@willok 发表一个回复就是LV2了
awwwwa 发布的最佳帖子
R128-S2 驱动 1024x600 RGB 显示屏 并运行 LVGL
由于屏幕较大首先精简系统内存,关闭DSP核心,并将 RV 核心移到 HSPSRAM 上提高带宽。配置 LV_COLOR_DEPTH 16 提高帧率降低内存占用
patch 如下,增加了新方案r128-devkit-rgb:161ca91b-f759-4108-8bfc-85114394da0c-r128-devkit-rgb.tar.gz
700ms启动 LVGL:
回复: 寻求tina的display 官方文档说明,感谢
disp init configuration disp_mode (0:screen0<screen0,fb0>) screenx_output_type (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 3:hdmi;5:vdpo) screenx_output_mode (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50) (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60) screenx_output_format (for hdmi, 0:RGB 1:yuv444 2:yuv422 3:yuv420) screenx_output_bits (for hdmi, 0:8bit 1:10bit 2:12bit 2:16bit) screenx_output_eotf (for hdmi, 0:reserve 4:SDR 16:HDR10 18:HLG) screenx_output_cs (for hdmi, 0:undefined 257:BT709 260:BT601 263:BT2020) screenx_output_dvi_hdmi (for hdmi, 0:undefined 1:dvi mode 2:hdmi mode) screen0_output_range (for hdmi, 0:default 1:full 2:limited) screen0_output_scan (for hdmi, 0:no data 1:overscan 2:underscan) screen0_output_aspect_ratio (for hdmi, 8-same as original picture 9-4:3 10-16:9 11-14:9) fbx format (4:RGB655 5:RGB565 6:RGB556 7:ARGB1555 8:RGBA5551 9:RGB888 10:ARGB8888 12:ARGB4444) fbx pixel sequence (0:ARGB 1:BGRA 2:ABGR 3:RGBA) fb0_scaler_mode_enable(scaler mode enable, used FE) fbx_width,fbx_height (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0) lcdx_backlight (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197 lcdx_yy (lcd init screen bright/contrast/saturation/hue, value:0~100, default:50/50/57/50) lcd0_contrast (LCD contrast, 0~100) lcd0_saturation (LCD saturation, 0~100) lcd0_hue (LCD hue, 0~100) framebuffer software rotation setting: disp_rotation_used: (0:disable; 1:enable,you must set fbX_width to lcd_y, set fbX_height to lcd_x) degreeX: (X:screen index; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) degreeX_Y: (X:screen index; Y:layer index 0~15; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) devX_output_type : config output type in bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018. (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi;) devX_output_mode : config output resolution(see include/video/sunxi_display2.h) of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_screen_id : config display index of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_do_hpd : whether do hpd detectation or not in UBOOT-2018 chn_cfg_mode : Hardware DE channel allocation config. 0:single display with 6 channel, 1:dual display with 4 channel in main display and 2 channel in second display, 2:dual display with 3 channel in main display and 3 channel in second in display.
回复: 个人开发者如何获取D1、D1s的 SDK?需要签NDA吗?
@damiaa 现在是新版本平台了,直接拿awol账号下载,免去再注册一个平台的麻烦:https://d1.docs.aw-ol.com/study/study_3getsdktoc/
回复: V851S tina linux ov5647 驱动程序没有 dmesg
ov5647 这个型号的摄像头并没有适配,SDK也没有支持。
回复: v851s使用spi nand启动不了 VFS: Cannot open root device "ubi0_4" or unknown-block(0,0): error -2
#kernel command arguments earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 initcall_debug=0 console=ttyS0,115200 nand_root=/dev/ubiblock0_4 mmc_root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 nor_root=/dev/mtdblock3 init=/init rdinit=/rdinit loglevel=8 coherent_pool=32K #reserve_list=30M@64M,78M@128M,200M@512M mac= wifi_mac= bt_mac= specialstr= root_partition=rootfs mtd_name=sys rootfstype=squashfs #set kernel cmdline if boot.img or recovery.img has no cmdline we will use this setargs_nor=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${nor_root} rootwait init=${init} rdinit=${rdinit} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} setargs_nand=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} loglevel=${loglevel} ubi.mtd=${mtd_name} root=${nand_root} rootfstype=${rootfstype} rootwait init=${init} rdinit=${rdinit} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} selinux=${selinux} specialstr=${specialstr} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} setargs_nand_ubi=setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=${mtd_name} ubi.block=0,${root_partition} earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${nand_root} rootfstype=${rootfstype} init=${init} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} snum=${snum} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} specialstr=${specialstr} gpt=1 setargs_mmc=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${mmc_root} rootwait init=${init} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} selinux=${selinux} specialstr=${specialstr} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} #nand command syntax: sunxi_flash read address partition_name read_bytes #0x4007f800 = 0x40080000(kernel entry) - 0x800(boot.img header 2k) boot_partition=boot boot_normal=sunxi_flash read 44800000 ${boot_partition};bootm 44800000 boot_recovery=sunxi_flash read 44800000 extend;bootm 44800000 boot_fastboot=fastboot #recovery key recovery_key_value_max=0x13 recovery_key_value_min=0x10 #fastboot key fastboot_key_value_max=0x8 fastboot_key_value_min=0x2 #uboot system env config bootdelay=1 #default bootcmd, will change at runtime according to key press #default nand boot bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal #verify the kernel verify=N
回复: 有R128点亮百问网7寸RGB屏的DEMO吗?
R128-S2 驱动 1024x600 RGB 显示屏 并运行 LVGL
https://bbs.aw-ol.com/topic/4316/share/1 -
回复: R128 打包失败 merge_full_rtos_img_failed
@cai_yp 分区参数错误,只打包了UDISK分区,但是UDISK是自动生成的分区
32356+0 records in 32356+0 records out 8283136 bytes (8.3 MB) copied, 0.0394041 s, 210 MB/s this is not a partition key update mbr file ok ----------------mbr convert to gpt start--------------------- out: sunxi_gpt_nor.fex source: sunxi_mbr_nor.fex input_logic_offset: 256 input_flash_size: 16M gpt partition entry crc32 = 0x618ebc8 gpt header crc32 = 0x4fdf09e2 GPT----part num 10--- gpt_entry: 128 gpt_header: 92 GPT:env : 120 127 GPT:env-redund : 128 12f GPT:arm-lpsram : 130 a8f GPT:rv-lpsram : a90 1a2f GPT:dsp-hpsram : 1a30 206f GPT:rtos-xip : 2070 33f7 GPT:arm-b : 33f8 3d57 GPT:config : 3d58 3d77 GPT:settings : 3d78 3db7 GPT:UDISK : 3db8 7fff update gpt file ok ----------------mbr convert to gpt end--------------------- boot0: boot0_spinor.fex redund boot0: boot0_spinor.fex mbr: sunxi_gpt_nor.fex partition: sys_partition_nor.bin UDISK_partition_size: 16968 sector outfile: rtos_16Mnor.bin logic_start: 128K total_image_size: 16M load file: boot0_spinor.fex ok load file: sunxi_gpt_nor.fex ok load file: boot0_spinor.fex ok support redund boot0 at 0x10000 load file: sys_partition_nor.bin ok part name=env file name:env.fex part size:8 sector load file: env.fex ok part name=env-redund file name:env.fex part size:8 sector load file: env.fex ok part name=arm-lpsram file name:rtos_arm.fex part size:2400 sector load file: rtos_arm.fex ok part name=rv-lpsram file name:rtos_riscv.fex part size:4000 sector load file: rtos_riscv.fex ok part name=dsp-hpsram file name:rtos_dsp.fex part size:1600 sector load file: rtos_dsp.fex ok part name=rtos-xip file name:rtos_xip_rv.fex part size:5000 sector load file: rtos_xip_rv.fex ok part name=arm-b file name:etf.fex part size:2400 sector load file: etf.fex ok part name=config file name:config.fex part size:32 sector load file: config.fex ok part name=settings part size:64 sector part name=UDISK file name:data_udisk.fex load file: data_udisk.fex ok partname: UDISK this is not a partition key merge_package ok
回复: V853 的 CPU1(E907)启动流程
- 加载固件
- 调用 firmware 接口获取文件系统中的固件
- 解析固件的 resource_table 段,该段有如下内容
- 声明需要的内存(Linux 为其分配)
- 声明使用的 vdev(固定为一个)
- 声明使用的 vring(固定为两个)
- 将固件加载到指定地址
- 注册 rpmsg virtio 设备
- 提供 vdev->ops(基于 virtio 接口实现的)
- 与 rpmsg_bus 驱动匹配,完成 rpmsg 初始化
- 启动小核
- 调用 rproc->ops->start
- 加载固件
回复: 如何将Libuvc编译到tina系统中
include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=opencv PKG_VERSION:=4.1.1 PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_SOURCE_PROTO:=git PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://github.com/opencv/opencv PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=$(PKG_VERSION) PKG_MIRROR_HASH:=c8587820421d2f22acdafe4712d068ae490897dc445bdb4aa128ecaa8e65d3a1 PKG_MAINTAINER:= PKG_LICENSE:=BSD-3-Clause PKG_LICENSE_FILES:=LICENSE CMAKE_INSTALL:=1 CMAKE_BINARY_SUBDIR:=build PKG_BUILD_PARALLEL:=1 PKG_USE_MIPS16:=0 include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/cmake.mk define Package/opencv/Default/description OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code. endef define Package/opencv SECTION:=libs CATEGORY:=Libraries TITLE:=OpenCV URL:=https://opencv.org/ DEPENDS:=+libpthread +librt +libatomic +libstdcpp +zlib +libjpeg +python3 +python3-numpy endef CMAKE_OPTIONS += \ -DBUILD_opencv_gpu:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_1394:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_opencv_stitching:BOOL=OFF \ -DBUILD_opencv_superres:BOOL=OFF -DBUILD_opencv_ts:BOOL=OFF \ -DBUILD_opencv_highgui:BOOL=ON \ -DBUILD_opencv_videostab:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_FFMPEG:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_GSTREAMER:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_LIBV4L:BOOL=ON \ -DWITH_PNG:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_GTK:BOOL=OFF \ -DWITH_TIFF:BOOL=OFF \ -DCMAKE_VERBOSE:BOOL=OFF \ -DENABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS=OFF \ -DPYTHON3_INCLUDE_PATH=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/include/python3.9 \ -DPYTHON3_LIBRARIES=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/lib/libpython3.9.so \ -DPYTHON3_NUMPY_INCLUDE_DIRS=$(TARGET_ROOTFS_DIR)/pypi/numpy-1.20.1/ipkg-install/usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/numpy/core/include \ -DBUILD_OPENCV_PYTHON3:BOOL=ON TARGET_LDFLAGS += -latomic define Package/opencv/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/lib $(CP) $(PKG_INSTALL_DIR)/usr/lib/* $(1)/usr/lib/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,opencv))
回复: SyterKit 启动 T527 失败
/* * Allwinner Technology CO., Ltd. */ /dts-v1/; #include "sun55iw3p1.dtsi" /{ board = "T527", "T527-LM4B"; compatible = "allwinner,t527", "arm,sun55iw3p1"; chosen { bootargs = "earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x02500000 clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=0 console=ttyAS0,115200 loglevel=8 init=/init cma=64M"; }; memory@40000000 { device_type = "memory"; reg = <0x00000000 0x40000000 0x00000000 0x20000000>; }; aliases { pmu0 = &pmu0; serial0 = &uart0; hdmi = &hdmi; reg-axp1530 = ®_ext_axp1530_dcdc1; axp1530 = &axp1530; cpu-ext = &cpu4; standby-param = &standby_param; arisc-config = &arisc_config; cir_param = &cir_param; }; reg_usb0_vbus: usb0-vbus { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "usb0-vbus"; regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; gpio = <&pio PB 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; }; reg_usb1_vbus: usb1-vbus { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "usb1-vbus"; regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; gpio = <&pio PB 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; }; standby_param: standby_param { vdd-cpu = <0x00000001>; vdd-cpub = <0x00000001>; vdd-sys = <0x00000002>; vcc-pll = <0x00000080>; vcc-io = <0x00004000>; osc24m-on = <0x0>; }; cir_param: cir_param { gpio_group = <1>; /* 0:PL 1:PM */ gpio_pin = <11>; gpio_function = <2>; count = <15>; ir_power_key_code0 = <0x40>; ir_addr_code0 = <0xfe01>; ir_power_key_code1 = <0x1a>; ir_addr_code1 = <0xfb04>; ir_power_key_code2 = <0xf2>; ir_addr_code2 = <0x2992>; ir_power_key_code3 = <0x57>; ir_addr_code3 = <0x9f00>; ir_power_key_code4 = <0xdc>; ir_addr_code4 = <0x4cb3>; ir_power_key_code5 = <0x18>; ir_addr_code5 = <0xff00>; ir_power_key_code6 = <0xdc>; ir_addr_code6 = <0xdd22>; ir_power_key_code7 = <0x0d>; ir_addr_code7 = <0xbc00>; ir_power_key_code8 = <0x4d>; ir_addr_code8 = <0x4040>; ir_power_key_code9 = <0x08>; ir_addr_code9 = <0xfb04>; ir_power_key_code10 = <0x00>; ir_addr_code10 = <0xfc03>; ir_power_key_code11 = <0x00>; ir_addr_code11 = <0xbf00>; ir_power_key_code12 = <0xea>; ir_addr_code12 = <0xfb04>; ir_power_key_code13 = <0x42>; ir_addr_code13 = <0xbf00>; ir_power_key_code14 = <0x0f>; ir_addr_code14 = <0xff00>; }; arisc_config: arisc_config { s_uart_config { pins = "PL2", "PL3"; function = <2>, <2>; status = "disabled"; }; }; edp_panel_backlight: edp_backlight { compatible = "pwm-backlight"; status = "disabled"; brightness-levels = < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255>; default-brightness-level = <200>; enable-gpios = <&pio PI 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* power-supply = <®_backlight_12v>; */ pwms = <&pwm0 5 5000000 0>; }; edp_panel: edp_panel { compatible = "edp-general-panel"; status = "okay"; power0-supply = <®_dcdc4>; backlight = <&edp_panel_backlight>; panel-timing { clock-frequency = <348577920>; /* pixel clock */ hactive = <2560>; hback-porch = <120>; hfront-porch = <88>; hsync-len = <32>; vactive = <1600>; vback-porch = <71>; vfront-porch = <28>; vsync-len = <5>; /* hor_sync_polarity */ hsync-active = <1>; /* ver_sync_polarity */ vsync-active = <1>; // unused now /* de-active = <1>; pixelclk-active = <1>; syncclk-active = <0>; interlaced; doublescan; doubleclk; */ }; ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; panel_in: port@0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0>; edp_panel_in: endpoint@0 { reg = <0>; remote-endpoint = <&edp_panel_out>; }; }; }; }; lvds_panel0_backlight: backlight0 { compatible = "pwm-backlight"; status = "okay"; brightness-levels = < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255>; default-brightness-level = <200>; enable-gpios = <&pio PI 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pwms = <&pwm0 4 50000 0>; }; lvds_panel0: panel@0 { compatible = "BP101WX1"; status = "okay"; reg = <0>; power0-supply = <®_cldo3>; power1-supply = <®_dcdc4>; power2-supply = <®_cldo1>; backlight = <&lvds_panel0_backlight>; lcd_if = <3>; lcd_width = <150>; lcd_height = <94>; pinctrl-0 = <&lvds0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&lvds0_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "active","sleep"; panel-timing { clock-frequency = <74871600>; /* pixel clock */ hback-porch = <88>; hactive = <1280>; hfront-porch = <83>; hsync-len = <18>; vback-porch = <23>; vactive = <800>; vfront-porch = <37>; vsync-len = <10>; // unused now /* hsync-active = <0>; vsync-active = <0>; de-active = <1>; pixelclk-active = <1>; */ }; ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; lvds_panel0_in: port@0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0>; lvds_panel0_in_lcd0: endpoint@0 { reg = <0>; remote-endpoint = <&tcon0_out_panel>; }; }; }; }; lvds_panel1: panel@1 { compatible = "BP101WX1"; status = "disabled"; reg = <1>; power0-supply = <®_cldo3>; power1-supply = <®_dcdc4>; backlight = <&lvds_panel1_backlight>; lcd_if = <3>; lcd_width = <150>; lcd_height = <94>; pinctrl-0 = <&lvds2_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&lvds2_pins_b>; pinctrl-names = "active","sleep"; panel-timing { clock-frequency = <74871600>; /* pixel clock */ hback-porch = <88>; hactive = <1280>; hfront-porch = <83>; hsync-len = <18>; vback-porch = <23>; vactive = <800>; vfront-porch = <37>; vsync-len = <10>; // unused now /* hsync-active = <0>; vsync-active = <0>; de-active = <1>; pixelclk-active = <1>; */ }; ports { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; lvds_panel1_in: port@0 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; reg = <0>; lvds_panel1_in_lcd2: endpoint@0 { reg = <0>; remote-endpoint = <&tcon4_out_panel>; }; }; }; }; lvds_panel1_backlight: backlight1 { compatible = "pwm-backlight"; status = "disabled"; brightness-levels = < 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255>; default-brightness-level = <200>; enable-gpios = <&pio PI 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pwms = <&pwm0 5 5000000 0>; }; }; &de { chn_cfg_mode = <3>; status = "okay"; }; &vo0 { status = "okay"; }; &vo1 { status = "okay"; }; &tv0 { status = "okay"; }; &dlcd0 { status = "okay"; panel = <&lvds_panel0>; ports { tcon0_out: port@1 { tcon0_out_panel: endpoint@2 { reg = <2>; remote-endpoint = <&lvds_panel0_in_lcd0>; }; }; }; }; &dlcd2 { status = "disabled"; panel = <&lvds_panel1>; ports { tcon4_out: port@1 { tcon4_out_panel: endpoint@0 { reg = <0>; remote-endpoint = <&lvds_panel1_in_lcd2>; }; }; }; }; &dsi0combophy { status = "okay"; }; &dsi1combophy { status = "okay"; }; &drm_edp { status = "disabled"; edp_ssc_en = <0>; edp_ssc_mode = <0>; edp_psr_support = <0>; edp_colordepth = <8>; /* 6/8/10/12/16 */ edp_color_fmt = <0>; /* 0:RGB 1: YUV444 2: YUV422 */ lane1_sw = <0>; lane1_pre = <0>; lane2_sw = <0>; lane2_pre = <0>; lane3_sw = <0>; lane3_pre = <0>; efficient_training = <0>; sink_capacity_prefer = <1>; edid_timings_prefer = <1>; timings_fixed = <1>; vcc-edp-supply = <®_bldo3>; vdd-edp-supply = <®_dcdc2>; panel = <&edp_panel>; ports { edp_out: port@1 { edp_panel_out: endpoint@0 { reg = <0>; remote-endpoint = <&edp_panel_in>; }; }; }; }; &r_pio { uart8_pins_a: uart8_pins@0 { pins = "PL2", "PL3"; function = "s_uart0"; }; uart8_pins_b: uart8_pins@1 { pins = "PL2", "PL3"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart9_pins_a: uart9_pins@0 { pins = "PM0", "PM1"; function = "s_uart1"; }; uart9_pins_b: uart9_pins@1 { pins = "PM0", "PM1"; function = "gpio_in"; }; s_twi0_pins_default: s_twi0@0 { pins = "PL0", "PL1"; function = "s_twi0"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; s_twi0_pins_sleep: s_twi0@1 { pins = "PL0", "PL1"; function = "gpio_in"; }; s_twi1_pins_default: s_twi1@0 { pins = "PL8", "PL9"; function = "s_twi1"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; s_twi1_pins_sleep: s_twi1@1 { pins = "PL8", "PL9"; function = "gpio_in"; }; s_twi2_pins_default: s_twi2@0 { pins = "PL12", "PL13"; function = "s_twi2"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; s_twi2_pins_sleep: s_twi2@1 { pins = "PL12", "PL13"; function = "gpio_in"; }; s_irrx_pins_default: s_irrx@0 { pins = "PL11"; function = "s_cir"; }; s_irrx_pins_sleep: s_irrx@1 { pins = "PL11"; function = "gpio_in"; }; }; &pio { vcc-pg-supply = <®_pio1_8>; vcc-pf-supply = <®_pio1_8>; vcc-pfo-supply = <®_pio3_3>; vcc-pd-supply = <®_dcdc4>; vcc-pe-supply = <®_pio1_8>; vcc-pi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; vcc-pj-supply = <®_dcdc4>; vcc-pk-supply = <®_dcdc4>; uart0_pins_a: uart0_pins@0 { pins = "", ""; function = "uart0"; }; uart0_pins_b: uart0_pins@1 { pins = "", ""; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart2_pins_a: uart2_pins@0 { pins = "PB0", "PB1"; function = "uart2"; }; uart2_pins_b: uart2_pins@1 { pins = "PB0", "PB1"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart3_pins_a: uart3_pins@0 { pins = "PD14", "PD15"; function = "uart3"; }; uart3_pins_b: uart3_pins@1 { pins = "PD14", "PD15"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart4_pins_a: uart4_pins@0 { pins = "PD18", "PD19"; function = "uart4"; }; uart4_pins_b: uart4_pins@1 { pins = "PD18", "PD19"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart5_pins_a: uart5_pins@0 { pins = "PE11", "PE12"; function = "uart5"; }; uart5_pins_b: uart5_pins@1 { pins = "PE11", "PE12"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart6_pins_a: uart6_pins@0 { pins = "PI6", "PI7"; function = "uart6"; }; uart6_pins_b: uart6_pins@1 { pins = "PI6", "PI7"; function = "gpio_in"; }; uart7_pins_a: uart7_pins@0 { pins = "PB11", "PB12"; function = "uart7"; }; uart7_pins_b: uart7_pins@1 { pins = "PB11", "PB12"; function = "gpio_in"; }; pwm0_0_pin_active: pwm0_0@0 { pins = "PD23"; function = "pwm0_0"; }; pwm0_0_pin_sleep: pwm0_0@1 { pins = "PD23"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; pwm0_1_pin_active: pwm0_1@0 { pins = "PD22"; function = "pwm0_1"; }; pwm0_1_pin_sleep: pwm0_1@1 { pins = "PD22"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; pwm0_2_pin_active: pwm0_2@0 { pins = "PB11"; function = "pwm0_2"; }; pwm0_2_pin_sleep: pwm0_2@1 { pins = "PB11"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; pwm0_3_pin_active: pwm0_3@0 { pins = "PB12"; function = "pwm0_3"; }; pwm0_3_pin_sleep: pwm0_3@1 { pins = "PB12"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; pwm0_4_pin_active: pwm0_4@0 { pins = "PI3"; function = "pwm0_4"; }; pwm0_4_pin_sleep: pwm0_4@1 { pins = "PI3"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; pwm0_5_pin_active: pwm0_5@0 { pins = "PI4"; function = "pwm0_5"; }; pwm0_5_pin_sleep: pwm0_5@1 { pins = "PI4"; function = "gpio_in"; bias-pull-down; }; ledc_pins_a: ledc@0 { pins = "PG0"; function = "ledc"; drive-strength = <10>; }; ledc_pins_b: ledc@1 { pins = "PG0"; function = "gpio_in"; }; irrx_pins_default: irrx@0 { pins = "PI8"; function = "cir"; }; irrx_pins_sleep: irrx@1 { pins = "PI8"; function = "gpio_in"; }; irtx_pins_default: irtx@0 { pins = "PH18"; function = "cir"; }; irtx_pins_sleep: irtx@1 { pins = "PH18"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi0_pins_default: twi0@0 { pins = "PD22", "PD23"; function = "twi0"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; twi0_pins_sleep: twi0@1 { pins = "PD22", "PD23"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi1_pins_default: twi1@0 { pins = "PH2", "PH3"; function = "twi1"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; twi1_pins_sleep: twi1@1 { pins = "PH2", "PH3"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi2_pins_default: twi2@0 { pins = "PE1", "PE2"; function = "twi2"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-pull-up; }; twi2_pins_sleep: twi2@1 { pins = "PE1", "PE2"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi3_pins_default: twi3@0 { pins = "PE3", "PE4"; function = "twi3"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-pull-up; }; twi3_pins_sleep: twi3@1 { pins = "PE3", "PE4"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi4_pins_default: twi4@0 { pins = "PE13", "PE14"; function = "twi4"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; twi4_pins_sleep: twi4@1 { pins = "PE13", "PE14"; function = "gpio_in"; }; twi5_pins_default: twi5@0 { pins = "PI8", "PI9"; function = "twi5"; drive-strength = <10>; bias-pull-up; }; twi5_pins_sleep: twi5@1 { pins = "PI8", "PI9"; function = "gpio_in"; }; owa_pins_a: owa@0 { pins = "PI10"; function = "owa"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; owa_pins_b: owa@1 { pins = "PI10"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s0_pins_a: i2s0@0 { pins = "PB4", "PB5", "PB6"; function = "i2s0"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s0_pins_b: i2s0@1 { pins = "PB4", "PB5", "PB6", "PB7", "PB8"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s0_pins_c: i2s0@2 { pins = "PB7"; function = "i2s0_dout"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s0_pins_d: i2s0@3 { pins = "PB8"; function = "i2s0_din"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s1_pins_a: i2s1@0 { pins = "PG10", "PG11", "PG12"; function = "i2s1"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s1_pins_b: i2s1@1 { pins = "PG10", "PG11", "PG12", "PG13", "PG14"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s1_pins_c: i2s1@2 { pins = "PG13"; function = "i2s1_dout"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s1_pins_d: i2s1@3 { pins = "PG14"; function = "i2s1_din"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s2_pins_a: i2s2@0 { pins = "PH9", "PH10"; function = "i2s2"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s2_pins_b: i2s2@1 { pins = "PH2", "PH3", "PH8", "PH9", "PH10", "PH11", "PH12"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s2_pins_c: i2s2@2 { pins = "PH2", "PH3", "PH12"; function = "i2s2_din"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s2_pins_d: i2s2@3 { pins = "PH11"; function = "i2s2_dout"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s2_pins_e: i2s2@4 { pins = "PH8"; function = "i2s2_mclk"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s3_pins_a: i2s3@0 { pins = "PF3", "PF5", "PF6"; function = "i2s3"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s3_pins_b: i2s3@1 { pins = "PF0", "PF1", "PF2", "PF3", "PF4", "PF5", "PF6"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s3_pins_c: i2s3@2 { pins = "PF0", "PF2", "PF4"; function = "i2s3_din"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; i2s3_pins_d: i2s3@3 { pins = "PF1"; function = "i2s3_dout"; drive-strength = <20>; bias-disable; }; rgb24_pins_a: rgb24@0 { pins = "PD0", "PD1", "PD2", "PD3", "PD4", "PD5", "PD6", "PD7", "PD8", "PD9", \ "PD10", "PD11", "PD12", "PD13", "PD14", "PD15", "PD16", "PD17", "PD18", "PD19", \ "PD20", "PD21", "PD22","PD23","PD24","PD25","PD26","PD27"; function = "dpss"; drive-strength = <30>; }; rgb24_pins_b: rgb24@1 { pins = "PD0", "PD1", "PD2", "PD3", "PD4", "PD5", "PD6", "PD7", "PD8", "PD9", \ "PD10", "PD11", "PD12", "PD13", "PD14", "PD15", "PD16", "PD17", "PD18", "PD19", \ "PD20", "PD21", "PD22", "PD23","PD24","PD25","PD26","PD27"; function = "gpio_in"; }; lvds0_pins_a: lvds0@0 { pins = "PD0", "PD1", "PD2", "PD3", "PD4", "PD5", "PD6", "PD7", "PD8", "PD9"; function = "lvds0"; drive-strength = <30>; }; lvds0_pins_b: lvds0@1 { pins = "PD0", "PD1", "PD2", "PD3", "PD4", "PD5", "PD6", "PD7", "PD8", "PD9"; function = "gpio_in"; }; nand0_pins_default: nand0@0 { pins = "PC0", "PC1", "PC2", "PC5", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10", "PC11", "PC12", "PC13", "PC14", "PC15", "PC16"; function = "nand0"; drive-strength = <30>; }; nand0_pins_rb: nand0@1 { pins = "PC4", "PC6", "PC3", "PC7"; function = "nand0"; drive-strength = <30>; bias-pull-up; /* only RB&CE should be pulled up */ }; nand0_pins_sleep: nand0@2 { pins = "PC0", "PC1", "PC2", "PC3", "PC4", "PC5", "PC6", "PC7", "PC8", "PC9", "PC10", "PC11", "PC12", "PC13", "PC14", "PC15", "PC16"; function = "io_disabled"; drive-strength = <10>; }; gmac0_pins_default: gmac0@0 { pins = "PH0", "PH1", "PH2", "PH3", "PH4", "PH5", "PH6", "PH7", "PH9", "PH10","PH13","PH14", "PH15","PH16","PH17","PH18"; drive-strength = <40>; function = "gmac0"; bias-pull-up; }; gmac0_pins_sleep: gmac0@1 { pins = "PH0", "PH1", "PH2", "PH3", "PH4", "PH5", "PH6", "PH7", "PH9", "PH10","PH13","PH14", "PH15","PH16","PH17","PH18"; function = "gpio_in"; }; gmac1_pins_default: gmac1@0 { pins = "PJ0", "PJ1", "PJ2", "PJ3", "PJ4", "PJ5", "PJ6", "PJ7", "PJ8", "PJ9", "PJ10", "PJ11", "PJ12","PJ13", "PJ14", "PJ15"; drive-strength = <40>; function = "gmac1"; bias-pull-up; }; gmac1_pins_sleep: gmac1@1 { pins = "PJ0", "PJ1", "PJ2", "PJ3", "PJ4", "PJ5", "PJ6", "PJ7", "PJ8", "PJ9", "PJ10", "PJ11", "PJ12","PJ13", "PJ14", "PJ15"; function = "gpio_in"; }; }; &soc { auto_print@54321 { reg = <0x0 0x54321 0x0 0x0>; device_type = "auto_print"; status = "okay"; }; gpio_leds { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-gpio-leds"; supply-num = <1>; gpio1-supply = <®_bldo1>; gpio-pins = <&pio PG 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>, <&pio PC 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; pin-names = "normal_led", "standby_led"; init-status = <GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>, <GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; status = "okay"; }; }; &uart0 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart0_pins_b>; uart-supply = <®_cldo3>; status = "okay"; }; &uart1 { status = "okay"; }; &uart2 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart2_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart3 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart3_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart3_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart4 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart4_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart4_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart5 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart5_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart5_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart6 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart6_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart6_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; &uart7 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart7_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart7_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart8 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart8_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart8_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &uart9 { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&uart9_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&uart9_pins_b>; status = "disabled"; }; &lradc { key_cnt = <5>; key0 = <210 0x73>; key1 = <410 0x72>; key2 = <590 0x8B>; key3 = <750 0x1c>; key4 = <880 0x66>; key_debounce; debounce_value = <50>; status = "disabled"; }; &irrx { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&irrx_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&irrx_pins_sleep>; status = "disabled"; }; &s_irrx { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&s_irrx_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&s_irrx_pins_sleep>; status = "okay"; }; &irtx { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&irtx_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&irtx_pins_sleep>; status = "disabled"; }; &gpadc0 { channel_num = <2>; channel_select = <3>; channel_data_select = <3>; channel_compare_select = <3>; channel_cld_select = <3>; channel_chd_select = <3>; channel0_compare_lowdata = <1700000>; channel0_compare_higdata = <1200000>; channel1_compare_lowdata = <460000>; channel1_compare_higdata = <1200000>; status = "disabled"; }; &gpadc1 { channel_num = <2>; channel_select = <3>; channel_data_select = <3>; channel_compare_select = <3>; channel_cld_select = <3>; channel_chd_select = <3>; channel0_compare_lowdata = <1700000>; channel0_compare_higdata = <1200000>; channel1_compare_lowdata = <460000>; channel1_compare_higdata = <1200000>; status = "disabled"; }; &pwm0_0 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_0_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_0_pin_sleep>; status = "okay"; }; &pwm0_1 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_1_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_1_pin_sleep>; status = "disabled"; }; &pwm0_2 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_2_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_2_pin_sleep>; status = "disabled"; }; &pwm0_3 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_3_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_3_pin_sleep>; status = "disabled"; }; &pwm0_4 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_4_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_4_pin_sleep>; status = "okay"; }; &pwm0_5 { pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_5_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_5_pin_sleep>; status = "okay"; }; &ledc { pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&ledc_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&ledc_pins_b>; led_count = <34>; output_mode = "GRB"; reset_ns = <84>; t1h_ns = <800>; t1l_ns = <320>; t0h_ns = <300>; t0l_ns = <800>; wait_time0_ns = <84>; wait_time1_ns = <84>; wait_data_time_ns = <600000>; status = "disabled"; }; &twi0 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi0_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi0_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "disabled"; eeprom@50 { compatible = "atmel,24c16"; reg = <0x50>; status = "okay"; }; pcie_usb_phy@74 { compatible = "combphy,phy74"; reg = <0x74>; status = "disabled"; }; pcie_usb_phy@75 { compatible = "combphy,phy75"; reg = <0x75>; status = "disabled"; }; ctp { compatible = "allwinner,goodix"; reg = <0x5d>; device_type = "ctp"; status = "disabled"; ctp_name = "gt9xxnew_ts"; ctp_twi_id = <0x0>; ctp_twi_addr = <0x5d>; ctp_screen_max_x = <0x320>; ctp_screen_max_y = <0x500>; ctp_revert_x_flag = <0x1>; ctp_revert_y_flag = <0x1>; ctp_exchange_x_y_flag = <0x0>; ctp_int_port = <&pio PH 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; ctp_wakeup = <&pio PH 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; ctp-supply = <®_cldo2>; ctp_power_ldo_vol = <3300>; }; gt9xx { compatible = "goodix,gt9xx"; reg = <0x5d>; status = "okay"; irq-gpios = <&pio PD 20 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; irq-flags = <2>; reset-gpios = <&pio PD 21 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; vdd_ana-supply = <®_dcdc4>; touchscreen-max-id = <11>; touchscreen-size-x = <1280>; touchscreen-size-y = <800>; touchscreen-max-w = <512>; touchscreen-max-p = <512>; //touchscreen-key-map = <172>, <158>; /*KEY_HOMEPAGE=172, KEY_BACK=158,KEY_MENU=139*/ goodix,slide-wakeup = <0>; goodix,type-a-report = <1>; goodix,driver-send-cfg = <0>; goodix,send-cfg-id = <0>; goodix,resume-in-workqueue = <0>; goodix,int-sync = <1>; goodix,revert_x = <0>; goodix,revert_y = <0>; goodix,swap-x2y = <0>; goodix,tp_idle_support = <1>; goodix,esd-protect = <1>; goodix,auto-update-cfg = <0>; goodix,power-off-sleep = <1>; goodix,pen-suppress-finger = <0>; /* GT9271_Config_20221222_v67.cfg*/ goodix,cfg-group0 = [ B4 00 05 20 03 0A 3D 00 01 0A 28 0F 50 32 03 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 17 19 1F 14 8E 2E 99 2D 2F 35 11 00 00 00 1A 03 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 32 50 94 D5 02 07 00 00 04 8E 48 00 8A 4D 00 86 53 00 83 59 00 80 60 00 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 04 05 06 07 08 09 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 14 15 16 17 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1F 1E 1C 1B 19 13 12 11 10 0F 0D 0C 0A 08 07 06 04 02 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF AB 01 ]; }; }; &twi1 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi1_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi1_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; status = "disabled"; mir3da { compatible = "allwinner,mir3da"; reg = <0x26>; device_type = "gsensor"; status = "disabled"; gsensor_twi_id = <0x1>; gsensor_twi_addr = <0x26>; gsensor_int1 = <&pio PH 11 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>; gsensor-supply = <®_cldo3>; gsensor_vcc_io_val = <3300>; }; }; &twi2 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi2_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi2_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "okay"; }; &twi3 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi3_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi3_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "okay"; }; &twi4 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi4_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi4_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "okay"; }; &twi5 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&twi5_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&twi5_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "disabled"; gt9xx_secondary { compatible = "goodix,gt9xx_secondary"; reg = <0x5d>; status = "okay"; irq-gpios = <&pio PI 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; irq-flags = <2>; reset-gpios = <&pio PI 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; vdd_ana-supply = <®_dcdc4>; touchscreen-max-id = <11>; touchscreen-size-x = <1280>; touchscreen-size-y = <800>; touchscreen-max-w = <512>; touchscreen-max-p = <512>; //touchscreen-key-map = <172>, <158>; /*KEY_HOMEPAGE=172, KEY_BACK=158,KEY_MENU=139*/ goodix,slide-wakeup = <0>; goodix,type-a-report = <1>; goodix,driver-send-cfg = <0>; goodix,send-cfg-id = <0>; goodix,resume-in-workqueue = <0>; goodix,int-sync = <1>; goodix,revert_x = <0>; goodix,revert_y = <0>; goodix,swap-x2y = <0>; goodix,tp_idle_support = <1>; goodix,esd-protect = <1>; goodix,auto-update-cfg = <0>; goodix,power-off-sleep = <1>; goodix,pen-suppress-finger = <0>; /* GT9271_Config_20221222_v67.cfg*/ goodix,cfg-group0 = [ 43 B0 04 80 07 0A 35 00 01 08 28 0F 50 32 03 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 19 1B 14 90 2B 99 2F 31 8E 12 00 00 00 DA 03 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 11 00 29 4B 94 C5 02 07 00 00 04 85 2B 00 7D 31 00 77 37 00 72 3E 00 6F 46 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 16 15 14 11 10 0F 0E 0D 0C 09 08 07 06 05 04 01 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 24 23 22 21 20 1F 1E 1C 1B 19 14 13 12 11 10 0F 0E 0D 0C 0A 08 07 06 04 02 00 FF FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73 01 ]; }; }; &csi_mclk3_pins_a { pins = "PK13"; function = "ncsi"; }; &csi_mclk3_pins_b { pins = "PK13"; }; &mipib_4lane_pins_a { pins = "PK6", "PK7", "PK8", "PK9"; }; &mipib_4lane_pins_b { pins = "PK6", "PK7", "PK8", "PK9"; }; &vind0 { csi_top = <360000000>; csi_isp = <300000000>; vind_mclkpin-supply = <®_bldo3>; /* vcc-pe */ vind_mclkpin_vol = <1800000>; vind_mcsipin-supply = <®_bldo3>; /* vcc-pk */ vind_mcsipin_vol = <1800000>; vind_mipipin-supply = <®_bldo3>; /* vcc-mcsi */ vind_mipipin_vol = <1800000>; status = "okay"; csi3:csi@5823000 { pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&ncsi_bt1120_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&ncsi_bt1120_pins_b>; status = "okay"; }; tdm0:tdm@5908000 { work_mode = <0>; }; isp00:isp@5900000 { work_mode = <0>; }; isp01:isp@58ffffc { status = "disabled"; }; isp02:isp@58ffff8 { status = "disabled"; }; isp03:isp@58ffff4 { status = "disabled"; }; isp10:isp@4 { status = "okay"; }; isp20:isp@5 { status = "okay"; }; scaler00:scaler@5910000 { work_mode = <0>; }; scaler01:scaler@590fffc { status = "disabled"; }; scaler02:scaler@590fff8 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler03:scaler@590fff4 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler10:scaler@5910400 { work_mode = <0>; }; scaler11:scaler@59103fc { status = "disabled"; }; scaler12:scaler@59103f8 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler13:scaler@59103f4 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler20:scaler@5910800 { work_mode = <0>; }; scaler21:scaler@59107fc { status = "disabled"; }; scaler22:scaler@59107f8 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler23:scaler@59107f4 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler30:scaler@5910c00 { work_mode = <0>; }; scaler31:scaler@5910bfc { status = "disabled"; }; scaler32:scaler@5910bf8 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler33:scaler@5910bf4 { status = "disabled"; }; scaler40:scaler@16 { status = "okay"; }; scaler50:scaler@17 { status = "okay"; }; actuator0: actuator@2108180 { device_type = "actuator0"; actuator0_name = "dw9714_act"; actuator0_slave = <0x18>; actuator0_af_pwdn = <>; actuator0_afvdd = "afvcc-csi"; actuator0_afvdd_vol = <2800000>; status = "disabled"; }; flash0: flash@2108190 { device_type = "flash0"; flash0_type = <2>; flash0_en = <&r_pio PL 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; flash0_mode = <>; flash0_flvdd = ""; flash0_flvdd_vol = <>; device_id = <0>; status = "disabled"; }; sensor0:sensor@5812000 { device_type = "sensor0"; sensor0_mname = "tp2815_mipi"; sensor0_twi_cci_id = <2>; sensor0_twi_addr = <0x88>; sensor0_mclk_id = <0>; sensor0_pos = "rear"; sensor0_isp_used = <0>; sensor0_fmt = <0>; sensor0_stby_mode = <0>; sensor0_vflip = <0>; sensor0_hflip = <0>; sensor0_cameravdd-supply = <>; sensor0_cameravdd_vol = <>; sensor0_iovdd-supply = <>; sensor0_iovdd_vol = <>; sensor0_avdd-supply = <>; sensor0_avdd_vol = <>; sensor0_dvdd-supply = <>; sensor0_dvdd_vol = <>; sensor0_power_en = <>; sensor0_reset = <&pio PK 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; sensor0_pwdn = <>; status = "okay"; }; sensor1:sensor@5812010 { device_type = "sensor1"; sensor1_mname = "nvp6158"; sensor1_twi_cci_id = <3>; sensor1_twi_addr = <0x64>; sensor1_mclk_id = <3>; sensor1_pos = "front"; sensor1_isp_used = <0>; sensor1_fmt = <0>; sensor1_stby_mode = <0>; sensor1_vflip = <0>; sensor1_hflip = <0>; sensor1_iovdd-supply = <>; sensor1_iovdd_vol = <>; sensor1_avdd-supply = <>; sensor1_avdd_vol = <>; sensor1_dvdd-supply = <>; sensor1_dvdd_vol = <>; sensor1_power_en = <>; sensor1_reset = <&pio PK 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; sensor1_pwdn = <>; status = "okay"; }; vinc00:vinc@5830000 { vinc0_csi_sel = <0>; vinc0_mipi_sel = <0>; vinc0_isp_sel = <4>; vinc0_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc0_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc0_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc0_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc0_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <0>; work_mode = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; vinc01:vinc@582fffc { vinc1_csi_sel = <1>; vinc1_mipi_sel = <2>; vinc1_isp_sel = <1>; vinc1_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc1_tdm_rx_sel = <1>; vinc1_rear_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc1_front_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc1_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <1>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc02:vinc@582fff8 { vinc2_csi_sel = <2>; vinc2_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc2_isp_sel = <2>; vinc2_isp_tx_ch = <2>; vinc2_tdm_rx_sel = <2>; vinc2_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc2_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc2_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <2>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc03:vinc@582fff4 { vinc3_csi_sel = <0>; vinc3_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc3_isp_sel = <0>; vinc3_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc3_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc3_rear_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc3_front_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc3_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <3>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc10:vinc@5831000 { vinc4_csi_sel = <0>; vinc4_mipi_sel = <0>; vinc4_isp_sel = <4>; vinc4_isp_tx_ch = <1>; vinc4_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc4_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc4_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc4_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <4>; work_mode = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; vinc11:vinc@5830ffc { vinc5_csi_sel = <2>; vinc5_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc5_isp_sel = <1>; vinc5_isp_tx_ch = <1>; vinc5_tdm_rx_sel = <1>; vinc5_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc5_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc5_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <5>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc12:vinc@5830ff8 { vinc6_csi_sel = <2>; vinc6_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc6_isp_sel = <0>; vinc6_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc6_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc6_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc6_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc6_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <6>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc13:vinc@5830ff4 { vinc7_csi_sel = <2>; vinc7_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc7_isp_sel = <0>; vinc7_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc7_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc7_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc7_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc7_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <7>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc20:vinc@5832000 { vinc8_csi_sel = <0>; vinc8_mipi_sel = <0>; vinc8_isp_sel = <4>; vinc8_isp_tx_ch = <2>; vinc8_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc8_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc8_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc8_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <8>; work_mode = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; vinc21:vinc@5831ffc { vinc9_csi_sel = <2>; vinc9_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc9_isp_sel = <0>; vinc9_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc9_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc9_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc9_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc9_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <9>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc22:vinc@5831ff8 { vinc10_csi_sel = <2>; vinc10_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc10_isp_sel = <0>; vinc10_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc10_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc10_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc10_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc10_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <10>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc23:vinc@5831ff4 { vinc11_csi_sel = <2>; vinc11_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc11_isp_sel = <0>; vinc11_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc11_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc11_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc11_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc11_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <11>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc30:vinc@5833000 { vinc12_csi_sel = <0>; vinc12_mipi_sel = <0>; vinc12_isp_sel = <4>; vinc12_isp_tx_ch = <3>; vinc12_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc12_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc12_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc12_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <12>; work_mode = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; vinc31:vinc@5832ffc { vinc13_csi_sel = <2>; vinc13_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc13_isp_sel = <0>; vinc13_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc13_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc13_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc13_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc13_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <13>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc32:vinc@5832ff8 { vinc14_csi_sel = <2>; vinc14_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc14_isp_sel = <0>; vinc14_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc14_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc14_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc14_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc14_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <14>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc33:vinc@5832ff4 { vinc15_csi_sel = <2>; vinc15_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc15_isp_sel = <0>; vinc15_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc15_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc15_rear_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc15_front_sensor_sel = <0>; vinc15_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <15>; status = "disabled"; }; vinc40:vinc@5834000 { vinc16_csi_sel = <3>; vinc16_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc16_isp_sel = <5>; vinc16_isp_tx_ch = <0>; vinc16_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc16_rear_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc16_front_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc16_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <16>; status = "okay"; }; vinc50:vinc@5835000 { vinc17_csi_sel = <3>; vinc17_mipi_sel = <0xff>; vinc17_isp_sel = <5>; vinc17_isp_tx_ch = <1>; vinc17_tdm_rx_sel = <0>; vinc17_rear_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc17_front_sensor_sel = <1>; vinc17_sensor_list = <0>; device_id = <17>; status = "okay"; }; }; &twi6 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&s_twi0_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&s_twi0_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; device_type = "twi6"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; no_suspend = <1>; status = "okay"; tcs0: tcs@41 { compatible = "ext,tcs4838"; reg = <0x41>; status = "disabled"; tcs4838_delay = <0>; regulator1: regulators@1 { reg_tcs0: dcdc0 { regulator-name = "tcs4838-dcdc0"; regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <520>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-always-on; regulator-boot-on; }; reg_tcs1: dcdc1 { regulator-name = "tcs4838-dcdc1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <520>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; }; virtual-ext-dcdc0 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc0"; dcdc0-supply = <®_tcs0>; }; virtual-ext-dcdc1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc1"; dcdc1-supply = <®_tcs1>; }; }; sy0: sy@60 { compatible = "ext,sy8827g"; reg = <0x60>; status = "disabled"; sy8827g_delay = <0>; regulator2: regulators@2 { reg_sy0: dcdc0 { regulator-name = "sy8827g-dcdc0"; regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <520>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-always-on; regulator-boot-on; }; reg_sy1: dcdc1 { regulator-name = "sy8827g-dcdc1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <712500>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1500000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <520>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; }; virtual-ext-dcdc0 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc0"; dcdc0-supply = <®_sy0>; }; virtual-ext-dcdc1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc1"; dcdc1-supply = <®_sy1>; }; }; axp1530: axp1530@36{ compatible = "ext,axp1530"; status = "okay"; reg = <0x36>; wakeup-source; regulators{ reg_ext_axp1530_dcdc1: dcdc1 { regulator-name = "axp1530-dcdc1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3400000>; regulator-step-delay-us = <25>; regulator-final-delay-us = <50>; regulator-always-on; }; reg_ext_axp1530_dcdc2: dcdc2 { regulator-name = "axp1530-dcdc2"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1540000>; regulator-step-delay-us = <25>; regulator-final-delay-us = <50>; regulator-ramp-delay = <200>; /* FIXME */ regulator-always-on; }; reg_ext_axp1530_dcdc3: dcdc3 { regulator-name = "axp1530-dcdc3"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1840000>; regulator-step-delay-us = <25>; regulator-final-delay-us = <50>; regulator-always-on; }; reg_ext_axp1530_aldo1: ldo1 { regulator-name = "axp1530-aldo1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-step-delay-us = <25>; regulator-final-delay-us = <50>; }; reg_ext_axp1530_dldo1: ldo2 { regulator-name = "axp1530-dldo1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-step-delay-us = <25>; regulator-final-delay-us = <50>; }; }; virtual-ext-dcdc1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc1"; dcdc1-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_dcdc1>; }; virtual-ext-dcdc2 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc2"; dcdc2-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_dcdc2>; }; virtual-ext-dcdc3 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dcdc3"; dcdc3-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_dcdc3>; }; virtual-ext-aldo1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-aldo1"; aldo1-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_aldo1>; }; virtual-ext-dldo1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,ext-dldo1"; dldo1-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_dldo1>; }; }; pmu0: pmu@34 { compatible = "x-powers,axp2202"; reg = <0x34>; status = "okay"; interrupts = <0 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>; interrupt-parent = <&nmi_intc>; x-powers,drive-vbus-en; pmu_reset = <0>; pmu_irq_wakeup = <1>; pmu_hot_shutdown = <1>; wakeup-source; usb_power_supply: usb_power_supply { compatible = "x-powers,axp2202-usb-power-supply"; status = "okay"; pmu_usbpc_vol = <4600>; pmu_usbpc_cur = <500>; pmu_usbad_vol = <4000>; pmu_usbad_cur = <2500>; pmu_usb_typec_used = <1>; wakeup_usb_in; wakeup_usb_out; det_acin_supply = <&gpio_power_supply>; pmu_acin_usbid_drv = <&pio PH 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; pmu_vbus_det_gpio = <&pio PH 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; gpio_power_supply: gpio_power_supply { compatible = "x-powers,gpio-supply"; status = "disabled"; pmu_acin_det_gpio = <&pio PH 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; det_usb_supply = <&usb_power_supply>; }; bat_power_supply: bat-power-supply { compatible = "x-powers,axp2202-bat-power-supply"; param = <&axp2202_parameter>; status = "disabled"; pmu_chg_ic_temp = <0>; pmu_battery_rdc= <170>; pmu_battery_cap = <5000>; pmu_runtime_chgcur = <1000>; pmu_suspend_chgcur = <1500>; pmu_shutdown_chgcur = <1500>; pmu_init_chgvol = <4350>; pmu_battery_warning_level1 = <15>; pmu_battery_warning_level2 = <0>; pmu_chgled_func = <0>; pmu_chgled_type = <0>; pmu_bat_para1 = <0>; pmu_bat_para2 = <0>; pmu_bat_para3 = <0>; pmu_bat_para4 = <0>; pmu_bat_para5 = <0>; pmu_bat_para6 = <0>; pmu_bat_para7 = <2>; pmu_bat_para8 = <3>; pmu_bat_para9 = <4>; pmu_bat_para10 = <6>; pmu_bat_para11 = <9>; pmu_bat_para12 = <14>; pmu_bat_para13 = <26>; pmu_bat_para14 = <38>; pmu_bat_para15 = <49>; pmu_bat_para16 = <52>; pmu_bat_para17 = <56>; pmu_bat_para18 = <60>; pmu_bat_para19 = <64>; pmu_bat_para20 = <70>; pmu_bat_para21 = <77>; pmu_bat_para22 = <83>; pmu_bat_para23 = <87>; pmu_bat_para24 = <90>; pmu_bat_para25 = <95>; pmu_bat_para26 = <99>; pmu_bat_para27 = <99>; pmu_bat_para28 = <100>; pmu_bat_para29 = <100>; pmu_bat_para30 = <100>; pmu_bat_para31 = <100>; pmu_bat_para32 = <100>; pmu_bat_temp_enable = <1>; pmu_jetia_en = <1>; pmu_bat_charge_ltf = <1695>; //-5 pmu_bat_charge_htf = <151>; //60 pmu_bat_shutdown_ltf = <2125>; //-10 pmu_bat_shutdown_htf = <131>; //65 pmu_jetia_cool = <1361>; //0 pmu_jetia_warm = <208>; //50 pmu_jcool_ifall = <0>;//100% pmu_jwarm_ifall = <0>;//100% pmu_bat_temp_para1 = <4378>; //Murata -25 pmu_bat_temp_para2 = <2682>; //-15 pmu_bat_temp_para3 = <2125>; //-10 pmu_bat_temp_para4 = <1695>; //-5 pmu_bat_temp_para5 = <1361>;//0 pmu_bat_temp_para6 = <1101>; //5 pmu_bat_temp_para7 = <896>; //10 pmu_bat_temp_para8 = <604>; //20 pmu_bat_temp_para9 = <416>; //30 pmu_bat_temp_para10 = <292>; //40 pmu_bat_temp_para11 = <246>; //45 pmu_bat_temp_para12 = <208>; //50 pmu_bat_temp_para13 = <177>; //55 pmu_bat_temp_para14 = <151>; //60 pmu_bat_temp_para15 = <111>; //70 pmu_bat_temp_para16 = <83>; //80 wakeup_bat_out; wakeup_new_soc; /* wakeup_bat_in; */ /* wakeup_bat_charging; */ /* wakeup_bat_charge_over; */ /* wakeup_low_warning1; */ /* wakeup_low_warning2; */ wakeup_bat_untemp_work; wakeup_bat_ovtemp_work; /* wakeup_bat_untemp_chg; */ /* wakeup_bat_ovtemp_chg; */ }; powerkey0: powerkey@0 { status = "okay"; compatible = "x-powers,axp2101-pek"; pmu_powkey_off_time = <6000>; pmu_powkey_off_func = <0>; pmu_powkey_off_en = <1>; pmu_powkey_long_time = <1500>; pmu_powkey_on_time = <512>; wakeup_rising; wakeup_falling; }; regulator0: regulators@0 { reg_dcdc1: dcdc1 { regulator-name = "axp2202-dcdc1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1540000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <250>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_dcdc2: dcdc2 { regulator-name = "axp2202-dcdc2"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3400000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <250>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_dcdc3: dcdc3 { regulator-name = "axp2202-dcdc3"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1840000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <250>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-always-on; }; reg_dcdc4: dcdc4 { regulator-name = "axp2202-dcdc4"; regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3700000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <250>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_rtcldo: rtcldo { /* RTC_LDO is a fixed, always-on regulator */ regulator-name = "axp2202-rtcldo"; regulator-min-microvolt = <1800000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1800000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_aldo1: aldo1 { regulator-name = "axp2202-aldo1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_aldo2: aldo2 { regulator-name = "axp2202-aldo2"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_aldo3: aldo3 { regulator-name = "axp2202-aldo3"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-always-on; regulator-boot-on; }; reg_aldo4: aldo4 { regulator-name = "axp2202-aldo4"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-always-on; regulator-boot-on; }; reg_bldo1: bldo1 { regulator-name = "axp2202-bldo1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_bldo2: bldo2 { regulator-name = "axp2202-bldo2"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_bldo3: bldo3 { regulator-name = "axp2202-bldo3"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_bldo4: bldo4 { regulator-name = "axp2202-bldo4"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_cldo1: cldo1 { regulator-name = "axp2202-cldo1"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_cldo2: cldo2 { regulator-name = "axp2202-cldo2"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_cldo3: cldo3 { regulator-name = "axp2202-cldo3"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-ramp-delay = <2500>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_cldo4: cldo4 { regulator-name = "axp2202-cldo4"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3500000>; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_cpusldo: cpusldo { /* cpus */ regulator-name = "axp2202-cpusldo"; regulator-min-microvolt = <500000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <1400000>; regulator-boot-on; regulator-always-on; }; reg_vmid: vmid { regulator-name = "axp2202-vmid"; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; }; reg_drivevbus: drivevbus { regulator-name = "axp2202-drivevbus"; regulator-enable-ramp-delay = <1000>; drivevbusin-supply = <®_vmid>; }; }; virtual-dcdc1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,dcdc1"; dcdc1-supply = <®_dcdc1>; }; virtual-dcdc2 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,dcdc2"; dcdc2-supply = <®_dcdc2>; }; virtual-dcdc3 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,dcdc3"; dcdc3-supply = <®_dcdc3>; }; virtual-dcdc4 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,dcdc4"; dcdc4-supply = <®_dcdc4>; }; virtual-rtcldo { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,rtcldo"; rtcldo-supply = <®_rtcldo>; }; virtual-aldo1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,aldo1"; aldo1-supply = <®_aldo1>; }; virtual-aldo2 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,aldo2"; aldo2-supply = <®_aldo2>; }; virtual-aldo3 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,aldo3"; aldo3-supply = <®_aldo3>; }; virtual-aldo4 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,aldo4"; aldo4-supply = <®_aldo4>; }; virtual-bldo1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,bldo1"; bldo1-supply = <®_bldo1>; }; virtual-bldo2 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,bldo2"; bldo2-supply = <®_bldo2>; }; virtual-bldo3 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,bldo3"; bldo3-supply = <®_bldo3>; }; virtual-bldo4 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,bldo4"; bldo4-supply = <®_bldo4>; }; virtual-cldo1 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,cldo1"; cldo1-supply = <®_cldo1>; }; virtual-cldo2 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,cldo2"; cldo2-supply = <®_cldo2>; }; virtual-cldo3 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,cldo3"; cldo3-supply = <®_cldo3>; }; virtual-cldo4 { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,cldo4"; cldo4-supply = <®_cldo4>; }; virtual-cpusldo { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,cpusldo"; cpusldo-supply = <®_cpusldo>; }; virtual-drivevbus { compatible = "xpower-vregulator,drivevbus"; drivevbus-supply = <®_drivevbus>; }; axp_gpio0: axp_gpio@0 { gpio-controller; #size-cells = <0>; #gpio-cells = <6>; status = "okay"; }; }; }; /{ axp2202_parameter:axp2202-parameter { select = "battery-model"; battery-model { parameter = /bits/ 8 <0x01 0xf5 0x40 0x00 0x1b 0x1e 0x28 0x0f 0x0c 0x1e 0x32 0x02 0x14 0x05 0x0a 0x04 0x74 0xfb 0xc8 0x0d 0x43 0x10 0xcc 0xfb 0x46 0x01 0xea 0x14 0x10 0x06 0xcc 0x06 0x9d 0x0b 0x63 0x0f 0xf4 0x0f 0x94 0x0a 0x4f 0x0e 0xf4 0x0e 0xeb 0x04 0xdd 0x04 0xd1 0x09 0xc7 0x0e 0xb9 0x0e 0xb6 0x09 0xae 0x0e 0x97 0x0e 0x97 0x04 0x86 0x04 0x73 0x09 0x69 0x0e 0x60 0x0e 0x1e 0x08 0x21 0x58 0x28 0x22 0x18 0x06 0x0d 0x01 0xc5 0x98 0x7e 0x66 0x4e 0x44 0x38 0x1a 0x12 0x0a 0xf6 0x00 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xfb 0x00 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0x00 0xf6 0x00 0xf6>; }; }; }; &twi7 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&s_twi1_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&s_twi1_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_aldo3>; status = "disabled"; ac107: ac107@36 { #sound-dai-cells = <0>; compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-ac107"; reg = <0x36>; pllclk-src = "MCLK"; sysclk-src = "MCLK"; pcm-bit-first = "MSB"; frame-sync-width = <1>; rx-chmap = <0xaaaa>; ch1-dig-vol = <160>; ch2-dig-vol = <160>; ch1-pga-gain = <26>; ch2-pga-gain = <26>; status = "disabled"; }; }; &twi8 { clock-frequency = <400000>; pinctrl-0 = <&s_twi2_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&s_twi2_pins_sleep>; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; /* For stability and backwards compatibility, we recommend setting ‘twi_drv_used’ to 1 */ twi_drv_used = <1>; twi-supply = <®_aldo3>; status = "disabled"; }; &sdc2 { non-removable; bus-width = <8>; mmc-ddr-1_8v; mmc-hs200-1_8v; mmc-hs400-1_8v; no-sdio; no-sd; ctl-spec-caps = <0x308>; cap-mmc-highspeed; sunxi-power-save-mode; sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw; mmc-bootpart-noacc; /*cap-hsq;*/ cqe-on; ctl-cmdq-md = <0x2>; max-frequency = <150000000>; vmmc-supply = <®_cldo3>; /*emmc io vol 3.3v*/ /*vqmmc-supply = <®_aldo1>;*/ /*emmc io vol 1.8v*/ vqmmc-supply = <®_cldo1>; status = "disabled"; }; &sdc0 { bus-width = <4>; cd-gpios = <&pio PF 6 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>; /*non-removable;*/ /*broken-cd;*/ /*cd-inverted*/ /*data3-detect;*/ /*card-pwr-gpios = <&pio PH 14 1 1 2 0xffffffff>;*/ cd-used-24M; cd-set-debounce = <0x1>; cap-sd-highspeed; sd-uhs-sdr50; sd-uhs-ddr50; sd-uhs-sdr104; no-sdio; no-mmc; sunxi-power-save-mode; /*sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw;*/ max-frequency = <150000000>; ctl-spec-caps = <0x408>; sunxi-dly-208M = <0xff 1 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff>; vmmc-supply = <®_cldo3>; vqmmc33sw-supply = <®_cldo3>; vdmmc33sw-supply = <®_cldo3>; vqmmc18sw-supply = <®_bldo3>; vdmmc18sw-supply = <®_bldo3>; status = "okay"; }; &sdc1 { bus-width = <4>; no-mmc; no-sd; cap-sd-highspeed; /*sd-uhs-sdr12*/ sd-uhs-sdr25; sd-uhs-sdr50; sd-uhs-ddr50; sd-uhs-sdr104; /*sunxi-power-save-mode;*/ sunxi-dis-signal-vol-sw; cap-sdio-irq; keep-power-in-suspend; ignore-pm-notify; max-frequency = <150000000>; ctl-spec-caps = <0x408>; status = "okay"; }; &nand0 { compatible = "allwinner,sun55iw3-nand"; device_type = "nand0"; //reg = <0x0 0x04011000 0x0 0x1000>;/* nand0 */ pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&nand0_pins_default &nand0_pins_rb>; pinctrl-1 = <&nand0_pins_sleep>; nand0_regulator1 = "vcc-nand"; nand0_regulator2 = "none"; nand0_cache_level = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_flush_cache_num = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_capacity_level = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_id_number_ctl = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_print_level = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_p0 = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_p1 = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_p2 = <0x55aaaa55>; nand0_p3 = <0x55aaaa55>; chip_code = "sun55iw3"; status = "disabled"; }; &rfkill { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-rfkill"; chip_en; power_en; pinctrl-0; pinctrl-names; status = "okay"; /* wlan session */ wlan { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-wlan"; clocks; clock-names; wlan_power = "axp2202-aldo3", "axp2202-bldo1"; /* vcc-pl/vcc-pg/vcc-pm */ wlan_power_vol= <3300000>, <1800000>; wlan_busnum = <0x1>; wlan_regon = <&r_pio PM 1 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; wlan_hostwake = <&r_pio PM 0 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; wakeup-source; }; /* bt session */ bt { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-bt"; clocks; clock-names; bt_power = "axp2202-aldo3", "axp2202-bldo1"; /* vcc-pl/vcc-pg/vcc-pm */ bt_power_vol= <3300000>, <1800000>; bt_rst_n = <&r_pio PM 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; }; &addr_mgt { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-addr_mgt"; type_addr_wifi = <0x0>; type_addr_bt = <0x0>; type_addr_eth = <0x0>; status = "okay"; }; &btlpm { compatible = "allwinner,sunxi-btlpm"; uart_index = <0x1>; bt_wake = <&r_pio PM 3 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; bt_hostwake = <&r_pio PM 4 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; wakeup-source; status = "okay"; }; /* *usb_port_type: usb mode. 0-device, 1-host, 2-otg. *usb_detect_type: usb hotplug detect mode. 0-none, 1-vbus/id detect, 2-id/dpdm detect. *usb_detect_mode: 0-thread scan, 1-id gpio interrupt. *usb_id_gpio: gpio for id detect. *usb_det_vbus_gpio: gpio for id detect. gpio or "axp_ctrl"; *usb_wakeup_suspend:0-SUPER_STANDBY, 1-USB_STANDBY. */ &usbc0 { device_type = "usbc0"; usb_port_type = <0x2>; usb_detect_type = <0x1>; usb_detect_mode = <0x0>; usb_id_gpio = <&r_pio PL 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; usb_det_vbus_gpio = <&r_pio PM 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; enable-active-high; detvbus_io-supply = <®_bldo1>; usb_regulator_io = "nocare"; usb_wakeup_suspend = <0>; usb_luns = <3>; usb_serial_unique = <0>; usb_serial_number = "20080411"; rndis_wceis = <1>; status = "okay"; }; &udc { det_vbus_supply = <&usb_power_supply>; phy_range = <0x153>; status = "okay"; }; &ehci0 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb0_vbus>; phy_range = <0x153>; status = "okay"; }; &ohci0 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb0_vbus>; phy_range = <0x153>; status = "okay"; }; &usbc1 { device_type = "usbc1"; usb_regulator_io = "nocare"; usb_wakeup_suspend = <0>; status = "okay"; }; &ehci1 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb1_vbus>; phy_range = <0x153>; status = "okay"; }; &ohci1 { drvvbus-supply = <®_usb1_vbus>; phy_range = <0x153>; status = "okay"; }; &usbc2 { device_type = "usbc2"; drvvbus-supply = <®_usb1_vbus>; status = "okay"; }; &xhci2 { dr_mode = "host"; status = "okay"; }; &u2phy { status = "okay"; }; &combophy { resets = <&ccu RST_BUS_PCIE_USB3>; phy_use_sel = <1>; /* 0:PCIE; 1:USB3 */ status = "okay"; }; &gpu { gpu_idle = <1>; dvfs_status = <1>; mali-supply = <®_dcdc2>; }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- disp init configuration disp_mode (0:screen0<screen0,fb0>) screenx_output_type (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 3:hdmi;5:vdpo) screenx_output_mode (used for hdmi output, 0:480i 1:576i 2:480p 3:576p 4:720p50) (5:720p60 6:1080i50 7:1080i60 8:1080p24 9:1080p50 10:1080p60) screenx_output_format (for hdmi, 0:RGB 1:yuv444 2:yuv422 3:yuv420) screenx_output_bits (for hdmi, 0:8bit 1:10bit 2:12bit 2:16bit) screenx_output_eotf (for hdmi, 0:reserve 4:SDR 16:HDR10 18:HLG) screenx_output_cs (for hdmi, 0:undefined 257:BT709 260:BT601 263:BT2020) screenx_output_dvi_hdmi (for hdmi, 0:undefined 1:dvi mode 2:hdmi mode) screen0_output_range (for hdmi, 0:default 1:full 2:limited) screen0_output_scan (for hdmi, 0:no data 1:overscan 2:underscan) screen0_output_aspect_ratio (for hdmi, 8-same as original picture 9-4:3 10-16:9 11-14:9) fbx format (4:RGB655 5:RGB565 6:RGB556 7:ARGB1555 8:RGBA5551 9:RGB888 10:ARGB8888 12:ARGB4444) fbx pixel sequence (0:ARGB 1:BGRA 2:ABGR 3:RGBA) fb0_scaler_mode_enable(scaler mode enable, used FE) fbx_width,fbx_height (framebuffer horizontal/vertical pixels, fix to output resolution while equal 0) lcdx_backlight (lcd init backlight,the range:[0,256],default:197 lcdx_yy (lcd init screen bright/contrast/saturation/hue, value:0~100, default:50/50/57/50) lcd0_contrast (LCD contrast, 0~100) lcd0_saturation (LCD saturation, 0~100) lcd0_hue (LCD hue, 0~100) framebuffer software rotation setting: disp_rotation_used: (0:disable; 1:enable,you must set fbX_width to lcd_y, set fbX_height to lcd_x) degreeX: (X:screen index; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) degreeX_Y: (X:screen index; Y:layer index 0~15; 0:0 degree; 1:90 degree; 3:270 degree) devX_output_type : config output type in bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018. (0:none; 1:lcd; 2:tv; 4:hdmi;) devX_output_mode : config output resolution(see include/video/sunxi_display2.h) of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_screen_id : config display index of bootGUI framework in UBOOT-2018 devX_do_hpd : whether do hpd detectation or not in UBOOT-2018 chn_cfg_mode : Hardware DE channel allocation config. 0:single display with 6 channel, 1:dual display with 4 channel in main display and 2 channel in second display, 2:dual display with 3 channel in main display and 3 channel in second in display. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ &disp { disp_init_enable = <1>; disp_mode = <0>; screen0_output_type = <1>; screen0_output_mode = <4>; screen0_to_lcd_index = <0>; screen1_output_type = <3>; screen1_output_mode = <5>; screen1_to_lcd_index = <2>; screen1_output_format = <0>; screen1_output_bits = <0>; screen1_output_eotf = <4>; screen1_output_cs = <257>; screen1_output_dvi_hdmi = <2>; screen1_output_range = <2>; screen1_output_scan = <0>; screen1_output_aspect_ratio = <8>; dev0_output_type = <1>; dev0_output_mode = <4>; dev0_screen_id = <0>; dev0_do_hpd = <0>; dev1_output_type = <4>; dev1_output_mode = <10>; dev1_screen_id = <1>; dev1_do_hpd = <1>; def_output_dev = <0>; hdmi_mode_check = <1>; display_device_num = <3>; primary_display_type = "LCD"; primary_de_id = <0>; primary_framebuffer_width = <1280>; primary_framebuffer_height = <800>; primary_dpix = <213>; primary_dpiy = <213>; extend0_display_type = "HDMI"; extend0_de_id = <1>; extend0_framebuffer_width = <1920>; extend0_framebuffer_height = <1080>; extend0_dpix = <160>; extend0_dpiy = <160>; extend1_display_type = "DP"; extend1_de_id = <1>; extend1_framebuffer_width = <1920>; extend1_framebuffer_height = <1080>; extend1_dpix = <160>; extend1_dpiy = <160>; fb_format = <0>; fb_num = <2>; /*<disp channel layer zorder>*/ fb0_map = <0 1 0 16>; fb0_width = <1280>; fb0_height = <800>; /*<disp channel layer zorder>*/ fb1_map = <1 1 0 16>; fb1_width = <1920>; fb1_height = <1080>; /*<disp channel layer zorder>*/ fb2_map = <1 0 0 16>; fb2_width = <1280>; fb2_height = <720>; /*<disp channel layer zorder>*/ fb3_map = <1 1 0 16>; fb3_width = <300>; fb3_height = <300>; chn_cfg_mode = <3>; disp_para_zone = <1>; /* dual display clock constraints: 1. two tcons cannot share a parent clock. 2. when dsi uses ccu clock, combphy and corresponding tcon use the same parent clock. */ assigned-clocks = <&ccu CLK_DE>, <&ccu CLK_VO0_TCONLCD0>, <&ccu CLK_VO0_TCONLCD1>, <&ccu CLK_VO1_TCONLCD0>, <&ccu CLK_TCONTV>, <&ccu CLK_TCONTV1>, <&ccu CLK_COMBPHY0>, <&ccu CLK_COMBPHY1>, <&ccu CLK_DSI0>, <&ccu CLK_DSI1>, <&ccu CLK_EDP>; assigned-clock-parents = <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO3_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO0_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO0_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_PERI0_150M>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_PERI0_150M>, <&ccu CLK_PLL_VIDEO1_4X>; assigned-clock-rates = <600000000>; cldo3-supply = <®_cldo3>; dcdc4-supply = <®_dcdc4>; cldo1-supply = <®_cldo1>; pwms = <&pwm0 4 5000000 0>, <&pwm0 5 5000000 0>; pwm-names = "lvds0_backlight", "lvds2_backlight"; power-domains = <&pd1 A523_PCK_DE>, <&pd1 A523_PCK_VO0>, <&pd1 A523_PCK_VO1>; power-domain-names = "pd_de", "pd_vo0", "pd_vo1"; pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm0_0_pin_active>; pinctrl-1 = <&pwm0_0_pin_sleep>; }; #if 1 &lcd0 { lcd_used = <1>; lcd_driver_name = "bp101wx1"; lcd_backlight = <50>; lcd_if = <3>; lcd_x = <1280>; lcd_y = <800>; lcd_width = <150>; lcd_height = <94>; lcd_dclk_freq = <75>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <4>; lcd_pwm_freq = <50000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_pwm_max_limit = <255>; lcd_pwm_name = "lvds0_backlight"; lcd_hbp = <88>; lcd_ht = <1451>; lcd_hspw = <18>; lcd_vbp = <23>; lcd_vt = <860>; lcd_vspw = <10>; lcd_lvds_if = <0>; lcd_lvds_colordepth = <0>; lcd_lvds_mode = <0>; lcd_frm = <0>; lcd_hv_clk_phase = <0>; lcd_hv_sync_polarity= <0>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_act_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_dis_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_pol = <0>; lcd_start_delay = <5>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; lcd_pin_power = "cldo3"; lcd_power = "dcdc4"; lcd_power1 = "cldo1"; lcd_gpio_0 = <&pio PI 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; //reset lcd_bl_en = <&pio PI 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pinctrl-0 = <&lvds0_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&lvds0_pins_b>; lvds0_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds0_pins_a>; lvds0_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds0_pins_b>; lvds1_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds1_pins_a>; lvds1_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds1_pins_b>; dsi0_pinctrl-0 = <&dsi0_4lane_pins_a>; dsi0_pinctrl-1 = <&dsi0_4lane_pins_b>; dual_dsi_pinctrl-0 = <&dsi0_4lane_pins_a>, <&dsi1_4lane_pins_a>; dual_dsi_pinctrl-1 = <&dsi0_4lane_pins_b>, <&dsi1_4lane_pins_b>; dual_lvds0_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds0_pins_a>, <&lvds1_pins_a>; dual_lvds0_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds0_pins_b>, <&lvds1_pins_b>; }; #else &lcd0 { /* dual-lvds */ lcd_used = <1>; status = "okay"; lcd_driver_name = "default_lcd"; lcd_backlight = <50>; lcd_if = <3>; lcd_x = <1920>; lcd_y = <1080>; lcd_width = <476>; lcd_height = <268>; lcd_dclk_freq = <149>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <4>; lcd_pwm_freq = <50000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_pwm_max_limit = <255>; lcd_pwm_name = "lvds0_backlight"; lcd_hbp = <148>; lcd_ht = <2200>; lcd_hspw = <44>; lcd_vbp = <36>; lcd_vt = <1125>; lcd_vspw = <5>; lcd_lvds_if = <1>; lcd_lvds_colordepth = <0>; lcd_lvds_mode = <0>; lcd_frm = <0>; lcd_hv_clk_phase = <0>; lcd_hv_sync_polarity= <0>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_act_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_dis_time = <1000>; lcd_fsync_pol = <0>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; lcd_power = "dcdc4"; lcd_power1 = "cldo1"; lcd_bl_en = <&pio PI 2 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pinctrl-0 = <&lvds0_pins_a>, <&lvds1_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&lvds0_pins_b>, <&lvds1_pins_b>; }; #endif #if 1 &lcd1 { lcd_used = <1>; status = "okay"; lcd_driver_name = "SQ101D_Q5DI404_84H501"; lcd_backlight = <200>; lcd_if = <4>; lcd_x = <1200>; lcd_y = <1920>; lcd_width = <136>; lcd_height = <217>; lcd_dclk_freq = <157>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <0>; lcd_pwm_freq = <50000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_pwm_max_limit = <255>; lcd_hbp = <50>; lcd_ht = <1330>; lcd_hspw = <10>; lcd_vbp = <20>; lcd_vt = <1960>; lcd_vspw = <4>; lcd_frm = <0>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; lcd_start_delay = <5>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; lcd_dsi_if = <0>; lcd_dsi_lane = <4>; lcd_dsi_format = <0>; lcd_dsi_te = <0>; lcd_dsi_eotp = <0>; lcd_power1 = "cldo4"; lcd_power2 = "cldo1"; // lcd_gpio_2 = <&pio PD 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; //reset pinctrl-0 = <&dsi1_4lane_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&dsi1_4lane_pins_b>; // lcd_bl_en = <&pio PH 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; lcd_bl_0_percent = <5>; }; #else &lcd1 { lcd_used = <1>; lcd_driver_name = "default_lcd"; lcd_backlight = <50>; lcd_if = <0>; lcd_x = <800>; lcd_y = <480>; lcd_width = <150>; lcd_height = <94>; lcd_dclk_freq = <48>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <7>; lcd_pwm_freq = <50000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_hbp = <55>; lcd_ht = <1240>; lcd_hspw = <20>; lcd_vbp = <35>; lcd_vt = <650>; lcd_vspw = <10>; lcd_lvds_if = <0>; lcd_lvds_colordepth = <1>; lcd_lvds_mode = <0>; lcd_frm = <1>; lcd_io_phase = <0x0000>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; }; #endif &lcd2 { lcd_used = <0>; lcd_driver_name = "bp101wx1"; lcd_backlight = <50>; lcd_if = <3>; lcd_x = <1280>; lcd_y = <800>; lcd_width = <150>; lcd_height = <94>; lcd_dclk_freq = <75>; lcd_pwm_used = <1>; lcd_pwm_ch = <5>; lcd_pwm_freq = <50000>; lcd_pwm_pol = <0>; lcd_pwm_max_limit = <255>; lcd_pwm_name = "lvds2_backlight"; lcd_hbp = <88>; lcd_ht = <1451>; lcd_hspw = <18>; lcd_vbp = <23>; lcd_vt = <860>; lcd_vspw = <10>; lcd_lvds_if = <0>; lcd_lvds_colordepth = <0>; lcd_lvds_mode = <0>; lcd_frm = <0>; lcd_hv_clk_phase = <0>; lcd_hv_sync_polarity= <0>; lcd_gamma_en = <0>; lcd_bright_curve_en = <0>; lcd_cmap_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_en = <0>; lcd_fsync_pol = <0>; lcd_start_delay = <5>; deu_mode = <0>; lcdgamma4iep = <22>; smart_color = <90>; lcd_pin_power = "cldo3"; lcd_power = "dcdc4"; /* lvds_power & other interface power */ lcd_bl_en = <&pio PI 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pinctrl-0 = <&lvds2_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&lvds2_pins_b>; lvds2_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds2_pins_a>; lvds2_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds2_pins_b>; lvds3_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds3_pins_a>; lvds3_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds3_pins_b>; dual_lvds1_pinctrl-0 = <&lvds2_pins_a>, <&lvds3_pins_a>; dual_lvds1_pinctrl-1 = <&lvds2_pins_b>, <&lvds3_pins_b>; }; &edp0 { // use if hardware reset pin is need /* edp_hw_reset_pin = <&pio PH XX GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; */ edp_ssc_en = <0>; edp_ssc_mode = <0>; edp_psr_support = <0>; edp_colordepth = <8>; /* 6/8/10/12/16 */ edp_color_fmt = <0>; /* 0:RGB 1: YUV444 2: YUV422 */ lane0_sw = <0>; lane0_pre = <0>; lane1_sw = <0>; lane1_pre = <0>; lane2_sw = <0>; lane2_pre = <0>; lane3_sw = <0>; lane3_pre = <0>; efficient_training = <0>; sink_capacity_prefer = <1>; edid_timings_prefer = <1>; timings_fixed = <1>; edp_panel_used = <1>; edp_panel_driver = "general_panel"; edp_bl_en = <&pio PI 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; edp_pwm_used = <1>; edp_pwm_ch = <5>; edp_pwm_freq = <50000>; edp_pwm_pol = <0>; edp_default_backlight = <200>; edp_panel_power_0 = "edp-panel"; vcc-edp-supply = <®_bldo3>; vdd-edp-supply = <®_dcdc2>; edp-panel-supply = <®_dcdc4>; status = "disabled"; }; &ve { ve-supply = <®_dcdc2>; enable_setup_ve_freq = <0>; /* default disable */ ve_freq_value = <624>; /* setup to 624MHz */ }; /* audio dirver module -> audio codec */ &codec { tx-hub-en; rx-sync-en; dac-vol = <63>; /* default value:63 range:0->63 */ dacl-vol = <160>; /* default value:160 range:0->255 */ dacr-vol = <160>; /* default value:160 range:0->255 */ adc1-vol = <160>; /* default value:160 range:0->255 */ adc2-vol = <160>; /* default value:160 range:0->255 */ adc3-vol = <160>; /* default value:160 range:0->255 */ lineout-gain = <31>; /* default value:31 range:0->31 */ hpout-gain = <7>; /* default value:7 range:0->7 */ adc1-gain = <31>; /* default value:31 range:0->31 */ adc2-gain = <31>; /* default value:31 range:0->31 */ adc3-gain = <31>; /* default value:31 range:0->31 */ /* to do: avcc-1.8 vdd33-3.3 cpvin-1.8 */ avcc-external; avcc-supply = <®_aldo4>; avcc-vol = <1800000>; vdd-external; vdd-supply = <®_cldo3>; vdd-vol = <3300000>; cpvin-external; cpvin-supply = <®_bldo3>; cpvin-vol = <1800000>; pa-pin-max = <1>; pa-pin-0 = <&r_pio PL 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; pa-pin-level-0 = <1>; pa-pin-msleep-0 = <0>; jack-det-level = <0>; jack-det-threshold = <8>; jack-det-debouce-time = <250>; /* extcon = <&usb_power_supply>; * jack-swpin-mic-sel = <&pio PH 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; * jack-swpin-hp-en = <&pio PH 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; * jack-swpin-hp-sel = <&pio PH 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; * jack-swmode-hp-off = <0x00>; * jack-swmode-hp-usb = <0x11>; * jack-swmode-hp-audio = <0x10>; * jack-det-level = <1>; * jack-det-threshold = <8>; * jack-det-debouce-time = <250>; */ status = "okay"; }; &codec_plat { status = "okay"; }; &codec_mach { soundcard-mach,jack-support = <1>; status = "okay"; soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&codec_plat>; }; soundcard-mach,codec { sound-dai = <&codec>; }; }; &hdmi_codec { extcon = <&hdmi>; status = "okay"; }; &edp_codec { status = "disabled"; }; /* audio dirver module -> owa */ &owa_plat { pinctrl-used; pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&owa_pins_a>; pinctrl-1 = <&owa_pins_b>; tx-hub-en; status = "okay"; }; &owa_mach { status = "okay"; soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&owa_plat>; }; soundcard-mach,codec { }; }; /* audio dirver module -> DMIC */ &dmic_plat { rx-chmap = <0x76543210>; data-vol = <0xB0>; rxdelaytime = <0>; /* pinctrl-used; */ /* pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; */ /* pinctrl-0 = <&dmic_pins_a>; */ /* pinctrl-1 = <&dmic_pins_b>; */ rx-sync-en; status = "disabled"; }; &dmic_mach { status = "disabled"; soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&dmic_plat>; }; soundcard-mach,codec { }; }; /* audio dirver module -> I2S/PCM */ &i2s0_plat { tdm-num = <0>; tx-pin = <0>; rx-pin = <0>; pinctrl-used; pinctrl-names = "default","sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&i2s0_pins_a &i2s0_pins_c &i2s0_pins_d>; pinctrl-1 = <&i2s0_pins_b>; tx-hub-en; rx-sync-en; status = "okay"; }; &i2s0_mach { soundcard-mach,format = "i2s"; soundcard-mach,frame-master = <&i2s0_cpu>; soundcard-mach,bitclock-master = <&i2s0_cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,slot-num = <2>; soundcard-mach,slot-width = <32>; soundcard-mach,capture-only; status = "okay"; i2s0_cpu: soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&i2s0_plat>; /* note: pll freq = 24.576M or 22.5792M * pll-fs */ soundcard-mach,pll-fs = <1>; /* note: * mclk freq = mclk-fs * 12.288M or 11.2896M (when mclk-fp ture) * mclk freq = mclk-fs * pcm rate (when mclk-fp false) */ soundcard-mach,mclk-fp; soundcard-mach,mclk-fs = <1>; }; i2s0_codec: soundcard-mach,codec { sound-dai = <&ac107>; soundcard-mach,pll-fs = <1>; }; }; &i2s1_plat { tdm-num = <1>; tx-pin = <0>; rx-pin = <0>; /* pinctrl-used; */ /* pinctrl-names= "default","sleep"; */ /* pinctrl-0 = <&i2s1_pins_a &i2s1_pins_c &i2s1_pins_d>; */ /* pinctrl-1 = <&i2s1_pins_b>; */ tx-hub-en; rx-sync-en; status = "disabled"; }; &i2s1_mach { soundcard-mach,format = "i2s"; soundcard-mach,frame-master = <&i2s1_cpu>; soundcard-mach,bitclock-master = <&i2s1_cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,slot-num = <2>; soundcard-mach,slot-width = <32>; status = "disabled"; i2s1_cpu: soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&i2s1_plat>; soundcard-mach,pll-fs = <1>; soundcard-mach,mclk-fs = <0>; }; i2s1_codec: soundcard-mach,codec { }; }; &i2s2_plat { tdm-num = <2>; tx-pin = <0 1 2 3>; /* e.g. * tx-pin0-map0 = <0xFEDC3210> -> tx_pin_map[0][0] (Dout0-slot[7:0] map channel[15:12, 3:0]) * tx-pin0-map1 = <0x3210FEDC> -> tx_pin_map[0][1] (Dout0-slot[15:8] map channel[3:0, 15:12]) * tx-pin1-map0 = <0x76543210> -> tx_pin_map[1][0] (Dout1-slot[7:0] map channel[7:0]) */ tx-pin0-map0 = <0x76543210>; tx-pin0-map1 = <0xFEDCBA98>; tx-pin1-map0 = <0x76543210>; tx-pin1-map1 = <0xFEDCBA98>; tx-pin2-map0 = <0x76543210>; tx-pin2-map1 = <0xFEDCBA98>; tx-pin3-map0 = <0x76543210>; tx-pin3-map1 = <0xFEDCBA98>; rx-pin = <0>; /* pinctrl-used; */ /* pinctrl-names= "default","sleep"; */ /* pinctrl-0 = <&i2s2_pins_a &i2s2_pins_c &i2s2_pins_d &i2s2_pins_e>; */ /* pinctrl-1 = <&i2s2_pins_b>; */ tx-hub-en; rx-sync-en; /* edp not need dai-type */ dai-type = "hdmi"; status = "okay"; }; &i2s2_mach { soundcard-mach,format = "i2s"; soundcard-mach,frame-master = <&i2s2_cpu>; soundcard-mach,bitclock-master = <&i2s2_cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,slot-num = <2>; soundcard-mach,slot-width = <32>; soundcard-mach,playback-only; status = "okay"; i2s2_cpu: soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&i2s2_plat>; soundcard-mach,pll-fs = <1>; /* edp mclk: 512fs */ soundcard-mach,mclk-fs = <0>; }; i2s2_codec: soundcard-mach,codec { sound-dai = <&hdmi_codec>; }; }; &i2s3_plat { tdm-num = <3>; tx-pin = <0>; rx-pin = <0>; /* pinctrl-used; */ /* pinctrl-names= "default","sleep"; */ /* pinctrl-0 = <&i2s3_pins_a &i2s3_pins_c &i2s3_pins_d>; */ /* pinctrl-1 = <&i2s3_pins_b>; */ tx-hub-en; rx-sync-en; status = "disabled"; }; &i2s3_mach { soundcard-mach,format = "i2s"; soundcard-mach,frame-master = <&i2s3_cpu>; soundcard-mach,bitclock-master = <&i2s3_cpu>; /* soundcard-mach,frame-inversion; */ /* soundcard-mach,bitclock-inversion; */ soundcard-mach,slot-num = <2>; soundcard-mach,slot-width = <32>; status = "disabled"; i2s3_cpu: soundcard-mach,cpu { sound-dai = <&i2s3_plat>; soundcard-mach,pll-fs = <1>; soundcard-mach,mclk-fs = <0>; }; i2s3_codec: soundcard-mach,codec { }; }; &hdmi { hdmi_used = <1>; bldo3-supply = <®_bldo3>; hdmi_power0 = "bldo3"; hdmi_power_cnt = <1>; hdmi_hdcp_enable = <1>; hdmi_hdcp22_enable = <0>; hdmi_cts_compatibility = <0>; hdmi_cec_support = <1>; hdmi_cec_super_standby = <1>; hdmi_skip_bootedid = <1>; ddc_en_io_ctrl = <0>; power_io_ctrl = <0>; status = "okay"; }; &cpu0 { cpu-supply = <®_dcdc1>; }; &dsufreq { dsu-supply = <®_dcdc1>; }; &mdio0 { status = "okay"; gmac0_phy0: ethernet-phy@1 { reset-gpios = <&pio PH 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; }; &gmac0 { phy-mode = "rgmii"; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&gmac0_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&gmac0_pins_sleep>; sunxi,phy-clk-type = <0>; tx-delay = <3>; rx-delay = <4>; gmac3v3-supply = <®_cldo4>; status = "okay"; }; &gmac1 { phy-mode = "rgmii"; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep"; pinctrl-0 = <&gmac1_pins_default>; pinctrl-1 = <&gmac1_pins_sleep>; aw,soc-phy25m; tx-delay = <3>; rx-delay = <4>; dwmac3v3-supply = <®_cldo4>; status = "okay"; mdio1: mdio1@1 { gmac1_phy0: ethernet-phy@1 { reset-gpios = <&pio PI 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; }; }; &npu { npu-supply = <®_ext_axp1530_dcdc3>; status = "okay"; }; &dram { dram_para00 = <0x00000000>; dram_para01 = <0x00000000>; dram_para02 = <0x00000000>; dram_para03 = <0x00000000>; dram_para04 = <0x00000000>; dram_para05 = <0x00000000>; dram_para06 = <0x00000000>; dram_para07 = <0x00000000>; dram_para08 = <0x00000000>; dram_para09 = <0x00000000>; dram_para10 = <0x00000000>; dram_para11 = <0x00000000>; dram_para12 = <0x00000000>; dram_para13 = <0x00000000>; dram_para14 = <0x00000000>; dram_para15 = <0x00000000>; dram_para16 = <0x00000000>; dram_para17 = <0x00000000>; dram_para18 = <0x00000000>; dram_para19 = <0x00000000>; dram_para20 = <0x00000000>; dram_para21 = <0x00000000>; dram_para22 = <0x00000000>; dram_para23 = <0x00000000>; dram_para24 = <0x00000000>; dram_para25 = <0x00000000>; dram_para26 = <0x00000000>; dram_para27 = <0x00000000>; dram_para28 = <0x00000000>; dram_para29 = <0x00000000>; dram_para30 = <0x00000000>; dram_para31 = <0x00000000>; dram_para32 = <0x00000000>; dram_para33 = <0x00000000>; dram_para34 = <0x00000000>; dram_para35 = <0x00000000>; dram_para36 = <0x00000000>; dram_para37 = <0x00000000>; dram_para38 = <0x00000000>; dram_para39 = <0x00000000>; dram_para40 = <0x00000000>; dram_para41 = <0x00000000>; dram_para42 = <0x00000000>; dram_para43 = <0x00000000>; dram_para44 = <0x00000000>; dram_para45 = <0x00000000>; dram_para46 = <0x00000000>; dram_para47 = <0x00000000>; dram_para48 = <0x00000000>; dram_para49 = <0x00000000>; dram_para50 = <0x00000000>; dram_para51 = <0x00000000>; dram_para52 = <0x00000000>; dram_para53 = <0x00000000>; dram_para54 = <0x00000000>; dram_para55 = <0x00000000>; dram_para56 = <0x00000000>; dram_para57 = <0x00000000>; dram_para58 = <0x00000000>; dram_para59 = <0x00000000>; dram_para60 = <0x00000000>; dram_para61 = <0x00000000>; dram_para62 = <0x00000000>; dram_para63 = <0x00000000>; dram_para64 = <0x00000000>; dram_para65 = <0x00000000>; dram_para66 = <0x00000000>; dram_para67 = <0x00000000>; dram_para68 = <0x00000000>; dram_para69 = <0x00000000>; dram_para70 = <0x00000000>; dram_para71 = <0x00000000>; dram_para72 = <0x00000000>; dram_para73 = <0x00000000>; dram_para74 = <0x00000000>; dram_para75 = <0x00000000>; dram_para76 = <0x00000000>; dram_para77 = <0x00000000>; dram_para78 = <0x00000000>; dram_para79 = <0x00000000>; dram_para80 = <0x00000000>; dram_para81 = <0x00000000>; dram_para82 = <0x00000000>; dram_para83 = <0x00000000>; dram_para84 = <0x00000000>; dram_para85 = <0x00000000>; dram_para86 = <0x00000000>; dram_para87 = <0x00000000>; dram_para88 = <0x00000000>; dram_para89 = <0x00000000>; dram_para90 = <0x00000000>; dram_para91 = <0x00000000>; dram_para92 = <0x00000000>; dram_para93 = <0x00000000>; dram_para94 = <0x00000000>; dram_para95 = <0x00000000>; }; &cpul_thermal_zone { cpul_trips: trips { cpul_crit: cpu_crit@0 { temperature = <115000>; type = "critical"; hysteresis = <0>; }; }; }; &cpub_thermal_zone { cpub_trips: trips { cpub_crit: cpu_crit@0 { temperature = <115000>; type = "critical"; hysteresis = <0>; }; }; }; &gpu_thermal_zone { gpu_trips: trips { gpu_crit: gpu_crit@0 { temperature = <115000>; type = "critical"; hysteresis = <0>; }; }; };
回复: 請問大大誰有usb驅動程式能下載?
全志USB烧录驱动20201229 -
回复: V853 DDR原理图问题
回复: V851S SPI2 死机
SPI2 地址 0x04027000, 没问题
SPI2 中断号 49,配置时需要减掉SIG和PPI的数量32,也就是17
spi2: spi@04027000 { #address-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <0>; compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-spi"; device_type = "spi2"; reg = <0x0 0x04027000 0x0 0x1000>; interrupts = <GIC_SPI 17 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>; clocks = <&clk_pll_periph0300m>, <&clk_spi2>; status = "disabled"; };
回复: V851s buildroot openwrt 编译GCC失败
@kanken6174 不建议编译gcc进入固件,首先这个gcc没有适配平台,其次v851s的64M内存也无法支持gcc的使用
回复: V853使用MIPI CSI接口是否只支持RAW格式像素?
@xjy_5 一般来说配置sensor0_isp_used = <0>; 就不会调用ISP,虽然会配置但是不会处理。需要再跟踪一下调用
回复: 烧录识别不了usb提示:module awusb:gnu.linkonce.this module section size must match the kernel's built struct module size at run time
回复: R128-S2 驱动 1024x600 RGB 显示屏 并运行 LVGL
lcd_driver_name = "default_lcd" lcd_backlight = 150 lcd_if = 0 lcd_x = 1024 lcd_y = 600 lcd_width = 150 lcd_height = 94 lcd_rb_swap = 0 lcd_dclk_freq = 48 lcd_pwm_used = 1 lcd_pwm_ch = 7 lcd_pwm_freq = 500000 lcd_pwm_pol = 1 lcd_hbp = 160 lcd_ht = 1344 lcd_hspw = 20 lcd_vbp = 20 lcd_vt = 635 lcd_vspw = 3 lcd_lvds_if = 0 lcd_lvds_colordepth = 1 lcd_lvds_mode = 0 lcd_frm = 0 lcd_io_phase = 0x0000 lcd_gamma_en = 0 lcd_bright_curve_en = 0 lcd_cmap_en = 0
回复: T113基于Longan在LVGL中如何播放视屏,通过tplayer
static lv_style_t style_scr_act; if (style_scr_act.prop_cnt == 0) { lv_style_init(&style_scr_act); lv_style_set_bg_opa(&style_scr_act, LV_OPA_COVER); lv_obj_add_style(lv_scr_act(), &style_scr_act, 0); } lv_disp_get_default()->driver->screen_transp = 1; lv_disp_set_bg_opa(lv_disp_get_default(), LV_OPA_TRANSP); /* Empty the buffer, not emptying will cause the UI to be opaque */ lv_memset_00(lv_disp_get_default()->driver->draw_buf->buf_act, lv_disp_get_default()->driver->draw_buf->size * sizeof(lv_color32_t)); lv_style_set_bg_opa(&style_scr_act, LV_OPA_TRANSP); lv_obj_report_style_change(&style_scr_act);
回复: A133編譯kernel 遇到error trying to exec cc1: execvp : No such file or directory
Ubuntu 22.04 / 20.04
- 更新软件源,更新系统软件包
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- 安装开发依赖
sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex bison quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip lsof
- 安装相关工具
sudo apt-get install kconfig-frontends android-tools-mkbootimg python2 libpython3-dev
- 增加架构支持
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update
- 安装支持包
sudo apt install gcc-multilib sudo apt install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1
Ubuntu 18.04
- 更新软件源,更新系统软件包
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- 安装开发依赖
sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion git libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gawk flex bison quilt libssl-dev xsltproc libxml-parser-perl mercurial bzr ecj cvs unzip lsof
- 安装相关工具
sudo apt-get install android-tools-mkbootimg libpython3-dev
- 增加架构支持
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update
- 安装支持包
sudo apt install gcc-multilib sudo apt install libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1
Arch Linux / Manjaro
- 更新软件源,更新系统软件包
pacman -Syyuu
- 安装开发依赖
pacman -S --needed base-devel autoconf automake bash binutils bison bzip2 fakeroot file findutils flex gawk gcc gettext git grep groff gzip time unzip util-linux wget which zlib asciidoc help2man intltool perl-extutils-makemaker swig
- 安装相关工具
pacman -S --needed libelf libtool libxslt m4 make ncurses openssl patch pkgconf python rsync sed texinfo
- 增加架构支持
pacman -S --needed multilib-devel
CentOS / Fedora / openEuler
sudo dnf --setopt install_weak_deps=False --skip-broken install bash-completion bzip2 gcc gcc-c++ git make ncurses-devel patch rsync tar unzip wget which diffutils python2 python3 perl-base perl-Data-Dumper perl-File-Compare perl-File-Copy perl-FindBin perl-Thread-Queue glibc.i686
sudo zypper install --no-recommends asciidoc bash bc binutils bzip2 fastjar flex gawk gcc
回复: V853 SDK : PMU TWI
@alb702 在 V853 SDK : PMU TWI 中说:
[267]ic cant match axp, please check...
V853 和 V853s 的芯片安全系统验证不一样,SDK不能通用,这行输出表示芯片型号验证失败,跳过初始化DRAM
回复: LVGL 与 SPI TFT GUI案例报错
建议 删除 PMU 相关配置
[pmu] pmu_irq_pin = port:PA14<14><0><default><default> pmu_irq_wakeup = 2 pmu_hot_shutdown = 1 pmu_bat_unused = 0 pmu_usbad_vol = 4600 pmu_usbad_cur = 1500 pmu_usbpc_vol = 4600 pmu_usbpc_cur = 500 pmu_chg_ic_temp = 0 pmu_battery_rdc = 100 pmu_battery_cap = 3568 pmu_runtime_chgcur = 900 pmu_suspend_chgcur = 1200 pmu_shutdown_chgcur = 1200 pmu_init_chgvol = 4200 pmu_init_chg_pretime = 50 pmu_init_chg_csttime = 1200 pmu_chgled_type = 0 pmu_init_bc_en = 1 pmu_bat_temp_enable = 0 pmu_bat_charge_ltf = 2261 pmu_bat_charge_htf = 388 pmu_bat_shutdown_ltf = 3200 pmu_bat_shutdown_htf = 237 pmu_bat_para[0] = 0 pmu_bat_para[1] = 0 pmu_bat_para[2] = 0 pmu_bat_para[3] = 0 pmu_bat_para[4] = 0 pmu_bat_para[5] = 0 pmu_bat_para[6] = 1 pmu_bat_para[7] = 1 pmu_bat_para[8] = 2 pmu_bat_para[9] = 4 pmu_bat_para[10] = 5 pmu_bat_para[11] = 12 pmu_bat_para[12] = 19 pmu_bat_para[13] = 32 pmu_bat_para[14] = 41 pmu_bat_para[15] = 45 pmu_bat_para[16] = 48 pmu_bat_para[17] = 51 pmu_bat_para[18] = 54 pmu_bat_para[19] = 59 pmu_bat_para[20] = 63 pmu_bat_para[21] = 68 pmu_bat_para[22] = 71 pmu_bat_para[23] = 74 pmu_bat_para[24] = 78 pmu_bat_para[25] = 81 pmu_bat_para[26] = 82 pmu_bat_para[27] = 84 pmu_bat_para[28] = 88 pmu_bat_para[29] = 92 pmu_bat_para[30] = 96 pmu_bat_para[31] = 100 pmu_bat_temp_para[0] = 7466 pmu_bat_temp_para[1] = 4480 pmu_bat_temp_para[2] = 3518 pmu_bat_temp_para[3] = 2786 pmu_bat_temp_para[4] = 2223 pmu_bat_temp_para[5] = 1788 pmu_bat_temp_para[6] = 1448 pmu_bat_temp_para[7] = 969 pmu_bat_temp_para[8] = 664 pmu_bat_temp_para[9] = 466 pmu_bat_temp_para[10] = 393 pmu_bat_temp_para[11] = 333 pmu_bat_temp_para[12] = 283 pmu_bat_temp_para[13] = 242 pmu_bat_temp_para[14] = 179 pmu_bat_temp_para[15] = 134
回复: 测试编译不过
helloworld_fel 使用了 VFP 寄存器参数,但是某个库文件(libgcc.a(_udivmoddi4.o))却不支持。
缺少 .note.GNU-stack 段,暗示可执行栈缺失。
对于具有 RWX 权限的 LOAD 段,给出了警告。
在链接时,出现了对 raise 函数的未定义引用。
回复: DragonFace V4.1.0哪里有下载,你们搞的也太封闭了吧。。。
回复: v853 vin通路配置
(4)只有VIPP0和dma0实体支持VE在线编码,而vipp0在线,如果vipp00的输入端为isp,那么tdm和isp也只能配置在线模式,而isp在线,那么四个vipp和dma实体都只能配置在线模式;online 和 offline 配 置 方 式 在 board.dts , 所 以 需 要 在 对 应 版 型 的 board.dts 中 找 到 vind0 节 点 配 置 列 表 , 对 应 关 系 为 tdm 对 应 节 点 , isp 对 应 isp00 节 点 , vipp 对 应 scaler00 、 scaler10 、 scaler20 和 scaler30 节 点 , dma 对 , 应 vinc00 、 vinc10 、 vinc20 和 vinc30 节 点 。
- 在线模式,单路3输出
- 离线模式,2路8输出
回复: 【T113 S3】【spi驱动】【DMA 连续内存分配】【dma_alloc_coherent】【失败】
参考 G2D 驱动做下修改
void *g2d_malloc(__u32 bytes_num, __u32 *phy_addr) { void *address = NULL; #if defined(CONFIG_ION) u32 actual_bytes; if (bytes_num != 0) { actual_bytes = G2D_BYTE_ALIGN(bytes_num); address = dma_alloc_coherent(para.dev, actual_bytes, (dma_addr_t *) phy_addr, GFP_KERNEL); if (address) { return address; } G2D_ERR_MSG("dma_alloc_coherent fail, size=0x%x\n", bytes_num); return NULL; } G2D_ERR_MSG("size is zero\n"); #else unsigned int map_size = 0; struct page *page; if (bytes_num != 0) { map_size = PAGE_ALIGN(bytes_num); page = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL, get_order(map_size)); if (page != NULL) { address = page_address(page); if (address == NULL) { free_pages((unsigned long)(page), get_order(map_size)); G2D_ERR_MSG("page_address fail!\n"); return NULL; } *phy_addr = virt_to_phys(address); return address; } G2D_ERR_MSG("alloc_pages fail!\n"); return NULL; } G2D_ERR_MSG("size is zero\n"); #endif return NULL; }
目前看到 dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, xxx...) 的第一个参数是NULL,正常来说应该分配设备而不是NULL。
回复: 关于打印启动日志到/dev/fb0的问题
找到 env.cfg
#kernel command arguments earlyprintk=sunxi-uart,0x02500000 initcall_debug=0 console=ttyS0,115200 consolefb=tty0 nand_root=ubi0_4 mmc_root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 nor_root=/dev/mtdblock1 init=/init loglevel=8 coherent_pool=16K #reserve_list=30M@64M,78M@128M,200M@512M mac= wifi_mac= bt_mac= specialstr= root_partition=rootfs mtd_name=sys rootfstype=ubifs, rw #set kernel cmdline if boot.img or recovery.img has no cmdline we will use this setargs_nor=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} console=${console—fb} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${nor_root} rootwait init=${init} rdinit=${rdinit} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} setargs_nand=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} console=${console—fb} loglevel=${loglevel} ubi.mtd=${mtd_name} root=${nand_root} rootfstype=${rootfstype} rootwait init=${init} rdinit=${rdinit} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} selinux=${selinux} specialstr=${specialstr} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} setargs_nand_ubi=setenv bootargs ubi.mtd=${mtd_name} earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} console=${console—fb} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${nand_root} rootfstype=${rootfstype} init=${init} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} snum=${snum} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} specialstr=${specialstr} gpt=1 setargs_mmc=setenv bootargs earlyprintk=${earlyprintk} clk_ignore_unused initcall_debug=${initcall_debug} console=${console} console=${console—fb} loglevel=${loglevel} root=${mmc_root} rootwait init=${init} partitions=${partitions} cma=${cma} mac_addr=${mac} wifi_mac=${wifi_mac} bt_mac=${bt_mac} selinux=${selinux} specialstr=${specialstr} coherent_pool=${coherent_pool} ion_carveout_list=${reserve_list} #nand command syntax: sunxi_flash read address partition_name read_bytes #0x4007f800 = 0x40080000(kernel entry) - 0x800(boot.img header 2k) boot_partition=boot boot_normal=sunxi_flash read 44800000 ${boot_partition};bootm 44800000 boot_recovery=sunxi_flash read 44800000 extend;bootm 44800000 boot_fastboot=fastboot #recovery key recovery_key_value_max=0x13 recovery_key_value_min=0x10 #fastboot key fastboot_key_value_max=0x8 fastboot_key_value_min=0x2 #uboot system env config bootdelay=1 #default bootcmd, will change at runtime according to key press bootcmd=run setargs_nand boot_normal#default nand boot #verify the kernel verify=N
回复: V851S tina linux ov5647 驱动程序没有 dmesg
使用 V3s SDK 提供VFE框架的驱动移植到VIN框架下抓图成功。但是图像非常暗,并且撕裂,抓raw数据查看也是一样,考虑可能mclk不同步导致。
sensor0:sensor@0 { device_type = "sensor0"; sensor0_mname = "ov5648_mipi"; sensor0_twi_cci_id = <0>; sensor0_twi_addr = <0x6c>; sensor0_mclk_id = <0>; sensor0_pos = "rear"; sensor0_isp_used = <1>; sensor0_fmt = <1>; sensor0_stby_mode = <0>; sensor0_vflip = <0>; sensor0_hflip = <0>; sensor0_iovdd-supply = <>; sensor0_iovdd_vol = <1800000>; sensor0_avdd-supply = <>; sensor0_avdd_vol = <2800000>; sensor0_dvdd-supply = <>; sensor0_dvdd_vol = <1200000>; sensor0_power_en = <>; sensor0_reset = <&pio PA 18 1 0 1 0>; sensor0_pwdn = <&pio PA 19 1 0 1 0>; sensor0_sm_hs = <>; sensor0_sm_vs = <>; flash_handle = <>; act_handle = <>; status = "okay"; };
/* * A V4L2 driver for ov5647 Raw cameras. * * Copyright (c) 2022 by YuzukiTsuru <gloomyghost@gloomyghost.com> * Copyright (c) 2018 by Allwinnertech Co., Ltd. http://www.allwinnertech.com * * Authors: Zheng ZeQun <zequnzheng@allwinnertech.com> * Liang WeiJie <liangweijie@allwinnertech.com> * YuzukiTsuru <gloomyghost@gloomyghost.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/videodev2.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <media/v4l2-device.h> #include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include "camera.h" #include "sensor_helper.h" MODULE_AUTHOR("YuzukiTsuru"); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A low-level driver for ov5647 sensors"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); #define MCLK (24*1000*1000) #define V4L2_IDENT_SENSOR 0x5648 /* * Our nominal (default) frame rate. */ #define SENSOR_FRAME_RATE 30 /* * The GC0310 i2c address */ #define I2C_ADDR 0x6c #define SENSOR_NAME "ov5648_mipi" /* * The default register settings */ static struct regval_list sensor_default_regs[] = { //Slave_ID=0x6c; {0x0100, 0x00},// ; software standby {0x0103, 0x01},// ; software reset {REG_DLY, 0x25}, {0x370c, 0x03},// ; analog control {0x5000, 0x06},// ; lens off, bpc on, wpc on {0x5003, 0x08},// ; buf_en {0x5a00, 0x08},// {0x3000, 0xff},// ; D[9:8] output {0x3001, 0xff},// ; D[7:0] output {0x3002, 0xff},// ; Vsync, Href, PCLK, Frex, Strobe, SDA, GPIO1, GPIO0 output {0x301d, 0xf0},// {0x3a18, 0x00},// ; gain ceiling = 15.5x {0x3a19, 0xf8},// ; gain ceiling {0x3c01, 0x80},// ; band detection manual mode {0x3b07, 0x0c},// ; strobe frex mode //; analog control {0x3630, 0x2e}, {0x3632, 0xe2}, {0x3633, 0x23}, {0x3634, 0x44}, {0x3620, 0x64}, {0x3621, 0xe0}, {0x3600, 0x37}, {0x3704, 0xa0}, {0x3703, 0x5a}, {0x3715, 0x78}, {0x3717, 0x01}, {0x3731, 0x02}, {0x370b, 0x60}, {0x3705, 0x1a}, {0x3f05, 0x02}, {0x3f06, 0x10}, {0x3f01, 0x0a}, //; AG/AE target {0x3a0f, 0x58},// ; stable in high {0x3a10, 0x50},// ; stable in low {0x3a1b, 0x58},// ; stable out high {0x3a1e, 0x50},// ; stable out low {0x3a11, 0x60},// ; fast zone high {0x3a1f, 0x28},// ; fast zone low {0x4001, 0x02},// ; BLC start line {0x4000, 0x09},// ; BLC enable {0x3000, 0x00},// ; D[9:8] input {0x3001, 0x00},// ; D[7:0] input {0x3002, 0x00},// ; Vsync, Href, PCLK, Frex, Strobe, SDA, GPIO1, GPIO0 input {0x3017, 0xe0},// ; MIPI PHY {0x301c, 0xfc},// {0x3636, 0x06},// ; analog control {0x3016, 0x08},// ; MIPI pad enable {0x3827, 0xec},// {0x3018, 0x44},// ; MIPI 2 lane, MIPI enable {0x3035, 0x21},// ; PLL {0x3106, 0xf5},// ; PLL {0x3034, 0x1a},// ; PLL {0x301c, 0xf8},// {0x3503, 0x03},// ; Gain has no latch delay, AGC manual, AEC {0x3501, 0x10},// ; exposure[15:8] {0x3502, 0x80},// ; exposure[7:0] {0x350a, 0x00},// ; gain[9:8] {0x350b, 0x7f},// ; gain[7:0] {0x5001, 0x01},// ; AWB on {0x5180, 0x08},// ; AWB manual gain enable {0x5186, 0x04},// ; manual red gain high {0x5187, 0x00},// ; manual red gain low {0x5188, 0x04},// ; manual green gain high {0x5189, 0x00},// ; manual green gain low {0x518a, 0x04},// ; manual blue gain high {0x518b, 0x00},// ; manual blue gain low {0x5000, 0x06},// ; lenc off, bpc on, wpc on }; static struct regval_list sensor_qsxga_regs[] = { //qsxga: 2592*1936@15fps {0x0100, 0x00},// ; software standby {0x3035, 0x21},// ; PLL {0x3036, 0x66},// ; PLL {0x303c, 0x11},// ; PLL {0x3821, 0x06},// ; ISP mirror on, Sensor mirror on {0x3820, 0x00},// ; ISP flip off, Sensor flip off {0x3612, 0x5b},// ; analog control {0x3618, 0x04},// ; analog control {0x380c, 0x0a},// ; HTS = 2752 {0x380d, 0xc0},// ; HTS {0x380e, 0x07},// ; VTS = 1974 {0x380f, 0xb6},// ; VTS {0x3814, 0x11},// ; X INC {0x3815, 0x11},// ; X INC {0x3708, 0x64},// ; analog control {0x3709, 0x12},// ; analog control {0x3808, 0x0a},// ; X OUTPUT SIZE = 2592 {0x3809, 0x20},// ; X OUTPUT SIZE {0x380a, 0x07},// ; Y OUTPUT SIZE = 1944 {0x380b, 0x98},// ; Y OUTPUT SIZE {0x3800, 0x00},// ; X Start {0x3801, 0x0c},// ; X Start {0x3802, 0x00},// ; Y Start {0x3803, 0x02},// ; Y Start {0x3804, 0x0a},// ; X End {0x3805, 0x33},// ; X End {0x3806, 0x07},// ; Y End {0x3807, 0xa1},// ; Y End ///////////; Banding filter {0x3a08, 0x01},// ; B50 {0x3a09, 0x28},// ; B50 {0x3a0a, 0x00},// ; B60 {0x3a0b, 0xf6},// ; B60 {0x3a0d, 0x07},// ; B60 max {0x3a0e, 0x06},// ; B50 max {0x4004, 0x04},// ; black line number {0x4837, 0x19},// ; MIPI pclk period {0x0100, 0x01},// ; wake up from software standby }; static struct regval_list sensor_720p_regs[] = { //720: 1280*720@30fps {0x0100, 0x00},// ; software standby {0x3035, 0x21},// ; PLL {0x3036, 0x46},// ; PLL {0x303c, 0x11},// ; PLL {0x3821, 0x07},// ; ISP mirror on, Sensor mirror on, bin on {0x3820, 0x41},// ; ISP flip off, Sensor flip off, bin on {0x3612, 0x59},// ; analog control {0x3618, 0x00},// ; analog control {0x380c, 0x07},// ; HTS = 1896 {0x380d, 0x68},// ; HTS {0x380e, 0x03},// ; VTS = 984 {0x380f, 0xd8},// ; VTS {0x3814, 0x31},// ; X INC {0x3815, 0x31},// ; Y INC {0x3708, 0x64},// ; analog control {0x3709, 0x52},// ; analog control {0x3808, 0x05},// ; X OUTPUT SIZE = 1280 {0x3809, 0x00},// ; X OUTPUT SIZE {0x380a, 0x03},// ; Y OUTPUT SIZE = 960 {0x380b, 0xc0},// ; Y OUTPUT SIZE {0x3800, 0x00},// ; X Start {0x3801, 0x18},// ; X Start {0x3802, 0x00},// ; Y Start {0x3803, 0x0e},// ; Y Start {0x3804, 0x0a},// ; X End {0x3805, 0x27},// ; X End {0x3806, 0x07},// ; Y End {0x3807, 0x95},// ; Y End // banding filter {0x3a08, 0x01},// ; B50 {0x3a09, 0x27},// ; B50 {0x3a0a, 0x00},// ; B60 {0x3a0b, 0xf6},// ; B60 {0x3a0d, 0x04},// ; B50 max {0x3a0e, 0x03},// ; B60 max {0x4004, 0x02},// ; black line number {0x4837, 0x24},// ; MIPI pclk period {0x0100, 0x01},// ; wake up from software standby }; static struct regval_list sensor_fmt_raw[] = { }; /* * Code for dealing with controls. * fill with different sensor module * different sensor module has different settings here * if not support the follow function ,retrun -EINVAL */ static int sensor_g_exp(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, __s32 *value) { struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); *value = info->exp; sensor_print("sensor_get_exposure = %d\n", info->exp); return 0; } static int sensor_s_exp(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned int exp_val) { unsigned char explow, expmid, exphigh; struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); if(exp_val>0xfffff) exp_val=0xfffff; sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x00);//enter group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3503, 0x13); exphigh = (unsigned char) ( (0x0f0000&exp_val)>>16); expmid = (unsigned char) ( (0x00ff00&exp_val)>>8); explow = (unsigned char) ( (0x0000ff&exp_val) ); //sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x00);//enter group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3502, explow); sensor_write(sd, 0x3501, expmid); sensor_write(sd, 0x3500, exphigh); sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x10);//end group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0xa0);//init group write sensor_print("ov5647_mipi sensor_set_exp = %d, Done!\n", exp_val); info->exp = exp_val; return 0; } static int sensor_g_gain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, __s32 *value) { struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); *value = info->gain; sensor_print("sensor_get_gain = %d\n", info->gain); return 0; } static int sensor_s_gain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned int gain_val) { struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); unsigned char gainlow=0; unsigned char gainhigh=0; if(gain_val<1*16) gain_val=16; if(gain_val>64*16-1) gain_val=64*16-1; gainlow=(unsigned char)(gain_val&0xff); gainhigh=(unsigned char)((gain_val>>8)&0x3); sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x00);//enter group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3503, 0x13); sensor_write(sd, 0x350b, gainlow); sensor_write(sd, 0x350a, gainhigh); sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x10);//end group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0xa0);//init group write //printk("ov5647_mipi sensor_set_gain = %d, Done!\n", gain_val); info->gain = gain_val; return 0; } static int ov5648_sensor_vts; static int sensor_s_exp_gain(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct sensor_exp_gain *exp_gain) { int exp_val, gain_val,frame_length,shutter; unsigned char explow=0,expmid=0,exphigh=0; unsigned char gainlow=0,gainhigh=0; struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); exp_val = exp_gain->exp_val; gain_val = exp_gain->gain_val; if(gain_val<1*16) gain_val=16; if(gain_val>64*16-1) gain_val=64*16-1; if(exp_val>0xfffff) exp_val=0xfffff; gainlow=(unsigned char)(gain_val&0xff); gainhigh=(unsigned char)((gain_val>>8)&0x3); exphigh = (unsigned char) ( (0x0f0000&exp_val)>>16); expmid = (unsigned char) ( (0x00ff00&exp_val)>>8); explow = (unsigned char) ( (0x0000ff&exp_val) ); shutter = exp_val/16; sensor_print("ov5648_sensor_vts = %d\n",ov5648_sensor_vts); if(shutter > ov5648_sensor_vts- 4) frame_length = shutter + 4; else frame_length = ov5648_sensor_vts; sensor_write(sd, 0x3503, 0x07); sensor_write(sd, 0x380f, (frame_length & 0xff)); sensor_write(sd, 0x380e, (frame_length >> 8)); sensor_print("exp_val = %d,gain_val = %d\n",exp_val,gain_val); sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x00);//enter group write sensor_write(sd, 0x350b, gainlow); sensor_write(sd, 0x350a, gainhigh); sensor_write(sd, 0x3502, explow); sensor_write(sd, 0x3501, expmid); sensor_write(sd, 0x3500, exphigh); sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0x10);//end group write sensor_write(sd, 0x3208, 0xa0);//init group write info->exp = exp_val; info->gain = gain_val; return 0; } static void sensor_s_sw_stby(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on_off) { int ret = 0; return ret; } /* * Stuff that knows about the sensor. */ static int sensor_power(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int on) { int ret = 0; sensor_print("ov5648 sensor_power\n"); switch (on) { case STBY_ON: sensor_print("STBY_ON!\n"); cci_lock(sd); sensor_s_sw_stby(sd, STBY_ON); usleep_range(1000, 1200); cci_unlock(sd); break; case STBY_OFF: sensor_print("STBY_OFF!\n"); cci_lock(sd); usleep_range(1000, 1200); sensor_s_sw_stby(sd, STBY_OFF); cci_unlock(sd); break; case PWR_ON: sensor_print("PWR_ON!100\n"); cci_lock(sd); vin_gpio_set_status(sd, PWDN, 1); vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); vin_gpio_set_status(sd, POWER_EN, 1); vin_gpio_write(sd, PWDN, CSI_GPIO_LOW); vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_LOW); vin_gpio_write(sd, POWER_EN, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); usleep_range(7000, 8000); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, IOVDD, ON); usleep_range(7000, 8000); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, AVDD, ON); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, AFVDD, ON); usleep_range(7000, 8000); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, DVDD, ON); usleep_range(7000, 8000); vin_set_mclk_freq(sd, MCLK); vin_set_mclk(sd, ON); usleep_range(10000, 12000); vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); vin_gpio_write(sd, PWDN, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, CAMERAVDD, ON);/*AFVCC ON*/ usleep_range(10000, 12000); cci_unlock(sd); break; case PWR_OFF: sensor_print("PWR_OFF!\n"); cci_lock(sd); vin_gpio_write(sd, PWDN, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); vin_set_mclk(sd, OFF); usleep_range(7000, 8000); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, DVDD, OFF); vin_gpio_write(sd, PWDN, CSI_GPIO_LOW); vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_LOW); vin_gpio_write(sd, POWER_EN, CSI_GPIO_LOW); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, AVDD, OFF); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, IOVDD, OFF); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, AFVDD, OFF); vin_set_pmu_channel(sd, CAMERAVDD, OFF);/*AFVCC ON*/ cci_unlock(sd); break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int sensor_reset(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u32 val) { switch (val) { case 0: vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_HIGH); usleep_range(10000,12000); break; case 1: vin_gpio_write(sd, RESET, CSI_GPIO_LOW); usleep_range(10000,12000); break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int sensor_detect(struct v4l2_subdev *sd) { data_type rdval; unsigned int SENSOR_ID = 0; sensor_read(sd, 0x300A, &rdval); SENSOR_ID |= rdval; SENSOR_ID |= (rdval << 8); sensor_read(sd, 0x300B, &rdval); SENSOR_ID |= (rdval); sensor_print("V4L2_IDENT_SENSOR = 0x%x\n", SENSOR_ID); if (SENSOR_ID != V4L2_IDENT_SENSOR) { sensor_print("ov5648 %s error, chip found is not an target chip", __func__); //return -ENODEV; } return 0; } static int sensor_init(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, u32 val) { int ret; struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); sensor_print("sensor_init\n"); /*Make sure it is a target sensor */ ret = sensor_detect(sd); if (ret) { sensor_err("chip found is not an target chip.\n"); return ret; } info->focus_status = 0; info->low_speed = 0; info->width = QSXGA_WIDTH; info->height = QSXGA_HEIGHT; info->hflip = 0; info->vflip = 0; info->gain = 0; info->tpf.numerator = 1; info->tpf.denominator = 30; /* 30fps */ info->preview_first_flag = 1; return 0; } static long sensor_ioctl(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, unsigned int cmd, void *arg) { int ret = 0; struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); switch (cmd) { case GET_CURRENT_WIN_CFG: if (info->current_wins != NULL) { memcpy(arg, info->current_wins, sizeof(struct sensor_win_size)); ret = 0; } else { sensor_err("empty wins!\n"); ret = -1; } break; case SET_FPS: ret = 0; break; case VIDIOC_VIN_SENSOR_EXP_GAIN: ret = sensor_s_exp_gain(sd, (struct sensor_exp_gain *)arg); break; case VIDIOC_VIN_SENSOR_CFG_REQ: sensor_cfg_req(sd, (struct sensor_config *)arg); break; case VIDIOC_VIN_ACT_INIT: ret = actuator_init(sd, (struct actuator_para *)arg); break; case VIDIOC_VIN_ACT_SET_CODE: ret = actuator_set_code(sd, (struct actuator_ctrl *)arg); break; default: return -EINVAL; } return ret; } /* * Store information about the video data format. */ static struct sensor_format_struct sensor_formats[] = { { .desc = "Raw RGB Bayer", .mbus_code = MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR10_1X10, .regs = sensor_fmt_raw, .regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_fmt_raw), .bpp = 1 }, }; #define N_FMTS ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_formats) /* * Then there is the issue of window sizes. Try to capture the info here. */ static struct sensor_win_size sensor_win_sizes[] = { { .width = QSXGA_WIDTH, .height = QSXGA_HEIGHT, .hoffset = 0, .voffset = 4, .hts = 2752, .vts = 1974, .pclk = 81486720, .mipi_bps = 408*1000*1000, .fps_fixed = 2, .bin_factor = 1, .intg_min = 1, .intg_max = (1974)<<4, .gain_min = 1<<4, .gain_max = 12<<4, .regs = sensor_qsxga_regs, .regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_qsxga_regs), .set_size = NULL, }, { .width = HD720_WIDTH, .height = HD720_HEIGHT, .hoffset = 0, .voffset = 120, .hts = 1896, .vts = 984, .pclk = 56*1000*1000, .mipi_bps = 280*1000*1000, .fps_fixed = 1, .bin_factor = 1, .intg_min = 1, .intg_max = 984<<4, .gain_min = 1<<4, .gain_max = 12<<4, .regs = sensor_720p_regs,// .regs_size = ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_720p_regs),// .set_size = NULL, }, }; #define N_WIN_SIZES (ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_win_sizes)) static int sensor_reg_init(struct sensor_info *info) { int ret; struct v4l2_subdev *sd = &info->sd; struct sensor_format_struct *sensor_fmt = info->fmt; struct sensor_win_size *wsize = info->current_wins; ret = sensor_write_array(sd, sensor_default_regs, ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_default_regs)); if (ret < 0) { sensor_err("write sensor_default_regs error\n"); return ret; } sensor_print("sensor_reg_init\n"); sensor_write_array(sd, sensor_fmt->regs, sensor_fmt->regs_size); if (wsize->regs) sensor_write_array(sd, wsize->regs, wsize->regs_size); if (wsize->set_size) wsize->set_size(sd); info->width = wsize->width; info->height = wsize->height; info->exp = 0; info->gain = 0; ov5648_sensor_vts = wsize->vts; sensor_print("s_fmt set width = %d, height = %d\n", wsize->width, wsize->height); return 0; } static int sensor_s_stream(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, int enable) { struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); sensor_print("%s on = %d, %d*%d fps: %d code: %x\n", __func__, enable, info->current_wins->width, info->current_wins->height, info->current_wins->fps_fixed, info->fmt->mbus_code); if (!enable) return 0; return sensor_reg_init(info); } static int sensor_g_mbus_config(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, struct v4l2_mbus_config *cfg) { cfg->type = V4L2_MBUS_CSI2; cfg->flags = 0 | V4L2_MBUS_CSI2_2_LANE | V4L2_MBUS_CSI2_CHANNEL_0; return 0; } static int sensor_g_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) { struct sensor_info *info = container_of(ctrl->handler, struct sensor_info, handler); struct v4l2_subdev *sd = &info->sd; switch (ctrl->id) { case V4L2_CID_GAIN: return sensor_g_gain(sd, &ctrl->val); case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE: return sensor_g_exp(sd, &ctrl->val); } return -EINVAL; } static int sensor_s_ctrl(struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl) { struct sensor_info *info = container_of(ctrl->handler, struct sensor_info, handler); struct v4l2_subdev *sd = &info->sd; switch (ctrl->id) { case V4L2_CID_GAIN: return sensor_s_gain(sd, ctrl->val); case V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE: return sensor_s_exp(sd, ctrl->val); } return -EINVAL; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops sensor_ctrl_ops = { .g_volatile_ctrl = sensor_g_ctrl, .s_ctrl = sensor_s_ctrl, }; static const struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops sensor_core_ops = { .reset = sensor_reset, .init = sensor_init, .s_power = sensor_power, .ioctl = sensor_ioctl, #ifdef CONFIG_COMPAT .compat_ioctl32 = sensor_compat_ioctl32, #endif }; static const struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops sensor_video_ops = { .s_parm = sensor_s_parm, .g_parm = sensor_g_parm, .s_stream = sensor_s_stream, .g_mbus_config = sensor_g_mbus_config, }; static const struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops sensor_pad_ops = { .enum_mbus_code = sensor_enum_mbus_code, .enum_frame_size = sensor_enum_frame_size, .get_fmt = sensor_get_fmt, .set_fmt = sensor_set_fmt, }; static const struct v4l2_subdev_ops sensor_ops = { .core = &sensor_core_ops, .video = &sensor_video_ops, .pad = &sensor_pad_ops, }; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static struct cci_driver cci_drv = { .name = SENSOR_NAME, .addr_width = CCI_BITS_16, .data_width = CCI_BITS_8, }; static const struct v4l2_ctrl_config sensor_custom_ctrls[] = { { .ops = &sensor_ctrl_ops, .id = V4L2_CID_FRAME_RATE, .name = "frame rate", .type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER, .min = 15, .max = 120, .step = 1, .def = 120, }, }; static int sensor_init_controls(struct v4l2_subdev *sd, const struct v4l2_ctrl_ops *ops) { struct sensor_info *info = to_state(sd); struct v4l2_ctrl_handler *handler = &info->handler; struct v4l2_ctrl *ctrl; int i; int ret = 0; v4l2_ctrl_handler_init(handler, 2 + ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_custom_ctrls)); v4l2_ctrl_new_std(handler, ops, V4L2_CID_GAIN, 1 * 1600, 256 * 1600, 1, 1 * 1600); ctrl = v4l2_ctrl_new_std(handler, ops, V4L2_CID_EXPOSURE, 0, 65536 * 16, 1, 0); if (ctrl != NULL) ctrl->flags |= V4L2_CTRL_FLAG_VOLATILE; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(sensor_custom_ctrls); i++) v4l2_ctrl_new_custom(handler, &sensor_custom_ctrls[i], NULL); if (handler->error) { ret = handler->error; v4l2_ctrl_handler_free(handler); } sd->ctrl_handler = handler; return ret; } static int sensor_probe(struct i2c_client *client, const struct i2c_device_id *id) { struct v4l2_subdev *sd; struct sensor_info *info; info = kzalloc(sizeof(struct sensor_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (info == NULL) return -ENOMEM; sd = &info->sd; cci_dev_probe_helper(sd, client, &sensor_ops, &cci_drv); sensor_init_controls(sd, &sensor_ctrl_ops); mutex_init(&info->lock); #ifdef CONFIG_SAME_I2C info->sensor_i2c_addr = I2C_ADDR >> 1; #endif info->fmt = &sensor_formats[0]; info->fmt_pt = &sensor_formats[0]; info->win_pt = &sensor_win_sizes[0]; info->fmt_num = N_FMTS; info->win_size_num = N_WIN_SIZES; info->sensor_field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE; info->stream_seq = MIPI_BEFORE_SENSOR; info->af_first_flag = 1; info->exp = 0; info->gain = 0; return 0; } static int sensor_remove(struct i2c_client *client) { struct v4l2_subdev *sd; sd = cci_dev_remove_helper(client, &cci_drv); kfree(to_state(sd)); return 0; } static const struct i2c_device_id sensor_id[] = { {SENSOR_NAME, 0}, {} }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(i2c, sensor_id); static struct i2c_driver sensor_driver = { .driver = { .owner = THIS_MODULE, .name = SENSOR_NAME, }, .probe = sensor_probe, .remove = sensor_remove, .id_table = sensor_id, }; static __init int init_sensor(void) { return cci_dev_init_helper(&sensor_driver); } static __exit void exit_sensor(void) { cci_dev_exit_helper(&sensor_driver); } module_init(init_sensor); module_exit(exit_sensor);
IMX219 同样可以使用,但是请注意4lane的摄像头不可适配2lane的数据
busybox init 简介
tina 使用busybox init方式启动,首先调用执行pseudo_init(挂载文件系统,如/proc、/tmp、/sys /etc、/usr),接着会调用/sbin/init进程,而init进程调用的第一个启动脚本为/etc/init.d/rcS。
如果需要使用默认rc.log,需要在make menuconfig配置。Base system ---> busybox-init-base-files......................... Busybox init base system ---> [*] Use the rc.log
如果需要使用默认rc.modules,需要在make menuconfig配置如下。Base system ---> busybox-init-base-files......................... Busybox init base system ---> [*] Use the rc.modules
如果需要执行rc.d下的启动脚本,需要在make menuconfig做如下配置。 Base system ---> busybox-init-base-files......................... Busybox init base system ---> [*] Auto load the script in /etc/rc.d
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common #本质为script脚本,以#!开头, 之后执行/etc/rc.common START=98 #开机启动优先级(序列) [数值越小, 越先启动] STOP=98 #关机停止优先级(序列) [数值越小, 越先关闭] USE_PROCD=1 PROG=smartlinkd start_service() { #启动函数 procd_open_instance procd_set_param command $PROG -d procd_close_instance } shutdown() { echo shutdown }
#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=98 STOP=98 PROG=smartlinkd start() { smartlinkd -d & }
使用上述procd式和sys式脚本,既能兼容procd init启动和busybox init的启动方式。
另外如果使用的是busybox init的启动方式,还需要在load_script.conf文件中换行添加内容:smartlinkd2.方法二(无特定格式要求)
创建rc.preboot或者rc.final脚本,添加启动smartlinkd的内容。 -
回复: V853S mipi LCD显示驱动调试,colorbar显示异常
这里提供一个py脚本计算分频系数,这里对应的是HV屏,DSI也可以参考def find_closest_clock(target_clock, clock_list): clock_list = sorted(clock_list) low, high = 0, len(clock_list) - 1 closest = clock_list[low] while low <= high: mid = (low + high) // 2 if clock_list[mid] < target_clock: low = mid + 1 elif clock_list[mid] > target_clock: high = mid - 1 else: return clock_list[mid] if abs(clock_list[mid] - target_clock) < abs(closest - target_clock): closest = clock_list[mid] return closest def calculate_divisor(clock_need, clock_list, min_divisor=6): is_perfect = True for i in clock_list: for j in range(0, 255): if (clock_need * j) == i: closest_clock = i divisor = j return closest_clock, divisor, is_perfect is_perfect = False closest_clock = find_closest_clock(clock_need, clock_list) if closest_clock == 0: return None, None, None divisor = closest_clock // clock_need if divisor < min_divisor: min_diff = float('inf') best_clock = None for clock in clock_list: if clock >= clock_need * min_divisor: current_divisor = clock // clock_need if current_divisor < min_divisor: continue diff = abs(clock - clock_need * current_divisor) if diff < min_diff: min_diff = diff best_clock = clock if best_clock is not None: return best_clock, best_clock // clock_need, is_perfect return closest_clock, divisor, is_perfect clock_list = [ 408, 420, 432, 444, 456, 468, 480, 492, 504, 516, 528, 540, 552, 564, 576, 588, 600, 612, 624, 636, 648, 660, 672, 684, 696, 708, 720, 732, 744, 756, 768, 780, 792, 804, 816, 828, 840, 852, 864, 876, 888, 900, 912, 924, 936, 948, 960, 972, 984, 996, 1008, 1020, 1032, 1044, 1056, 1068, 1080, 1092, 1104, 1116, 1128, 1140, 1152, 1164, 1176, 1188, 1200, 1212, 1224, 1236, 1248, 1260, 1272, 1284, 1296, 1308, 1320, 1332, 1344, 1356, 1368, 1380, 1392, 1404, 1416, 1428, 1440, 1452, 1464, 1476, 1488, 1500, 1512, 1524, 1536, 1548, 1560, 1572, 1584, 1596, 1608, 1620, 1632, 1644, 1656, 1668, 1680, 1692 ] clock_need = int(input("请输入需要的时钟(MHz): ")) closest_clock, divisor, is_perfect = calculate_divisor(clock_need, clock_list) if is_perfect: print(f"父时钟: {closest_clock}MHz, 分频系数: {divisor}, 分频后的频率: {closest_clock / divisor}MHz") else: print(f"无法找到完美,最近的父时钟: {closest_clock}, 分频系数: {divisor}, 分频后的频率: {closest_clock / divisor}MHz") print("请修改分频系数表 clk_tbl 中 HV 分频系数为: {LCD_IF_HV, " + hex(divisor) + ", 1, 1, 0}")
T113 busybox init 配置 overlayfs 为 UDISK 分区而不是 rootfs_data
- 先确定挂载overlayfs
查看 pseudo_init 中 MOUNT_OVERLAY 是不是 1,如果不是配置为 1
- 修改挂载分区
找到文件末尾,吧 rootfs_data 改成UDISK
回复: adb找不到设备
目前板子处于烧录下载模式,显示 USB Device (VID_xxxx_PID_xxxx),需要进入系统后才是adb模式,显示 Tina ADB
回复: V851se的u-boot引导
会,启动介质优先级描述了每个介质被选择为启动介质的可能性。BROM 首先读取具有最高优先级的介质的 boot0。如果该介质不存在或存在任何问题,BROM 将尝试下一个介质。否则,该介质将被选择为启动介质。
具体可以查看手册GPIO Boot Select表格
回复: t113使用sd卡启动卡住了
@xingxing8 在 t113使用sd卡启动卡住了 中说:
VFS: Cannot open root device "mmcblk0p5" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6
[ 4.002919] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: Got CD GPIO
[ 4.008458] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: set cd-gpios as 24M fail
[ 4.018859] sunxi-mmc 4020000.sdmmc: sdc set ios:clk 0Hz bm PP pm UP vdd 21 width 1 timing LEGACY(SDR12) dt BCD卡检测GPIO检测不到卡,关闭MMC驱动
- 正向解决法
- 根据实物硬件查看CD引脚配置,上下拉状态是否正常,是否反转CD
- 软件规避法
- 直接关闭CD检测功能,取消注释
Tina Linux 使用 adb dump、修改设备的 rootfs
adb 可用时可以直接读取 /dev/by-name/rootfs 将rootfs导出来
adb pull /dev/by-name/rootfs rootfs.img
adb push rootfs.img /tmp dd if=/tmp/rootfs.img of=/dev/by-name/rootfs
回复: V853 和 V853S NPU算力差了0.2,这个0.2在具体应用上会有明显的性能差距吗?主要用来做目标检测,静态场景。
回复: 请教如何排查 linux kernel 启动卡主的问题
@xsyr1024 在 请教如何排查 linux kernel 启动卡主的问题 中说:
[ 0.969253] 000: printk: console [ttyS0] enabled
[ 0.973945] 000: printk: bootconsole [earlycon0] disabled看着是earlycon0作为串口输出驱动正常,但是切换到ttyS0作为串口输出的时候ttyS0没有输出,先检查uart部分
回复: 搭建开发环境,出现问了了,总是报fatal: cannot obtain manifest https://sdk.aw-ol.com/git_repo/V853Tina_Open/manifest.git
- 执行命令设置全局保存密码
git config --global credential.helper store
- 执行命令输入密码
git clone https://sdk.aw-ol.com/git_repo/V853Tina_Open/manifest.git
- 使用repo拉取sdk
repo init -u https://sdk.aw-ol.com/git_repo/V853Tina_Open/manifest.git -b master -m tina-v853-open.xml
回复: 全志提供的交叉编译环境头文件的问题
obj-m := hello.o KERNEL := ../lichee/linux-5.4/ PWD := $(shell pwd) modules : $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) M=$(PWD) modules .PHONEY:clean clean : rm -f *.o *.ko
obj-m := hello.o
变量,它是一个特殊的变量,用于编译内核模块。KERNEL := ../lichee/linux-5.4/
。根据实际情况修改该路径。PWD := $(shell pwd)
命令来获取当前目录的路径。modules : $(MAKE) -C $(KERNEL) M=$(PWD) modules
目标,编译内核模块。.PHONEY:clean clean : rm -f *.o *.ko
变量中的目标文件名替换为多个目标文件名,如obj-m := hello.o world.o another.o
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$(pwd)/../prebuilt/gcc/linux-x86/arm/toolchain-sunxi-glibc/toolchain/bin/arm-openwrt-linux-gnueabi-
回复: 为什么添加Gstreamer后会报这个错误
@uccccc 在 为什么添加Gstreamer后会报这个错误 中说:
@awwwwa 麻烦问一下这个应该怎麼添加,有没有相关的资料亚