governor 'step_wise' [ 0.143381] NET: Registered protocol family 2 [ 0.144226] tcp_listen_portaddr_hash hash table entries: 512 (order: 1, 8192 bytes, linear) [ 0.144284] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.144386] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes, linear) [ 0.144467] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192) [ 0.144640] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear) [ 0.144696] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes, linear) [ 0.144955] NET: Registered protocol family 1 [ 0.145578] RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. [ 0.145589] RPC: Registered udp transport module. [ 0.145595] RPC: Registered tcp transport module. [ 0.145600] RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. [ 0.146798] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pd not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.147331] spi spi1: spi1 supply spi not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.147551] sunxi_spi_resource_get()2062 - [spi1] SPI MASTER MODE [ 0.147643] sunxi_spi_clk_init()2138 - [spi1] mclk 100000000 [ 0.148386] sunxi_spi_probe()2542 - [spi1]: driver probe succeed, base ffffffd004058000, irq 32 [ 0.150177] Initialise system trusted keyrings [ 0.150443] workingset: timestamp_bits=62 max_order=18 bucket_order=0 [ 0.164338] NFS: Registering the id_resolver key type [ 0.164378] Key type id_resolver registered [ 0.164385] Key type id_legacy registered [ 0.164402] Installing knfsd (copyright (C) 1996 okir@monad.swb.de). [ 0.186662] NET: Registered protocol family 38 [ 0.186683] Key type asymmetric registered [ 0.186690] Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered [ 0.186765] Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 251) [ 0.186775] io scheduler mq-deadline registered [ 0.186781] io scheduler kyber registered [ 0.188339] [DISP]disp_module_init [ 0.188964] disp 5000000.disp: Adding to iommu group 0 [ 0.189594] [DISP] disp_init,line:2385: [ 0.189600] smooth display screen:0 type:1 mode:4 [ 0.190311] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_bl_en' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.191483] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'lcd_gpio_0' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' - status (0) [ 0.191705] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_1' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.191917] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_2' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.192176] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_3' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.192393] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_4' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.192611] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_5' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.192822] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_scl' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.193039] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'lcd_gpio_sda' property of node '/soc@3000000/lcd0@1c0c000[0]' [ 0.224483] display_fb_request,fb_id:0 [ 0.262611] [DISP]disp_module_init finish [ 0.264161] sunxi_sid_init()506 - insmod ok [ 0.264641] pwm-regulator vdd-cpu: GPIO lookup for consumer enable [ 0.264654] pwm-regulator vdd-cpu: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 0.264682] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'enable-gpios' property of node '/vdd-cpu[0]' [ 0.264701] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'enable-gpio' property of node '/vdd-cpu[0]' [ 0.264717] pwm-regulator vdd-cpu: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 0.264729] pwm-regulator vdd-cpu: No GPIO consumer enable found [ 0.264765] pwm-regulator: supplied by regulator-dummy [ 0.265989] disp_al_manager_apply ouput_type:1 [ 0.266198] [DISP] lcd_clk_config,line:731: [ 0.266211] disp 0, clk: pll(420000000),clk(420000000),dclk(70000000) dsi_rate(70000000) [ 0.266211] clk real:pll(420000000),clk(420000000),dclk(105000000) dsi_rate(150000000) [ 0.365870] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pb not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.366253] uart uart0: get regulator failed [ 0.366279] uart uart0: uart0 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 0.366647] uart0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x2500000 (irq = 18, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 0.366670] sw_console_setup()1808 - console setup baud 115200 parity n bits 8, flow n [ 2.402197] printk: console [ttyS0] enabled [ 2.407763] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pg not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.419190] uart uart1: get regulator failed [ 2.424020] uart uart1: uart1 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.432081] uart1: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x2500400 (irq = 19, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 2.441700] uart uart2: get regulator failed [ 2.446528] uart uart2: uart2 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.454585] uart2: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x2500800 (irq = 20, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 2.464188] uart uart3: get regulator failed [ 2.469013] uart uart3: uart3 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.477063] uart3: ttyS3 at MMIO 0x2500c00 (irq = 21, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 2.486620] uart uart4: get regulator failed [ 2.491450] uart uart4: uart4 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.499474] uart4: ttyS4 at MMIO 0x2501000 (irq = 22, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 2.509073] uart uart5: get regulator failed [ 2.513910] uart uart5: uart5 supply uart not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.521952] uart5: ttyS5 at MMIO 0x2501400 (irq = 23, base_baud = 1500000) is a SUNXI [ 2.531846] misc dump reg init [ 2.548800] loop: module loaded [ 2.553449] mdio_bus fixed-0: GPIO lookup for consumer reset [ 2.559819] mdio_bus fixed-0: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 2.566660] mdio_bus fixed-0: No GPIO consumer reset found [ 2.572836] libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed [ 2.577440] CAN device driver interface [ 2.582810] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pe not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.594151] sunxi gmac driver's version: 1.0.0 [ 2.599288] gmac-power0: NULL [ 2.602647] gmac-power1: NULL [ 2.605984] gmac-power2: NULL [ 2.609359] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'phy-rst' property of node '/soc@3000000/eth@4500000[0]' - status (0) [ 2.621926] PPP generic driver version 2.4.2 [ 2.627028] PPP BSD Compression module registered [ 2.632329] PPP Deflate Compression module registered [ 2.638006] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 2.645322] sunxi-ehci: EHCI SUNXI driver [ 2.650375] get ehci1-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 2.656353] sunxi ehci1-controller don't init wakeup source [ 2.662618] [sunxi-ehci1]: probe, pdev->name: 4200000.ehci1-controller, sunxi_ehci: 0xffffffe0009f4b40, 0x:ffffffd004079000, irq_no:31 [ 2.676207] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: 4200000.ehci1-controller supply drvvbus not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.688765] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: EHCI Host Controller [ 2.696051] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 2.705917] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: irq 49, io mem 0x04200000 [ 2.727979] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00 [ 2.735798] sunxi-ehci 4200000.ehci1-controller: ehci_irq: highspeed device connect [ 2.745429] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 2.749709] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 2.754926] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver [ 2.761907] sunxi-ohci: OHCI SUNXI driver [ 2.766932] get ohci1-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 2.772917] sunxi ohci1-controller don't init wakeup source [ 2.779184] [sunxi-ohci1]: probe, pdev->name: 4200400.ohci1-controller, sunxi_ohci: 0xffffffe0009f5680 [ 2.789664] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: 4200400.ohci1-controller supply drvvbus not found, using dummy regulator [ 2.802211] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: OHCI Host Controller [ 2.809495] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 2.819334] sunxi-ohci 4200400.ohci1-controller: irq 50, io mem 0x04200400 [ 2.888961] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 2.893244] hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected [ 2.898696] usbcore: registered new interface driver uas [ 2.904810] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 2.911629] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-alauda [ 2.918360] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-cypress [ 2.925183] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-datafab [ 2.932019] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums_eneub6250 [ 2.939028] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-freecom [ 2.945863] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-isd200 [ 2.952601] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-jumpshot [ 2.959511] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-karma [ 2.966186] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-onetouch [ 2.973128] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-realtek [ 2.979950] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr09 [ 2.986693] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-sddr55 [ 2.993417] usbcore: registered new interface driver ums-usbat [ 3.000070] sunxi_gpadc_init,1968, success [ 3.005388] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: errata__fix_alarm_day_reg_default_value(): ALARM0_DAY_REG=0, set it to 1 [ 3.017859] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: registered as rtc0 [ 3.023642] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: setting system clock to 1970-01-01T00:00:05 UTC (5) [ 3.032548] sunxi-rtc 7090000.rtc: sunxi rtc probed [ 3.038401] i2c /dev entries driver [ 3.042415] IR NEC protocol handler initialized [ 3.047520] IR RC5(x/sz) protocol handler initialized [ 3.054944] sunxi-wdt 6011000.watchdog: Watchdog enabled (timeout=16 sec, nowayout=0) [ 3.066957] sun8iw20-pinctrl 2000000.pinctrl: 2000000.pinctrl supply vcc-pc not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.078244] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v4.19 2021-03-24 19:50) [ 3.088242] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: ***ctl-spec-caps*** 308 [ 3.094655] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vmmc regulator found [ 3.101003] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vqmmc regulator found [ 3.107448] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vdmmc regulator found [ 3.113892] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vd33sw regulator found [ 3.120439] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vd18sw regulator found [ 3.126982] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vq33sw regulator found [ 3.133532] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No vq18sw regulator found [ 3.140109] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'card-pwr-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.151836] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: Cann't get pin bias hs pinstate,check if needed [ 3.160927] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer wp [ 3.167683] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.175030] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.186168] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4022000[0]' [ 3.197196] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 3.204722] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: No GPIO consumer wp found [ 3.211759] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm UP vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.222943] usb 1-1: new high-speed USB device number 2 using sunxi-ehci [ 3.243989] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.267991] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: detmode:alway in(non removable) [ 3.276832] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: SD/MMC/SDIO Host Controller Driver(v4.19 2021-03-24 19:50) [ 3.286845] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: ***ctl-spec-caps*** 8 [ 3.293055] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vmmc regulator found [ 3.299419] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vqmmc regulator found [ 3.305873] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vdmmc regulator found [ 3.312329] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vd33sw regulator found [ 3.318877] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vd18sw regulator found [ 3.325426] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vq33sw regulator found [ 3.331987] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No vq18sw regulator found [ 3.338552] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'card-pwr-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.350387] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.362445] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer cd [ 3.369211] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.376579] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'cd-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' - status (0) [ 3.388529] gpio gpiochip0: Persistence not supported for GPIO 166 [ 3.395498] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: Got CD GPIO [ 3.400706] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: GPIO lookup for consumer wp [ 3.407452] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.414792] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpios' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.425940] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'wp-gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/sdmmc@4020000[0]' [ 3.436959] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: using lookup tables for GPIO lookup [ 3.444483] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: No GPIO consumer wp found [ 3.451581] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: set cd-gpios as 24M fail [ 3.458317] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm UP vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.469538] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: no vqmmc,Check if there is regulator [ 3.477193] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.488908] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.500662] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm OD pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.512733] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: detmode:gpio irq [ 3.519429] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm OFF vdd 0 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.531709] hub 1-1:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.536167] hub 1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected [ 3.550177] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid [ 3.556468] usbhid: USB HID core driver [ 3.565281] sunxi-daudio 2034000.daudio: regulator missing or invalid [ 3.573516] [AUDIOCODEC][sunxi_codec_parse_params][2094]:digital_vol:0, lineout_vol:26, mic1gain:19, mic2gain:19 pa_msleep:120, pa_level:1, pa_pwr_level:1 [ 3.573516] [ 3.590715] [AUDIOCODEC][sunxi_codec_parse_params][2130]:adcdrc_cfg:0, adchpf_cfg:1, dacdrc_cfg:0, dachpf:0 [ 3.601691] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpio-spk' property of node '/soc@3000000/codec@2030000[0]' [ 3.612831] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpio-spk-pwr' property of node '/soc@3000000/codec@2030000[0]' [ 3.624663] [AUDIOCODEC][sunxi_internal_codec_probe][2266]:codec probe finished [ 3.634074] debugfs: Directory '203034c.dummy_cpudai' with parent 'audiocodec' already present! [ 3.643922] [SNDCODEC][sunxi_card_init][583]:card init finished [ 3.653019] sunxi-codec-machine 2030340.sound: 2030000.codec <-> 203034c.dummy_cpudai mapping ok [ 3.664237] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm OD pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.675957] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm OD pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.688086] input: audiocodec sunxi Audio Jack as /devices/platform/soc@3000000/2030340.sound/sound/card0/input1 [ 3.699944] [SNDCODEC][sunxi_card_dev_probe][832]:register card finished [ 3.708942] NET: Registered protocol family 10 [ 3.715317] Segment Routing with IPv6 [ 3.719537] sit: IPv6, IPv4 and MPLS over IPv4 tunneling driver [ 3.726993] NET: Registered protocol family 17 [ 3.732037] NET: Registered protocol family 15 [ 3.737028] can: controller area network core (rev 20170425 abi 9) [ 3.744066] NET: Registered protocol family 29 [ 3.749061] can: raw protocol (rev 20170425) [ 3.753846] can: broadcast manager protocol (rev 20170425 t) [ 3.760215] can: netlink gateway (rev 20190810) max_hops=1 [ 3.766816] Bluetooth: RFCOMM TTY layer initialized [ 3.772330] Bluetooth: RFCOMM socket layer initialized [ 3.778142] Bluetooth: RFCOMM ver 1.11 [ 3.782378] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3 [ 3.788350] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast [ 3.794229] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized [ 3.799805] Bluetooth: HIDP (Human Interface Emulation) ver 1.2 [ 3.806456] Bluetooth: HIDP socket layer initialized [ 3.812111] Key type dns_resolver registered [ 3.817525] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm OD pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 3.829565] Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates [ 3.837508] HDMI 2.0 driver init start! [ 3.841853] boot_hdmi=false [ 3.845061] ERROR: pinctrl_get for HDMI2.0 DDC fail [ 3.852049] HDMI2.0 module init end [ 3.879357] twi twi0: twi0 supply twi not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.887568] sunxi_i2c_probe()2262 - [i2c0] probe success [ 3.893951] twi twi2: twi2 supply twi not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.908467] sunxi_i2c_probe()2262 - [i2c2] probe success [ 3.914942] twi twi3: twi3 supply twi not found, using dummy regulator [ 3.923027] sunxi_i2c_probe()2262 - [i2c3] probe success [ 3.931463] reg-fixed-voltage usb1-vbus: GPIO lookup for consumer (null) [ 3.939024] reg-fixed-voltage usb1-vbus: using device tree for GPIO lookup [ 3.946739] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: can't parse 'gpios' property of node '/usb1-vbus[0]' [ 3.956045] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'gpio' property of node '/usb1-vbus[0]' - status (0) [ 3.966042] gpio gpiochip0: Persistence not supported for GPIO 115 [ 3.975339] usb 1-1.4: new full-speed USB device number 3 using sunxi-ehci [ 3.989151] debugfs: Directory '2034000.daudio' with parent 'sndhdmi' already present! [ 3.999248] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 4.011696] sunxi-audio-card 20340a0.sounddaudio2: 20340a4.hdmiaudio <-> 2034000.daudio mapping ok [ 4.023390] get ehci0-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 4.029367] sunxi ehci0-controller don't init wakeup source [ 4.035668] [sunxi-ehci0]: probe, pdev->name: 4101000.ehci0-controller, sunxi_ehci: 0xffffffe0009f4780, 0x:ffffffd0052d2000, irq_no:2e [ 4.049207] [sunxi-ehci0]: Not init ehci0 [ 4.054194] get ohci0-controller wakeup-source is fail. [ 4.060194] sunxi ohci0-controller don't init wakeup source [ 4.066478] [sunxi-ohci0]: probe, pdev->name: 4101400.ohci0-controller, sunxi_ohci: 0xffffffe0009f52c0 [ 4.076929] [sunxi-ohci0]: Not init ohci0 [ 4.084213] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'usb_det_vbus_gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/usbc0@0[0]' - status (0) [ 4.096452] of_get_named_gpiod_flags: parsed 'usb_id_gpio' property of node '/soc@3000000/usbc0@0[0]' - status (0) [ 4.108212] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: avoid to switch power_off_notification to POWERED_ON(0x01) [ 4.117971] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: avoid to switch power_off_notification to POWERED_ON(0x01) [ 4.127731] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: avoid to switch power_off_notification to POWERED_ON(0x01) [ 4.137493] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: avoid to switch power_off_notification to POWERED_ON(0x01) [ 4.148577] cfg80211: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates for regulatory database [ 4.160150] sunxi-mmc 4022000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 400000Hz bm PP pm ON vdd 21 width 4 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt B [ 4.172016] cfg80211: Loaded X.509 cert 'sforshee: 00b28ddf47aef9cea7' [ 4.179393] clk: Not disabling unused clocks [ 4.184211] ALSA device list: [ 4.187541] #0: audiocodec [ 4.190786] #1: sndhdmi [ 4.193745] alloc_fd: slot 0 not NULL! [ 4.198495] platform regulatory.0: Direct firmware load for regulatory.db failed with error -2 [ 4.208215] cfg80211: failed to load regulatory.db [ 4.214234] VFS: Cannot open root device "mmcblk0p4" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6 [ 4.222935] Please append a correct "root=" boot option; here are the available partitions: [ 4.232318] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) [ 4.241563] CPU: 0 PID: 1 Comm: swapper Not tainted 5.4.61 #66 [ 4.248092] Call Trace: [ 4.250835] [<ffffffe0000333d4>] walk_stackframe+0x0/0xa0 [ 4.256879] [<ffffffe000033534>] show_stack+0x2a/0x34 [ 4.262535] [<ffffffe0006ab266>] dump_stack+0x20/0x28 [ 4.268204] [<ffffffe000037f78>] panic+0xe4/0x272 [ 4.273468] [<ffffffe000000ef8>] mount_block_root+0x1f2/0x28e [ 4.279912] [<ffffffe00000101a>] mount_root+0x86/0x90 [ 4.285561] [<ffffffe000001134>] prepare_namespace+0x110/0x156 [ 4.292107] [<ffffffe000000b8e>] kernel_init_freeable+0x186/0x1a6 [ 4.298943] [<ffffffe0006be13c>] kernel_init+0x12/0xe6 [ 4.304696] [<ffffffe000032018>] ret_from_exception+0x0/0xc [ 4.310948] ---[ end Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) ]---
@andy89926 从日志上看已经开机成功了,你的是D1-H 还是 D1-S?
@liangjian 是D1-H。开机是开机了,肯定也是识别出了SD卡,不知道为什么还会提示识别不了设备和分区,诡异得很 @allwinnertech 100ask 韦老师能帮忙看看么,感觉像是BR打包的问题
@andy89926 破案了,
&sdc0 {下面的
/cd-gpios = <&pio PF 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>;/
@andy89926 cd卡插入检测脚错误了
@yuzukitsuru 你好,原理图上是PF6啊,原本的设备树里也是PF6,请问哪里错了?
@andy89926 硬件设计是正确的吗,我这里有一个卡槽的CD脚是插入上拉,坑了我一整天
@yuzukitsuru 你这么一说很有可能嘞,我这个SD的插槽引脚都是下拉的,那应该就是高电平有效,cd-gpios = <&pio PF 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>这句话就错了。但是后面又有一个cd-inverted;;就不知道有没有被inverted过来。真是搞不懂设备树里这些词怎么解析。
@andy89926 直接broken-cd好了(
新手问题, 第一步就卡住了
我已经是ubuntu 18.04.02了, 64bit
难道要用32bit么?sudo apt-get install -y which sed make binutils build-essential gcc g++ bash patch gzip bzip2 perl tar cpio unzip rsync file bc wget python ncurses5 bazaar cvs git mercurial rsync scp subversion android-tools-mkbootimg
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Package bazaar is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another sourceE: Unable to locate package which
E: Unable to locate package ncurses5
E: Package 'bazaar' has no installation candidate
E: Unable to locate package scp -
命令行删除 bazaar 试一试。 -
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
命令行删除 bazaar 试一试。感谢大佬回复, 我直接跳过安装依赖了. 直接编起来了. 可能大部分我都装过, 看到哪了报错再单独装吧
构建成功, 感谢楼里诸位大佬
@whycan 大佬, 我用您这个config编译总是报错, 有没有您fork的版本, 我想从头编译一次
把出错信息贴出来看看。 -
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
把出错信息贴出来看看。find /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target \( -name 'ld-*.so*' -o -name 'libpthread*.so*' \) -print0 | xargs -0 -r /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/host/bin/riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-strip --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note --strip-debug 2>/dev/null || true test -f /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target/etc/ld.so.conf && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ld.so.conf file"; exit 1; } || true test -d /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target/etc/ld.so.conf.d && \ { echo "ERROR: we shouldn't have a /etc/ld.so.conf.d directory"; exit 1; } || true mkdir -p /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target/etc ( \ echo "NAME=Buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION=-g9535805"; \ echo "ID=buildroot"; \ echo "VERSION_ID=2021.02.1"; \ echo "PRETTY_NAME=\"Buildroot 2021.02.1\"" \ ) > /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target/usr/lib/os-release ln -sf ../usr/lib/os-release /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/target/etc >>> Sanitizing RPATH in target tree PER_PACKAGE_DIR=/home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/per-package /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/support/scripts/fix-rpath target >>> Executing post-build script board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh /bin/bash: board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh: No such file or directory Makefile:751: recipe for target 'target-finalize' failed make[1]: *** [target-finalize] Error 127 Makefile:84: recipe for target '_all' failed make: *** [_all] Error 2
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
把出错信息贴出来看看。然后我cp -r board/aw-ol board/Neza之后
变成了这样Creating regular file /home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/images/rootfs.ext2 64-bit filesystem support is not enabled. The larger fields afforded by this feature enable full-strength checksumming. Pass -O 64bit to rectify. Creating filesystem with 133120 1k blocks and 33320 inodes Filesystem UUID: 5f3ed909-98e9-4a9c-964e-dfca0262da9d Superblock backups stored on blocks: 8193, 24577, 40961, 57345, 73729 Allocating group tables: done Writing inode tables: done Creating journal (4096 blocks): done Copying files into the device: __populate_fs: Could not allocate block in ext2 filesystem while writing file "libSDL2-2.0.so.0.14.0" mkfs.ext4: Could not allocate block in ext2 filesystem while populating file system *** Maybe you need to increase the filesystem size (BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_SIZE) fs/ext2/ext2.mk:46: recipe for target '/home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/images/rootfs.ext2' failed make[1]: *** [/home/zhaitao/Neza-D1/buildroot-2021/output/images/rootfs.ext2] Error 1 Makefile:84: recipe for target '_all' failed make: *** [_all] Error 2
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
把出错信息贴出来看看。我是把您的.config重命名放进configs文件夹之后, make您那个config
之后再make, 这样做的.
这是make出来的.config# # Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT. # Buildroot -g9535805 Configuration # BR2_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_HOST_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y # # Target options # BR2_ARCH_IS_64=y BR2_ARCH_HAS_MMU_MANDATORY=y # BR2_arcle is not set # BR2_arceb is not set # BR2_arm is not set # BR2_armeb is not set # BR2_aarch64 is not set # BR2_aarch64_be is not set # BR2_csky is not set # BR2_i386 is not set # BR2_m68k is not set # BR2_microblazeel is not set # BR2_microblazebe is not set # BR2_mips is not set # BR2_mipsel is not set # BR2_mips64 is not set # BR2_mips64el is not set # BR2_nds32 is not set # BR2_nios2 is not set # BR2_or1k is not set # BR2_powerpc is not set # BR2_powerpc64 is not set # BR2_powerpc64le is not set BR2_riscv=y # BR2_s390x is not set # BR2_sh is not set # BR2_sparc is not set # BR2_sparc64 is not set # BR2_x86_64 is not set # BR2_xtensa is not set BR2_ARCH_HAS_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y BR2_ARCH="riscv64" BR2_ENDIAN="LITTLE" BR2_GCC_TARGET_ABI="lp64d" BR2_BINFMT_SUPPORTS_SHARED=y BR2_READELF_ARCH_NAME="RISC-V" BR2_BINFMT_ELF=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVI=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVM=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVA=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVF=y BR2_RISCV_ISA_RVD=y BR2_riscv_g=y # BR2_riscv_custom is not set # BR2_RISCV_32 is not set BR2_RISCV_64=y # BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64 is not set # BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64F is not set BR2_RISCV_ABI_LP64D=y # # Build options # # # Commands # BR2_WGET="wget --passive-ftp -nd -t 3" BR2_SVN="svn --non-interactive" BR2_BZR="bzr" BR2_GIT="git" BR2_CVS="cvs" BR2_LOCALFILES="cp" BR2_SCP="scp" BR2_HG="hg" BR2_ZCAT="gzip -d -c" BR2_BZCAT="bzcat" BR2_XZCAT="xzcat" BR2_LZCAT="lzip -d -c" BR2_TAR_OPTIONS="" BR2_DEFCONFIG="/home/book/Buildroot/guanfang/buildroot-2021.02.1/configs/hifive_unleashed_defconfig" BR2_DL_DIR="$(TOPDIR)/dl" BR2_HOST_DIR="$(BASE_DIR)/host" # # Mirrors and Download locations # BR2_PRIMARY_SITE="" BR2_BACKUP_SITE="http://sources.buildroot.net" BR2_KERNEL_MIRROR="https://cdn.kernel.org/pub" BR2_GNU_MIRROR="http://ftpmirror.gnu.org" BR2_LUAROCKS_MIRROR="http://rocks.moonscript.org" BR2_CPAN_MIRROR="http://cpan.metacpan.org" BR2_JLEVEL=0 # BR2_CCACHE is not set # BR2_ENABLE_DEBUG is not set BR2_STRIP_strip=y BR2_STRIP_EXCLUDE_FILES="" BR2_STRIP_EXCLUDE_DIRS="" # BR2_OPTIMIZE_0 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_1 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_2 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_3 is not set # BR2_OPTIMIZE_G is not set BR2_OPTIMIZE_S=y # BR2_OPTIMIZE_FAST is not set # BR2_STATIC_LIBS is not set BR2_SHARED_LIBS=y # BR2_SHARED_STATIC_LIBS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_OVERRIDE_FILE="$(CONFIG_DIR)/local.mk" BR2_GLOBAL_PATCH_DIR="" # # Advanced # BR2_COMPILER_PARANOID_UNSAFE_PATH=y # BR2_FORCE_HOST_BUILD is not set # BR2_REPRODUCIBLE is not set # BR2_PER_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES is not set # # Security Hardening Options # # BR2_PIC_PIE is not set BR2_SSP_NONE=y # BR2_SSP_REGULAR is not set # BR2_SSP_STRONG is not set # BR2_SSP_ALL is not set BR2_RELRO_NONE=y # BR2_RELRO_PARTIAL is not set # BR2_RELRO_FULL is not set BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_NONE=y # BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_1 is not set # BR2_FORTIFY_SOURCE_2 is not set # # Toolchain # BR2_TOOLCHAIN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_USES_GLIBC=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL=y # # Toolchain External Options # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_DOWNLOAD=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_PREINSTALLED is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GLIBC=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL="toolchain-external-custom" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_PREFIX="$(ARCH)-unknown-linux-gnu" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_URL="https://weidongshan.coding.net/p/Tina-D1/d/Toolchain/git/raw/master/riscv64-glibc-gcc-thead_20200702.tar.xz" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_REL_BIN_PATH="bin" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_PREFIX="$(ARCH)-unknown-linux-gnu" # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_9 is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_8=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_4_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GCC_OLD is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_5 is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_4=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_5_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_20 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_19 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_18 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_17 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_16 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_15 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_13 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_12 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_11 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_4_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_19 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_18 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_17 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_16 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_15 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_13 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_12 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_11 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_10 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_9 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_8 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_7 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_6 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_5 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_4 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_3 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_2 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_1 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_3_0 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HEADERS_REALLY_OLD is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_UCLIBC is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_GLIBC=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CUSTOM_MUSL is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HAS_SSP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_HAS_SSP_STRONG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_INET_RPC=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CXX=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_DLANG is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_FORTRAN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_OPENMP=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_GDB_SERVER_COPY is not set # # Toolchain Generic Options # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_ALWAYS_LOCKFREE_ATOMIC_INTS=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_VARIADIC_MI_THUNK=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_NATIVE_RPC=y BR2_USE_WCHAR=y BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE=y BR2_INSTALL_LIBSTDCPP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FORTRAN=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_DEBUG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_THREADS_NPTL=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SSP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SSP_STRONG=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_UCONTEXT=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_OPENMP=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_PIE=y # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GLIBC_GCONV_LIBS_COPY is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTRA_LIBS="lib64xthead lib64vxthead" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FULL_GETTEXT=y BR2_USE_MMU=y BR2_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION="-Os -pipe -mcmodel=medany -mabi=lp64d -march=rv64gcxthead" BR2_TARGET_LDFLAGS="" # BR2_ECLIPSE_REGISTER is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_10=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_11=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_12=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_13=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_14=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_15=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_16=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_17=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_18=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_3_19=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_10=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_11=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_12=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_13=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_14=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_15=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_16=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_17=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_18=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_19=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_4_20=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_0=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST_5_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HEADERS_AT_LEAST="5.4" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_3=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_4_9=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_5=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_6=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_7=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST="8" BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_MNAN_OPTION=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_1=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_2=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_4=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_8=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_LIBATOMIC=y BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_ATOMIC=y # # System configuration # BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_DEFAULT=y # BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_HOSTNAME="buildroot" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_ISSUE="Welcome to Buildroot" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_SHA256=y # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_SHA512 is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_METHOD="sha-256" BR2_INIT_BUSYBOX=y # BR2_INIT_SYSV is not set # BR2_INIT_OPENRC is not set # BR2_INIT_SYSTEMD is not set # BR2_INIT_NONE is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_STATIC is not set BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_DEVTMPFS=y # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_MDEV is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DYNAMIC_EUDEV is not set BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE="system/device_table.txt" # BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_TABLE_SUPPORTS_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES is not set # BR2_ROOTFS_MERGED_USR is not set BR2_TARGET_ENABLE_ROOT_LOGIN=y BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_ROOT_PASSWD="" BR2_SYSTEM_BIN_SH_BUSYBOX=y # # bash, dash, mksh, zsh need BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS # # BR2_SYSTEM_BIN_SH_NONE is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY=y BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_PORT="ttyS0" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_KEEP=y # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_9600 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_19200 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_38400 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_57600 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE_115200 is not set BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_BAUDRATE="0" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_TERM="vt100" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_GETTY_OPTIONS="" BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_REMOUNT_ROOTFS_RW=y BR2_SYSTEM_DHCP="eth0" BR2_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_PATH="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE_PURGE=y BR2_ENABLE_LOCALE_WHITELIST="C en_US" BR2_GENERATE_LOCALE="" # BR2_SYSTEM_ENABLE_NLS is not set # BR2_TARGET_TZ_INFO is not set BR2_ROOTFS_USERS_TABLES="" BR2_ROOTFS_OVERLAY="" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_BUILD_SCRIPT="board/Neza/d1/post-build.sh" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_FAKEROOT_SCRIPT="" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_IMAGE_SCRIPT="support/scripts/genimage.sh" BR2_ROOTFS_POST_SCRIPT_ARGS="-c board/Neza/d1/genimage.cfg" # # Kernel # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_CIP_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LATEST_CIP_RT_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_VERSION is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_TARBALL is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_GIT=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_HG is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_SVN is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_REPO_URL="https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-linuxkernel.git" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_REPO_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_PATCH="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_DEFCONFIG=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_ARCH_DEFAULT_CONFIG is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DEFCONFIG="sun20iw1p1_d1" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_LOGO_PATH="" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGEGZ is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_VMLINUX is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_IMAGE_TARGET_CUSTOM is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_GZIP=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZMA is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_LZO is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_XZ is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_ZSTD is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTS_SUPPORT=y # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_IS_SELF_BUILT is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_INTREE_DTS_NAME="board" BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_DTS_PATH="" # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_KEEP_DIRNAME is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_DTB_OVERLAY_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_INSTALL_TARGET is not set BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_NEEDS_HOST_OPENSSL=y BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_NEEDS_HOST_LIBELF=y # # Linux Kernel Extensions # # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_RTAI is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_EV3DEV_LINUX_DRIVERS is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_FBTFT is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_EXT_AUFS is not set # # Linux Kernel Tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_CPUPOWER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_GPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_IIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_PCI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_PERF is not set # # selftests needs BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS and a toolchain w/ dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_TOOLS_TMON is not set # # Target packages # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX=y BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_CONFIG="package/busybox/busybox.config" BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_SHOW_OTHERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_INDIVIDUAL_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUSYBOX_WATCHDOG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_SKELETON=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_SKELETON="skeleton-init-sysv" BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON_INIT_COMMON=y BR2_PACKAGE_SKELETON_INIT_SYSV=y # # Audio and video applications # # BR2_PACKAGE_ALSA_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUMIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ_ALSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVBLAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVDAUTHOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVDRW_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ESPEAK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FAAD2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLAC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLUID_SOUNDFONT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLUIDSYNTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMRENDER_RESURRECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSTREAMER1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JACK1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JACK2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # # kodi needs python w/ .py modules, a uClibc or glibc toolchain w/ C++, threads, wchar, dynamic library, gcc >= 4.8 # # # kodi needs an OpenGL EGL backend with OpenGL support # # BR2_PACKAGE_LAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MADPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MIMIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIMODEM is not set # # miraclecast needs systemd and a glibc toolchain w/ threads and wchar # # BR2_PACKAGE_MJPEGTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MODPLUGTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOTION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD_MPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPG123 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MULTICAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MUSEPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NCMPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUS_TOOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PULSEAUDIO_HAS_ATOMIC=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PULSEAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUEEZELITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TSTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TWOLAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDPXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UPMPDCLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_V4L2GRAB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_V4L2LOOPBACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VLC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VORBIS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAVPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAVTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YMPD is not set # # Compressors and decompressors # # BR2_PACKAGE_BROTLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P7ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIGZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNRAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZSTD is not set # # Debugging, profiling and benchmark # # BR2_PACKAGE_BABELTRACE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLKTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BONNIE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CACHE_CALIBRATOR is not set # # clinfo needs an OpenCL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_COREMARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COREMARK_PRO is not set # # dacapo needs OpenJDK # # BR2_PACKAGE_DHRYSTONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIEHARDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DMALLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DROPWATCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUMA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FIO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_GDB_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_GDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IOZONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KTAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KYUA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LATENCYTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LMBENCH is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LTP_TESTSUITE_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LTP_TESTSUITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_BABELTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_MODULES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSNIFF_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAX_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAMSMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAMSPEED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDEV_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRESS_NG is not set # # sysdig needs a glibc or uclibc toolchain w/ C++, threads, gcc >= 4.8, dynamic library, a Linux kernel, and luajit or lua 5.1 to be built # # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYMEMBENCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRACE_CMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UCLIBC_NG_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VMTOUCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WHETSTONE is not set # # Development tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_BINUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BITWISE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BSDIFF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHECK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUKINIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CVS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CXXTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GETTEXT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_GETTEXT="host-gettext-tiny" # BR2_PACKAGE_GIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GIT_CRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MAKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PKGCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUBVERSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TREE is not set # # Filesystem and flash utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_ABOOTIMG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUFS_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUTOFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BTRFS_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CIFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURLFTPFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAVFS2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOSFSTOOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_DEBUGFS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_E2IMAGE=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_E4DEFRAG=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FSCK=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FUSE2FS=y BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_RESIZE2FS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_E2TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ECRYPTFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EROFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFAT_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXFATPROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_F2FS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHBENCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FSCRYPTCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FUSE_OVERLAYFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FWUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENEXT2FS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENPART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENROMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_USB_LOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MMC_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NILFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NTFS_3G is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SP_OOPS_EXTRACT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUASHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDFTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNIONFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XFSPROGS is not set # # Fonts, cursors, icons, sounds and themes # # # Cursors # # BR2_PACKAGE_COMIX_CURSORS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OBSIDIAN_CURSORS is not set # # Fonts # # BR2_PACKAGE_BITSTREAM_VERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CANTARELL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEJAVU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FONT_AWESOME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GHOSTSCRIPT_FONTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INCONSOLATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBERATION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WQY_ZENHEI is not set # # Icons # # BR2_PACKAGE_GOOGLE_MATERIAL_DESIGN_ICONS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HICOLOR_ICON_THEME is not set # # Sounds # # BR2_PACKAGE_SOUND_THEME_BOREALIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOUND_THEME_FREEDESKTOP is not set # # Themes # # # Games # # BR2_PACKAGE_ASCII_INVADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHOCOLATE_DOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLARE_ENGINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FROTZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUCHESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LBREAKOUT2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTRIS is not set # # minetest needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENTYRIAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PRBOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SL is not set # # solarus needs OpenGL and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.9, NPTL, dynamic library, and luajit or lua 5.1 # # BR2_PACKAGE_STELLA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XORCURSES is not set # # Graphic libraries and applications (graphic/text) # # # Graphic applications # # # cage needs udev, mesa3d w/ EGL and GLES support # # # cog needs wpewebkit and a toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_FSWEBCAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GHOSTSCRIPT is not set # # glmark2 needs an OpenGL or an openGL ES and EGL backend # # # glslsandbox-player needs a toolchain w/ threads and an openGL ES and EGL driver # # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPLOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JHEAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVA_UTILS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_NETSURF_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSURF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PNGQUANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RRDTOOL is not set # # stellarium needs Qt5 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_TESSERACT_OCR is not set # # Graphic libraries # # BR2_PACKAGE_CEGUI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FB_TEST_APP=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FBDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBGRAB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBTERM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FBV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GRAPHICSMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMAGEMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FUSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OCRAD is not set # # ogre needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_PSPLASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL2 is not set # # Other GUIs # # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TEKUI is not set # # weston needs udev and a toolchain w/ locale, threads, dynamic library, headers >= 3.0 # # BR2_PACKAGE_XORG7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APITRACE is not set # # vte needs an OpenGL or an OpenGL-EGL/wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_XKEYBOARD_CONFIG is not set # # Hardware handling # # # Firmware # # BR2_PACKAGE_ARMBIAN_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_B43_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MURATA_CYW_FW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROIDC2_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QCOM_DB410C_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RCW_SMARC_SAL28 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UX500_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WILC1000_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WILINK_BT_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZD1211_FIRMWARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_18XX_TI_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPICA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ACPITOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AER_INJECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALTERA_STAPL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APCUPSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVRDUDE is not set # # bcache-tools needs udev /dev management # # # brickd needs udev /dev management, a toolchain w/ threads, wchar # # BR2_PACKAGE_BRLTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CC_TOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CDRKIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRYPTSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CWIID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAHDI_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAHDI_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DFU_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DMRAID is not set # # dt-utils needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_DTV_SCAN_TABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUMP1090 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVB_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DVBSNOOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EDID_DECODE is not set # # edid-decode needs a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.7 # # # eudev needs eudev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_EVEMU is not set BR2_PACKAGE_EVTEST=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FAN_CTRL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FCONFIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHROM_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_FLASHROM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FMTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FXLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPTFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GVFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HWDATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HWLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_EVENT_DAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IOSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPMITOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRDA_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KBD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCDPROC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIEC61850 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUBOOTENV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_BACKPORTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_SERIAL_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUXCONSOLETOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIRC_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LM_SENSORS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSHW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSSCSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUKSMETA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LVM2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBPFAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MDADM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MDEVD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMTESTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINICOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANOCOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_MODPROBE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OFONO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN2300 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENFPGALOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENIPMI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PARTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCIUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PDBG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PICOCOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POWERTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RASPI_GPIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_READ_EDID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RNG_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RS485CONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTC_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8188EU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8189FS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8723BS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8723BU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8723DS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTL8821AU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SANE_BACKENDS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDPARM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SETSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SG3_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SIGROK_CLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SISPMCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMARTMONTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMSTOOLS3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPI_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SREDIRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STATSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STM32FLASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSSTAT is not set # # targetcli-fb depends on Python # # # ti-sgx-um needs the ti-sgx-km driver # # # ti-sgx-um needs udev and a glibc toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_UIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRIGGERHAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBOOT_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UCCP420WLAN is not set # # udisks needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_UHUBCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UMTPRD is not set # # upower needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_USB_MODESWITCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USB_MODESWITCH_DATA is not set # # usbmount requires udev to be enabled # # # usbutils needs udev /dev management and toolchain w/ threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_W_SCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XORRISO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XR819_XRADIO is not set # # Interpreter languages and scripting # # BR2_PACKAGE_4TH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENSCRIPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ERLANG_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_EXECLINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FICL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HASERL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JIMTCL is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_LUAINTERPRETER="lua" # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_3 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_4=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_32BITS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_EDITING_NONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_READLINE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LINENOISE=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_LUAINTERPRETER=y BR2_PACKAGE_LUAINTERPRETER_ABI_VERSION="5.4" BR2_PACKAGE_LUAINTERPRETER_ABI_VERSION_5_4=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_LUAINTERPRETER="host-lua" # # Lua libraries/modules # # BR2_PACKAGE_ARGPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGILUA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COPAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COXPCALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DADO is not set # # easydbus needs a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LBASE64 is not set # # ljlinenoise needs LuaJIT # # # ljsyscall needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LPTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRANDOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LSQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BASEXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BINARYHEAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_BIT32 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_COAT is not set # # lua-coatpersistent needs lsqlite3 or luasql-sqlite3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CODEGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CQUEUES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CSNAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_CURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_DATAFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_EV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_FIFO is not set # # lua-flu needs a toolchain w/ threads, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_GD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_HTTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_ICONV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LIVR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LIVR_EXTRA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LPEG_PATTERNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LUNITX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_LYAML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_MARKDOWN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_MESSAGEPACK is not set # # lua-msgpack-native needs Lua 5.1 or LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_PERIPHERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_RESTY_HTTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_ROTAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_SAILOR is not set # # lua-sdl2 needs a toolchain w/ dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_SILVA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STD_DEBUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STD_NORMALIZE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_STDLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_TESTMORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_UTF8 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_VALUA is not set # # luabitop needs Lua 5.1 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUADBI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUADBI_SQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAEXPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAEXPATUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAFILESYSTEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAJSON is not set # # lualdap needs a toolchain w/ wchar, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LUALOGGING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAOSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUAPOSIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASOCKET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASQL_SQLITE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUASYSLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUTOK is not set # # luv needs a toolchain w/ NPTL, dynamic library, Lua <= 5.3 # # # luvi needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_LZLIB is not set # # orbit needs a Lua 5.1 interpreter # # BR2_PACKAGE_RINGS is not set # # turbolua needs LuaJIT # # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI_FCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WSAPI_XAVANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAVANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MICROPYTHON is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MONO_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPENJDK_BIN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUICKJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RUBY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCL is not set # # Libraries # # # Audio/Sound # # BR2_PACKAGE_ALSA_LIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUBIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCG729 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASPLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBROADVOICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCDIO_PARANOIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCODEC2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCUEFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEBUR128 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBG7221 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGSM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBID3TAG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBILBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODPLUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPDCLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBREPLAYGAIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSAMPLERATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIDPLAY2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSILK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSNDFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOUNDTOUCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOXR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVORBIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MP4V2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_OPENAL_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCORE_AMR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPUSFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PORTAUDIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPANDSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPEEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPEEXDSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TAGLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYALSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TREMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VO_AACENC is not set # # Compression and decompression # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARCHIVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMSPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSQUISH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZ4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LZO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNAPPY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SZIP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_ZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_LIBZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_ZLIB=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_ZLIB="libzlib" BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_ZLIB="host-libzlib" # BR2_PACKAGE_ZZIPLIB is not set # # Crypto # # BR2_PACKAGE_BEARSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BEECRYPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_BOTAN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_BOTAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CA_CERTIFICATES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRYPTODEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GCR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARGON2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASSUAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGCRYPT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPG_ERROR_SYSCFG="riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu" # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPGME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKCAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKSBA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBP11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSECRET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHA1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSODIUM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSSH2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOMCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUECC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBEDTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETTLE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPENSSL_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSSL is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_OPENSSL="host-libopenssl" # BR2_PACKAGE_PKCS11_HELPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYDTLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_PKCS11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TROUSERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USTREAM_SSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WOLFSSL is not set # # Database # # BR2_PACKAGE_BERKELEYDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GDBM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HIREDIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KOMPEXSQLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEVELDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGIT2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMDBX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBODB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MYSQL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POSTGRESQL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REDIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ROCKSDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLCIPHER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNIXODBC is not set # # Filesystem # # BR2_PACKAGE_GAMIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCONFIG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCONFUSE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFUSE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFUSE3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOCKFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSYSFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOCKDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHYSFS is not set # # Graphics # # BR2_PACKAGE_ASSIMP is not set # # at-spi2-atk depends on X.org # # # at-spi2-core depends on X.org # # BR2_PACKAGE_ATK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATKMM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BULLET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAIRO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAIROMM is not set # # chipmunk needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_EXEMPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXIV2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FONTCONFIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_FREETYPE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_GD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GDK_PIXBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GIFLIB is not set # # granite needs libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_GRAPHITE2 is not set # # gtkmm3 needs libgtk3 and a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_HARFBUZZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMLIB2 is not set # # irrlicht needs X11 and an OpenGL provider # # BR2_PACKAGE_JASPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JBIG2DEC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_JPEG=y BR2_PACKAGE_LIBJPEG=y # BR2_PACKAGE_JPEG_TURBO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HAS_JPEG=y BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_JPEG="libjpeg" # BR2_PACKAGE_KMSXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCMS2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LENSFUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEPTONICA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDMTX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDRM is not set # # libepoxy needs an OpenGL and/or OpenGL EGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEXIF is not set # # libfm needs X.org and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, C++, gcc >= 4.8 # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFM_EXTRA is not set # # libfreeglut depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFREEIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEOTIFF is not set # # libglew depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # # libglfw depends on X.org and needs an OpenGL backend # # # libglu needs an OpenGL backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGTA is not set # # libgtk3 needs an OpenGL or an OpenGL-EGL/wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMEDIAART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMNG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPNG=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBQRENCODE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRAW is not set # # libsoil needs an OpenGL backend and a toolchain w/ dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVG_CAIRO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSVGTINY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVIPS is not set # # libwpe needs a toolchain w/ C++, dynamic library and an OpenEGL-capable backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_MENU_CACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENJPEG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PANGO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PANGOMM is not set # # pipewire needs udev and a toolchain w/ threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXMAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPLER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIFF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAYLAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBP is not set # # wlroots needs udev, mesa3d w/ EGL and GLES support # # BR2_PACKAGE_WOFF2 is not set # # wpebackend-fdo needs a toolchain w/ C++, wchar, threads, dynamic library and an OpenEGL-capable Wayland backend # # BR2_PACKAGE_ZBAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZXING_CPP is not set # # Hardware handling # # BR2_PACKAGE_ACSCCID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_PERIPHERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DTC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HACKRF is not set # # hidapi needs udev /dev management and a toolchain w/ NPTL, threads, gcc >= 4.9 # # BR2_PACKAGE_JITTERENTROPY_LIBRARY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LCDAPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LET_ME_CREATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAIO is not set # # libatasmart requires udev to be enabled # # # libblockdev needs udev /dev management and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFREEFARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFTDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFTDI1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPHOTO2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGPIOD is not set # # libgudev needs udev /dev handling and a toolchain w/ wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIIO is not set # # libinput needs udev /dev management # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIQRF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLLCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMBIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPCIACCESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPHIDGET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPRI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBQMI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRAW1394 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRTLSDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSERIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSERIALPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGROK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGROKDECODE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSS7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUSB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUSBGX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBV4L is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXKBCOMMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEARDAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OWFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCSC_LITE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_TSLIB=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UHD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_URG is not set # # Javascript # # BR2_PACKAGE_ANGULARJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOTSTRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHARTJS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DATATABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DUKTAPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPLORERCANVAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSMIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_JAVASCRIPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENLAYERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPERJS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDERMONKEY_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_SPIDERMONKEY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VUEJS is not set # # JSON/XML # # BR2_PACKAGE_BENEJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANSSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSMN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_FOR_MODERN_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSON_GLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JSONCPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFASTJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBROXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUCL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXML2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXMLPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXMLRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBXSLT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYAML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PUGIXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPIDJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPIDXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAPTOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYXML2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VALIJSON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XERCES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAJL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YAML_CPP is not set # # Logging # # BR2_PACKAGE_GLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOG4C_LOCALTIME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOGGING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOG4CXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENTRACING_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPDLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZLOG is not set # # Multimedia # # BR2_PACKAGE_BITSTREAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAV1D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KVAZAAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAACS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBASS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBDPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBLURAY is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAMERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDCADEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBCSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBPSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVBSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDCSS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDNAV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDVDREAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEBML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHDHOMERUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMATROSKA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMPEG2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOGG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPUSENC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTHEORA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUDFREAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVPX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIVE555 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIASTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_X264 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_X265 is not set # # Networking # # BR2_PACKAGE_AGENTPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AZURE_IOT_SDK_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BATMAN_ADV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELLE_SIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_ARES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURLPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CZMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAVICI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FILEMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLICKCURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERADIUS_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GENSIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GEOIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLIB_NETWORKING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSSDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP_AV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GUPNP_DLNA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRCOMMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGICC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCOAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCPPRESTSDK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEXOSIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGSASL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTTPPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBHTTPSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIDN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBIDN2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBISCSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKRB5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLDNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMAXMINDDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMEMCACHED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMICROHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMINIUPNPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBMODSECURITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNATPMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETCONF2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_ACCT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CONNTRACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CTHELPER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_CTTIMEOUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_LOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNETFILTER_QUEUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFNETLINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFTNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNIDS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNPUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOAUTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOSIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPAGEKITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPCAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPJSIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRELP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBRSYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHAIRPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSHOUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOCKETCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSOUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSRTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSTROPHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTELNET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTIRPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTORRENT_RASTERBAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURIPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUWSC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBVNCSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBWEBSOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBWEBSOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBYANG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LKSCTP_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MBUFFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONGOOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANOMSG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETOPEER2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGHTTP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NORM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NSS_MYHOSTNAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NSS_PAM_LDAPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OMNIORB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN62541 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENLDAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENMPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPGM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENZWAVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ORTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAHO_MQTT_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAHO_MQTT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PISTACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QDECODER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPID_PROTON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RABBITMQ_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESIPROCATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESTCLIENT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTMPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SLIRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNMPPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOFIA_SIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSREPO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_THRIFT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USBREDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAMPCC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBSOCKETPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZEROMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZMQPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZYRE is not set # # Other # # BR2_PACKAGE_APR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APR_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARMADILLO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVRO_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCTOOLBOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_CAPNPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAPNPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCTZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CEREAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLAPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CMOCKA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CPPCMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRACKLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAWGDIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DING_LIBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EIGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELFUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLANN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLATBUFFERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FLATCC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GFLAGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLIBMM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # # gobject-introspection needs python3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GTEST is not set BR2_PACKAGE_JEMALLOC_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_JEMALLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LAPACK is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBABSEIL_CPP_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBABSEIL_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBARGTABLE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAVL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBB64 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBACKTRACE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBSD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBBYTESIZE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCAP_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCGROUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCORRECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCROSSGUID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCSV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBDAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVDEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFFI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGEOS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLIB2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBGLOB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBICAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLINEAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBLOKI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNPTH is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSPR_ARCH_SUPPORT=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNSPR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPFM4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLIST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPTHREAD_STUBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPTHSEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPWQUALITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGSEGV_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSIGSEGV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSPATIALINDEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTASN1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTOMMATH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTPL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUBOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUCI is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURCU_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBURCU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIGHTNING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_PAM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIQUID_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LTTNG_LIBUST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MATIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPDECIMAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPFR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MSGPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ORC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P11_KIT is not set BR2_PACKAGE_POCO_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_POCO is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROTOBUF_C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QHULL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QLIBC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RIEMANN_C_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHAPELIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SKALIBS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPHINXBASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYCBOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UVW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAPIAN is not set # # Security # # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAPPARMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSELINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBSEPOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAFECLIB is not set # # Text and terminal handling # # BR2_PACKAGE_AUGEAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ENCHANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FMT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FSTRCMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ICU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INIH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBENCA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBESTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFRIBIDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUNISTRING is not set BR2_PACKAGE_LINENOISE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_NCURSES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NEWT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ONIGURUMA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2=y BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2_16=y # BR2_PACKAGE_PCRE2_32 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_READLINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SLANG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCLAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTF8PROC is not set # # Mail # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXIM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FETCHMAIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HEIRLOOM_MAILX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBESMTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MSMTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MUTT is not set # # Miscellaneous # # BR2_PACKAGE_AESPIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_BITCOIN_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_BITCOIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLAMAV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTL is not set # # domoticz needs lua 5.3 and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 4.8, NPTL, wchar, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_EMPTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNURADIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GOOGLEFONTDIRECTORY is not set # # gqrx needs a toolchain w/ C++, threads, wchar, dynamic library # # # gqrx needs qt5 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GSETTINGS_DESKTOP_SCHEMAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HAVEGED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_SYSCALL_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOBILE_BROADBAND_PROVIDER_INFO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETDATA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROJ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPDF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHARED_MIME_INFO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNWAIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TASKD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XUTIL_UTIL_MACROS is not set # # Networking applications # # BR2_PACKAGE_AIRCRACK_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AOETOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_APACHE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARGUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARP_SCAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ARPTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ASTERISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AVAHI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AXEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BABELD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BANDWIDTHD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BATCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BCUSDK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BIND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BIRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOINC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BRCM_PATCHRAM_PLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BRIDGE_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BWM_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_C_ICAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CAN_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CANNELLONI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CASYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHRONY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CIVETWEB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CONNMAN is not set # # connman-gtk needs libgtk3 and a glibc or uClibc toolchain w/ wchar, threads, resolver, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_CONNTRACK_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CORKSCREW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CRDA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DANTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DARKHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEHYDRATED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DHCPCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DHCPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DNSMASQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DRBD_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DROPBEAR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EASYFRAMES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EBTABLES is not set # # ejabberd needs erlang, toolchain w/ C++ # # BR2_PACKAGE_ETHTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FAIFA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FASTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FCGIWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREESWITCH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FRR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GERBERA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GESFTPSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLOOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GLORYTUN is not set # # gupnp-tools needs libgtk3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_HANS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HAPROXY_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HAPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HIAWATHA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOSTAPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTPDATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTTPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_I2PD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTN_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBRDTND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IFMETRIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IFTOP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_IFUPDOWN_SCRIPTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_IGD2_FOR_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IGH_ETHERCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IGMPPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INADYN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IODINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPERF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPERF3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPROUTE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPTRAF_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRSSI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IWD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KEEPALIVED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KNOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LEAFNODE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LFT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIGHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINKNX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINKS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINPHONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_ZIGBEE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUXPTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LLDPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LRZSZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LYNX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MACCHANGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEMCACHED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MII_DIAG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINI_SNMPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINIDLNA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MINISSDPD is not set BR2_PACKAGE_MJPG_STREAMER=y # BR2_PACKAGE_MODEM_MANAGER is not set BR2_PACKAGE_MONGREL2_LIBC_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_MONGREL2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONKEY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOSQUITTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MROUTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NBD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NCFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NDISC6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETATALK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETCALC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETPLUG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSNMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NETSTAT_NAT is not set # # NetworkManager needs udev /dev management and a glibc toolchain w/ headers >= 3.2, dynamic library, wchar, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_NFACCT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NFTABLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGINX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGIRCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGREP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NMAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NOIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NUTTCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODHCP6C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODHCPLOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OLSR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN_LLDP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPEN_PLC_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENNTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENRESOLV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENSWAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVPN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_P910ND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PARPROUTED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHIDGETWEBSERVICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHYTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PIXIEWPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POUND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PPTP_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PRIVOXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROFTPD is not set # # prosody needs a Lua <= 5.3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PROXYCHAINS_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PTPD2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PURE_FTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PUTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUAGGA is not set # # rabbitmq-server needs erlang # # BR2_PACKAGE_RADVD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REAVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RP_PPPOE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RPCBIND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RSH_REDONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RSYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTORRENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTPTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RYGEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_DNS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_NETWORKING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAMBA4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCONESERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SER2NET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHADOWSOCKS_LIBEV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHAIRPORT_SYNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SHELLINABOX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SMCROUTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNGREP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOCKETCAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SOFTETHER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPAWN_FCGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_PROTOCOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQUID is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSDP_RESPONDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHGUARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSHPASS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSLH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STRONGSWAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_STUNNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TCPREPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_THTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYPROXY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYSSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRACEROUTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRANSMISSION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TUNCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TVHEADEND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UACME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UDPCAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UFTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ULOGD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNBOUND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UREDIR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USHARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USSP_PUSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VDE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VNSTAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VPNC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VSFTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_VTUN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WAVEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD_LINUX_COMPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRELESS_REGDB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRELESS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRESHARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPAN_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XINETD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XL2TP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XTABLES_ADDONS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZNC is not set # # Package managers # # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # # Please note: # # # - Buildroot does *not* generate binary packages, # # # - Buildroot does *not* install any package database. # # # * # # # It is up to you to provide those by yourself if you # # # want to use any of those package managers. # # # * # # # See the manual: # # # http://buildroot.org/manual.html#faq-no-binary-packages # # # ------------------------------------------------------- # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPKG is not set # # Real-Time # # BR2_PACKAGE_XENOMAI is not set # # Security # # BR2_PACKAGE_APPARMOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CHECKPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMA_EVM_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPTEE_BENCHMARK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPTEE_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PAXTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_REFPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RESTORECOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SELINUX_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SEMODULE_UTILS is not set # # setools needs python3 # BR2_PACKAGE_URANDOM_SCRIPTS=y # # Shell and utilities # # # Shells # # BR2_PACKAGE_MKSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZSH is not set # # Utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_AT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CCRYPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIALOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DTACH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EASY_RSA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INOTIFY_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOCKFILE_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOGROTATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LOGSURFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PDMENU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PINENTRY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QPRINT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RANGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RTTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCREEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUDO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TMUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TTYD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XMLSTARLET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XXHASH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_YTREE is not set # # System tools # # BR2_PACKAGE_ACL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ANDROID_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ATTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BUBBLEWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CGROUPFS_MOUNT is not set # # circus needs Python 3 and a toolchain w/ C++, threads # # BR2_PACKAGE_CPULOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DAEMON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DC3DD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DDRESCUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOCKER_COMPOSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EARLYOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EMLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GETENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GKRELLM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HTOP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IBM_SW_TPM2 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_INITSCRIPTS=y # # iotop depends on python or python3 # # BR2_PACKAGE_IPRUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IRQBALANCE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KEYUTILS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_KMOD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBOSTREE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LXC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MFOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MONIT is not set # # multipath-tools needs udev and a uClibc or glibc toolchain w/ threads, dynamic library # # BR2_PACKAGE_NCDU is not set # # netifrc needs openrc as init system # # BR2_PACKAGE_NUT is not set # # pamtester depends on linux-pam # # BR2_PACKAGE_POLKIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PROCRANK_LINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PWGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUOTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QUOTATOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RAUC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_LINUX_INIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_LINUX_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_PORTABLE_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_S6_RC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCRUB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCRYPT is not set # # sdbusplus needs systemd and a toolchain w/ C++, gcc >= 7 # # BR2_PACKAGE_SMACK is not set # # supervisor needs a python interpreter # # BR2_PACKAGE_SWUPDATE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_ABRMD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TPM2_TOTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UNSCD is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX=y BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBBLKID=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBMOUNT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBSMARTCOLS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LIBUUID=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_AGETTY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_BFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CHFN_CHSH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CHMEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_EJECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FALLOCATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FDFORMAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_FSCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_HARDLINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_HWCLOCK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_IPCRM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_IPCS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_KILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LINE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGGER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LSLOGINS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LSMEM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MESG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MINIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MOUNT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_MOUNTPOINT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NEWGRP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NOLOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_NSENTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PARTX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_PIVOT_ROOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RAW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RENAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RFKILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RUNUSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SCHEDUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SETPRIV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SETTERM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SULOGIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_SWITCH_ROOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_TUNELP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UNSHARE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UTMPDUMP is not set BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_UUIDD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_VIPW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WIPEFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WDCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_WRITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_ZRAMCTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WATCHDOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XDG_DBUS_PROXY is not set # # Text editors and viewers # # BR2_PACKAGE_ED is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JOE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MOST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NANO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UEMACS is not set # # Filesystem images # # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_AXFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_BTRFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CLOOP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CPIO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EROFS is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_2r0 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_2r1 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_3 is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_4=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_GEN=4 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_REV=1 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LABEL="rootfs" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_SIZE="130M" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_INODES=0 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_RESBLKS=5 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_MKFS_OPTIONS="-O ^64bit" BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_NONE=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_GZIP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZ4 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZMA is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_LZO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_XZ is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_F2FS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_INITRAMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_JFFS2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_ROMFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_SQUASHFS is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR=y BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_NONE=y # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_GZIP is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZ4 is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZMA is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_LZO is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_XZ is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_TAR_OPTIONS="" # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_UBI is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_UBIFS is not set # BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_YAFFS2 is not set # # Bootloaders # # BR2_TARGET_BAREBOX is not set BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI=y BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI_PLAT="thead/c910" # BR2_TARGET_OPENSBI_LINUX_PAYLOAD is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BUILD_SYSTEM_KCONFIG=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BUILD_SYSTEM_LEGACY is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_LATEST_VERSION is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_VERSION is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_TARBALL is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_GIT=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_HG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_SVN is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_REPO_URL="https://gitee.com/weidongshan/NezaD1-u-boot-2018.git" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_REPO_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_VERSION="origin/master" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_PATCH="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_USE_DEFCONFIG=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BOARD_DEFCONFIG="sun20iw1p1" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CONFIG_FRAGMENT_FILES="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_DTC=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON2 is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYTHON3=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYLIBFDT=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_PYELFTOOLS is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_OPENSSL=y # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_LZOP is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NEEDS_OPENSBI=y # # U-Boot binary format # # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_AIS is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_NAND_BIN is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_ELF is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_IMG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_IMG is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_IMX is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_DTB_IMX is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_ITB is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_CUSTOM=y BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_FORMAT_CUSTOM_NAME="u-boot-sun20iw1p1.bin" # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_SPL is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_DTS_PATH="" BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_MAKEOPTS="" # # Host utilities # # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ABOOTIMG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_AESPIPE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ANDROID_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ASN1C is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_BABELTRACE2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_BTRFS_PROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CHECKPOLICY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CHECKSEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CMAKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CRAMFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_CRYPTSETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DBUS_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DFU_UTIL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOS2UNIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOSFSTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DOXYGEN is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_DTC=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_E2FSPROGS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_E2TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ENVIRONMENT_SETUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_EROFS_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_EXFATPROGS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_F2FS_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FAKETIME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FATCAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_FWUP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENEXT2FS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENIMAGE=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GENPART is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GNUPG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_HOST_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GO_BOOTSTRAP_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GOOGLE_BREAKPAD_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_GPTFDISK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_IMAGEMAGICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_IMX_MKIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_JQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_JSMIN is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD_GZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_KMOD_XZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LIBP11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LPC3250LOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_LTTNG_BABELTRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MENDER_ARTIFACT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MESON_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MKPASSWD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MTD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MTOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ODB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPENOCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_OPKG_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PARTED is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PATCHELF=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PIGZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PKGCONF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PWGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_CYTHON is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_LXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_SIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON_XLRD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_PYTHON3 is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_SYSTEM_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU_USER_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QEMU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_QORIQ_RCW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RAUC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC_ARCH_SUPPORTS=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC_ARCH="riscv64" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RUSTC is not set BR2_PACKAGE_PROVIDES_HOST_RUSTC="host-rust-bin" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SAM_BA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SDBUSPLUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SENTRY_CLI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SQUASHFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_SWIG is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_FIT_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_ENVIMAGE is not set BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_BOOT_SCRIPT=y BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UBOOT_TOOLS_BOOT_SCRIPT_SOURCE="board/sifive/hifive-unleashed/boot.cmd" BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UTIL_LINUX=y # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_UTP_COM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_VBOOT_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_XORRISO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ZIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_ZSTD is not set # # Legacy config options # # # Legacy options removed in 2021.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_MPD_AUDIOFILE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AUDIOFILE is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_33_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUPNP18 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE_IMX_SDMA is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_RCW is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_9 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_8 is not set # BR2_powerpc_601 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_LIBGBM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_TOOLS is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBCROCO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BELLAGIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_BOOT_SCRIPT is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_ENVIMAGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KISMET_DRONE is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_7_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_VALIDATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_YADIF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GQVIEW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WESTON_IMX is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TINYHTTPD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XSERVER_XORG_SERVER_AIGLX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AMD_CATALYST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_1 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.08 # # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_AMD64 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_6 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_5 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_31_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PERIPHERAL_STEAMCONTROLLER is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_WIRINGPI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYCRYPTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MTDEV2TUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EZXML is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_COLLECTD_LVM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYASN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYASN_MODULES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LINUX_FIRMWARE_ATHEROS_10K_QCA6174 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5CANVAS3D is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_LIBTHEORA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CEGUI06 is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_5_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2020.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_JAMVM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CLASSPATH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5_VERSION_5_6 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CURL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23_BINARIES_GSTREAMER_PLUGINS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NVIDIA_TEGRA23_BINARIES_NV_SAMPLE_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FREERDP_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3_WITH_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV_WITH_GSTREAMER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLAYER is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_OR1K is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ_UTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GADGETFS_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FIS is not set BR2_PACKAGE_REFPOLICY_POLICY_VERSION="" # BR2_PACKAGE_CELT051 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WIREGUARD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_NET_PING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_MIME_BASE64 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_DIGEST_MD5 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ERLANG_P1_ICONV is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_3 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_SCAPY3K is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_30_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_USERLAND_START_VCFILED is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVMTOOLS_PROCPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_CONTROLPANEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_NOTIFICATION is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_BASE_ONBOARDING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_TCL_BASE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ALLJOYN_TCL is not set BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTRA_EXTERNAL_LIBS="" # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYSNMP_APPS is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_RISCV_PK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE_STAT3 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_1 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DEVMEM2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_USTR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_SCREENSAVER_PLANESTATE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_VISUALISATION_WAVEFORHUE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_AUDIODECODER_OPUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_OSMESA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_HOSTAPD_DRIVER_RTW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DBUS_NEW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DBUS_OLD is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.08 # # BR2_TARGET_TS4800_MBRBOOT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAMCODEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROID_SCRIPTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ODROID_MALI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PLATFORM_AML is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_6_X is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_9_X is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_12 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XAPP_MKFONTDIR is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_8_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_20 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_5_0 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.05 # # BR2_CSKY_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_COMPOSITOR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_IQA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_OPENCV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_STEREO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_VCD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUNIT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFMPEG_FFSERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNXI_MALI is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_29_X is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_28_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_APEXSINK is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2019.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QTUIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PINENTRY_QT4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POPPLER_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV3_WITH_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENCV_WITH_QT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AMD_CATALYST_CCCLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SDL_QTOPIA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYQT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUACRYPTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TN5250 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST_SIGNALS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_SINGLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_DOUBLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FFTW_PRECISION_LONG_DOUBLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LUA_5_2 is not set # BR2_TARGET_GENERIC_PASSWD_MD5 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.11 # # BR2_TARGET_XLOADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TIDSP_BINARIES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DSP_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST_DSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BOOTUTILS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EXPEDITE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MESA3D_OPENGL_TEXTURE_FLOAT is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_10 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_11 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_12 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_13 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_15 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_17 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBNFTNL_XML is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_2 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_1 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_16 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_18 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOCKER_ENGINE_STATIC_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_APPLEWMPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_BIGREQSPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_COMPOSITEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DAMAGEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DMXPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DRI2PROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_DRI3PROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FIXESPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FONTCACHEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_FONTSPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_GLPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_INPUTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_KBPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_PRESENTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RANDRPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RECORDPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RENDERPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_RESOURCEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_SCRNSAVERPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_VIDEOPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_WINDOWSWMPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XCMISCPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XEXTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86BIGFONTPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86DGAPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86DRIPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XF86VIDMODEPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XINERAMAPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XPROTO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_XPROTO_XPROXYMANAGEMENTPROTOCOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_OPENGL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_GLES2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_GLX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_EGL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_X11 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_WAYLAND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_LIB_OPENGL_DISPMANX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_AUDIOMIXER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_LAME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_MPG123 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_11 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_10 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIAART_BACKEND_NONE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIAART_BACKEND_GDK_PIXBUF is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM335X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM437X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM4430 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TI_SGX_AM5430 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_AUDIO_BRIDGE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_ECHO_TEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_RECORDPLAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_SIP_GATEWAY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_STREAMING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_TEXT_ROOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_VIDEO_CALL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_VIDEO_ROOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_MQTT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_RABBITMQ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_REST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_UNIX_SOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JANUS_WEBSOCKETS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_DISABLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_ENABLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPSEC_SECCTX_KERNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBTFDI_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_BLACK_TIE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_BLITZER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_CUPERTINO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_DARK_HIVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_DOT_LUV is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_EGGPLANT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_EXCITE_BIKE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_FLICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_HOT_SNEAKS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_HUMANITY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_LE_FROG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_MINT_CHOC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_OVERCAST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_PEPPER_GRINDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_REDMOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SMOOTHNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SOUTH_STREET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_START is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SUNNY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_SWANKY_PURSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_TRONTASTIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_UI_DARKNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_UI_LIGHTNESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_JQUERY_UI_THEME_VADER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_HEALTH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_MIDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_NFC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_SAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_PLUGINS_SIXAXIS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TRANSMISSION_REMOTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBKCAPI_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MPLAYER_MENCODER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBPLAYER_MPLAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IQVLINUX is not set # BR2_BINFMT_FLAT_SEP_DATA is not set # BR2_bfin is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADSP_BASIC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADSP_FREESURROUND is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2018.02 # # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_4 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_10 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_12 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_27_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_EEPROG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GNUPG2_GPGV2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_GPU_VIV_APITRACE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IMX_GPU_VIV_G2D is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_RFKILL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_RESET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLICYCOREUTILS_AUDIT2ALLOW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLICYCOREUTILS_RESTORECOND is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SEPOLGEN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_BLUEZ is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_LIBUSB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_APPS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_SYSLOG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOBEX_DUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_AICCU is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UTIL_LINUX_LOGIN_UTILS is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.08 # # BR2_TARGET_GRUB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SIMICSFS is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_26_X is not set BR2_XTENSA_OVERLAY_DIR="" BR2_XTENSA_CUSTOM_NAME="" # BR2_PACKAGE_HOST_MKE2IMG is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_BLOCKS=0 BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_EXTRA_INODES=0 # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_CDXAPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_DATAURISRC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_DCCP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_HDVPARSE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_MVE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_NUVDEMUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_PATCHDETECT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_SDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_TTA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_VIDEOMEASURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_APEXSINK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_SDL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_UGLY_PLUGIN_MAD is not set # BR2_STRIP_none is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BEECRYPT_CPP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_CLIENT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_GUI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SPICE_TUNNEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_INPUTATTACH is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_JSCAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INPUT_TOOLS_JSTEST is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_SH is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_X86 is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_SUNXI_MALI_R2P4 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_MODULES_COFFEESCRIPT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_MODULES_EXPRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLUEZ5_UTILS_GATTTOOL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENOCD_FT2XXX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_RTMPDUMP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_VISUALISATION_FOUNTAIN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PORTMAP is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_25_X is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_INET_RPC is not set BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_EXTRA_BLOCKS=0 # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_KDBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_POLARSSL is not set # BR2_NBD_CLIENT is not set # BR2_NBD_SERVER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GMOCK is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_8 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_18 is not set # BR2_GLIBC_VERSION_2_22 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2017.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PERL_DB_FILE is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_7 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_6 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_5 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_14 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_MUSL_CROSS is not set # BR2_UCLIBC_INSTALL_TEST_SUITE is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_BLACKFIN_UCLINUX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MAKEDEVS is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_ARAGO_ARMV7A is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_ARAGO_ARMV5TE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNOWBALL_HDMISERVICE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SNOWBALL_INIT is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_9 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP_SAPI_CLI_CGI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PHP_SAPI_CLI_FPM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WVSTREAMS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WVDIAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WEBKITGTK24 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_TORSMO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SSTRIP is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_3 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_ADDON_XVDR is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_IPKG is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_7_X is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_24_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_WESTON_RPI is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_CPUPOWER is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_PERF is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_TOOL_SELFTESTS is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_8_ARC is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_4_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_19 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVAS_GENERIC_LOADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ELEMENTARY is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_CUSTOM_LOCAL is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_EFL_JP2K is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_COMPAT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_LIVEADDER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLVPUWRAP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLPARSER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBFSLCODEC is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_UBOOT_TOOLS_MKIMAGE_FIT_SIGNATURE_SUPPORT is not set # BR2_PTHREADS_OLD is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_23_X is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_BUILDROOT_EGLIBC is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_8 is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.05 # # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENVPN_CRYPTO_POLARSSL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_NGINX_HTTP_SPDY_MODULE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_RTP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_MPG123 is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_POWERPC is not set # BR2_TOOLCHAIN_EXTERNAL_CODESOURCERY_POWERPC_E500V2 is not set # BR2_x86_i386 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_QT5QUICK1 is not set BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_CUSTOM_PATCH_DIR="" # BR2_PACKAGE_XDRIVER_XF86_INPUT_VOID is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_17 is not set # BR2_GDB_VERSION_7_7 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_FOOMATIC_FILTERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAMBA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_WAVPACK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_RSXS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_GOOM is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SYSTEMD_ALL_EXTRAS is not set # BR2_GCC_VERSION_4_5_X is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SQLITE_READLINE is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2016.02 # # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT_BZIP2 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DOVECOT_ZLIB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_E2FSPROGS_FINDFS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_DEBUG_LEVEL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_KERNEL_MODULE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_OPENPOWERLINK_LIBPCAP is not set # BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_SAME_AS_HEADERS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_CUPS_PDFTOPS is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_16 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PYTHON_PYXML is not set # BR2_ENABLE_SSP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_CLE266 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_UNICHROME is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBELEMENTARY is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEINA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEVAS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBECORE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDBUS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEFREET is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEIO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEMBRYO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBEDJE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_LIBETHUMB is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_INFOZIP is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_0_10_X is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_0_12_X is not set # BR2_BR2_PACKAGE_NODEJS_4_X is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2015.11 # # BR2_PACKAGE_GST1_PLUGINS_BAD_PLUGIN_REAL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_MEDIA_CTL is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SCHIFRA is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_ZXING is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_BLACKBOX is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_0 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_11 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_13 is not set # BR2_KERNEL_HEADERS_3_15 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_ANDI is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_BLTLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_CPULOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DATABUFFER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DIOLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DOK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_DRIVERTEST is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FIRE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FLIP is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_FONTS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_INPUT is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_JOYSTICK is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_KNUCKLES is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_LAYER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_MATRIX is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_MATRIX_WATER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_NEO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_NETLOAD is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PALETTE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PARTICLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_PORTER is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_STRESS is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_TEXTURE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_VIDEO is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_VIDEO_PARTICLE is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIRECTFB_EXAMPLES_WINDOW is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_KOBS_NG is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_SAWMAN is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_DIVINE is not set # # Legacy options removed in 2015.08 # # BR2_PACKAGE_KODI_PVR_ADDONS is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_23_2 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_24 is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_25 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_PERF is not set # BR2_BINUTILS_VERSION_2_22 is not set # BR2_PACKAGE_GPU_VIV_BIN_MX6Q is not set # BR2_TARGET_UBOOT_NETWORK is not set
*** Maybe you need to increase the filesystem size (BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_SIZE)
直接编辑 .config 文件, 修改上面那个变量.
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
*** Maybe you need to increase the filesystem size (BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_SIZE)
直接编辑 .config 文件, 修改上面那个变量.
改了, 好使. 能过了
du -sh output/target/
328M output/target/ -
是不是禁用了一些软件包? -
我问的是, 为什么 “可是大小没见缩小”?是不是禁用了一些软件包,却没有缩小?
@whycan 在 【极简操作】使用builroot 2021一键编译生成D1 nezha 系统镜像! 中说:
我问的是, 为什么 “可是大小没见缩小”?是不是禁用了一些软件包,却没有缩小?
是的. 我menuconfig里面禁掉qt5, 也没有缩小
rm output/target; find output/build/ -name .stamp_target_installed |xargs rm ; make
执行这个命令, 药到病除。
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