[23:37:47.033]收←◆[4273]fes begin commit:adaf1174cc
[4276]set pll start
[4282]periph0 has been enabled
[4285]set pll end
[4287][pmu]: bus read error
[4289]board init ok
[4291]beign to init dram
[4294]ZQ value = 0x2f
[4296]get_pmu_exist() = -1
[4298]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa
[4303][AUTO DEBUG] single rank and full DQ!
[4307]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa
[4312][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 row = 13
[4315][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 bank = 8
[4319][AUTO DEBUG] rank 0 page size = 2 KB
[4326]DRAM CLK = 936 MHz
[4328]DRAM Type = 3 (2:DDR2,3:DDR3)
[4332]DRAMC read ODT off.
[4334]DRAM ODT value: 0x42.
[4337]ddr_efuse_type: 0xa
[4340]DRAM SIZE =128 M
[4350][TIMING DEBUG] MR2= 0x20
[4354]DRAM simple test OK.
[4356]rtc standby flag is 0x0, super standby flag is 0x0
[4362]init dram ok
U-Boot 2018.05-g2a1965a-dirty (Jul 10 2022 - 02:50:57 +0000) Allwinner Technology
[06.497]CPU: Allwinner Family
[06.499]Model: sun8iw20
[06.502]DRAM: 128 MiB
[06.505]Relocation Offset is: 04ebd000
[06.531]secure enable bit: 0
[06.533]CPU=1008 MHz,PLL6=600 Mhz,AHB=200 Mhz, APB1=100Mhz MBus=300Mhz
[06.539]gic: normal mode
[06.542]flash init start
[06.544]workmode = 16,storage type = 0
try card 2
set card number 2
get card number 2
[06.552][mmc]: mmc driver ver uboot2018:2021-12-20 13:35:00
[06.558][mmc]: Is not Boot mode!
[06.561][mmc]: SUNXI SDMMC Controller Version:0x50310
[06.572][mmc]: Try SD card 2
[06.578][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[06.582][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 8, RTO
[06.585][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[06.590][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[06.594][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 55, RTO
[06.598][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[06.602][mmc]: Try MMC card 2
[06.611][mmc]: mmc 2 cmd timeout 100 status 100
[06.615][mmc]: smc 2 err, cmd 1, RTO
[06.618][mmc]: mmc 2 close bus gating and reset
[06.623][mmc]: Card did not respond to voltage select!
[06.627][mmc]: SD/MMC 2 init error!
[06.633][mmc]: mmc init product failed
MMC init failed
try emmc fail
[06.639]sunxi-spinand: AW SPINand MTD Layer Version: 1.8 20220106
[06.645]sunxi-spinand-phy: AW SPINand Phy Layer Version: 1.11 20211217
[06.653]sunxi-spinand-phy: request spi0 gpio ok
[06.657]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general tx dma channel ok!
[06.662]sunxi-spinand-phy: request general rx dma channel ok!
[06.668]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 20 Mhz
[06.672]sunxi-spinand-phy: init spic0 clk ok
[06.676]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect munufacture from id table: Winbond
[06.682]sunxi-spinand-phy: detect spinand id: ff21aaef ffffffff
[06.688]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== arch info ==========
[06.693]sunxi-spinand-phy: Model: W25N01GVZEIG
[06.699]sunxi-spinand-phy: Munufacture: Winbond
[06.704]sunxi-spinand-phy: DieCntPerChip: 1
[06.708]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlkCntPerDie: 1024
[06.713]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageCntPerBlk: 64
[06.717]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectCntPerPage: 4
[06.722]sunxi-spinand-phy: OobSizePerPage: 64
[06.726]sunxi-spinand-phy: BadBlockFlag: 0x0
[06.731]sunxi-spinand-phy: OperationOpt: 0x7
[06.735]sunxi-spinand-phy: MaxEraseTimes: 65000
[06.740]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccFlag: 0x0
[06.745]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccType: 2
[06.749]sunxi-spinand-phy: EccProtectedType: 3
[06.754]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[06.762]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== physical info ==========
[06.768]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize: 128 M
[06.772]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize: 512 B
[06.776]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize: 2 K
[06.780]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize: 128 K
[06.784]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize: 64 B
[06.788]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[06.797]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========== logical info ==========
[06.802]sunxi-spinand-phy: TotalSize: 128 M
[06.806]sunxi-spinand-phy: SectorSize: 512 B
[06.810]sunxi-spinand-phy: PageSize: 4 K
[06.814]sunxi-spinand-phy: BlockSize: 256 K
[06.819]sunxi-spinand-phy: OOBSize: 128 B
[06.823]sunxi-spinand-phy: ========================================
[06.829]sunxi-spinand-phy: W25N01GVZEIG reset rx bit width to 1
[06.834]sunxi-spinand-phy: W25N01GVZEIG reset tx bit width to 1
[06.840]sunxi-spinand-phy: set spic0 clk to 100 Mhz
[06.845]sunxi-spinand-phy: block lock register: 0x00
[06.849]sunxi-spinand-phy: feature register: 0x19
[06.854]sunxi-spinand-phy: sunxi physic nand init end
[06.859]line:703 init_clocks
[06.864]Loading Environment from SUNXI_FLASH... OK
[06.868]try to burn key
[06.871]out of usb burn from boot: not need burn key
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
sunxi work mode=0x10
run usb efex
delay time 2500
usb init ok
[23:37:52.390]收←◆set address 0x29
set address 0x29 ok
[23:37:52.651]收←◆set address 0xc
set address 0xc ok
[23:37:52.739]收←◆ = 0x1
origin_erase_flag = 0x1
FEX_CMD_fes_verify last err=0
the 0 mbr table is ok
the 1 mbr table is ok
the 2 mbr table is ok
the 3 mbr table is ok
total mbr part 8
part[0] name :boot-resource
part[0] classname :DISK
part[0] addrlo :0x8000
part[0] lenlo :0x5e8
part[0] user_type :32768
part[0] keydata :0
part[0] ro :0
part[1] name :env
part[1] classname :DISK
part[1] addrlo :0x85e8
part[1] lenlo :0x1f8
part[1] user_type :32768
part[1] keydata :0
part[1] ro :0
part[2] name :env-redund
part[2] classname :DISK
part[2] addrlo :0x87e0
part[2] lenlo :0x1f8
part[2] user_type :32768
part[2] keydata :0
part[2] ro :0
part[3] name :boot
part[3] classname :DISK
part[3] addrlo :0x89d8
part[3] lenlo :0x26ac
part[3] user_type :32768
part[3] keydata :0
part[3] ro :0
part[4] name :rootfs
part[4] classname :DISK
part[4] addrlo :0xb084
part[4] lenlo :0x1c500
part[4] user_type :32768
part[4] keydata :0
part[4] ro :0
part[5] name :private
part[5] classname :DISK
part[5] addrlo :0x27584
part[5] lenlo :0x1f8
part[5] user_type :32768
part[5] keydata :0
part[5] ro :0
part[6] name :rootfs_data
part[6] classname :DISK
part[6] addrlo :0x2777c
part[6] lenlo :0x49700
part[6] user_type :32768
part[6] keydata :0
part[6] ro :0
part[7] name :UDISK
part[7] classname :DISK
part[7] addrlo :0x70e7c
part[7] lenlo :0x0
part[7] user_type :33024
part[7] keydata :0
part[7] ro :0
total part: 9
mbr 0, 8000, 8000
boot-resource 1, 5e8, 8000
env 2, 1f8, 8000
env-redund 3, 1f8, 8000
boot 4, 26ac, 8000
rootfs 5, 1c500, 8000
private 6, 1f8, 8000
rootfs_data 7, 49700, 8000
UDISK 8, 0, 8100
[10.162]erase blk 0 to blk 32
need erase flash: 1
[10.186]mtdparts: mtdparts=nand:1024k@0(boot0)ro,3072k@1048576(uboot)ro,1024k@4194304(secure_storage)ro,-(sys)
device nand0 <nand>, # parts = 4
#: name size offset mask_flags
0: boot0 0x00100000 0x00000000 1
1: uboot 0x00300000 0x00100000 1
2: secure_storage 0x00100000 0x00400000 1
3: sys 0x07b00000 0x00500000 0
active partition: nand0,0 - (boot0) 0x00100000 @ 0x00000000
mtdids : nand0=nand
mtdparts: mtdparts=nand:1024k@0(boot0)ro,3072k@1048576(uboot)ro,1024k@4194304(secure_storage)ro,-(sys)
[10.236]MTD info (4)
[10.238]pagesize: 0x1000
[10.240]blksize: 0x40000
[10.243]num offset bytes name
[10.246]0 0x00000000 0x00100000 boot0
[10.250]1 0x00100000 0x00300000 uboot
[10.253]2 0x00400000 0x00100000 secure_storage
[10.258]3 0x00500000 0x07b00000 sys
[10.261]ubi attach the last part of mtd device: NO.3
[23:37:53.095]收←◆[10.333]ubi0: attaching mtd4
[23:37:53.207]收←◆[10.447]ubi0: scanning is finished
[10.450]ubi0: empty MTD device detected
[10.469]ubi0: attached mtd4 (name "sys", size 123 MiB)
[10.474]ubi0: PEB size: 262144 bytes (256 KiB), LEB size: 258048 bytes
[10.480]ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 4096/4096, sub-page size 2048
[10.486]ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
[10.492]ubi0: good PEBs: 492, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
[10.498]ubi0: user volume: 0, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
[10.504]ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 0/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 0
[10.512]ubi0: available PEBs: 468, total reserved PEBs: 24, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 20
[23:37:54.009]收←◆private part exist
Volume mbr not found!
[11.252]read volume mbr failed return 19
read local mbr on flash failed
[11.259]erase blk 0 to blk 32
[11.278]erase blk 40 to blk 1024
mbr size = 0x10000
force mbr
device nand0 <nand>, # parts = 4
#: name size offset mask_flags
0: boot0 0x00100000 0x00000000 1
1: uboot 0x00300000 0x00100000 1
2: secure_storage 0x00100000 0x00400000 1
3: sys 0x07b00000 0x00500000 0
active partition: nand0,0 - (boot0) 0x00100000 @ 0x00000000
mtdids : nand0=nand
mtdparts: mtdparts=nand:1024k@0(boot0)ro,3072k@1048576(uboot)ro,1024k@4194304(secure_storage)ro,-(sys)
[12.067]MTD info (4)
[12.069]pagesize: 0x1000
[12.071]blksize: 0x40000
[12.074]num offset bytes name
[12.077]0 0x00000000 0x00100000 boot0
[12.081]1 0x00100000 0x00300000 uboot
[12.085]2 0x00400000 0x00100000 secure_storage
[12.089]3 0x00500000 0x07b00000 sys
[12.092]MBR info (unalign):
[12.095]partno addr sects type name
[12.100]0 0x00000000 0x00008000 0x00000001 mbr
[12.105]1 0x00008000 0x000005e8 0x00008000 boot-resource
[12.110]2 0x000085e8 0x000001f8 0x00008000 env
[12.115]3 0x000087e0 0x000001f8 0x00008000 env-redund
[12.120]4 0x000089d8 0x000026ac 0x00008000 boot
[12.125]5 0x0000b084 0x0001c500 0x00008000 rootfs
[12.130]6 0x00027584 0x000001f8 0x00008000 private
[12.135]7 0x0002777c 0x00049700 0x00008000 rootfs_data
[12.141]8 0x00070e7c 0x00000000 0x00008100 UDISK
[12.146]ubi attach the last part of mtd device: NO.3
[12.150]MBR info (align):
[12.153]partno addr sects type name
[12.158]0 0x00002800 0x000081f0 0x00000001 mbr
[12.162]1 0x0000a9f0 0x000005e8 0x00008000 boot-resource
[12.168]2 0x0000afd8 0x000001f8 0x00008000 env
[12.173]3 0x0000b1d0 0x000001f8 0x00008000 env-redund
[12.178]4 0x0000b3c8 0x00002760 0x00008000 boot
[12.183]5 0x0000db28 0x0001c6c8 0x00008000 rootfs
[12.188]6 0x0002a1f0 0x000001f8 0x00008000 private
[12.193]7 0x0002a3e8 0x00049758 0x00008000 rootfs_data
[12.199]8 0x00073b40 0x00000000 0x00008100 UDISK
[12.204]ubi attach the last part of mtd device: NO.3
[12.208]ubi volume total size is larger than mtd size.
ubi_vol_total_bytes : 0xe268000, mtd_bytes: 0x7b00000
[12.218]initialize sunxi spinand ubi failed
download_standard_gpt:write mbr sectors fail ret = 0